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Reduction & Relocation - Mayumi Okamoto

Chapter 11 - Bloodlines (Emma)


Wielding the power of another human being’s life in her hands, Emma shivered as sensual bursts of electricity pulsed down her spine, radiating out to her fingers and down to her toes. She couldn’t even imagine what he must be thinking…trapped in the belly of the syringe in her hand.  He had to know what was happening.  He had to have seen the other girls’ syringes, all like the one he was in.  He had to see them plunging into the cushiony plush flesh of Angela’s curvy body.

“So we’d spoken earlier about the volume of a fat cell compared to one of your subjects.” Dr. Walker said. “Anyone care to extrapolate from that how large one of Angela’s breasts would be compared to Emma’s subject?

Several of the interns looked up trying to do math in their heads. It was an easy enough problem that Emma could have solved any day of the week, but she simply could not break her focus from the helpless criminal in her syringe and Angela’s huge tit. Dr. Bexley broke the silence.  “Think in terms of oceans. Remember, we’re dealing with a J-cup breast, which has a rough radius of about 10 inches.”

Luanne quickly said, “Well the Pacific Ocean is the biggest.”

“You’re correct, Luanne.  The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean,” Dr. Bexley smiled. “But it fails to adequately convey the volume of Angela’s breast as perceived by Emma’s subject. Think bigger.”

“Two Pacific oceans?” Dr. Thompson asked.

Dr. Bexley chuckled, “Bigger.”

‘No way…’ Emma thought, her mind racing.

Tatiana replied, “Seriously? Bigger than two?  What about three Pacific Oceans?”

Dr. Walker smiled, shaking her head side to side.

Nicole ventured a guess that fell into a new classification. “Umm...all of them? All of the oceans?”

The busty brunette co-founder looked to Emma, “One more guess. Still. Bigger.”

Emma felt as if she was sitting on an open flame as Dr. Bexley gently took Emma’s syringe and set it down in Angela’s cleavage. Her small hand sunk into the cushioned wall of Angela’s huge breast as she guided it toward the volunteering Participant’s sternum.  Angela understood and smiled, moving the twin mass of mammary tissue in toward the syringe. Both jiggling breasts met like opposing tidal waves of creamy flesh, swallowing up the syringe

Emma was getting so turned on, she was having trouble speaking without her voice quivering.  “Four?”

Dr. Bexley smiled. “Correct!” Angela’s breasts jiggled back outboard, nestling near her armpits and revealing the syringe in her cleavage. “The volume of just one of Angela’s breasts would appear to the subject to be not 1...not 2...not 3…but 4 TIMES MORE than all the water in all the oceans of the entire planet.”

Emma swallowed dryly.

“And again...that's PER BREAST.” Dr. Walker added. “Just a fun fact.”

‘Fun, indeed’, Emma purred to herself and reached for her syringe–her subject.  He was so close to his new home but it was time to get him even closer. Emma deliberately grazed Angela’s nipple as she grabbed her syringe, noting that they were stiff from all the focus on and manipulation of the sensitive tissue.  The hispanic woman was looking down at her own breasts now, gently cupping one of them.

“Jeez, doctor!” Angela said in disbelief, gently jiggling her huge tit. “That’s a whole lot of home for just one little man!”

Emma had played Dr. Bexley and Dr. Walker’s little game of math in her own time and was now reflecting on what she’d calculated in her free time during her internship at RR Labs.  Angela’s erect nipple appeared to be about average, which was about 9mm tall with a diameter of about 13mm. Her subject as well as all the other girls’ subjects, at a mere 750 picometers, could all stand atop that nipple with ease.  ‘With ease’ was actually the understatement of the century; That stiff, fat nipple would appear to them slightly larger than the entire state of Maryland, and if they were brave enough to peer over the edge, they’d feel as if they were over 60,000ft high, equivalent to twice the normal flying elevation of an airplane.

With trembling hands, Emma wiped down Angela’s breast.  The doctors, interns, and large-breasted Participant might have thought her nervous but in reality she was just struggling not to moan.

“I think Angela’s ready, dear.” Dr. Walker said, breaking the prolonged silence and calling an abrupt end to the mesmerizing jiggle of the Latina woman’s now glistening breast.

“Ohhh, right. Sorry.” Emma whispered through a dry throat.

Emma felt like a god as the tip of her syringe sank into Angela’s tit.  Was the boy inside begging for her to stop? Maybe he was praying to her…and all the women there. Once the stem was deep enough in the mammary flesh, Emma readjusted her grip on the syringe to align her powerful, fate-dispensing thumb over the plunger–just like she’d practiced on empty syringes so many times already.  This was real now though.  She wasn’t pretending anymore. She was sending a boy into Angela’s boob.

“Very good, Emma.” Dr. Walker’s tone was prideful and encouraging but Emma could barely hear the words.  The mousy brunette was wide-eyed, watching the liquid of her syringe slowly disappear into Angela’s big, soft tit.  She had chosen the underside of Angela’s right breast, and the young intern was trying to plunge slower.  She wanted this to last forever.  It was likely that the tiny subject was already inside that big fat breast, but Emma wanted to think that he was still swimming in that syringe chamber, at the very top with the last of the fluid. Perhaps he was looking up at all the powerful women surrounding him, thinking he still had a chance of evading his fate...escaping Emma’s will.  Finally, her thumb pressed in and felt the backing of the syringe. All of the fluid was gone–ejected from the syringe.  Emma looked up at Angela, who was closing her eyes.

“Can you feel him?” Emma asked.  The other interns and the doctors looked to Angela for her response.

“Yes, it's a little bit cold.”

“No, can you feel HIM?” Emma specified.

The hispanic woman looked down at her bare tit and cupped it gently.  She shook it left and right, allowing the flesh to jiggle freely and she confidently laughed, “Oh, him?  No, not at all.”

Emma discretely rubbed her thumb over her blazing hot crotch with her free hand as she removed the empty needle.  With the scanning device, Emma confirmed the subject’s absence from the syringe and his presence in the hispanic’s swollen right tit.

‘Four of the world’s oceans worth of tit fat...I wonder what Mayumi’s tit would seem like to him...what it actually seems like to the brown haired, green eyed boy inside of it right now…’ Emma thought.

“Okay, Angela.  Can we have you roll over onto your stomach for the remaining two injections?”  Dr. Walker said sweetly.  Angela rolled over, breasts and stomach jiggling before they contacted and compressed into the table.

“Go ahead, Nicole.” Dr. Walker said with a smile.  Nicole seemed the most comfortable with the syringe.  She opted to tug down Angela’s underwear instead of lifting one of the leg holes to expose the woman’s hefty glutes.  Angela wordlessly complied, lifting her dizzyingly wide hips just enough to allow passage of her stressed waistband over her curvy rump.  Once Angela’s entire ass was exposed, baking under the cold sterile lights overhead, Nicole looked to Dr. Bexley.  “Can you separate?”

Dr. Bexley smiled big, “Of course, dear.”  Dr. Bexley’s small hands cupped Angela’s huge bare cheeks and gently parted them.  The smell was not pleasant but all the interns except for Luanne remained poker-faced and professional.

Normally, Emma might have groaned at the blonde intern princess’s choice of injection site as showboating…of course it wouldn’t be good enough to pick a butt cheek.  No, Nicole just had to inject her boy into Angela’s crack.  At this moment, however, Emma was just struggling not to grind her crotch into the hard edge of the table.  Nicole swabbed the wall of Angela’s left ass cheek, deep in the hispanic woman’s natural gluteal cleavage.  Angela jumped slightly at the sensation of the cold alcohol wipe so close to one of her most sensitive parts.  Nicole rubbed thoroughly along the fleshy, pillowy section of ass fat at the deepest part of Angela’s rear, generously applying more alcohol than necessary.  Without hesitation or trepidation, the blonde intern’s needle kissed the sterilized spot, only visible due to Dr. Bexley’s continued efforts to keep the ample flesh separated.

‘21 years….21 fucking years...buried in all that fucking ass fat.’  The flustered intern looked around with only her eyes, trying to understand how everyone else could be concealing their arousal so convincingly. It couldn’t have been only her feeling this flush and bothered!

Emma didn’t know the math of an ass cheek, but holy fuck they were even bigger than Angela’s boobs!  Emma couldn’t believe how hot this was.  Not as hot as a subject in a breast, but still pretty hot. As much of a rival as Nicole was to Emma, she actually felt slight attraction to the blonde intern, watching her pretty blue eyes focus so strongly on forcing her subject into that fleshy glute.  After Nicole confirmed the subject was successfully implanted into Angela’s ass fat, Dr. Bexley let go of Angela’s butt and it bounced comically back into position, sealing away the injection site deep beneath.  If the poor boy had been lucky enough to be near the injection site, the only thing he’d see on the other side of his prison in her butt cheek was...well...the other huge butt cheek.

“That wasn’t so bad.” Angela said, rolling her wide hips left and right, causing the fat on her glutes to follow in slow motion.  Her fat ass jiggled, moving like fleshy ocean waves.  Emma silently chuckled at the comparison.  One of this woman’s ass cheeks literally was an ocean to them...several, in fact. Emma was grateful that her nipples, now had enough to cut through diamond, were hidden discreetly under her lab coat.

“Best for last?” Dr. Bexley said to Tatiana.

With a chipper smile, the Jewish intern from New York mixed the subject in with the Endodiapoly Luminescence and brought the needle tip to the lowermost roll of fat on Angela’s sterilized back.  The girls all watched once more as the needle tip shortened and then the fluid disappeared into the hispanic woman, forcing the subject into his new home for the next 81 days.  She promptly performed a scan on Angela’s back, looking to confirm that her subject was properly immersed in the rolls of fat.

“Ummm…” Tatiana’s brow furrowed as she checked the settings on the quiet scanning device.  “Am I doing it right?”

Dr. Walker looked over her shoulder at the settings.  The dial was set to “S” for subject detection and everything looked in order.  “Give it another try.” Dr. Walker said, placing a single finger over the injection point on Angela’s back.  “He shouldn’t be too far from where you put him.”.  Tatiana placed the device flat against the injection site and ran the detection again.  Nothing.

Tatiana’s confusion reached new highs when the self-scan revealed that her subject was also absent from her syringe. “He’s not in the syringe anymore and he’s not showing up in Angela’s back.  Where else would he be? I didn’t spill any.” Tatiana said, demonstrating that there was no fluid running down the side of the syringe.

Dr. Walker frowned, donning her stethoscope and breathing heavily onto the stainless steel disc before placing it against Angela’s back, right on the injection site.  She listened in complete silence for a few moments and then removed the stethoscope.  Dr. Bexley and even Dr. Thompson now wore frowns that matched Dr. Walker’s.  They seemed to both know already and the clueless interns waited for her to speak.

“It would appear that instead of injecting her subject into a fat deposit, Tatiana has injected her subject into a vein or an artery.

Tatiana’s jaw dropped and her face became flush, “Oh, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to!”

“This isn’t your fault, Tatiana.” Dr. Bexley said, coming around to comfort the stricken young lady. “Veins are all over our body.  This is a risk inherent in every injection.  Each one of your peers ran the same risk.  You couldn’t have done anything differently and you absolutely should not blame yourself.”

“So what happens to him now?” Luanne asked.

“Well…” Dr. Walker thought out loud, “...I envision 4 possible scenarios.  Mind you, it is impossible to know which one for sure since in all scenarios, the subject is completely unrecoverable.  But, to speculate, he is currently circulating through Angela’s circulatory system, which would explain why he is no longer detectable at the injection site.  He’s essentially been dropped off in a raging river.”

“Whoa, he’s in Angela’s bloodstream?”

“Very likely, yes.” Dr. Walker nodded, removing her stethoscope and returning it to its position draped over her thin neck. “Unlike viruses, your subjects will not be reproducing during his residence in Angela’s adipose tissue. For this reason, your subjects can often go undetected by the body’s immune system.  They don’t bother Angela’s bodily defense systems and it doesn’t bother them.  However, in the bloodstream, security is much tighter.  The subject, even just one barely recognizable entity circulating through her veins, will almost certainly be detected by her immune system.”

“What happens when she detects him?” Tatiana asked, staring down in fascination at Angela’s body.

“The most likely outcome is that he is consumed by one of Angela’s many white blood cells.”

Dr. Thompson added, “If he makes it to her spleen or liver, he could also be broken down by macrophages.”

“True..” Dr. Walker replied, “and if he makes it to her heart, he may be pulverized by the valves…

“Umm...would that be bad for me?” Angela asked.  This was the first time that Emma had detected anything other than jovial amusement or confidence.

“Oh, don’t worry…” Dr. Walker said. “The subject is thousands or even tens of thousands times smaller than anything that could negatively impact the heart.”

“So the muscles of my heart would just crush the little thing?” Angela asked, her hand touching her chest overtop her beating heart, intrigue dripping from her voice.

“Not likely.” Dr. Walker replied. “As I mentioned earlier, the subjects have been TD-boosted which means they enjoy a significant boost in durability.  Tatiana’s subject has a sporting chance.”

“That makes sense,” Dr. Thompson weighed in, reassuring Tatiana.  “If mine can handle being pummeled under Angela’s heel, essentially taking her full body weight, then I’ll bet yours will survive Angela’s heart.”

“Assuming he’s not pulverized by her heart muscle, he could be filtered out by her kidneys or liver and passed into the small intestines, destined to be expelled from her body as waste.” Dr. Bexley theorized.

“And if all that fails…” Dr. Walker said, “he would just continue to circulate through Angela’s bloodstream, touring her entire body on a continuous loop indefinitely.”

“But his sentence was only 81 days, right?” Luanne asked. “How are we gonna get him out when his sentence is over?”

“We won’t.” The girls turned to look at Nicole.  “Retrieving something so small that could literally be anywhere on her body is just impossible.”

“So even in the best-case scenario for him, he’s just in Angela’s body forever?  He was going to be able to go home in like 3 months, but now he’s going to spend the rest of his life trapped alone in Angela’s body…” Tatiana pouted, making clear the part of this whole situation she was most concerned about. “...and I’m going to get in trouble.”

We’ll have to notify the correctional facility.  And Tatiana…” Dr. Walker slid two fingers under Tatiana’s narrow chin and lifted until the intern’s misty brown eyes aligned with hers.   “The correctional facility was fully aware of the risks inherent to Injection Therapy.  They knew this was a possibility among many other things.  You nor anyone here is in any trouble.  And don’t worry about your subject.  It’s true that he will never be recovered, neither from within Angela’s body nor if he were to be expelled from it. There is no getting around that.  However you need to remember something: the choices he made that landed him in the correction facility and ultimately in the chamber of your syringe…those were HIS choices.  Not yours.

Dr. Walker appeared pleased by Tatiana’s relieved expression. “Only those five have received cell-exposure with Angela, but we have a few other TD-boosted injectables from the correctional facility arrangement that I will queue up for exposure today.  Next time we get Angela in for an appointment, you can try again.”

“Thank you, Dr. Walker!  Next time will be better, I promise.  Sorry…” Tatiana trailed off as she checked her blue manilla folder. “...subject-i730e.” Her apology to the subject didn't sound nearly as sincere as her earlier apology to Dr. Walker.

After each girl performed a brief and final kneading, massaging, and rapid jiggling of their respective injection points in what was called the “Disruption Phase” to confirm that their subjects had been shifted and properly embedded in the lattice structure of Angela’s fat cells.  Emma was in awe of the Hispanic woman as she sat up to get dressed. Her huge breasts settled nicely into her J-cup bra and Emma couldn’t help but picture the lattice structure that surrounded him compressing and squeezing.  She wished she could go home with Angela to see if the woman slept on her stomach.  That would be even more delightful compression!  Or maybe she at least slept on her side, burdening her subject’s tit with the weight of its identically hefty twin.

She was a normal looking woman.  She could have been anyone on the street...in front of her at walmart...the teller at her bank...a woman waving her through a 4-way stop sign...and yet she had 5 beyond microscopic people in her body.  Emma didn’t look at her and feel jealousy, it wasn’t as if she wanted those tiny people in her own body.  She loved more the idea of them living in a curvy woman like Angela or Mayumi.  Just the thought of it drove her crazy.

“I’d like all of you to give a round of applause for Angela today.”

All the young interns clapped for the smiling, blushing Hispanic woman who performed a playful curtsey.

“Thanks, girls.  I think you all did wonderful today.” Angela said.  “You were professional, you made me feel safe and important, and now…” Angela looked at the two doctors and smiled, “well...now I should get myself and my new fan club home.  My husband is at work so normally I’d say that I’ll be alone until he gets home, but I guess I won’t be able to say that truthfully for a very long time!”

Angela blew a kiss to the crowd of RR personnel and shook the doctors’ hands.  She was the vehicle by which all those poor, tiny men were traveling.  They had no say in where she went or for how long. She was off, living her life for herself and simply bringing them along for the ride. How long was that ride?  Months?  Years? Decades?  Forever?  Emma wouldn’t know until the time elapsed.

“I couldn’t agree more with Angela,” Dr. Walker said. “I’m very proud of your performance and I would call today a major success.  You’re not all done quite yet though. Don’t forget to clean and return your supplies.  Once that is done, take your subject’s manilla folders with you when you leave.” Dr. Walker’s brown eyes narrowed on the Jewish intern from New York. “….except for you, Tatiana.”

Dr. Walker took Tatiana’s manilla folder and handed it to Dr. Bexley, who promptly walked toward the front wall of the conference room.  Dr. Walker continued speaking over the sound of a document shredder, “I expect a 2-3 page technical paper explaining what you believe the subject’s experience to be in their respective SC&VF immersion zone.  Reference all sources and please return it to me in one week from today.”

The young interns cheerfully agreed and grabbed their manilla folders, some hugging them to their chests and others tucking them into their backpacks or slipping them into existing stacks of papers and documents, all while chatting with each other about the exciting experience.

All the other girls went to the lunch room to talk more about their injection experience.  All the other girls except for Emma, that is.  The short, thin brunette was checking into Logs and leafing through the organized procedural documents.  Dr. Walker was a very good record keeper and Emma was incredibly grateful.  Emma leafed through the rather large section of subjects provided by the correctional facility.  Emma knew they came from there because of all the sharpy marks redacting key information.  She continued on through the section of traditional subject files, active Participants, prospective Participants, rejected Participants, staff…and there it was.  She finally found the procedural logs.

These were logs created based on recorded dictation and notes gathered in exam rooms, Injection Therapy sessions, and Reduction Therapy sessions.  When she came to the procedural documents from earlier that week on Monday, Emma couldn’t get the folder open fast enough.  She flipped through several injections.  One into an ass cheek.  One into someone’s bottom lip. Another into an ass cheek.  And--

“Ahhh!” Emma’s heart skipped a beat when her eye caught, among a forest of ink, the words she’d been looking for:


“Good god, she really is an O-cup?!” Emma actually said out loud.  Luckily she was out of earshot of the Logs duty monitor.  She composed herself well enough on the outside, but her mind, heart, and sex was racing.

‘Angela was a J-cup…..and hers were so, so big.  And this Japanese teenager is an….O-cup?” Emma’s sock-clad toes were curling within her sneakers.  She decided she needed to read this at home…where she could have a little more privacy. The sneaky intern made sure no one was looking as she snapped pictures of all the documents on her smartphone. She returned the procedural documents back to the huge library and went to the RR Labs breakroom.



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