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Reduction & Relocation - Mayumi Okamoto

Chapter 5 - Everyone Makes Mistakes [Emma]


Emma stepped into Exam Room A, her heart racing as she balanced an arranged tray of medical instruments. Dr. Walker had not looked up, her full attention on a strange device that Emma did not recognize. She’d seen a lot of intriguing gadgets during the course of her internship but she couldn’t remember seeing this one at all, piquing her curiosity even further.

As she surveyed the room, her gaze fell upon a captivating sight: a young woman, approximately her age, climbing up onto the reclined examination chair. Emma immediately recognized the thick, athletic young woman from the photo in her manilla folder–the one she’d browsed through earlier that week, wishing that there were photographs of the injection site.

It was none other than Gabby herself. Gabby….and someone else that no other woman in that room could see.

Emma’s fascinated eyes were drawn to the alluring contours of Gabby's body. Her curly brown and blonde locks framed a visage of understated beauty. She was gorgeous in a simple, nearly innocent ‘girl-next-door’ sort of way, but it was the curves that demanded Emma's attention. As Gabby settled into the chair, Emma couldn't help but notice the snug embrace of her orange nylon shorts accentuating her ample posterior. The pronounced outline of her thong teased at secrets hidden beneath the fabric. Emma's pulse quickened as she observed every detail until the Informed Participant plopped down, a delightful ripple surging through her bare thighs.

The reclined chair, now tilted at a comfortable 60-degree angle, seemed almost like a throne for Gabby, who exuded an undeniable allure as she distractedly adjusted the front of her shirt to properly cover her stomach after all the movement. Emma knew that her day in RR Labs was about to become infinitely more interesting.

“Gabby, this is Emma Parker.  She’ll be assisting me with your Injection Therapy today.” Dr. Walker said, looking up from the strange device just long enough to notify Gabby of Emma's presence. “You can set your tray down on the other side of Gabby and have a seat, Emma.  We’ll be starting shortly.”

As Emma approached, she couldn't help but note the way that Gabby’s ass splayed out so widely on either side of her hips.  Her voluptuous derrière was a masterpiece, curving outwards in a way that defied reason and exemplified her natural and genetic aptitudes for RR Labs’ experiments. The pressure of her weight against the chair had transformed her rear into a wide-splaying, mesmerizing landscape of vibrant, tangerine-hued contours.

Emma set her tray down and lowered herself into the chair beside Gabby. Their eyes met, and a spark of camaraderie mixed with an electric tension seemed to pass between the two of them.

Save for the quiet sound of clicking plastic, the room fell into a hushed, expectant silence, the air thick with anticipation. Dr. Walker, her gaze finally rising from the intricate equipment before her.

“Okay! Let’s take a look at last XXX’s injection.” Dr. Walker said, expertly squeezing a generous dollop of petroleum jelly onto her gloved fingers.  “Go ahead and lift your shirt, if you don’t mind.”

Dr. Walker inched closer as Gabby slowly lifted the front of her shirt, the brunette  doctor’s eyes locked onto Gabby's exposed stomach.

As Dr. Walker scrutinized the area, her voice dripped with admiration, "The injection point has healed so flawlessly; it's as though it was never there." Her face drew nearer still, their breaths mingling in a dance of intimacy. "My notes indicate that it's to the left of the navel."

Gabby lowered a single finger, adorned with chipped nail polish, about two inches to the left of her charming "innie” belly button.

“I’m pretty sure he’s about here, doctor.”

With a gentle press, Gabby’s fingertip sank into the plush padding of her stomach, the softness yielding to her touch with a seductive sigh. Her stomach, though not taut, boasted a line-towing softness that was undeniably inviting.  She met Dr. Walker's gaze with a beguiling smile, her eyes alight with a knowing spark.

She sat slightly hunched forward, a posture that would make a normal stomach look chubby; it was a pose that only a truly confident woman would choose to own while exposing her stomach.  The plush, endearing protrusion of her belly was simply impossible for Emma to look away from as Dr. Walker generously applied the petroleum jelly.  How could she look away–considering what she knew was buried under that thin layer of belly fat.

“We do this…” Dr. Walker said, speaking not only to the College Sophomore holding her shirt up but also the relatively new intern staring in fascination. “...so that the device can more accurately fixate on the subject.”

Dr. Walker then lowered the device she’d been configuring atop the injection site on Gabby’s stomach. The device looked to Emma like one of those handheld wands that ultrasound technicians hold to women’s bellies when they’re pregnant.  Gabby must have made the same connection, going as far as to make a joke about Dr. Walker looking for her baby, which all three women had a nice laugh over.

The device did nothing as it glided over Gabby’s smooth belly.  When the sensor arrived about an inch south of Gabby’s healed injection point, the device came to life.  It began chirping and lit up, flashing just once with a green light.

“Bingo.” Dr. Walker said, tapping one of several buttons on the device with her thumb.  She pushed her glasses back up her short button nose and looked at Emma. “If we get 2 beeps and red light, it means the subject was successfully recognized but he did not survive the immersion.” The three women stared down at the device anchored to Gabby’s belly.


Three distinct beeps emitted from the device along with a flashing blue light, and Dr. Walker smiled.

“Is that good?” Gabby asked, staring down at her bare belly.

“Yes it is.” Dr. Walker said with a smile, using her free hand to open a compartment on top of the detecting device. “It means that the subject is alive and well.”

“That’s just so crazy...he’s been in there for like 2 months.” Gabby said in disbelief.  The College Sophomore ran two fingers over the injection point. The shadow circling Gabby’s fingertips darkened as she pressed into the soft flesh.

Emma’s heart skipped a beat.

“It’s actually been 3 months as of last Monday.” Dr. Walker corrected. Into the opened compartment of the scanning device, she inserted a cylindrical, transparent chamber.  Affixed to the end of the chamber, clear to Emma as Dr. Walker readjusted her grip on the device, was a small needle. The compartment lid snapped shut and the tip of the needle retreated quickly into the smooth, curved surface.

Dr. Walker placed the device back over Gabby’s belly, precisely where the subject had just been located.  It lit up in a spectrum of new vibrant colors as she made very slight adjustments in placement.  With a practiced precision, Dr. Walker moved mere millimeters and Emma could see that the colors were flashing quicker and quicker until finally they were solid.

Emma swallowed hard.

“You’re going to feel a quick pinch and a bit of discomfort,” Dr. Walker warned. “But it will be over VERY quickly.”

Gabby’s flip-flops danced above the floor as the nervous girl coped with the stress of the discomfort. Careful not to move the device anchored to the College Sophomore’s belly, Dr. Walker slowly pressed the button.

If you’d have blinked, you might have missed it.

The device whined in an ever-increasing pitch that sent a shiver of excitement down Emma’s spine high-pitched frequency, but only for a second, as the tip of the needle plunged out and into Gabby’s stomach, through her skin and just deep enough into the layer of her subcutaneous fat.  To the untrained ear, it might have seemed like a single, unremarkable sound, but not to Emma. Her keen senses discerned two distinct notes, one of the needle extending into Gabby’s flesh and the other of the needle retracting back into the device.

And then that was it.

Dr. Walker's voice, filled with pride and admiration, broke the silence that followed. "You did great, Gabby," she praised.  Gabby’s and Emma’s eyes both became fixed upon the handheld device that Dr. Walker now cradled in her lap. Emma broke her focus and remembered she had a job to do.  Ever attentive and eager to assist, the intern swiftly cleansed the retraction site on Gabby’s tummy with an alcoholic swab and tenderly applied some gauze. The doctor carefully opened the concealed compartment from earlier, unveiling the small chamber nestled within.

"Here, Emma.” Dr. Walker handed the precious cargo to Emma, her eyes alight with a mixture of curiosity and astonishment. “Set the subject down next to the tray for now."

Emma's hazel eyes widened as she accepted the miniature chamber.

"He's... in here?" Emma asked, her voice a breathless whisper, a sense of wonderment dancing in her gaze and the warmth below her beltline growing stronger.

She couldn't help but bring the tiny reservoir up to her eye level, her curiosity getting the better of her. Gabby, too, leaned forward to peer inside, her right cheek nearly pressing up against Emma’s freckled left cheek as the two girls shared the space, trying with all their focus to locate the tiny subject. Dr. Walker's soft laughter filled the room, a melodic accompaniment to their shared awe.

"Yes," the brunette doctor confirmed, her tone tinged with amusement and soft laughter filling the room. "But I have my doubts about whether you girls will be able to spot him in there."

Emma couldn’t help but wonder how confused and disoriented the tiny little subject was.  How must it have looked to him–to have two curious young ladies peering in at him?  It must have been a little scary; she wondered if he was grateful for the thin plastic barrier that protected him from the big scary world.

It was time to set the recently retrieved subject down.  And just in time too, Emma was beginning to lose interest.  Her focus was looking ahead to something even more exciting.

"Alright, ladies. Normally, we'd conduct a thorough screening of our extracted subject before we send him on to the next phase of Injection Therapy. But Gabby has a soccer practice to attend in just two hours, and we wouldn't dream of keeping her waiting, would we?”

Gabby smiled.

“If you don’t mind,” Dr. Walker said to Gabby. “Please remove your shorts and make yourself comfortable, lying down on your stomach."

Gabby’s rear was a masterpiece of feminine allure, large and shapely, yet undeniably athletic. It was the kind of butt that commanded attention, inspired admiration and most importantly as far as Emma could say, it was the perfect home for an injectable subject.

Gabby gracefully complied, hooking her thumbs into the stretchable waistband of her tight orange shorts.

Gabby squeezed out of the incredibly snug confines of her bright orange shorts. The fabric clung to her curves as if it were a lover that defied separation. With each inch of exposed skin, it became abundantly clear just how generously endowed she was in the posterior department. The shorts reluctantly slid down her legs, bringing her black thong along for the ride down her thick thighs.

She slipped her bare feet out of her gray flip flops, the chipped, partially grown out shimmering paint on her toes catching some of the cold clinical light overhead.   She allowed the orange shorts and black thong to fall atop her flip flops.  One of the flip flops peeked out from Gabby’s bottoms, showing off five slightly discolored circles near the thong, decreasing in size from left to right.

Her left buttock, large and spherical as its sister was, may as well have held an opposite magnetic charge to Emma’s gaze.  She simply could not look away from the generous proportions and dreamy curvature.  She might have alternated, looking between the left and right, but it was only the left cheek that had Emma’s attention.

After all, it was the left cheek that would become the recently extracted subject’s new home very soon.

"So, Gabby," Dr. Walker started, adjusting the examination bench with deliberate precision. "As we discussed on the phone, we'll be re-introducing the extracted subject to your body. This time, he will be injected into the underside of your left buttock."

Gabby nodded as she gracefully mounted the examination chair. With a sultry confidence, she positioned herself face down on her stomach, her breathtaking bare bubble butt bouncing and quaking with the wide motion of her hips. The mere sight of her prodigious posterior was enough to leave Emma spellbound.

As Gabby lay face down, her colossal derrière still experienced the residual, echoing effects of her abrupt movements. Her immense, jiggling ass cheeks faced the ceiling with a gravity-defying allure.

Dr. Walker expertly attached the recently extracted subject's chamber to a gleaming new syringe, a vessel already filled with a cloudy, pink liquid that shimmered with an otherworldly luminescence. She pressed a button that caused the pink fluid to mix with the subject’s chamber.

Dr. Walker’s brown eyes, deep as the darkest chocolate, narrowed intensely on the syringe as she carefully purged it of any errant air bubbles. The tip of the syringe descended like a poised artist's brush toward the expansive, curvaceous landscape of Gabby's left butt cheek.

Dr. Walker reached out and took a full, daring grasp of Gabby's ample left glute, her short fingers almost comically cherubic in comparison to the behemoth cheek.  Four fingers and a thumb sank deep into the supple flesh.

The needle, with its long, slender tip, descended like an artist's brush, drawn to the expansive and curvaceous landscape of Gabby's left buttock. It was a canvas unlike any other, and Dr. Walker unlike any other artist. The needle appeared to meet no resistance as it kissed the cushion of Gabby's plush butt cheek, gliding seamlessly into the fleshy mass. Once the stem of the needle was at the appropriate depth, Emma licked her lips in anticipation as Dr. Walker's gloved thumb hooked around the syringe and gently pressed down on the plunger.

The merged fluids embarked on a singular path, traveling through the slender stem of the needle and deep into the plush expanse of Gabby's monumental left ass cheek.

As soon as the empty needle came out, Dr. Walker quickly placed a small square of gauze over the injection point.

“Everything okay, Gabby?” Dr. Walker asked.

“Mm-hmm!” Gabby said, her hair bouncing as she nodded and then returned the side of her face to her folded hands.

“Great!  Okay, Emma.  Let’s check to make sure the subject is properly immersed in Gabby’s buttock. Apply the petroleum jelly and perform the scan.”

Nervous anticipation mixed with a powerful, flowering passion as Emma’s fingers delicately worked the petroleum jelly into Gabby's colossal butt cheek, her touch gentle yet deliberate. As much as she wanted to just grab that big cheek with both hands and jiggle it all over, Emma focused her efforts on the small injection point, ensuring that it was well-coated and ready for the scanner device.

Dr. Walker's guidance and explanations were a lifeline for Emma as she navigated the complexities of the handheld scanner device. Emma hung onto every word of instruction from her mentor, determined to execute the procedure flawlessly.

The moment of truth arrived as the handheld device emitted a soft chirp, signaling its successful location of the subject deep within Gabby's ample butt cheek. Emma's heart swelled with pride and accomplishment as she peered at the device's screen, a triumphant smile gracing her lips.

"Looks good, Dr. Walker!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with a blend of excitement and relief.

Dr. Walker leaned over to take a look at the device herself and echoed Emma’s sentiment.  “Perfect.  Do you remember what comes next?”

Emma nodded enthusiastically.  “I do!  Disruption!”

“That’s right!” Dr. Walker chuckled, seemingly taken aback by Emma’s enthusiasm.   She rested a hand on Gabby’s lower back.  “Gabby, you’re going to feel Emma’s hands on your buttock and then she’s going to shake it with high intensity.  If you remember from your last round of Injection Therapy, we do this just to make sure that the subject is fully settled into the fat cell structure of your glute.”

“Okay.” Gabby said, wiggling her hips atop the table.  “Shake away, Emma.”

‘You don’t have to tell me twice.’ Emma thought as she rested both hands atop Gabby’s expansive left glute.  It was so big, there was plenty of space for both of the young intern’s hands.  She then proceeded to jiggle and shake the large butt cheek like it had never been shaken before.

“That actually feels nice.” Gabby said, her voice skipping and jumping as the motion of an ass cheek as large as hers sent rippling waves through the rest of her body.

“Okay, that’s good Emma.” Dr. Walker said.  “Normally we’d recheck his immersion level but that was some intense shaking!”

Emma blushed. “Thanks, doctor.  Just..umm…doing my job is all.”

Dr. Walker smiled, lowering a hand to the surgical tray Emma had brought in earlier and lifted the other syringe.  This one looked similar to the other but the previous syringe had a pink label; this one had a blue label instead.

“Now we’ll be doing the other injection, Gabby.” Dr. Walker was speaking to Gabby but looking at Emma, making sure that she understood what was happening.

‘What?!  OTHER injection?!?!’ Emma thought, her heart jumping into her throat.

“The injection into your left buttock contained only the subject that had resided in the fat of your stomach for the past three months.”  Dr. Walker explained. “This injection will be in your right buttock, and it will contain 10 subjects.”

Dr. Walker handed the syringe to a wide-eyed Emma who hesitantly accepted. As if the revelation that an additional 10 subjects would be calling Gabby's big jiggly butt home wasn’t enough to give Emma butterflies, the idea of doing the injection herself might have been enough to put her into cardiac arrest!

Emma mouthed the words, “Me?!”.  Dr. Walker smiled and silently nodded.

Emma's gaze remained fixed on the needle, her nerves palpable in the quivering of her fingers. Holding a syringe with a single subject inside had been intriguing enough, but now, in her trembling grip, she clutched not just one life, but the fates and futures of ten individuals reduced to microscopic proportions. She had never felt so powerful in her entire life and if she wasn’t so nervous about messing up, Emma would have loved every second of it. The enormity of the responsibility weighed heavily upon her, a thrilling and mind-bending sensation that sent shivers down her spine.

The rush that coursed through her was nothing short of electrifying. It was a heady cocktail of trepidation and exhilaration, an intoxicating mix of science and the profound implications of their work. In that moment, Emma felt as though she held the very keys to destiny in her hands. Her fingers, though short, possessed a newfound purpose, as they cradled the syringe with an unspoken reverence.

Beneath the layers of her lab coat and shirt, her body responded to the intense arousal and power that had taken hold. Her nipples were stiff and her cheeks were red.

Following Dr. Walker’s lead, Emma positioned her trembling fingers to press the plunger. The air was meant to be purged slowly, but her anxiety, arousal, and inexperience led her to push too forcefully. The consequences were immediate and chaotic.

Droplets of the precious content burst forth from the needle's tip, arcing through the air unintentionally.

“Oh, shoot!”

Panic seized Emma, and her grip on the needle faltered, setting off a disastrous chain of events. In her desperate attempt to prevent the needle from falling, her efforts only worsened the situation. What might have been a few harmless droplets now splattered in several directions as the syringe rotated erratically in Emma’s unsteady hand.

The intern’s heart raced. She couldn't count the droplets that had scattered across the floor, but she was acutely aware of the consequences. Dr. Walker, in an involuntary reaction, blinked as at least one droplet splattered against her glasses. Emma, too, felt a droplet make contact with her lower lip.

In the midst of the chaos, the needle slipped from Emma's grasp, tumbling toward the unforgiving linoleum floor. Miraculously, it remained intact, saved from damage only by the cushioning presence of Gabby's discarded flip flops and orange nylon shorts.

Dr. Walker removed her glasses to inspect the rogue droplet adhered to the lens. Emma, overwhelmed by embarrassment and the weight of her mistake, dropped to her knees in an attempt to retrieve the fallen syringe. The syringe found an undignified rest amidst the scattered clothing.Her face flushed crimson, and her eyes glistened with the threat of tears. Emma clumsily gripped at the syringe, momentarily pressing the glistening tip against the sole of Emma’s flip flop before finally picking it up.

"Gabby, please give us a moment," Dr. Walker calmly requested, her hand gesturing for Emma to follow her into the hallway. Panic gnawed at Emma's insides, the dreadful certainty that her career with RR Labs had come to a screeching halt. Once they were safely out of the examination room, the floodgates of anxiety burst open, and Emma's tears flowed freely.

In the solitude of the hallway, she let her distress pour forth, her sobs echoing in the hushed corridor.

“Dr. Walker, I’m SO sorry! I was just nervous, I didn’t mean to do that!” the young intern wailed.

Dr. Walker, her demeanor a stark contrast to Emma's emotional turmoil, reached out and gently gripped the young intern's shoulder, offering a reassuring anchor amidst the storm of emotions. Her voice, like a soothing balm, cut through the chaos of Emma's distress.

"Emma, please calm down," she urged, her tone calm and sincere. It was a revelation for Emma, who couldn't quite believe what she was hearing. "I'm not angry," Dr. Walker continued, her gaze steady and reassuring.

Emma's misty eyes widened in disbelief. "Really?" she managed to utter, her voice trembling with a mixture of relief and surprise.

Dr. Walker offered a warm smile, nodding in affirmation as she casually reached for a handkerchief in her back pocket.  to wipe away a stray droplet that had splashed onto her glasses. "Really. It was an honest mistake," she reassured Emma, wiping away the stray droplet from her glasses before promptly returning the handkerchief to her back pocket.

"Sometimes, in the world of science, unexpected things occur.” The brunette doctor quickly looked around to make sure the two of them were alone in the hallway.

“Let me share a little secret with you—don't repeat this to anyone, especially Dr. Bexley. On our very first Injection Therapy session, Dr. Bexley accidentally misjudged the clearance of liquid during a procedure on the Participant.  Her name was Sabrina. Anyway, Dr. Bexley did the same thing you just did, ejecting too much fluid from the syringe.  Instead of the subject being injected into Sabrina's glute as intended, we lost him—permanently, between Sabrina's buttocks. Our retrieval and monitoring tech wasn’t as advanced as it is now so we couldn't detect or trace him. We had to dismiss Sabrina for the day and find a new subject."

Emma sniffled, wiping her nose with the sleeve of her paper-thin lab coat.

"We never did recover that subject. It wasn't the end of the world back then, and it's certainly not the end of the world now." Dr. Walker continued. “And we had Sabrina back in the chair and a brand new subject injected into her glute mere days later.”

Emma smiled and wiped the tears from her cheek.

Dr. Walker broke the silence, a compassionate smile gracing her wise face, “Now, let’s see how many we have left.”

Emma’s hand was still shaking, but her grip on the syringe was strong.  Dr. Walker scanned the syringe and read the printout.

“Okay….the detector is telling me we only lost 6 subjects.  That still leaves 4 subjects to be injected into Gabby’s right buttock.  See, Emma?  Everything is fine.”

“Can we recover the others?” Emma asked timidly. “Since the recovery tech is better now?”

“Unfortunately, no.” Dr. Walker said.  “The scanner works through either direct contact with flesh or when we slip the syringe into this little pocket like we just did.  We have some prototypes in development for loose recovery but they are not very high priority, unfortunately.  Even if this scanner was capable of detecting loose subjects, the time spent searching for them would be better spent on other lab endeavors.”

“I’m still really sorry, doctor.  I promise nothing like this will happen again.” Emma said, grateful for Dr. Walker’s forgiveness.

“We’ve got more injectables, Emma. Please don’t be so hard on yourself.” Dr. Walker smiled and patted both of Emma’s shoulders.  “Let’s get back in there and finish the injection so Gabby can get to practice.”

Dr. Walker re-entered the room, and Emma followed closely behind. But just before stepping back into the examination room, a peculiar memory surfaced in Emma's mind. It was the droplet that had landed ever so delicately on her lower lip during the syringe incident. Through the torrent of tears that had streamed down her face, that minuscule droplet had clung tenaciously, somehow defying gravity.

Emma's heart raced with a mix of anticipation and curiosity. With a deliberate and almost sensuous motion, she savored the moment, allowing the droplet to linger on her lower lip for a heartbeat longer. Then, with a slow, deliberate sweep of her tongue, she captured the tiny droplet, guiding it into the warm cavern of her mouth.

She took her position with Dr. Walker next to Gabby’s exposed backside with a fire between her thighs, running her tongue around the inside of her mouth...imagining the incalculable number of ways that tiny little droplet and any potential stowaways might have dissipated in the dark, humid cavern that was her mouth.

With unwavering determination, Emma steeled herself against the alluring currents of pleasure and power that coursed through her body. The young intern held the syringe with a steady hand, fully aware that nothing could distract her from the mission–not even the primal, carnal sensations that threatened to consume her.

Emma directed her focus, guiding the syringe's tip to the underside of Gabby's voluptuous right butt cheek. The sheer magnitude of the glorious curve and the darkening shadow around the intruding tip took her breath away.

With the precision of a surgeon and the determination of a scientist, Emma injected the four remaining subjects deep into the fleshy, pliant fat of Gabby's ample buttock. Each subject was released into the embrace of the soft, yielding tissue, destined for a life within the mesmerizing expanse of her huge posterior.

Dr. Walker's voice, tinged with approval, broke through the intense moment. "Good job, Emma.”

With deliberate care, the doctor's skilled hands descended upon Gabby's right ass cheek, its sheer size necessitating both of her short yet capable hands to fully encompass it just as the left cheek did.

Emma followed suit, kneading the left cheek as Dr. Walker kneaded the right.

She didn’t have to disrupt the flesh of the left cheek again…but she so strongly wanted to.

She squeezed and pressed, flattened and kneaded, poked and rubbed.  She forced Gabby’s huge left cheek up against her right cheek, lengthening the cleavage created by their contact.  Once all done, Gabby sighed, “Well, that was lovely.  It was like a massage at the end there!”

As Gabby gracefully rose from her reclined position, her bare feet contacting the tile floor, she began dressing herself.  Emma’s perceptive eyes followed her every move.  With a subtle sway of her hips, Gabby began by retrieving her cotton black thong, followed by the snug orange nylon shorts.

As both ascended her long, thick thighs, Emma noticed an almost imperceptible wet spot nestled discreetly on the inner fabric of Gabbys shorts.  Emma could not determine where along the College Sophomore’s body the barely noticeable moisture would align and it would soon disappear from her field of view as the wrinkles and creases of the orange fabric flattened out, stretching as much as it could to accommodate the curvature of Gabby’s large butt.

As the young intern busied herself with intern-related cleanup tasks while Dr. Walker jotted notes in Gabby’s file, Emma made sure to keep a discrete, observant eye on Gabby’s every move.  Gabby’s cute foot slid atop the gray sole of her flip flop. Her chubby toes scrunched and wiggled into their designated position, forcing the gray thong between her big and second toe.  It would have been an undeniably dull act to any typical person watching, but Emma knew something no one else did.  She learned it when she’d picked up the syringe from Gabby’s clothing.

The tiny droplet of water that landed atop the toe section of Gabby’s flip flop had mostly evaporated, hopefully leaving behind whatever might have been immersed in that liquid to stare up in horror and wonder at the College Sophomore’s godly toes. The location of that drop was seared in Emma’s mind, as was its disappearance under the College Sophomore’s innocent, scrunching toes.

Dr. Walker did a final check on both syringes to confirm all subjects were successfully injected.  None remained in any of the syringes so the only place the remaining 4 could be was in that giant, swaying ass packed so tightly into those orange nylon shorts.  Emma watched in amazement as it shook and swayed with each step.  She wondered if Gabby normally walked with such a victorious swing in her hips or if the teenager had felt some kind of subliminal or blatant confidence boost.

“So how many are in my butt then?” Gabby asked, her shorts so tight that the cleavage between her buttocks was prominently on display.

“One in your left buttock and ten in your right.” Dr. Walker said, winking discreetly at Emma.

“So crazy.” Gabby said, her hands tracing over her impressive glutes and gently patting them.  “But if they’re going to be in a butt, it may as well be a big one!”

Long after Gabby's big jiggling booty was out of Emma’s view, it had hardly left her mind.  She wondered what it must be like for those subjects, immersed in all that ass fat.  She pictured Emma sitting in class on that big booty, learning from her professors while the subjects learned out to live in her cheeks.  She pictured Emma on a beach blanket with her girlfriends, tanning on their stomachs while scoping out hot guys...and she wondered if the subjects would feel the heat of the sun through all that fat.  Emma giggled at the realization that each of Gabby’s butt cheeks may as well have been the size of the sun to their tiny little residents. She figured if they were near the surface of her huge cheeks, they might be able to feel it...but the ones buried deep in her ass fat probably couldn’t...but who knows?

Emma snapped out of her curiosity when Dr. Walker congratulated her on how well she did. Dr. Walker then went to meet Gabby at the receptionist’s desk to schedule her follow-up appointments.

Emma was on cloud nine. The only thing that would have made the day even better would have been if she was on the list as support for the injection taking place tomorrow morning.  Some big-breasted Japanese girl was coming in first thing in the morning and Emma had briefly considered scribbling out Nicole’s name and adding her own.

No way she was going to risk losing such an incredible job with such incredible women though.  It wasn’t an easy decision...to do the right thing.

She’d seen the boy they were going to be injecting into those massive tits.  He had brown hair and green eyes, just sitting in that waiting room...and she could not stop thinking about him disappearing in all that tit flesh. She had to be strong. There would be other injections to witness.  Still, she would absolutely be reviewing tomorrow’s post-procedural notes.

The moment that Emma finished cleaning up Exam Room A and returned the spent supplies to Logs, she rushed to the women’s restroom, locked the door, and began masturbating.



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