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Reduction & Relocation - Lori Warren

Chapter 19 - First Screening

[October 1st, 2005]

That tiny little bike seat didn’t stand a chance against Lori’s expansive bottom and she wondered if she was making the right decision by pinning her little subject between the two cushions.  If sitting on a wooden seat was a challenge for him, a sparsely cushioned seat barely larger than her Kindle was going to be daunting.  ‘But maybe this is the key to building his confidence. If he could handle this, then he could handle nearly anything!’

Middle-aged, nylon-contained cheek meat spilled in excess over the edges of the tiny seat and when Lori set her sneakers into the pedals, the hanging flesh that flanked the narrow seat sank further around it, threatening to swallow the overwhelmed seat.  As she settled onto the bike, gradually passing more of her weight onto the narrow black cushion, her little subject, having no other option on where to go, was consequently forced deeper, prompting a sharp gasp from Lori.

“You alright, mama?” Isabella asked, fiddling with the stopwatch setting on her wristwatch.

“Yes! Just excited to ride is all.  Let’s go!” Lori’s colossal thighs and calves flexed mightily as she kicked the first laborious rotation of the pedals, setting the wheels into motion. Upon pedaling, she immediately sank into the rhythmic movement, and she liked to think that her subject adapted just as quickly.  Her substantial thighs and buttocks took turns rising from and settling back into the seat, the pale, tightly packed flesh now just as much a part of the machinery of the bike as the gears and pedals were.

The subject was part of that machine now, too…even though he didn’t have much of a purpose except to be pressed against Lori’s sensitive hole by the bike seat as if it were a hydraulic press.  The mother of three maintained the lead on her daughters for the first mile or two, probably a deliberate gesture of politeness from the girls, but the burning in her thighs and the sweat burning her eyes became too difficult to ignore.  The middle-aged, relatively out-of-shape woman slowed her pedaling, allowing Gina and Isabella to pull ahead.

As Lori, Gina, Isabella, and Victoria continued their bike ride through the scenic park, the tiny man entrusted to Lori’s care and crack came long for the ride. His existence was entirely dependent on the firm, unyielding pressure of Lori's well-padded posterior. Each pedal stroke of Lori's mighty thighs sent shockwaves through her overwhelmingly fleshy anatomy. Her biological cushions pummeled him, sure. There really was no getting around that.  But the more common, everyday scenarios that he could tolerate from within her bottom, the longer she could keep him there…keep him safe.

The terrain undulated beneath them as they journeyed along winding paths and lush green fields. It was Lori’s favorite park and she could remember bringing the girls there when they were much younger, when times were so much more simple. Lori's massive rear end swayed and flexed with the rhythm of her pedaling, the sensation of the tiny little squirming lump firmly pressing against Lori's sensitive orifice by the bike seat was both exhilarating and even…motivational?

Gina, Isabella, and Victoria, unaware of the tiny passenger nestled in Lori's behind, chatted and laughed, sharing stories and enjoying the camaraderie of their bike trip.

As the miles passed by, Lori’s trusty hand towel regularly toured her face and chest to mop up the steadily accumulating perspiration. She could easily address the sweat on her face, but the accruing slickness between her glutes, as much as it might disappoint her little passenger, was something that would have to wait for later. She pedaled with determination, her powerful thighs propelling her forward.

“Oo! It’s the pond!”

‘Oh, thank goodness.’ Lori said, following Gina as she detoured from the path.

Lori dismounted her bike. The tiny man must have felt a sense of relief as he was momentarily released from the unrelenting pressure. Still, he was wedged so deep between Lori’s buns that there was no concern of him becoming dislodged.  She had no intention of abandoning or releasing her diminutive passenger. Especially not out here in the wilderness!’. He’d be fair game for anything to just swoop him up.  Nope…as much as he might like and probably even deserved a break as much as Lori and her girls, he’d be staying put in her rear until they got home.

Victoria immediately plopped down on a toppled log and began untying her laces.  As Isabella and Gina drank water and adjusted their clothing that had drifted down in some places and drifted up in others, their youngest sister was stuffing her neon-green socks into her shoes. She wiggled her chubby toes into the sand, her nails displaying some final remnants of colorful, chipped polish and running barefoot into the water.

“It’s so warm!”

“Remember when Vicky thought this was the ocean?” Gina laughed, skipping a rock into the tiny pond.

“No, I didn’t..shuddup.”

“Yes, you did!”  Gina jovially pointed out toward a row of benches on the other side of the pond.  “You asked Mom if that was England!”

Even Isabella, usually a little more reserved, couldn’t help but to giggle into the sleeve of her zip-up hoodie and Victoria crossed her arms over her chest.

“Everyone thinks silly things when they’re younger.” Lori said, stretching her twitching legs. “You believed for years that the car wouldn’t start until everyone’s seatbelts were on.”

“Yeah, Mom.  I was little.  Vicky asked you that like three years ago!”

“Whatever, it’s a big pond and I don’t know crap about geometry.”

“It’s geography.” Isabella laughed.

“Holy crap, is it Make Fun of Victoria Day or something?” Victoria splashed her two older giggling sisters, effectively wiping the smiles off their faces.  They were just about to return fire. “Okay, that’s enough. Vicky, put your shoes and socks back on.” Lori was quick to end it there, content to give Victoria the win considering she was being double-teamed by her sisters.

“Okay, after I dry my feet on Bella’s hoodie.” Light danced through the animated particles of water that Victoria kicked up as she sprinted toward Isabella, who had already plopped back down on her bike, pedaling away like the protagonist in a horror movie.

With renewed energy, the four women resumed their ride, now heading back home. The tiny man, snugly nestled between Lori's monumental buttocks, was struggling far less on this leg of the journey.

Lori and Victoria traded off leading up the rear.  Her youngest opted to knot her shoe laces and sling her sneakers over her shoulder and pedal home barefoot.  Isabella and Gina were regularly checking over their shoulders to make sure everyone was together.

When they got back to the house, it became very clear that all four girls had worked up a good sweat.  Lori was proud of herself for keeping up with the girls but more than that, she was proud of herself for not letting the subject get in the way of this precious bonding experience.

Her thunderous thighs flexed as she dismounted the bike, her wide bottom no longer responsible for her full weight anymore, passing the burden onto her tired legs that were about as stiff and load-bearing as overcooked spaghetti noodles.  She shifted her legs a bit, feeling her sweaty cheeks rubbing easily against each other, indicating just how slippery her little subject was inside.  He was no longer aligned with her asshole as he’d been for the first leg of the trip and most of the second leg, but that was okay…he was there for the entire ride and that was the part that mattered.

Lori wiped her face with her damp hand towel and then wiped the excess perspiration off her bike seat, hoping to get it before her daughters saw.  The girls were not nearly as self-conscious as Lori, because none of them wiped their bike seats down.  Must have been a mom thing to care that much, or maybe their generation just didn’t care at all.

The three had barely made it in the door when Victoria sprinted up the steps, her heavy footsteps nearly bringing the house down.


“No! Let me go first! You always use up all the hot water!” Isabella footfalls were far quieter but just as quick as she ran up behind her little sister who was laughing like a gremlin.

* * * * * * * * *

The sun had set on another beautiful day and Lori knew it was time for the talk. After the girls had all gone to bed, Lori made a quick stop in the quiet kitchen to get something special and then made her way upstairs to her room. She shut her bedroom door, locked it, double checked to make sure she locked it, and then got ready for bed.  She looked over at her clock…it had been a few minutes over 12 hours since she stuffed him between her freshly showered buns, and while she’d changed out of her sweaty bike clothes into some comfy, cozy pajama bottoms, she expected that her little companion would judge her rear as far from clean.  For that reason, she would be happy to pass on the good news that he was done with his daily obligation to being between her cheeks.

Lori grimaced as she reached down her waistband and into her crack. It was great not having to think about how it felt back there, but now she was forced to feel it with her fingers.  The perspiration that had accumulated between her big cheeks had evaporated but the salt left behind created a gritty, unclean feeling in her crack, which wasn’t pleasant to sift through, but she wanted to get him out so she could reward him…and herself.  She took him out of her hot, sweaty rump and set him on her nightstand. When he was expected to use his two legs to hold himself up instead of being fully suspended by the flesh of her glutes, he predictably tumbled over and fell.  Lori suppressed a stunted giggle in her throat but could do nothing to stop the surge of warmth between her legs.

“Oh jeez…sorry about that..” Lori said awkwardly.  He had the same gritty touch and appearance that her crack did.

‘…but you’re going to have to get used to it…’ she finished in her mind.

Gina’s pale pink laundry hamper caught Lori’s peripheral vision and a solution presented itself.  She removed a white sock with cute little black stars from Gina’s hamper and wrapped the little subject in the thin cotton.  Lori was perplexed by his protests, as he was normally eager to welcome having the memory of Lori’s bottom removed from his skin. It wasn’t until after she was about halfway done wiping him down that she could smell faint hints of foot lotion emanating from the sock.

‘Whoops, looks like that was the dirty hamper’.  Now, if it were one of Victoria’s socks, it’d be an entirely different story!  Lori was already mostly finished and it wasn’t as if Gina’s sock smelled bad so she moved on to his upper body and face, which she approached with a more delicate hand, finally scrubbing the salt and lingering sheen of her rear’s perspiration off with Gina’s sock.

She tossed the sock back in with Gina’s other dirty clothing and then a smile spread on her face.  She’d forgotten all about the special treat she’d gotten from the kitchen.  A promise is a promise.

“You did so good today..and I know it couldn’t have been easy but I’m very proud of you.” Lori said with a smile, sliding over a small soda cap.  He looked down at it and then back up at Lori.

“I hope you like mint.  It's Victoria’s favorite and it's all we had.  Eat up baby, you earned it today.”

Lori nudged the ice cream filled cap closer to the subject.  He cautiously approached it and took a small bite, and Lori couldn’t help but laugh as he seemed to really enjoy it.  He proceeded to bury his face in the ice cream and eat as much as he could.  Lori figured he was okay to keep eating in semi-privacy while she got ready for bed.

‘I hope he appreciates things like this…’ she thought, glancing again at the vitamins, ominously staring back at her on her nightstand.

How much longer will he be able to?

‘How much longer can I put this off?’

Once ready, she returned to the subject, who was still eating the mint ice cream.

“Okay sweetheart, that’s enough for tonight, we don’t want you getting a stomach ache.” As Lori lifted the lid, the subject tried to keep eating but Lori had made up her mind and the subject fell backwards. Not one to let food go to waste, Lori lifted the lid and with one slurp, sucked the remaining ice cream out and threw it away.

“I worked hard today too, so I think I earned a bite as well!” she chuckled. “Let’s hope it doesn’t go to my hips!”

She lifted him back up off the nightstand and got into bed, setting him back on her stomach.

She looked down at the small, intricately detailed man. She couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt as she spoke, her voice soft and reassuring.

"Okay... so... I don't know if you could tell, but today, I kept you in my bottom for... well... a little longer than usual," Lori confessed, her cheeks tinted with a subtle blush. "Did you notice that, honey?"

The little man sniffled softly. "I know it was a long time... way longer than 4 hours," he replied, his voice filled with concern. "What did I do wrong? I thought I was good... I thought I did what you wanted... I was good even when you were riding your bike."

His tiny eyes glistened with teardrops that threatened to spill over, and Lori's heart melted at the sincerity of his worries. She understood that her companion's earnest concern for their relationship was what made him so endearing.

Lori leaned in closer, cradling the little man with affection. "Nothing! You didn't do anything wrong," she reassured him, her voice filled with enthusiasm. "And yes! Yes, you were so, so good today! You barely kicked and squirmed the entire time at all except for a few times during the bike ride! I was very proud of you, you know!"

She continued to explain, her words as tender as a lullaby, "It's just that today was a particularly busy day, honey. You were so well-behaved, and I was wrapped up in so many things. You were there with me all the time, and I appreciate your patience and understanding.”

She wanted to promise him that this was a fluke–that he wouldn’t have to endure such long stints tucked away and blatantly forgotten in her backside.  But that would have been a lie as big as her bottom.

Lori's initial smile began to fade, and she felt the weight of the conversation pressing on her. She cleared her throat.

"But you see... so... you were in my bottom for 12 hours today, and... I know that might seem like a lot right now, but... well, the reason for that is…”

Goodness, how was she going to break this to him?  The moment was here.

“...That is actually going to be our new normal... going forward," Lori explained, her tone walking a thin tightrope bisecting compassion and firmness.

Her companion, visibly startled by this unexpected revelation, couldn't hold back his emotions any longer. "Our... new... normal?! What are you talking about?!" he cried, his eyes welling up with tiny tears. "YOU SAID 4 HOURS, LORI! YOU PROMISED ME! YOU PROMISED 4 HOURS! YOU CAN'T DO THIS! 4 HOURS IN YOUR BUTT, NOT 12! 4!!!"

Lori, determined to defend her stance, lifted her knees up, creating an enormous wall behind the shouting subject. The shifting of her bare feet against the mattress seemed almost deafening to her companion who flinched at the monumental sound. He turned around quickly in panic but returned his gaze to her face when he realized it was just her legs coming up.

"I know," Lori responded, her voice tinged with defensiveness. She paused to take a deep breath, gathering her thoughts. "I understand that... but when we had our meeting with Dr. Walker yesterday, she said that she wants us to try 12 hours a day... and I think we can handle it, don't you? It's for the experiment."

“FUCK the experiment!” he shouted.  “Why in the FUUUUCK should I give a good goddamn about this experiment?  What the fuck am I getting out of it?! What am I getting out of this, Lori?! Huh?! Tell me!”

Lori didn’t have an answer for him.  So instead of trying to think of something to say that would satisfy his outrage, which seemed impossible, she would satisfy something else, which would be easy.  He flinched once more as her meaty fingers rushed in and circled around his naked body. It was a tactic she’d used many times on her ex-husband. Of course, he was much bigger but the concept was the same. Lori raised the squealing subject to her face and started sloppily licking his crotch.  “Shhhlrrp, Shllllippp.” She could barely hear him trying to speak to her over the sloppy sounds of wet slurping and sucking as she probed wildly around and between his legs, hips, chest, and face.

‘Ohh….he tastes minty..’ she thought with amusement. Apparently he’d been so eager with the ice cream he must have gotten some on himself.  The quiet notes of mint ice cream were mere accents to the blatant taste of her own body. It wasn't a pleasant taste but people became open to and tolerant of a whole slew of things when they were aroused. Even so, the minty, salty flavor left on his body was long gone now.  This wasn’t the first time she’d used this approach since returning from RR Labs and Lori had already learned how to tell when he was about to cum. Her eyes remained fixed on his trembling body as her lips and tongue continued working.  

The trembling intensified and Lori responded by licking and sucking harder, pulling his entire lower half between her plush lips and sucking hard.  His cute little eyes slammed shut and he became stiff as a board, emerging from between her lips like a spent cigarette butt. He predictably shot his load into the folds of her creased tongue, which Lori could only just barely taste.

Satisfied, she pulled him out of her mouth, her lips seeming to defy her hand’s wishes as they formed a tight, pursed circle around him, savoring his taste until he popped out and swung from her hand.  “Pop!” She sent his tiny load, accented with equally subtle notes of mint, into her belly.  It was what she considered a reward for a job well done. The first reward of the evening.

She realized now that she made the right choice to confine him to her bottom for the DMV trip and the bike ride, because if she hadn’t, she would have to return him to her ass for the evening.  But since his 12-hour shift was done, he had all the free time in the world, and he could spend it anywhere…doing anything.

She didn’t say anything…

Instead, she coated his upper-half in as much glistening lubricant as she just had to his lower half.  She was no longer sucking on him, she was allowing the saliva to accumulate and compound. With his free hand, he wiped the saliva from his eyes and looked pleadingly into hers.

She still didn’t say anything…

She lowered the slippery little love toy down toward her panties, just as she did over 12 hours ago, and the red-hot coals of this morning reignited into an eruption of fire and passion as he passed the waistband and grazed her pussy lips.  The high waistband snapped against her wrist as her meaty hand rushed in to share the tight, confined space with her tiny little secret.  She was getting increasingly wet, evident from the sopping wet sounds coming from under the covers as she massaged and kneaded him against her slit, introducing yet another natural lubricant to his perfectly sized body.

Amid the intimate moments beneath the covers, a potent aroma filled the room, a heady blend of Lori’s desire and passion. The scent further fueled Lori's longing in a recursive feedback loop, stoking the fires of her desire. She was teetering on the precipice of ecstasy, but her unyielding willpower held her back. Lori possessed the kind of self-discipline that allowed her to savor every moment, making the anticipation all the more intoxicating. She yearned for the fireworks to be grand and explosive.

Once more, the electrifying wave of pleasure approached, and again, she deliberately slowed down her movements. She pressed him against her soft mound, almost motionless, her breaths shallow and deliberate. Lori begged him to remain still, acutely aware that even the tiniest twitch might send her spiraling into the depths of her climax. With tremendous self-control, Lori carefully retreated from the precipice of her impending orgasm.

Gradually, she resumed her movements, increasing the pressure and adding a gentle circular motion. Yet, she had to halt abruptly; she was on the brink of losing control so quickly all over again. Now it was her turn to whimper, but she clung to her dominance. It had always been her strength, her prerogative, and she had no intention of relinquishing it. She restarted, her actions growing swifter, more insistent, harder, and faster, driven by a desire that was impossible to ignore.

Her subconscious seemed to guide her fingers, increasing the pressure as she glided him effortlessly between her soaking wet, lubricated lips. The ease with which he moved made her wonder if he, too, was driven by a fervent desire to be inside her. She reached the crest of her orgasmic wave, and as it surged and crashed, she let herself go, surrendering to the intensity. Lori screamed into her pillow, as she shivered uncontrollably, her toes curling and her breasts quivering as her fingers danced over her clit.

The waves of pleasure finally began to subside, leaving Lori in a state of cold sweat and warm afterglow. She panted and smiled, relishing the memory of her experience. She withdrew her wet hand from her underwear, aware that it would require laundering tomorrow, but she couldn't resist a few gentle pats to her plush pussy through her panties.

How could something so little give so much pleasure?



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