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The Grass is Always Greener

Part 3 - Goodbye, Kelli

[February 6th, 2010]

Matt had been a heavy sleeper for his entire life, capable of sustaining a peaceful slumber through even the noisiest and normally disturbing conditions.  Since his time with RR Labs, and and even more prominently since his stay with the evil Kelli Carson, poor Matt was startled awake by the simplest things. This Saturday afternoon, for example, it was the friction of Kelli’s bare foot against her sheets that abruptly shook him from his slumber.

He leered at her, his scorn acidic as the oblivious blonde changed position, the sliding bare foot that woke him up peeking out from under the covers. The sole was creamy and smooth and her toes wiggled, as if teasing him for having been awoken while she still clearly slept. Matt might have tried going back to sleep but amongst his usual anger and resentment for Kelli, there was also fear and apprehension.

It was Saturday morning, only one day after Kelli tried wearing Matt between her disgusting ass cheeks during a volleyball game.  As far as Matt was concerned, Kelli’s entire life was one big exercise in violating his autonomy and consent, but she had crossed a major line that day.

And so Matt punished her.

He’d bitten down so hard into the pillowy flesh of her butt cheek’s inner wall that his jaw was still sore. He understood the damage to her butt cheek was minimal but Matt felt pride in standing up for himself. It was symbolic in nature, letting the twisted bitch know that he wasn’t going to go down without some kind of fight.  What wasn’t symbolic: the taste of her glute practically rupturing his taste buds. Her crack was probably the furthest from clean it had ever been; even hours later, Matt still cringed when he recalled the subtle but horrible taste of sweat.

Her toes were wiggling again. A thick, toned thigh emerged from the fluffy comforter and flexed…his captor was sitting up, ready to start her day.

It had been a full day since Matt had last seen Kelli’s huge bubble butt from the inside, longer than he’d ever been away from it since the fateful day the bitch of a busty demoness Dr. Walker forcibly shoved him into Kelli’s crack.  He felt his body stiffening as the groggy blonde sat up and swung her legs to hang off her bed.  Any moment now, she was going to pop up like a thick, ditzy spring and stuff Matt between her bare, bubbly cheeks, hellishly determined to make up for all the lost time.

Matt watched from his cage, perplexed as Kelli pulled on a frilly, pale-pink pair of panties and then some form-fitting, slate-gray leggings. She always got showers in the morning.  Why was she getting dressed?  Was this added punishment?

“Here we go..” Matt said quietly, clenching his fists.  Kelli was making her way over to his cage.  In a normal world, a girl this beautiful and deceptively friendly-looking might have brought a smile to Matt’s face, but now he was actually trembling.  He would never have taken back what he did but as he watched Kelli take her final step, aligning her waist mere inches from the face of his cage, he trembled to behold her.  Was he to be punished for punishing her?  In a just world, that would have been impossible since she so clearly deserved it.  But this world was far from fair.  She was bigger than him.  So much bigger than him.

Matt flinched as the cage door clanged loudly open and Kelli’s hand rushed in toward him.

The blonde wore a sad expression as she gently laid Matt’s breakfast down.  A piece of her cream cheese bagel and a soda-cap full of pulp-free orange juice.  ‘Oh, I get it.’ Matt thought with bitter indignation.  “She knows this is my favorite meal and she’s going to make me rush through it.  She probably won’t even let me finish it before she stuffs me back between her—”

The cage door clanged shut, locking forcefully into place despite the gentle and focused movement of her fingers.

Matt stared up at Kelli in disbelief and she returned his gaze, dripping with sadness and regret.  She didn’t say anything else.  She only turned and walked away, leaving Matt with his favorite breakfast.  His bagel grew cold and his orange juice warmed as he watched his captor slip her sock-clad feet into her sneakers and sling the strap of her bag over her shoulder. The weight of its pink canvas bottom collided with her gray, jiggling bottom as she adjusted the strap to nestle between her breasts.  

She peeked over her shoulder one more time, giving the room a once-over look which included Matt.  Kelli then pulled out her buzzing cell phone and started fiddling with the screen. The dumb girl looked like someone had just broken up with her, although Matt suspected that such a thing had never happened to her before. And then she left, holding the phone up to her ear saying ‘Yes, this is Kelli.’ as she pulled the door closed behind her.

What the heck was going on?

Over the next hour, a sense of confidence and empowerment gradually replaced Matt’s confusion and discomfort.  It all started to make more sense the more he thought about it.  Of course she didn’t put him back in her fat ass!  Why on earth would she after the important lesson he’d taught her?

‘If you put me in your butt, I’m gonna bite it.’

Now more than ever, sinking his teeth into Kelli’s butt cheek was starting to look like the best decision he’d ever made since enrolling in this hell of an experiment.

There was no shortage of media on the smartphone for him to watch and there were plenty of snacks. If he went the rest of the experiment, however the hell long that would take, living in Kelli’s cage, fed and watered with his favorite foods and watching reasonably good TV, all while being far, FAR away from Kelli’s jiggly ass.  That…actually wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.

Kelli didn’t come home until late that night.  She tended to him like she normally did when he was in his cage, the only difference being that she didn’t stow him away deep in her asscrack. She went through her evening routine as if Matt didn’t exist which was completely fine by him.  Every passing second was a new record in his new favorite category called ‘time out from between Kelli’s gross butt cheeks’.  It had only been two full days so far, but that was apparently long enough for Matt to now actually find a modicum of pleasure in watching the way Kelli’s doughy buns rippled from side to side while she brushed her teeth.

Kelli left the bathroom, the pattering of her bare soles against the floor stopping right in front of Matt’s cage.  She looked down at him.

“Good night, Matthew.”

Matt stared up in wonder.  Was this truly how things were going to be from now on?  He had to reward this behavior.  He had to train this airheaded girl how to treat him.

“Uhh…good night Kelli.”

She smiled sadly and crawled into bed by herself.

Sunday was not much different than Saturday.  Kelli had not taken Matt to bed with her overnight and once again, the blonde college girl got ready for her day, the tiny caged man no longer a part of her routine. Matt welcomed this new reality, but there was something strange about the way that Kelli was behaving.

Monday morning was even more strange.  Kelli awoke at 5 AM.  Much earlier than she normally woke up.  From his bed, Matt watched Kelli get ready for her day, her mostly nude body painted in the glow of moonlight.  He felt himself hardening under his blanket.  Matt still hated her but after three full days of not having to be sandwiched between her hefty buns, he was actually starting to see her as the hot girl she was.  He still hated her though, to be perfectly clear.

Fully dressed in tight jeans and a low-cut black shirt, Kelli approached Matt’s cage.  He closed his eyes, pretending to still be asleep as he heard the clunky thud of her boots getting closer and closer.  The cage door opened and he expected to hear the rustling of his next meal but instead, his blanket buzzed down over his body.

“What the fuck, Kelli!” Matt exclaimed, angrily chastising the blonde who stared down at him with little emotion.  Had she noticed his raging erection before he covered it up?  Her expression told very little story.  Matt’s eyes widened as her fingers opened up over top of his bed and scooped him out.

“No, no, no, NO!” Matt shouted as he felt that familiar softness of her well-moisturized palm and fingers tightening on him.  The scent, too.  A pleasant scent that was now forever tainted by what was almost certainly to follow. “Don’t you fucking dare!” Matt bellowed as he left the safety of his cage.  She was wearing her ‘fancy boots’.  The ones she only wore when she was going somewhere more formal than school or the gym.  

“I’ll bite you again!  I’ll bite you again! I swear to every god under the sun I’ll bite you again!” 

It wasn’t much of a threat but it was all he had. Matt was preparing to bite her fingers when they suddenly retreated from his body. Her palm, previously his floor, turned 90 degrees. He expected to see her other hand stretching back the waistband of her denim jeans, creating a gap just large enough for him to bounce off her lower back like a basketball and swish into the net that was her panties.  Instead of her waiting ass crack, he tumbled into her open purse.

This was new.

He shouted every obscenity he knew as the blonde zipped up the bag, leaving him in darkness with her cosmetics. For the next two and a half hours, Matt remained a prisoner in her bag, the ground beneath him humming quietly and steadily in a constant vibration.  He was in a car.

Where was she taking him?

* * * * * * * * * * 

“Kelli Carson, checking in.”  She sounded ready to cry.  Where was she? Some doctor’s appointment?  Was she pregnant or something?  Maybe that would explain why she was acting so weird lately. There was some more hushed conversation.  Two feminine whispers, one of which was Kelli. Matt was having trouble making it all out from inside the bag dangling at Kelli’s hip. ‘Still much better than being between her fat ass cheeks.’ Matt thought.

“And where is he now?”

Matt didn’t hear Kelli answer but he heard Kelli’s fingers graze the top of his bag.

“In here.”

“And are you comfortable installing him? It’s just that our procedure requires that all subjects be–”

“--I’m sorry, I…I’m afraid to.” Kelli’s voice quivered. “I’m the one that called earlier…the one with that problem.”

Matt’s heart leapt into his chest.  Kelli had taken Matt to RR Labs!  He knew he recognized that bitchy voice of the receptionist, although she sounded a lot more friendly to Kelli than she did to him.

“Oh….are you…you’re the one who…” Laura’s voice trailed off and Matt didn’t hear or see what happened next except for a sniffle from Kelli.

“I’m so sorry.  Forget what I said.” Laura said sweetly.  “You can keep him right where he is until you’re seen.  Just please don’t take him out or anything.”

Matt rustled at Kelli’s hip and then he felt the bag being gently lifted and set on something soft, presumably her lap.  Was this really happening?  Had he been a squeaky enough wheel that he was finally going to get the oil?

* * * * * * * * * *

After only a few minutes of waiting, Matt heard a new voice now.   It belonged to yet another woman of course.  This was RR Labs, after all, so he wasn’t expecting to hear many men.  Matt had grown accustomed to the overexaggerated swing of Kelli’s hips as she walked and improved his response to the movement of the bag on her hip.  Matt heard both a man and a woman’s voice.  It was only for a moment as his female captor walked past them.  The woman was chipper, energetic, and enthusiastic while the man’s voice had a tone of uncertainty and nervousness.  

Poor bastard.

Finally, his constantly deforming canvas floor solidified as Kelli set the bag down onto a firm surface, its cold whisper seeping through the thin material. Matt braced himself as he heard the zippered ceiling opening and bright clinical white lights flooded in to greet him.

There was Kelli, looking as annoying and airheaded as ever along with the new frown she’d started wearing shortly after he bit her butt cheek. Next to her was a woman slightly shorter than Kelli but with breasts much larger.  Black, thick-framed glasses.  Chestnut brunette hair cascading behind her shoulders.  Short and cute. Seemingly innocuous but the devil incarnate.

The villain of Matt’s story.  It was Dr. Katie Walker.

As relieved as he was to soon have this strange, humiliating stint with RR Labs behind him, happily counting each day that passes having to never even think of Kelli and her fat ass again, Matt felt his blood beginning to boil as he looked up at the smug, brunette doctor.  He’d have paid money to snatch those thick black glasses off her face and snap them in half.

Matt hated Kelli of course, but at the end of the day she was just a silly, immature girl signing up for an experiment that was paying good money.  Dr. Walker, however, was a morally bankrupt demoness in a lab coat.  She was responsible for all of this along with her more-or-less equally big-breasted, succubitic co-founder.

“Grow me back, you dumb bitch!” Matt shouted up to the giant doctor.  “You’re lucky if I don’t sue the shit out of you for this.”

Dr. Walker crossed her arms over her massive chest as she stared down at Matt.  “Is this the kind of behavior you’ve been dealing with?”

Matt had just added ‘slapping Dr. Walker’s permanent smirk off her face’ to his list of things to do when he grows back, right after pressing charges against RR Labs.

Kelli sniffled, her thick bottom lip quivering. She appeared almost afraid to even look at Matt as she nodded reluctantly. When Dr. Walker noticed Kelli’s heightened discomfort and embarrassment, the subtly raised corners of her lips dropped.

“Kelli, this is not your fault.  You understand that, right?”  The busty brunette doctor rubbed Kelli’s shoulder.

“Don’t you dare let her off the hook, are you fucking serious?” Matt said in shock, so blown away by the audacious statement that he couldn’t help but laugh.

Dr. Walker’s head swiveled with robotic precision to align with Matt down on the table. The attractive young doctor’s expression distorted into a cold sneer. The detestment and loathing in her eyes took Matt’s breath away and sent a strong chill through his tiny bones. Matt didn’t dare follow up with another question.  Dr. Walker returned her attention to Kelli and Matt watched with uncomfortable fascination as her expression instantly softened and the corners of her lips perked back up into that otherwise adorable resting smirk.

“We all know that you’ve done everything you could with this one. It’s quite common for new subjects to have a difficult time acclimating to the experiment but judging from what you’ve told me on the phone, this level of insolence and disrespect…frankly, it’s something that our Quality Control team should have caught sooner…certainly before assigning him to you and installing him in your rear.”

Kelli opened her mouth to speak but then hesitated, her eyes dancing over to a wide-mouthed Matt on the table.  Dr. Walker’s voice was sweet and comforting, “You don’t have to look at him, Kelli. You can just look at me.”

It was almost as if she didn’t want to say it in front of him as she whispered, “I think…I think he left a scar.”

Dr. Walker took a deep breath, her already large chest noticeably expanding.  “Would it be alright if I took a look?”

Kelli gestured toward the small window framed into the upper portion of the exam room door.  “Can people see through there?”

“No, it’s one-way privacy glass.  We can see out just fine but no one can see in.”

Kelli turned to face away from Dr. Walker, putting Matt roughly at her ‘5 o'clock’ position.  She hooked her thumbs into her waistband and tugged.  Thin lycra spandex rubbed against supple skin as her bright orange panties followed the seat of her yoga pants down to her toned thighs.  Matt stared in revulsion at her big, bare bubble butt.  Each cheek, not quite so tan as her thighs and lower back, was meticulously smooth and perfectly rounded. 

He could see the subtle gradient lines running diagonally up and outward, indicating where her bikini bottom came to rest, partially protecting the peachy orbs from the sun’s worship.  It was an objectively nice ass–the perfect combination of fat, muscle, tone, and a youthful perkiness that ignored gravity.  Yet the sight made him want to vomit.  He’d probably never be able to look at asses the same way again after this was over–’pain and suffering’ would definitely be on his list of grievances in court.

Dr. Walker took a seat on a knee-high stool and wheeled over toward Kelli, her face perfectly level with and stopping mere inches away from the blonde college student’s ample backside.  The soft but firm flesh dented under the influence of Kelli’s fingertips as she parted her toned but voluminous cheeks.  From his angled vantage point several feet away, Matt couldn’t see into Kelli’s crack but he could already detect the familiar scent of the bubbly blonde’s best but utterly failed efforts to conceal the natural aromas that linger where the sun didn’t shine.

“I’m having trouble finding the mark,” Dr. Walker said.  “Perhaps it’s already healed.”

“No, it’s definitely there.  It still stings.” Kelli said, her fingers sinking deeper into her thick buns, opening them wider and creating creases along her thighs from the displaced flesh . “It’s just really deep in there.”

Dr. Walker finally found what Matt hoped was a permanent mark on Kelli’s otherwise flawless body, albeit concealed by pounds and pounds of butt cheek. Ideas of this minor victory, nearly as small and insignificant as he, evaporated as Dr. Walker spoke.

“Okay, you can let go now.” The buns jiggled back into their resting position. “Is it bad?” Kelli asked as she pulled her underwear and yoga pants back up.

“It looks painful for sure, but it doesn’t appear to be infected.” Dr. Walker said, removing a script pad from the stressed breast pocket of her lab coat and began writing.  “We’ll send you home today with some prescription topical cream and it should heal up without incident.”

“Will it leave a scar?” Kelli asked.

“I strongly doubt it will scar.” Dr. Walker said, her tone suggesting more of a goal to taunt Matt than comfort Kelli but she had successfully done both. “Worse case scenario, it will heal to a barely noticeable blemish.”

Both women looked down at Matt and the tiny naked man clenched his trembling fists, glancing between their beautiful faces and Kelli’s hefty, still-exposed butt cheeks. He was entering fight-or-flight mode and he was fully prepared to give Kelli or even Dr. Walker a nice little ‘blemish’.

“Don’t you fucking dare put me back in that disgusting ass.” Matt warned Dr. Walker.

Dr. Walker’s chocolate brown eyes widened, giving Matt the briefest glimpse of her humanity before she deadened her expression.  “Don’t worry, m327. I want you to remember my promise to you, now and for the rest of your life...”

Humanity returned to her face once more; a human emotion upon her face but it wasn’t the return of surprise.  It was a smug coyness. “...This is the last time you will ever see Kelli Carson.”

They were words Matt had literally fantasized about hearing while compressed between Kelli’s huge ass cheeks.  The fantasy of freedom was even fuel enough for some masturbatory sessions…so why was he so afraid?  Perhaps the tone of Dr. Walker’s voice and her clear disdain for him.  Still, Matt sighed in relief, enjoying the surreality of the moment as Kelli hiked her tight yoga pants back up over her curvaceous bottom, packing her jiggling, compressing buns into the super stretchy material. Matt would never again have to experience even a moment between those jiggling butt cheeks again.  He only hoped he could come to forget what they felt like, smelled like, and even tasted liked.

Kelli nodded solemnly to the doctor’s words.  “I’m sorry, Dr. Walker.  I know we constantly came short of the DDM and I take full responsibility.  I really appreciate you giving me a chance with this and I hope your experiment is a success.”

‘Yea, yeah, bla bla,’ Matt thought.  ‘Hurry up and leave so we can move on to the next step.’

“I’d love to give you another chance, Kelli.”

The blonde beauty’s eyes lit up. “Really?”

“We’re going to send you home today with another subject…as long as you want one.”

Kelli exploded in excitement, her joy spreading through the room like a burst of confetti. “Of course I want another one!”

Dr. Walker chuckled. “That’s wonderful.  My colleague Dr. Bexley is waiting for you over in the Exam Room next door…and she’s very excited to tell you about another little surprise.  Why don’t you head over there?”

Kelli was tearing up and shimmering with gratitude. “Thank you so much, Dr. Walker.  I really appreciate it and I’m going to make RR proud!”

‘And ruin some other poor sap’s life…’ Matt thought bitterly as Kelli approached the door.  He watched once more as her large cheeks jiggled with each step, teasing and mortifying him with a final show. The excited blonde looked over her shoulder once more, the slightest hint of sadness creeping upon her beautiful young face as she looked at Matt.

“I’m sorry it didn’t work out, Matthew.  Goodbye.”

Matt said nothing, opting instead to only give Kelli the middle finger.  She frowned in reflex but her expression quickly morphed into something he really didn’t like.  It looked like vindication.  It looked like moving on.

Kelli left–and now Matt was alone with Dr. Katie Walker.

Matt might have been able to hear a pin drop if the blood wasn’t rushing so quickly and forcefully through his temples.  The manipulative, morally bankrupt doctor was paying him no attention and Matt was getting even more angry.  How the hell could she really be ignoring him right now?


Dr. Walker didn’t look down.  Her fingers were dancing over an assortment of staged glassware on the countertop.  She selected an empty glass beaker and set it down next to Matt.

“Grow me back, you big-titted bimbo!” That got her attention.

Matt flinched as the buxom brunette doctor gently set each of her hands on either side of him, uncomfortably close for his diminished stature.  Her hands were small and her fingers short, but they were still so much bigger than Matt.  Everything was bigger than Matt.  As Dr. Walker leaned down closer to Matt, the top button of her lab coat popped, no longer able to contain the doctor’s ample chest.  Her breasts seemed to celebrate the minor victory, swaying overtop of him. 

A confusingly attractive eye-full of cleavage called Matt’s attention but so too did the tufts of long hair cascading around him like two chestnut-brown waterfalls. Behind her black, thick-framed glasses, Matt saw wise chocolate brown mixing with red fire. Her cherubic face contorted into an expression of disgust.

“I’m going to make a second promise to you, subject-m327.  If you ever speak to me with such disrespect again, I will sweep you off of this counter onto the floor and I will compress you under the bottom of my flat until you explode.” Her breath enveloped him like a warm minty wind but her words, leaking through pristine white, clenched teeth were acid.  “Do you understand me?”

Matt had no idea how to respond, staring up at Dr. Walker as if she were an angry god.


Matt’s knees buckled as Dr. Walker’s left fist crashed down mere inches away.  She leaned in closer, her cute button nose close enough for him to reach out and touch.  The room seemed to have darkened as her furious eyes pressed down on him. She repeated her question and Matt proceeded to urinate himself.

“Y-yes!” Matt’s voice cracked in compliance.

Mercifully, she stood back up to her full height, retreating so quickly from Matt that he could feel the air behind him rushing frantically to follow her.  Dr. Walker took a deep breath, buttoning up her lab coat to conceal her pronounced cleavage.  She let the breath out slowly as she methodically smoothed the white material down over her breasts.

She spoke again with a much more familiar and much more welcomed roboticism. “You are property of RR Labs and quite frankly, I remain unconvinced of any added value in retaining you for future experiments.”

Dr. Walker reached into her breast pocket and retrieved a small plastic baggie which ripped easily in her fingers, revealing what looked like a light purple pill.

“My opinion is that you are not viable for rear-housing.  If you could have been in the room with my staff and I, those that agreed with me, and heard some of their ideas on how to make best use of you…” Dr. Walker chuckled, “...I am certain you’d have fainted.”

“Please…I just…want this to be over. I didn’t ask for this.” Matt spoke with feeble submission.

He didn’t even see the small glass beaker swoop in behind him, scooping him up into it.  Dr. Walker pinched the light purple pill between her fingers and it made an audible crackling and whooshing sound.

“Yes, you did.”

Before Matt even realized that a wispy lavender cloud was growing out of the crushed capsule, Dr. Walker’s hand came to rest on top of the beaker, sealing Matt inside with the aerosolizing agent.

It was making him so very tired.

“Despite my vehement insistence that we find another use for you outside of the experiment, I’ve relented to my colleagues' insistence.  You’ll be given another chance but I wouldn’t get too excited if I were you, m-327.  This arrangement is not a reflection of me backing down from my assertions.  I’d call it a compromise with my staff.”

Dr. Walker got the final word as Matt’s consciousness darkened.

* * * * * * * * *

Matt awoke to complete darkness. He waited for his eyes to adjust, expecting to see something but wherever he was, there was literally not a single photon of light.  It was perfectly quiet.  So quiet that he could hear his heart beating.

“Hello?” His voice was deadened, not even the slightest hint of an echo or reflection of the sound waves. The deafening beating of his heart returned to his ears the moment after the words left his mouth. Breathing in through his nose, he detected a strong, clinical scent that he didn’t recognize and most noticeable of all, he was moving.

It was similar to when Kelli carried him in her bag and Matt became all but certain he was in some other kind of container when he felt his body violently jostle.  There was a very small chance that he had been restored if he was being carried by someone.  Whoever was carrying had set him down, and quite roughly at that.  Who was it?

Hopefully it was some clumsy, bumbling intern that was preparing to restore him.  Maybe that was why that devil of a doctor was so upset.  She clearly didn’t like him and was probably angry that Matt was going to get off scot-free.  Was that what she was saying before he passed out?  Everything was so fuzzy.

Suddenly, a loud, sharp ripping noise entered Matt’s quiet, dark chamber.  He looked up toward the source of the sound and saw a giant sword entering the roof.  The glimmering sword brought with it the sound of cardboard ripping as well as a slivering flow of light, allowing him to instantly identify where he was.  The sword wasn’t a sword.  It was a butter knife.

He was in a sealed box.  The walls were lined with a thick foam, perhaps some kind of special acoustic material.  Judging from the fact that he couldn’t hear a single thing from the outside world until now, he assumed no one on the outside world could hear him.  But now his ears were put back to work, initially unable to discern anything from the gentle hum of background noise.  The box was being opened.

The light was blinding. He could hear music in the background as well. What was it? He couldn’t tell but it was terrible.

“Oh wow, smaller than the last one.”

Someone was speaking to him..or about him at least.  The voice came from above, something he’d long since gotten used to. Judging from how long it took for Matt’s eyes to adjust to the brightness of the room, he must have been in that box for a long time.  When his eyes finally adjusted, Matt saw a woman he didn’t recognize. Her face towered over his box like an ugly storm cloud.

The hefty woman’s facial features, angled downward toward him, exaggerated the prominence of her second chin. Thin lips curled into a smile that sent shivers down Matt’s tiny spine.

“Who are you?” Matt’s vocal cords felt like they’d been coated in drying concrete. He was positively parched and his stomach was screaming for food. How long was he in this box?  The chubby woman’s face blocked out most of his sky but behind her he could see a spinning ceiling fan.  It looked very…residential.  Was he not in the lab anymore?

The woman chuckled with a smug, almost condescending snark.  “Hmm, weird question to ask but okay. My name’s Janet Greene but let’s start things off on the right foot.  It’s important to me that you address me as ‘Miss Janet’.  Got it?”

Matt swallowed the lump in his throat, still trying to piece together who this Janet person was, where he’d been sent.

“Now you say, ‘Yes, Miss Janet’.” Janet demanded, her tone dripping with smug condescension and her curly hair bouncing as she nodded her head with an overexaggerated emphasis. If Matt hadn’t been so dehydrated, he might have pissed himself again and involuntarily agreed just like he did previously when the big titty’d monster of a doctor threatened to step on him.

That was nothing compared to the fear he felt right now.  Not only fear but…regret.

The heavy woman leaned back, retreating her face from the box and rolled her eyes. More of her body came into view and Matt felt a strong revulsion to what he saw.  “Okay, we’ll do it the hard way.”

Chubby fingers rushed in like fighter jets. Matt yelped as Janet roughly scooped him out of the box.





Love it! Hope to get another chapter soon, can’t wait to see what his fate is!