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Pushing His Buttons

BridgetdrkW & CrankoWanko

Chapter 2 - Climbing Mt. Grant

Grant winced as his head thumped into the back of the lockers, “Oof! Y’know, most girls would get on my back instead of my front… Or haven’t you heard of piggyback rides, you little goblin?”

“Shush, ladder boy.” Without further comment, June shimmied further up Grant’s body, releasing her jaws-of-life thigh-lock just long enough to clamp down higher up around his midsection. She was strong enough that he felt he was caught in the world’s softest vice, but it wasn’t actually unpleasant. Quite the opposite, in fact.

As June squeezed herself against him, Grant suddenly became acutely aware of every square inch of contact that he was making with her body… The pressure of her calves and heels locked behind his back, the faint warmth of her crotch pressing against his stomach, and most of all, the unrelenting pressure of her huge thighs compressing his ribcage from either side.

June’s chest came up to Grant’s eye-level as she reached over his head and began fiddling with the lock that was now conveniently within her reach. He glanced awkwardly from one jiggling breast to the other, enraptured within a dizzying and stimulating cloud of her fruity, cherry and apricot fragrance. He could see little round bumps through her skintight top, but the one on the left was flanked by two smaller, harder bumps…

“Well June, I’ve solved the mystery of which nipple you pierced last summer.”

“Good for you, now stand still.”

Grant sighed. When she first jumped at him he’d brought his hands up reflexively, and now they rested awkwardly around her slim waist… He was afraid to move them: any lower and they’d be on her hips, any higher and they’d be nearer her chest, and if he removed them he’d only draw the little tease’s attention towards his mounting discomfort. So he just left them there and tried not to think about how half of his fingers were resting against the bare skin between her shorts and top…

Grant considered himself lucky that he didn’t carry thick calluses on his fingers lest he lose out on the sensation of that smooth skin and soft, clinging material. Her shorts were thin enough that they barely felt any different from her skin… Despite his protestations, his brain forced him to imagine what she’d feel like against other parts of his body.

After a minute, Grant cleared his throat awkwardly and tried to sound a lot more unhappy with the situation than he felt, “Could you go any slower, up there? I’m not your personal step stool, y’know!”

“It’d go a lot faster if you stopped whining so I could actually concentrate... And quit moving around so much! You keep messing me up. Now I have to start over again, ugh.” With an overly-dramatic huff, June slid her short fingers around the back of Grant’s head and impatiently pulled herself closer to the high locker, thoughtlessly slotting his face right between her ample tits and sinking everything from forehead to chin against her bulging purple sports bra.

Grant experienced a sensory overload. After letting out a muffled yelp of surprise, he went dead silent, and stood as rigid as a marble statue. He had no idea if she’d deliberately given him a face full of boob, or if that had been a careless accident…

But for now June seemed genuinely oblivious to his stunned paralysis. She was hyper-fixated on getting her stuff back, and simply assumed Grant’s silence was a sign that he was being abnormally obedient.

That’s why, when her position slipped a little, June decided it was only fair to complain to the one person who had no choice but to listen. “Hey, tall guy, would it kill you to be a gentleman and actually hold me up instead of just hoverhanding over my hips like a total virgin?”

Grant’s muffled reply absorbed fully into June’s chest but it sounded disagreeable in tone, as much as she could tell, anyway.

June rolled her eyes impatiently, “Just… Tch, here.” Grabbing Grant by the wrists, June firmly slid his hands down her body and underneath her humongous thighs, not caring that she’d positioned several of his fingertips right up against the soft crease where her legs ended and her ass began.

“There. And you’d better not drop me!” June gave Grant’s hands a squeeze, forcing him to grip her much more firmly than was really necessary or comfortable for him. She could have probably held herself up there for a good ten minutes without his help… But where was the fun in that?

Grant feared his knees might buckle as his hands sank into the cushion of her thighs. They were so soft and yet he could feel the powerful muscles working underneath, making subtle and minor adjustments to her posture. In moments like this, when his hands were dwarfed by her thighs and his senses were consumed by her womanly charms, it was so easy to forget how short she was… Their disparity in height was perhaps one of his most cherished advantages over June so as much as he was enjoying the torturous duality of the close contact, Grant was already looking forward to towering over her once again. At least then he could pretend to have an ounce of control over his body again.

When Grant proved willing enough to hold her in place—or at least willing to maintain his firm grip on her—June patted the top of his head, enjoying the fact that she was reaching down instead of up, and didn’t bother to keep the smug condescension from her voice, “Good boy. Now stay just like that till I say you can stop.”

As if being forced to press against her wasn’t bad enough, now she was bossing him around… June wasn’t heavy, but all the same Grant quickly found his heartbeat racing as he supported her soft, wriggling body. He could even feel her soft, warm, supple thighs flexing repeatedly in his hands. Was she doing that on purpose??? And why did he get the sense she was turned on when she addressed him just then? All of it was driving him crazy. Already there was a stirring under his shorts. Hopefully he could get his thoughts under control before she slid down and embarrassed him by finding out what was down there… He just had to stay focused until she got her stuff back. That should be easy enough, right???

Unfortunately, that was the exact moment June noticed just how far Grant’s face had been slotted between her plump breasts. It was amusing how perfectly his face fit between them and it reminded her of those funny little pillows that women could nestle between their boobs for side-sleeping support. She couldn’t help but smile at the thought of laying down on her side and using Grant’s face in a similar way, maybe even making him stay like that for a while before she let him out.

She could make out his hairline and the top of his forehead but the rest of his face had seemingly vanished from view into her bosom. She could even feel his hot breath seeping through the fabric of her top and warming the depths of her cleavage, which delighted her for all sorts of reasons.

“Well look at that. You’re sure not used to seeing them at this angle, huh?” June asked with a rehearsed and perfected innocence, each word causing the tiniest ripple through her breasts and against Grant. “I guess that’s where your face would line up if I was the tall one. You’re so lucky I’m not, like, 8 feet tall, or I’d be giving my little buddy a big squishy hug every morning!”

When Grant didn’t respond, June experimentally brought her arms together, further squeezing her huge breasts into either side of his face. June stifled a laugh when she felt his breath quicken as a result of her added pressure: He was just so cute when he was helpless! How he’d managed to keep his composure this long, she’d never know. Nor care, for that matter: As far as she was concerned, if he got a little frustrated as a result of her antics, well, that was just payback for the locker thing. She almost laughed aloud when she imagined him scurrying home after work and feverishly masturbating to the memory of this moment.

Actually, that gave her a great idea.

While her right hand continued working at the lock (though with significantly less haste than before), June slid her left hand around the nape of Grant’s neck and began delicately grazing it with her fingertips, as if completely by accident. The effect was instantaneous: she heard his breath hitch against her chest, and felt his grip briefly spasm, his strong fingers almost crushing into her supple thighs with a manful strength that absolutely thrilled her… Oh wow, and did she feel something stirring in his fancy dress pants, just beneath her overhanging ass?

She had to investigate further.

With a sneaky grin June began relaxing her thighs… But before she could slide down and settle her round bottom onto that very hard something, she felt Grant’s muscles flexing to support her full weight, as if fiercely determined to keep her from discovering what lay beneath his pants.

This time, as June hovered effortlessly in the air at Grant’s expense, she couldn’t stop herself from giggling. “You alright down there, Granty? You seem kinda tense all of a sudden.” She gave his neck another little squeeze that was half mocking, half sensual.

Grant twisted his head to the side, emerging from under June’s protruding chest with a muffled gasp for breath. “Guh! What are you doing up there, June!?! Why is your hand on my neck?

But June could play coy with the best of them. She leaned back, mercifully allowing Grant a few seconds of easy, boob-free breathing, “Huh? I’m just getting my stuff back after you hid it from me, duh. And I don’t wanna fall or something! Why, what are you talking about???”

Grant glared with suspicion bordering on fury… But no matter how mad he was to begin with, he always faltered in the face of June’s well rehearsed and often used “innocent flirt” routine. Already she could see the self-doubt creeping into his eyes as she smiled innocuously down at him. It was one of the things she adored about him: All she had to do was giggle and “accidentally” brush up against him a little, and just like that all her sins were forgiven. Sometimes that left his poor, hormone-riddled brain doing Olympic level somersaults just trying to make sense of her maybe-I-will, maybe-I-won’t teasing, but oh well. It wasn’t as if June had any obligation to pick up the pieces of the mess she’d made! Grant’s unbearable frustration was a sacrifice June was more than willing to make without hesitation, time and time again.

Finally Grant sighed, “Fine, j-just… Hurry up, will you? I do have other stuff to do besides carrying you around all day, y’know.”

“Sure, I’ll be” This time as June fell forward, she made sure to plant her swollen left breast squarely over Grant’s mouth. The last thing she saw of him was the delightful look of surprise and annoyance on his face before he was squashed. Amazing that as small as she was compared to him, the bothersome shortstack’s huge tit had no problem silencing him.

Grant grumbled something, and June shivered as the vibration and heat of his voice teased her left nipple through the thin material of her purple top. Knowing it would annoy him (and force him to talk again), June paused and asked with expertly faked sincerity, “Hey Grant, what was the last number of my combo, again? Was it 12, or 21, I can never remember…”

“Drrph!” Came the reply, sending another tingle through her body. The resolution of Grant’s words were lost to the fatty volume of June’s chest, which she appreciated for more than one reason.

June smirked, “Huh? What was that? Speak up!”

She heard (and felt) Grant sigh irritably. By now he probably knew she was trying to torment him, but his only choices were to play along, or to literally toss her across the room. And what kind of idiot would willingly take his hands off thighs as fine as June’s just for the sake of their own pride?

Just as she had hoped, Grant begrudgingly resigned himself to her power. He turned his head aside, struggling in vain just to scowl up at her in order to save what dignity he could, “You can’t remember!? Fine, you airhead, it’s—mph!”

June shifted before Grant could finish, nearly blinding him as she rolled her slowly hardening nipple right into his eye. “Oops. Say that one more time?”

Grant jerked his head the other way, but as he tried to speak June matched his motion with her chest, and her accuracy was rewarded as part of her breast actually pushed its way into his open mouth.

While Grant was busy forcing her now very swollen nipple out with his tongue, June scoffed with a hidden smirk and bounced up and down, “Oh my god, and quit sucking my boob you total freaking weirdo…

“TWELVE, you unholy demon!” Grant finally spat.

“I know. I heard you the first time, dork.” June grinned maliciously down at his flabbergasted expression, “Actually, I’ve had the lock open for, like, two whole minutes now.” June twirled the lock around one finger just over Grant’s head. “See?”

Grant’s red-faced scowl could have curdled milk, “I want you to know that, pound for pound, you are literally the single worst person on the planet.”

June smiled back with smug triumph. She knew that even at his angriest, Grant was utterly harmless. He’d talked big, and he’d eventually try to get back at her somehow, but that was perfectly fine. She couldn’t wait to beat him then, too.

Now it was time to really rub her victory in his face.

“Okay, complainy pants, if you were in such a hurry… Why didn’t you just drop me and go get a stool for me to stand on ten whole minutes ago? Or just unlock the thingy for me yourself?”

June already knew the answer, of course, but it was still sooo worth it just to see Grant’s cheeks turning redder than a fresh picked tomato as he floundered for an answer that didn’t involve admitting he was a total pervert with a raging crush on her.

Grant clenched his jaw, a bit of his old stubbornness returning, “Just shut up and get your stuff already before I drop you in a waste bin somewhere.”

June smiled but didn’t press the issue as she reached up to her elbow in the high cubby, “Not my fault you tossed everything toward the back of the locker!”

Grant waited as June sprinkled her belongings haphazardly about the linoleum floor at his feet: a pair of shorts similar to the ones she was currently wearing but in a different color, her thin, zip-up hoodie that went with everything, her purple Nalgene bottle, and her well-worn gym sneakers… She let her spare bra drop right onto Grant’s head just so she could giggle, “Oopsy!” before she plucked it off and tossed it away.

Grant, meanwhile, was trying to avert his gaze somewhere less distracting than the full round chest still jiggling inches away from his face, or the underwear raining past (and occasionally on) him.

Suddenly June was tapping his shoulder, “Lift me higher, slave.”

“Slave??? What happened to ladder boy?”

“Lift me higher I said, or I’ll demote you even further!”

Grant smirked, happy to make her wait, “First of all, nothing’s lower than slave. Second, why? Are you looking for bus fare up there or something?”

“No, stupid, I think my favorite choker’s in the top cubby, but I can’t see that high. So lift me up or I’ll demote you to… I dunno, worm, or something. Chop chop!”

June bounced impatiently in Grant’s hands, and he sighed. What was one more demeaning task at the hands of an intolerable nuisance among many? Surely this would be the last petty demand she’d make... And at least raising her up would finally get her big boobs out of his face!

With a grunt, Grant raised June until her hips were nearly eye level, only to realize the new problem: Namely, that her big, round hips were nearly eye level. He sighed and tried to ignore the fact that his nose was sticking into her little belly button by focusing on his tiring arms, “Cripes, did all my stolen lunches go right to your thighs, June? You’re killing my shoulders, here…”

But June kept rummaging lazily about over his head, “What’s the point of all those muscles if you’re gonna complain every time a cute girl asks you to help them reach something???”

Grant frowned: She had a point… “Fine. You got me there, shorty. Now hurry up and find your dumb thing.” How long could it possibly take to find one measly necklace? Was June purposefully going extra slow just to prolong the time he was stuck doing her bidding??? He wouldn’t put it past her.

June wobbled as she leaned over to chastise him, “I’m looking, sheesh! Just hold me steady so I can—Whoop!”

As usual, June hadn’t bothered to appreciate how challenging it was for Grant to support her constantly shifting weight as she clambered all over him. So when the clumsy little short stack inevitably lost her balance and started to slip out of his hands, she was caught completely off guard, and let out a yelp of surprise before Grant caught her in a split-second a bear hug.

“Woah...” June’s heart was racing, but realized that she’d only plummeted an inch or two. Grant’s arms were clamped around her hips, squeezing her safely against his chest… His sudden strength was exhilarating for her to feel. And even though half his face was buried into her soft stomach, he was looking up at her with actual relief, as if he’d been afraid she might get hurt. She felt her cheeks turning red, and wanted to look away so he wouldn’t see… But he had just saved her. It was only fair she thank him for it.

“Nice catch, tiger. Also… are you grabbing my ass right now?” June wriggled her hips, where she could definitely feel at least one of his hands sinking into her big butt cheeks.

Grant’s smile of relief turned to pure embarrassment as he realized where his hands were placed. June’s huge butt was practically resting over his wrists, like he’d just squeezed her out of a tube of toothpaste. He stammered a reply, “No!”

June smirked back until Grant admitted, “Okay, kinda… But it was that or let you fall and break your stupid neck!”

“Uh huh, sure.” June knew that was the truth. Grant wasn’t the sort of guy to cop a feel on a lady, no matter how badly he was crushing on her. He was cute like that. But it was even cuter to mess with him while he couldn’t let go of her without letting her fall…

Grant was in the middle of trying to change his grip so June’s butt wouldn’t be filling his hands and squishing into his fingers when June snapped, “Hey! I didn’t say you could stop.”

Grant stared, obviously shocked at being ordered to continue groping her. June flushed slightly, “Uh, ‘cause I gotta grab my choker still, obviously. And don’t drop me this time!”

Placing her hands on top of Grant’s head to steady herself, June leaned forward, caring very little for the fact that she pushed his face directly into her bare and slightly sweaty stomach in the process. He was forced to appreciate how the toned muscles under her thin, endearing layer of belly fat flexed and protruded against his forehead, nose, cheeks, and chin as she moved about in his arms... Like his face was receiving a point-blank belly dance.

“I think it’s around here somewhere… Ah, here it is!” June held up a tiny strip of fabric that Grant couldn’t possibly see past her stomach or the undersides of her huge breasts.

With mercy, June finally sat back, still resting her weight in Grant’s palms and still clutching his neck with one hand but lowering his risk of boob-suffocation back to safe (but non-zero) levels. With her other hand, she stretched the choker around her own neck, drawing his attention upwards just so she could look down at him from above with a toothy, victorious smile. “Thanks for the help, Mt. Grant. Now, how do I look?”

Grant carefully refrained from blurting out that she looked good enough to eat (because she did), and instead settled on a sarcastic quip, “Like someone who shouldn’t get too comfortable looking down on me.” Bold words, but the look in his eye gave it away. June had climbed him, conquered him like a mountain, and there was more than just exasperated frustration in his voice… He’d liked every second of it, even if he’d sooner die in an avalanche than admit it to her smug little face.

But June knew, and as she leered down at him from above, her face grew all the more pompous, and all the more affectionate. “I dunno, I kinda like it up here…”

For a moment they just stared at one another, their eyes locked as hidden emotions swirled within the both of them. Grant had an adorable expression on his face, like he suddenly couldn’t remember why he’d been annoyed with her to begin with, and was sheepishly delighted to have her on top of him. June loved looking up at him… But this new angle was fun too. It made her feel bigger, like she was the most important thing to him. Like she had real power over him and could use it for whatever indecent purposes she wanted… She wished she got to experience it more often. She LOVED seeing him all flustered like this, and immediately made a mental note to find more ways to make that expression appear on his cute face again, and soon.

An onlooker might look at the two of them and think that their “always-on” competition couldn’t possibly be fair. When every interaction between them was only another battle in their complicated and sexually charged war of a relationship, Grant’s clear and insurmountable height advantage amounted to little… but it was all he had. He had to treasure every rare, minor, and short-lived victory as long as he could. Otherwise, one might conclude he had no chance of ever coming out on top.

And they’d be right.




I adore this character relationship. She toys with him even when she’s the small one so it builds the anticipation for when she can control his size. She’s a prankster but not cruel and both love it but neither wants to be the first to admit it. Great stuff


Thank you for the kind words! A lot of credit goes to CrankoWanko for their relationship. I strongly recommend checking out their work if you're into teasing 'short-and-thick' characters like June.

Apple Bottom

What's the plan for continuing this story? This is the most exciting one to me at the moment.