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Reduction & Relocation - Mayumi Okamoto

Chapter 8 - A New World Under Her Skin (Jaime)


Jaime was coming from a place where words and even complex, higher-level thoughts barely existed.  It was a truly unconscious experience.  Before words and thoughts–his formal and sophisticated cognitive process–returned to his experience, there was the sound. There was no such thing as a blank canvas...everything started with that sound.  It was rhythmic.  It was haunting.  He felt it in all directions.  He slowly regained the ability to describe it to himself.  He’d woken to the deafening sound and regained his ability to think and feel..and now see.  He opened his eyes, expecting to see his dusty ceiling fan but instead…

“What…..the fuck is….”

Instead of a mattress at his back, Jaime felt something else.  Whatever that ‘something else’ was, he felt it pressing against the bottoms of his feet as well.  And the top of his head.  He felt it against his hips and stomach.  His chest and his face.  He would have thought he was suffocating or drowning, but he could breathe just fine, despite feeling the soft pressure against his nose and mouth. He turned his face and felt the slightest hint of pressure relief, but now he felt an increasing pressure on either side of his head.  It was immense; not in the sense of intensity, but in the sense of scale.

Whatever was applying this gentle force to his face and his whole body was absolutely massive.  He was fully aware now and memories started coming back, and all the while the rhythmic pounding continued.  He raised a hand, feeling light resistance as he brought it up in front of him.  What was he feeling? What was this gargantuan, practically amorphous orb-like behemoth before him? He remembered now.  The spherical god lording over him...

...it was a fat cell.

Jaime felt his hand glide against it.  Its surface was translucent...slippery.  The “filling” underneath moved ever-so-slightly, even condescendingly, as he pushed against the membrane.  A stronger being could have squashed it, caused it to deform, or perhaps even cause the soft, watery gel-like substance inside to violently ripple.  Jaime was not large enough or strong enough.  This fat cell completely dwarfed him.  If he had to guess, he’d say it was the size of a building, but it was very difficult to approximate the size of  a floating sphere.  He felt humbled by it, humiliated, dwarfed.  And there were more.  Good god, there were so many more.

When he’d turned his head earlier, transferring the immense pressure from his face and back of his head to the sides of his head, he’d realized it was because he was quite literally sandwiched between two massive fat cells.  They pressed so firmly against him, and the pressure coming from the top and bottom indicated that he was being pressed from all sides by other adjacent fat cells.  They were eager to meet him, eager to hold him.  Eager to hug him, eager to never let go.

It seemed as if they fought over him, a foreign new toy to play with as he struggled in the cleavage created by their pressure against one another. There weren’t just the few that came into contact with this naked body. There were more than he could count; more than he could count in his entire life.  Like the fans crammed into the standing section of a musical venue, the countless fat cells all pushed and squeezed against another, transferring their pressure and interest through each other and into Jaime.

His sense of sight, smell, touch, and even taste reactivated first, and then came the memories...but the furthest back came first.  He remembered who he was and who he’d grown up to become.  He remembered his family and siblings. He remembered dead end jobs. He remembered broken appliances and hard times.  He understood what he was seeing now because of his returning memory of his last injection.  He’d been injected into a girl’s tricep and had spent his fair share of time surrounded by fat cells.  This, however, was different.  These fat cells were WAY bigger.  Was he back in the athlete’s tricep?  He suspected not, for the rhythmic thumping that surrounded him was in no way recognizable.  As he struggled with his hands to give his face at least a momentary break from the direct contact against the fat cell, his recollection worked forward, and the fragments of his memory were assembling toward a picture of the present.

He remembered being dropped into that incubator.  What a strange sensation it was, to be fully submerged in liquid and still be capable of breathing.  How it worked, he’d never understand but he’d been assured his first time that the fluid theoretically provided enough ARM (Alternative Respiration Material) for several hundred years, drastically outlasting any human that would need it.  He remembered seeing a massive, god-like figure leaning in to observe him.  The God went against everything he thought a god should be, filling his entire field of view and covering him in a dreadful, uncomfortable shadow.  The shadow made him feel uncomfortable and even slightly cold...and then she did things with a pen and paper...things he couldn’t fully observe or understand...and then he was returned to darkness.

And then, days or maybe even weeks later, he saw bright white light eclipsed by the golden crown of the intern who’d held him at her hip and reduced him to the microscopic object he was now.  Had he died? There’s no way someone could survive being shrunk smaller than a freaking atom or whatever, right?  These weren’t the doctors who forced him to shrink.  This must be the afterlife, and was he so lucky as to be permitted into heaven?  He must have been, because these were angels before him.  They must have been.  They were divine, all-knowing Goddesses that were larger and more powerful than even the breathtaking light behind them.  They controlled him and so much more.  Her cherry red fingertips wrapped around his world-sized container, bathing him in bright white light and quickly-intensifying cold.  Both were temporarily halted as he soared through the air at hundreds of miles an hour, ultimately soaring directly into her warm and dark breast pocket.

After what felt like an eternity of uncomfortable shuffling, recognizably the steps of a being impossibly larger than he, he heard the deafening sound of skin against fabric.  Those cherry red fingertips were retrieving him from the warmth and relative safety of her breast pocket. His world rotated 90 degrees. The jarring motion brought him back to his senses.  It brought back the reality of his situation.  He clung desperately to the thought that these were Goddesses, because that would mean they loved him and cared for him.  If it were the alternative...if it was two 20-something women with a sadistic scientific curiosity, he was in huge trouble.  Luckily, the ocean of clear fluid that surrounded him absorbed the impact of him being set down.

He looked up vulnerably at the three towering god-like figures that surrounded him.  Only two of them even knew he existed, and if they’d forgotten, he would be banished to this container amidst this boring chemistry set for the rest of his life.

He heard overpowering, feminine voices in the heavens above him, and he could only barely resolve the syllables.  It was as if it were a language of gods that he, at his diminutive size, could only try to understand.  They were talking about him, that's all that he could surmise.   But then he heard what he thought were the words “Subject J” escaping the titanic Japanese teenager’s cute lips.  He screamed “THAT’S ME!  I’M SUBJECT J!  PLEASE, YOU HAVE TO HEAR ME! YOU HAVE TO HELP ME!”

Jaime tried to listen in on the “godspeak” above him but had trouble following.  It was literally exhausting for him to accept the bass and amplitude.  The language changed from “godspeak” to “movement’ as he felt his world shift and shake.  The blonde intern was now lifting up his container.  He surmised from his previous injection experience that he was being affixed to the syringe that would guide him into the Japanese woman’s massive tit.  He needed more time. There was so much around him to absorb and understand.  There was nothing he could do to delay it, much less stop it. He was along for the ride; it was really as simple as that.   Titanic fingers danced outside his glass container, spinning it on the threading, but he remained still and static in the clear liquid.

Jaime felt himself soaring through the air once more, reaching neck-breaking speeds a being of his size could never achieve on its own. He was in the blonde intern’s hand again, but she was handing him over to someone else….to her.

Jaime trembled as he was raised to the Japanese girl’s curious but unknowing face and he nearly fainted, unable to capture the entirety of her eye in his full field of peripheral vision.  Her iris was a soft brown with radiant hints of amber and green.  He couldn’t possibly put into words how small it made him feel...to see this eye fill his entire world.  It was looking for him, even though it didn’t know what it was looking for.  And nothing made him feel more pathetic than to realize that the goddess couldn’t see him. He was brought so close, his peripherals were filled with white, and at the center was her deep pupil.

He swore he could see her soul and he screamed for her to see his....to see him.  There was never again going to be an opportunity like this one.  There would never again be a chance, so close to the goddess’s eye, to be seen.  He screamed for her to help him. He shrieked for her to cancel the experiment.  He cried for her not to let them inject him into her tit.  Instead, she blinked in slow motion and he watched her eye get smaller. He wasn’t growing, but getting further away from her eye.  Mayumi was done looking for him.  She handed him back to the doctor.

Jaime shouted, flailing his arms and cursing the doctor who lowered him toward the Japanese teen’s ENORMOUS rack.  Nicole was separating the two huge tits from each other and his peripherals were now filled with the color of her flesh. Jaime wanted to cry, this was so different from his last injection.  First off, the woman knew he was going in her tricep, and it was just her tricep! Not some fat, impossibly huge O-cup tit! And the most alarming thing of all, Dr. Walker had forced him to do this.  He wanted to stop.  He wanted to quit.  She would not let him.  What did this mean? Would she make him stay in the Japanese boob longer?

Assuming his tiny little body wasn’t lost forever in all that flesh, would she ever let him out?  His life was in her hands. Those hands, by the way, were so exhaustingly large that it fatigued his mind to try and comprehend their limits.  He couldn’t see those limits and he couldn’t even be fully convinced that they existed.  Did her hand just stretch out into infinity? How far away was infinity?  Was there a meaningful distinction between literal infinity and what his tiny mind could comprehend? Could he have walked the length of the doctor’s hand?  Maybe if he was given days or even weeks. At least they were steady as she lowered him further.  He was now between the gargantuan walls of breast tissue. He felt a bit of inertia, and the flesh surrounding him quaked...he realized the tip of the needle was in.  Horrified, he looked up and squinted under the exam room light.  

Eclipsing it was her.  As horrified as he was, as much as he resented her despite her not even knowing what was happening, he thought she was beautiful.  The light behind her head made her appear to be wearing a halo, she looked like a beautiful, innocent angel. She looked down on him as a goddess would on a mortal being, a fraction of the size, strength, and importance she had in just a pinkie finger.  All three looked down at him completing the process that started days or weeks ago...a procedure that would banish him from the world he’d known all his life, in favor of a much darker, warmer existence that he’d be forced into against his will. 

And then he felt the fluid around him start to drain. He frantically swam toward the wall of his enormous container, trying to look out.  Looking down, he could see the impossibly huge tit through his torturously clear prison, and the shadowy circle around the tip of the needle, indenting into the cushiony flesh. Everything after that was a blur.  He felt his entire world shift to a strange pink color, something he didn’t remember from last injection.  A few miles down, Jaime could see where the wide chamber narrowed and became very dark.

It was where the outside world ended and the world inside Mayumi’s huge tit began.  He kicked his legs furiously to get as far away from it as possible.  He was so cold now, naked and afraid in this terrifyingly large world.  The beautiful women kept close watch of him, and he stared at them, taking in the magnificent sight. He felt at that moment he’d remember their expressions for the rest of his life.  If he’d have been an artist, he could have sketched each of their faces from memory decades from now.  The adorable Japanese woman’s face was that of mild discomfort. He wanted to see pity and misery, as that is what he felt for himself.  A satisfied curiosity and interest adorned Nicole’s face.  

It was an interest he would have loved to see on her face when he was full-sized, but she wasn’t even slightly interested in him until he was small.  And then there was the brunette with the thick, black glasses.  The one with the wise, friendly brown eyes.  The one who had made all this happen.  There was no way someone that godlike could see him now, but she must have been pretending she could for his sake, because he felt it in his soul.  She was looking at him.  He was traveling further down the huge chamber of the needle, closer to the bottom.  The fluid in which he swam was being forced down by the doctor’s powerful thumb.  It was moving much faster now, and the narrowing of the chamber was much closer now.  He swam pathetically away from it, but still the distance closed dramatically.

He was close enough now to see that the chamber didn’t just narrow down into a vague black hole.  Instead it was pink, nearly glowing. It looked almost inviting, and had he not known that it led into an enormous tit, he might have been intrigued or even at peace.  He was anything but peaceful or resolved.  The entrance into her boob, to him, was a dark, foreboding tunnel that was to strip him of his rights and comfort. The light shining down into the gaping hole created just for him.  He wasn’t anywhere near the top of the syringe’s chamber, not that it would have helped.  He’d have spent another half-second outside of Mayumi’s tit.  

The overhead plunger had shortened the chamber such that he was less than 50 feet from the glowing pink hole.  He took one last defeated look up at the golden goddesses.  He cursed the fascination in their cat-like eyes and the slight smirks on some of their lips.  He admired the way their hair hung on the sides of their gorgeous faces as they looked down at him. He lamented his exit from their world.

Jaime looked down between his feet to face his impending reality.  Jaime winced as he broke the plane of the pink glowing hole.  He was technically inside Mayumi’s breast now, but the mighty, thick stem of the needle still had some length left.  His new world had far less light.  He looked up and saw a glowing white hole and he wailed miserably as it shrank, getting further and further away from him as he was forced further down the stem.

The last thing he remembered was bouncing off the edge of the stem, his last contact with the needle before it ejected him into the ocean of fat cells in the teenager’s tit, as if he were being ejaculated.  His consciousness was fading as he watched the needle tip from where he’d essentially been ejaculated begin to retract and disappear so far above him.  The soft clouds quickly rushed in to block its continued ascension into the heavens, leaving him completely alone in complete darkness. The single pinhole of natural light, slightly hinted with pink, completely disappeared and his surroundings shook.

And now here he was. Awake and fully aware of his predicament, but with nothing to do about it.  His nude body glided fluently against the fat cells resulting in little movement productivity, but he was able to make small amounts of progress in moving against them.  Jaime was grateful that they were at least warm. That was something he remembered happening with the tricep injection.  Once immersed in the cluster of fat cells, he was quickly warmed to their pleasant temperature.  He at least knew he wouldn’t have to worry about being cold here in the Japanese girl’s breast fat.

He took a closer look at one of the enormous fat cells conforming around his own slippery body...and then he realized something strange about this experience.  The immense, rhythmic pounding that he could feel echoing in his bones and crowding his consciousness was not the only thing different from his experience in Karla’s tricep.  He could actually see the fat cell.  He could see the jelly-like substance behind the membrane.

In the tricep, it was pitch black, and that made sense.  Why could he see the fat cells in Mayumi’s breast?  Surely there was no light source in the teenager’s tit, but here he was able to see the fat cells around him, albeit illuminated dimly and with a deep red tint.  He looked around trying to understand the source of the red light, but all he could guess was that it was far away.  It was impossible to determine the direction, as the light reflected and bounced off the glimmering, wet surface of the fat cells. All he could assume about this light was that it was not natural. It couldn’t be, right?  He was so far deep in her tit fat, there was no way even a single photon of light could reach him in this particular neighborhood of fat cells.

He picked a direction that he thought might be its source and started squirming and burrowing through the multiple sets of cleavage formed by the fat cells’ various compressions.  Anytime he felt like he was getting some progress though, he’d feel his world jostle and shake.  Mayumi was walking now.  He could tell from how much he was being moved and shifted.  He was forced through the cleavage of his founding fat cells and into the embrace of another cluster...how far away? Who knows.  The direction of the light hadn’t seemed to change so it must not have been that much.

Jaime listened, trying to hear over the rhythmic pounding, and he could hear what sounded like a car engine.  She was driving...probably going home.  She was taking them both home without even realizing it.  It was crazy to think, from her perspective, that someone was in that car with her and she had no idea just how close he was. She was singing in Japanese, probably along with the radio.  She wasn’t in key.

Jaime’s naked slippery body glided over the curved surface of countless fat cells.  He couldn’t attribute his motion to his own efforts though.  Mayumi was walking once more now and that meant that her fat tits were likely bouncing all over the place.  He wondered how many people were staring at them, not realizing that there was a tiny little man trapped deep inside one of them.  Hours passed and he was already starting to build in his own mind a connection between the way her fat cells moved and what he suspected she was doing.  When they suddenly rippled as if being struck by lightning every second or so, he knew she was walking.  When they all felt like they were compressing him tighter than normal, he assumed she was lying on her stomach, or perhaps sitting and resting them on a table.

This was going to be so much harder than last time.  In the tricep, he had barely moved at all because Karla’s arm was in a cast.  Mayumi’s tits were not nearly as confined as Karla’s tricep. Tears formed in his eyes as he cursed the fucked up doctor. She told him that this would basically be the same.  Why would she lie to him?  He wailed and cursed her, but he doubted the miniscule sound waves of his wailing and crying were able to even permeate the neighboring fat cells, let alone reach the goddess’s ears in the outside world. After even more jostling and shifting amongst the tightly compressed lattice of fat cells, Jaime was interested to find that he could see with more clarity than before.  The artificial red light was still somewhere...further away now but somewhere.

But in addition to the artificial red light, he could see what he thought was real, pink light.  He must have been much closer to the surface of Mayumi’s breast now.  Was it the underside?  On the top?  Toward the cleavage or on the outside?  He didn’t know, and maybe never would.  It was somewhat nice being able to see a bit of real light, even if it was only the 1 or 2% worth that the teenager’s breast skin permitted to pass.  He also noticed that it was a bit colder up here as well.  The protective insulation of her tit was less effective the closer he got to the surface of her skin. The pressure was less restrictive up here, and he could see behind him an ocean of fat cells, all clamoring to reclaim him as its neighbor...as if they were a bouncing mosh pit of angry and spiteful big breasted goddesses trying to claim him as a servant.

Up to this point, he’d heard her voice.  He’d heard her car.  He’d heard and felt her footsteps and the way they affected his entire world.   He’d recognized when she was eating, when she was watching TV.  She had spent some time relaxing but now the busy teen was back on the move.  Heading to classes?  Heading to work?  He now knew what the inside of her skin felt like, having somehow bounced his way to the surface so that now the only fat cells he felt were at his back.  The skin was wonderfully soft...not gelatinous like her fat cells, but pleasantly and maternally soft. He heard something he hadn’t heard since Mayumi had left the laboratory earlier that day:

Another voice.

It was a woman’s voice.  They both spoke Japanese so he had no idea what they were saying, but the two women sounded very happy to see each other.  Jaime felt the clusters of fat cells around him compress into him and the deafening sound of friction far above him.  He surmised the two women were hugging.  He was still close enough to the surface that he could pick up on these little cues, like the friction of clothing and even the position of the new woman’s voice relative to his position in Mayumi’s breast.

It was clear that if he wanted to have some semblance of a connection to the outside world, he needed to try and maintain his position near the skin.  The women continued their conversation as Jaime wriggled through the dense fat cell groups, trying to get closer to the skin.  The pink light coming through the teen’s skin was enough now for him to fully see his surroundings, but obviously nothing in the outside world.  He heard that cute female voice announce something loudly in Japanese:


He didn’t know what the word meant, and his mind immediately moved to more important ponderings when his world jostled more, sometimes pulling him in the direction he tried to move and sometimes moving him away...and then everything settled and became eerily quiet...but not for long. He heard a distant voice and his goddess-of-a-vehicle cutely giggle.  Then he heard a kissing sound way above him. Now that same new voice.  It definitely wasn’t the other woman.  It definitely wasn’t a woman at all.  It was a man’s voice.

“Ohhh, Suteki-chan…”

The voice was deep and uncomfortably close.  Jaime could feel the bass of the voice in his bones and then a painfully loud series of kissing sounds, breath, and light groaning, accompanied by the sound of Mayumi giggling. He felt stupid for taking so long to realize what that incredibly loud, rhythmic pounding was.  It was much louder now, and going much, much faster.  All along, it was Mayumi’s heartbeat.

This wasn’t good…

The kissing went on for a few more moments.  Occasionally, Jaime felt extreme compression around him.  Then, he heard a sharp, crisp snapping sound.  Just one.  He had no idea what it was, but then he heard skin against skin.  The consequential movements in Mayumi’s breast tissue were not all that extreme but then his eardrums nearly ruptured as an immense clapping sound reverberated through the network of fat cells.

“What the fuck was that?”

That was when things got really bad.

He heard a light slapping sound on either side of him and then whiplash as he and his neighboring fat cells were hurdled in one direction.  He didn’t know which way it was...whether it was up, down, left or right.  He did know that it was in the direction of that single, very loud clapping sound a few moments ago.

He was waiting for the pressure to relent, but it didn’t.  In fact, it only got stronger.  The fat cells around him were pushing so firmly against his naked body, he feared that he might be absorbed into one of them, imprisoned in that jelly-like substance.  He heard loud and very regular friction where the loud clap had been earlier.  Further away from the skin-against-skin friction sound he was hearing, he heard the man moan.  Mayumi was moaning too.

The jiggling was getting insane now, far more insane than when either the doctor or Nicole had kneaded Mayumi’s breast after the injection.  Far worse than when Mayumi was walking.  The compression was not letting up and yet he was being hurled all over the place.  He guessed that he was nearly positioned at a fat cell cluster that might have been the closest to Mayumi’s skin as possible.  It was clear to him what was happening now.  He was horrified, disgusted, afraid, and above all else, he was humiliated and emasculated.

Jaime frantically tried to get away from the surface.  His skin was cold and the compressed fat cells were practically holding him prisoner, forcing him to experience this...until a particularly powerful jiggle would cause them to lose grip on the beyond-microscopic subject, shifting him to a brand new fat-cell cluster.  He hoped fate would mercifully pull him back down to the depths of Mayumi’s ample breast tissue, but no such mercy was available.  The jiggling and friction was only getting more powerful, the man’s moaning more urgent by the second.  Mayumi’s heart beat was rapid and deafening.  Everything was crescendoing and Jaime thought his head would explode, and then he heard the worst thing he could have ever heard.

“I’m cumming!  I’m cumming, Suteki-chan!”

Jaime thought he’d felt immense pressure before, but everything up to this point was NOTHING compared to what he felt now.  He shrieked at the top of his lungs, “Please don’t!  Please stop!” but the giants out in the real world couldn’t hear him; they didn’t even know he existed.  All of the sudden, it seemed like every fat cell in Mayumi’s massive left breast wanted to hug him, and all that intensity and desire manifested in only 3-4 of them. A pair of building-sized fat cells surrounded him in their cleavage, and if they were goddesses they would have absorbed him into their soft bosoms. Jaime was pressed so firmly into one of the fat cells, he thought it might rupture...or he might be consumed by it.

He heard Mayumi moan and the sound of friction was so rapid it just sounded like one, long, roaring blare.  The man groaned passionately and Jaime’s surroundings near the surface of Mayumi’s left breast went from cold to extremely warm.  Jaime sobbed as the sound of friction slowed down dramatically.  He heard the goddess whose body was his prison softly shush.  He wished she was shushing him, for that would mean not only did she know he was inside her breast but she was comforting him through this humiliating ordeal.  None of that was true.  He heard gentle, tender smacking of lips and Jaime knew she was calming the recovering man.



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