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Reduction & Relocation - Mayumi Okamoto

Chapter 6 - Injection Therapy Prep (Mayumi)


Mayumi nervously glanced downward at her dangling feet as she waited alone in Exam Room A. Her breasts, full and accentuated by the fabric of her canary-yellow blouse, dominated her field of vision, left only the smallest glimpse of her toes peeking out from beneath and they disappeared with every chest-expanding breath she took.

The sunflowers adorning the straps of her flip flops coordinated perfectly with her blouse.  It was not a coincidence; in fact, the plunging neckline of her blouse and attractive flip flops were selected specifically to be worn for the next few OnlyFans video she had planned later that day. Right now however, the mesmerizing cleavage visible through the plunging neckline was to serve a greater purpose…one that would not be nearly as fun as filming a cute, silly video with her large breasts on display.

Wearing clothing like that in public made Mayumi feel confident and special, but it sure did come with a whole lot of attention!  Sometimes the attention was harmless and she didn’t mind it, like when it came from that cute brown-haired boy in the waiting room last week.  Watching nervous boys get even more nervous in front of her was like a cherished pastime. Mayumi almost wanted to laugh at the way his cute, green eyes nearly popped out of his head. Had they done so, they probably would have dove right down her shirt!  He was practically trembling!  She was quite used to having that effect on boys so she barely even clocked him, but she was vaguely aware of him and his struggles...just enough to find it adorable.

There were moments when her substantial curves commanded the wrong kind of attention, leaving her feeling vulnerable and ashamed.

One such disheartening incident had occurred at Sprinkles Bakery. A customer had audaciously crossed the boundaries of her personal space, groping her breasts as if it were an accident and not a disrespectful premeditated plan. The shock and discomfort she felt in that moment saw her wearing her hoodie for the rest of the day. The moment was etched into her memory like a scar.

To make matters worse, much to her astonishment, when her boss had recounted the incident to her parents over the phone, their response had been far from sympathetic. Instead of consoling their daughter, they had directed their anger towards her, as if she were somehow responsible for the transgression she had endured!

The weight of their words had planted a seed of self-doubt within Mayumi's heart. A part of her had started to believe that perhaps she was, in some way, at fault for the attention her body garnered. She questioned whether the way she dressed or carried herself somehow invited such unwanted advances. Maybe she even deserved them.

Her journey into womanhood had begun at an unusually young age, and her breasts had developed with a remarkable fullness that drew attention despite her not being anywhere ready for it. She would have appreciated some guidance from her mother, but she received very little.

The earliest signs of resentment in her mother's eyes emerged on a crisp autumn day when Mayumi turned fifteen. It was meant to be a day of celebration, marked by a mother-daughter bonding experience they’d already embarked on several times over the years: bra-shopping. It didn’t take long for their trip to the mall to demonstrate the stark contrast between mother and daughter–something her mother found a way to ignore until that very moment: Mayumi had already far surpassed her mother in terms of cup size.

The realization was palpable, a silent acknowledgment of the undeniable truth — Mayumi's breasts, already well-developed at a tender age, exceeded even the most generous bra sizes the store had to offer. In the reflection of the fitting room mirror, she watched as her mother's eyes betrayed a mix of emotions — disappointment with judgment…and even contradicting hints of jealousy

It was not just her mother who struggled to conceal her feelings. A defining moment occurred at one of her father's work parties. Mayumi had taken great care in selecting a conservative outfit, opting for a thick turtleneck sweater that should have hidden her ample assets. Yet, as the evening unfolded, the men's eyes seemed irresistibly drawn to her, their gazes lingering on her silhouette.

The car ride home that night was marked by a heavy silence, broken only by her father's simmering anger. He had made it clear, in a voice tinged with frustration, that he held her accountable for the attention her figure commanded. It was her fault, he declared in his own far more brutal words, for possessing such a conspicuously generous bust. The weight of his words settled upon her shoulders heavier than the weight of her breasts…neither a burden she could easily shake.

Despite the complexities and challenges that came with her remarkable physique, Mayumi grew to appreciate and respect her body, embracing both its strengths and vulnerabilities.

As she sat there nervously awaiting the other doctor who she hadn’t met yet, she worried about the pain of the injection.  She worried about what was in it and hoped it wouldn’t adversely affect her.  More than anything, she dreamed about what she would do with all that money they were going to give her.

By the time it would come time to retire decades from now, she would have a very pretty penny set aside, and hopefully would have had the opportunity to live a fantasy life.  All the dreams she’d had as a little girl seemed so far out of reach her whole life because her parents didn’t agree with them, and as the holders of the money, it was their way or the highway.  In fact, it was her parents that had made her free ride to America contingent upon pursuing a degree in business management.  They didn’t even want her to be a business woman; they only believed that the degree would help her in getting a more gender-appropriate position as a secretary. They couldn’t care less about her dreams.

But now, she was going to have the money.  The money wouldn’t change the world overnight, but she had also been told by Dr. Bexley that additional harmless injections and appointments could increase the monthly amount. She had to pace herself.  She looked down at her heaving chest, focusing in on her left breast. It swelled and sank with her breathing.

If others were to come, the first one would surely be the hardest, right? She had to make it through this shot first.

As the minutes ticked away in the sterile confines of the laboratory, the door swung open with a hushed creak, and entering through the frame was a woman Mayumi didn’t recognize, dressed in the crisp, white lab coat.

This newcomer was a few inches taller than Dr. Bexley. A cascade of brown hair framed her face, falling in gentle waves around her shoulders, the rich hues reminiscent of polished chestnuts. Her choice of eyewear—an oversized pair of glasses with thick, black frames, bestowed an air of intellect and sophistication upon her. Behind those lenses, her eyes were deep pools of wisdom that appeared just friendly enough to feel safe around. Her most prominent feature, undeniable even beneath the lab coat, was her ample bosom. While not as generously endowed as Mayumi's, after all very few were, her curves were still a force to be reckoned with.

As she stood there, poised and resolute, it was evident that this was no ordinary scientist. This must be her, the legend herself. The other half of RR Laboratories.

This must be Dr. Katie Walker.

“Hi Miss Okamoto.” Dr. Walker introduced herself.

“It’s so nice to meet you, Dr. Walker.” Mayumi said, accepting Dr. Walker’s handshake.  “And you can call me Mayumi.”

Dr. Walker made quite an impression on Mayumi from the very moment their hands met. The Japanese woman’s massive breasts swayed and rippled in response to the movement of her arm during the handshake, the flesh dancing erratically. Mayumi had grown accustomed to this curious phenomenon; her breasts, their size undeniably large, had a presence that could not be ignored.

This bodily response was not limited to gender; men and women alike often found their gaze drawn to her jiggling curves, their eyes lingering as if caught in a gravitational pull.

The brunette doctor kept her pretty brown eyes, shielded by her thick-framed glasses, fixed on Mayumi’s face.

Returning her soft hands to her denim lap, Mayumi twitched nervously and stared at her dangling feet, her back arched nervously in the fully inclined chair.  Dr. Walker took a seat on one of the low-top stools and started leafing through a pale pink manilla folder.

“So right now, we are just waiting for my assistant to get here with the supplies for today’s injection.” Dr. Walker said politely, to which Mayumi nodded her head.

Mayumi suspected that the doctor could tell she was nervous.

“So what do you do for fun, Mayumi?” Dr. Walker asked.

Her pretty brown eyes turned to the ceiling as she thought about how to answer and how detailed she should get.  The person asking the question often dictated her response.  For example, she didn’t dare get too specific to her parents.  She’d learned as a young teenager that talking about her hopes and dreams would result in laughter at best, and ire at worst.

“I umm….I like to cook and bake.” Mayumi said, guarded and brief.

“Oh yes…” Dr. Walker said, reading from the file, “your paperwork here says you work at the Sprinkles Cupcake Bakery.”

Mayumi smiled politely, nervously pushing some of her short, brown hair off her slender, fair cheek and tucking it behind her ear. Her right breast jiggled subtly as her right hand fell forcefully back to her lap.

“Yes, but I don’t really consider what I do at Sprinkles to be cooking and baking. At least not the kind that I want to do.”

Mayumi was caught off guard at just how much of Dr. Walker’s attention she had.  The brunette doctor seemed genuinely interested, leaning in toward her patient, “What kind of cooking and baking do you want to do?”

If the breasts confined to Mayumi’s shirt were as rebellious as the dreams confined behind her lips, she would be topless right now. The starry-eyed Japanese teenager nearly burst.

“Well, for starters...I want to host my own cooking show!  One where I travel the country..here in the US and also back in Japan where my parents live.”

The doctor smiled, appearing even prettier. Mayumi felt her heart soar.

“That sounds wonderful, Mayumi!  What a great dream.  I think that accomplishing something like that is not only possible, but with this extra income you’ll be receiving for Injection Therapy, I’d say it's a certainty!  Assuming you can cook, that is!” Dr. Walker added playfully.

Mayumi erupted into a frenzy of giggles, the sheer magnitude of her ample curves causing her big breasts to sway and dance in a playful rhythm. It was a mesmerizing sight, one that held the power to captivate those who bore witness to it.

Dr. Walker responded with a polite smile. Her gaze remained steadfast on Mayumi’s face, somehow magically able to resist even stealing a peek at her captivatingly large chest. It was a true testament to the doctor’s unwavering focus and professionalism and it made Mayumi respect her that much more.

She knew herself to be more than just the bearer of two awe-inspiring O-cup breasts and in the young doctor's presence, she felt a glimmer of hope that Dr. Walker recognized that as well. It was as if she were being seen for the complexity of her being, the layers beneath the surface of her skin and mammary tissue.

As their conversation meandered, Mayumi found herself opening up further to Dr. Walker, sharing her dreams and aspirations with a sense of vulnerability. She spoke of her longing for a future that included motherhood, the prospect of raising children, and settling down with a kind, successful man.

Mayumi joked that as big as they already were, having children would only make her breasts that much larger with the JAV industry.

“Popular with whom?” Dr. Walker asked.

Mayumi froze up, realizing she’d said too much.  She considered lying to cover her tracks but she felt a trust for Dr. Walker.  She had mentioned her OnlyFans to Dr. Bexley, but that was all playful, cute stuff!  Sure, boys probably played with themselves when she’d post her harmless videos.  The one she’d showed to Dr. Bexley last time started with her smiling big into the camera, saying “Hi everyone, it's me Suteki-chan, and I’m gonna do the ‘nose-to-wall’ challenge”.

She’d then show, while trying not to giggle, that she couldn’t touch her nose to a wall without her big boobs getting in the way.  Mayumi shot the camera an overexaggerated pout and frown, her breasts completely deformed with nowhere else to go, flooding out near her armpits. Even then her nose was nowhere near the wall. The videos were harmless, and she didn’t even use her real name!  Suteki-chan was something her first boyfriend called her back in Japan years and years ago...it meant ‘gorgeous’...and it seemed like a good choice for an OF handle.. The JAV stuff she did on the weekends was a different story though.  She wasn’t by herself in those videos, and there wasn’t a whole lot up for interpretation.

The doctor jotted down some notes in her file. She was so wonderfully supportive, it made Mayumi feel completely at ease with her. “I think that if you’re comfortable, you should keep doing it! You’ve got a wonderful body and a beautiful face, why not use them to your advantage?”

Mayumi blushed and smiled, looking down at her feet. She looked up quickly at the sound of the door opening.  Another woman entered the exam room.  She looked to be about Mayumi’s age, maybe a little bit older.  She had thick, flowing blonde hair that reminded Mayumi of the American movies she’d watched as a little girl.  The Disney ones with beautiful, blonde princesses.

The blonde had big, stunning, sparkling blue eyes that reminded her of clear summer skies in Japan with her family.  The blue-eyed, blonde-haired Disney princess wore a paper-thin lab coat with something in the breast pocket and she carried a stainless steel tray adorned with several items. She recognized some gloves, something that looked like a barcode scanner, paperwork, and…

Mayumi cringed.

...a needle.

Being afraid of needles made this overwhelmingly difficult, but Mayumi did her very best to ignore it and instead focused on the future.

“Thanks, Nicole.” Dr. Walker said. “You can just set the tray down next to Mayumi.  Mayumi, this is Nicole. She will be assisting in the injection today.”

Mayumi raised her right hand and waved cutely, fidgeting with the bottom of her blouse. The teenager observed Nicole’s celebrity smile, filled with pearly white, perfectly straight teeth.  Too quickly, the Disney Princess’s big, soft lips rushed back in to conceal those pearly whites as the pretty blonde in a lab coat returned her attention to the tray.  As Nicole leaned toward Mayumi to set the tray down, Mayumi noticed that Nicole’s breasts were quite eye-catching.  They appeared around the same size as Dr. Walker’s, possibly a little bigger but certainly not larger than her own.  Again, it wasn’t surprising; most didn’t even come close to O-cups.

The Japanese teenager gave one more quick head-to-toe scan of Nicole...as most women do...and her big, curious brown eyes narrowed in and then fixated on the object protruding from Nicole’s breast pocket.  It looked cylindrical and small, kind of like a contact lens case, but one that’d be meant for a single contact.  The Disney Princess’s large breasts didn’t leave a lot of slack in the chest area of her lab coat; consequently, the cylinder was pressed quite firmly between the cheap cotton and her right breast.  Cherry red fingertips reached into the stretched breast pocket and pulled the small thing out, setting it down next to the needle.

Mayumi leaned toward the tray, her breasts swelling against her sunflower-yellow shirt. She saw now that the cylindrical container was clear and threaded on the bottom.  It was filled with a clear liquid and there was a tiny pink label with small scribbles.

“What’s a ‘SUBJECT J’?” Mayumi asked, reading the label.

Nicole looked down at the label and then back up at Mayumi.  “Oh, that’s just how we categorize the injections...it's to make sure we don’t get them mixed up.” Nicole said with a smile.

“That’s a really big needle!” Mayumi said with stress and fear.

It was true, the stem of the needle was not very thick but it was quite longer than she expected.

“It's just a standard needle, Mayumi.  I understand it looks intimidating but I promise you will be fine.” Dr. Walker said, patting Mayumi on the shoulder as she put on gloves.

“It's important that we get the area ready for injection.” Dr. Walker asked, slowly moving her gloved hands toward Mayumi’s chest. “May I?”

Mayumi nodded.

Dr. Walker carefully pulled away the plunging neckline of Mayumi’s top and with one hand, began to gradually scoop the Japanese teenager’s incredibly large left breast out of its confinement.  The mammoth mammary’s expanse defied the conventions of normal anatomy.  The sheer scale of her breasts was awe-inspiring.  Despite their tremendous size, Mayumi’s breasts seemed to defy gravity, refusing to yield to the oppressive weight of the world, not sagging nearly as much as one might expect.  They were massive and yet still orb-like. Almost perky.

The significant size of her breasts was yet another positive for Mayumi.  Comparing the sheer volume against the teaspoons of liquid destined to be injected into her breast made her feel better.  It was such a small amount of fluid for such a large mass of flesh and fat.  It was this stark difference that made her worry only about the pain and not about what was inside that clear liquid, if anything. Whatever it could have been, it’d surely be lost in her massive left breast.



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