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November Posting Schedule

  • Reduction & Relocation - Samantha Beaurmont Part 4 6
  • The Grass is Always Greener - Part 3 9
  • Ring Around the Toesies (Working Title) 15
  • Pushing His Buttons - Chapter 2 15
  • 2023-10-30
  • 45 votes
{'title': 'November Posting Schedule', 'choices': [{'text': 'Reduction & Relocation - Samantha Beaurmont Part 4', 'votes': 6}, {'text': 'The Grass is Always Greener - Part 3', 'votes': 9}, {'text': 'Ring Around the Toesies (Working Title)', 'votes': 15}, {'text': 'Pushing His Buttons - Chapter 2', 'votes': 15}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 10, 30, 14, 51, 10, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 45}


Here is what everyone from Subject tier ($5) and higher can expect to see uploaded in November:

RR Scientist Monthly Commissions:

1.) Reduction & Relocation - Samantha Beaurmont Part 4

Samantha Beaurmont is a nervous teenager heading off to the next scary chapter in her life: college.  But perhaps it won't be as scary as she thought.  Perhaps the new, perfectly timed little subject residing in her bottom will serve as a swiss army knife of sorts...providing not only a good source of income and self confidence, but maybe something more...

2.) The Grass is Always Greener - Part 3

It's common knowledge among RR Labs that an overwhelming number of subjects do not take very well to rear-housing, at least not in the beginning stages.  But what happens when a subject actually manages to convince his Participant to return him to RR Labs?  He expects that he'll be restored and released but RR Labs has something else in mind...

3.) Ring Around the Toesies (New!)

Eve and Trish's 6-month anniversary is coming up. Eve, a short, big breasted Latina, has thought of the perfect gift to get her Nordic, volleyball-playing girlfriend whose cute feet would look great with a brand new toe ring. It's a good thing the naïve boy that sits next to Eve in her Calc 2 class has a crush on her and would do anything for her! (This story takes place in the same Universe as 'A Cheeky New Relationship'.)

Captioned Images

I've decided to keep Captioned Image Voting and Viewing free for the month of November. After this first month, its seeming more likely that we'll exceed 2 a month.  I would love to hear what the patreon generally thinks of them.  Are you more interested in them than the emails?  More interested in them than the stories?

Submit your requests, RR interns and Scientists!

Starting in December:

Viewing & Voting on Captioned Images - Participant tier

Viewing, Voting & Requesting Captioned Images - RR Intern tier

Weekly RR Updates:

The patreon has grown considerably over the past few months.  As a result of this fantastic growth for which I am so grateful, I must rebalance the uploading schedule of the current RR stories in order to make time for the other content.  Going forward, the two current RR stories (Mayumi and Lori) will be updated on alternating Fridays. The first Friday of November will be Mayumi.

And one more thing....

Pushing His Buttons (New-ish!) - My patreon comms have a way of growing obscenely beyond the month that contains them but this comm-turned-collaboration with CrankoWanko is something else entirely and very special.  I'm hoping that we will get to Chapter 2 this month but no guarantees!

And finally, a poll...

Which RR Scientists' commissions are you most interested in seeing? Please select no more than three!



Although I am very excited by the story of Samantha and The Grass is Always Greener, the truth is that the premise of Ring Around the Toesies won my vote without having to think twice!


Did you mean mayumi the first Friday of November?