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Reduction & Relocation - Mayumi Okamoto

Chapter 3 - Jaime's Reduction Therapy Session (Jaime)


“The extra small petri dish will do just fine, Nicole.” Dr. Walker said loudly enough for her voice to carry over to the other side of the room.

Nicole Kingsley returned from the storage cabinet, elegantly shuffling a strand of her golden  blonde hair away from her pretty blue eyes, walking quickly to rejoin the well-endowed brunette doctor and the apprehensive subject. Jaime's attention was drawn to the petri dish she carried. Cradled in the delicate hand of a stunning blonde intern, the dish appeared minuscule, scarcely larger than one of the several vibrant cherry-red fingernails securely gripping it.

Upon entering the room labeled "REDUCTION THERAPY," Jaime had possessed the stature of a full-sized man, surpassing the heights of both these women with ease—a temporary advantage, if one could call it that; if only he had the confidence to acknowledge it. As he contemplated the imminent future, he envisioned his departure from the Reduction Therapy room, shrunk down so incredibly small that he’d fit within that diminutive petri dish like an ant on a football field. It was not lost on the nervous Jaime that the task of carrying that dish, soon to be his vehicle and vessel, would likely fall upon the same captivating blonde intern who currently stood beneath his temporary, towering presence.

Nicole Kingsley seemed to barely register Jaime's presence, though he was no stranger to being overlooked by drop-dead gorgeous women. Over time, he had become accustomed to the sensation of being overshadowed by their beauty. Jaime had a huge problem with putting women on pedestals above him.  He’d done it his whole life with so many women and with Nicole, it was no different. Her appearance seemed to fit the archetype of a woman who had genuinely earned the nickname of "Princess" from boyfriends, parents, and teachers alike. The very essence of her being exuded a regal, aura that seemed unironically fitting for a Goddess.

Nicole's hair, a cascade that boasted the hue of sun-kissed blonde, flowed down her shoulders in a manner reminiscent of golden waterfalls. If ever there was an embodiment of a fairytale princess, it was Nicole Kingsley. She was poetry of an ethereal quality, oblivious to things like Jaime that were clearly less than her.  Her tresses caught the cold, clinical light of the lab and somehow converted it to a soft, warm halo atop her golden crown.

And those eyes—crystal-clear, they held a depth akin to the endless ocean. A single gaze into those captivating pools was enough to lose oneself in the expanse of their blueness.  He imagined those crystal blues pushing him over the edge as he would try his best not to cum.  Now THAT was a fairytale for sure! Imagining Princess Pouty Lips deep-throating his thick, throbbing cock. She almost certainly was a prom queen, almost certainly dated the most popular boy in school.

“Do I have to get into that thing again?” Jaime said, pointing toward a behemoth of a device, spaghetti-like cords and conduits...lights and computer screens. It was a large, intimidating machine surrounded by caution tape.  Everything about it looked shiny and new.

Dr. Walker looked at it in the corner of the room, a hint of regret etched in her voice as she addressed the issue at hand. “Unfortunately, we’re having some problems with the Sizer’s micro-reduction profile. In response, we’ve requisitioned one of our portable contingency units from storage!” Dr. Walker pointed to the device on the floor next to Nicole’s feet.  “Rest assured, its functionality remains intact and comparable to the standard Sizer unit; albeit, the process will demand a few supplementary steps.”

A surge of apprehension coursed through Jaime’s senses, entwined with a looming trepidation.  The device resembled a large dog crate but with plexiglass instead of metal bars.  There were strips of sodder and green circuit boards running up in asymmetric patterns over all 4 sides and the top, partially obstructing his view of the “dog-crate enclosure’s” interior.

A single misstep, a casual brush, or an accidental tug…and the fragile harmony of those interconnected circuits could be disrupted.  The idea of inadvertently disturbing the intricate soldering and crimping triggered a wince from Jaime, fearing not only the wrath that might rain down from these beautiful, driven women for breaking their equipment…but also fearing what the machine’s faulty operation could mean for him.

Atop the “dog crate enclosure” was another smaller enclosure.  It looked just like the dog crate in that it was decorated with a chaotic, tangled mess of circuitry however it was much smaller–perhaps around the size of a breadbox, maybe a little smaller.

“This is for the last session, right Dr. Walker?” Nicole asked, picking up the tiny “breadbox” device.  While the two women were occupied by the compact enclosure in Nicole’s hands, Jaime’s gaze predictably fell victim to the subtle curvature of Nicole’s womanly physique.  It wasn’t fair.  The two women could discuss and exist as if Nicole’s ample bosom was not accentuated by the tight-chested lab-coat and partially exposed thanks to an unbuttoned top button.  Jaime was a slave to his senses. He was just grateful that Dr. Walker, who’s chest appeared to be even larger than Nicole’s, was not exposed lest he might be reprimanded for drooling.

“Yes, Nicole” Dr. Walker watched Nicole spin the device in her fingers and then frowned.

Jaime broke his eye contact from Nicole’s cleavage long enough to notice what the brunette doctor was looking at: one of the LEDs on the Breadbox Enclosure was blinking red.

“Oh dear, it looks like that one needs a charge.  Why don’t you go ask Dr. Bexley to sign out one of the fully charged ones from Logs?” Dr. Walker.

“Sure thing, Dr. Walker.” Nicole said, not even looking at Jaime as she stood up and walked out.

Dr. Walker stood from the table and looked at Jaime. “Well, shall we get started?”

“Okay.” Jaime said nervously.

“Just like last time, we’ll need you to remove all your clothing.”

Jaime remained sitting.

Dr. Walker crossed her arms over her large chest.  “Are we still nervous?”

Jaime nodded his head. “I’m….still gonna do it, doctor.  I need the money..but yes, I’m still nervous.”

“Mr. Pendergraft.”  There was more than a hint of impatience in Dr. Walker’s voice. “I thought I put you at ease on the walk over here from the waiting room.  Breast injection is not all that different from the tricep injection you’ve already undergone.  Sure, Karla’s tricep was almost completely stationary but the average woman’s breast is not exactly as...dynamic as your fear suggests.  I might also add–the average woman’s breast is not composed of much more subcutaneous fat than the tricep.”

“Not true for the one I’m being injected into.” Jaime said.

Dr. Walker froze where she stood, tilting her head. “...what?”

‘Oh fuck..’ Jaime thought.  ‘Maybe I shouldn’t have said that.’

Jaime didn’t know Dr. Walker very well, but seeing a woman of her intellect confused was jarring.  He was grateful to see the blonde intern re-enter the Reduction Therapy Room, a new Breadbox Enclosure in hand emitting a solid, bright green flash.

“Isn’t he supposed to be naked?” Nicole asked Dr. Walker.

Dr. Walker snapped out of her curiosity and replied, “Yes...yes he is.”

She returned her gaze to Jaime and sternly said, “Go ahead, Mr. Pendergraft.”

Jaime started disrobing under the watchful eye of Dr. Walker.  Nicole, however, was not watching...not out of any decency or respect, it seemed.  More likely she was preoccupied with the procedural manual for the Dog-crate Enclosure or the Breadbox Enclosure.

“I’ll do the first inspection and you can do the second.” Dr. Walker said to Nicole, who looked up from the technical literature just long enough for fleeting acknowledgement in the form of a smile .  Dr. Walker proceeded to inspect Jaime’s entire body.  She informed him she was checking for scrapes or abrasions.   Any scrapes or abrasions would need to be covered by petroleum jelly or else there could be, as she put it, ‘inconvenient complications’.

After a very thorough and at times invasive screening, Dr. Walker cleared Jaime for reduction.

Jaime found himself completely naked on his hands and knees, crawling into the “dog crate” enclosure, careful to avoid the spiderwebs of green, orange, pink, and purple electrical and low-voltage signal wire.  Once in, there was enough space for him to sit with his legs crossed.  Dr. Walker instructed Nicole on how to shut the latch, lock it, and press the correct keys to initiate the sequence.  Jaime felt very vulnerable, hugging his knees as he watched the two women outside his enclosure fiddle with the buttons.

“So you’ve set the target reduction to the minimum value of 1’-6”...now you just press the red button and it will give us 10 seconds to step back.” Dr. Walker said matter-of-factly.

Dr. Walker looked into the enclosure as if she were a stern owner peering in at a crated puppy dog.

“We’re about ready to begin, Mr. Pendergraft.  Just do your best to stay still and stay calm. It’ll be over shortly.”

Dr. Walker’s attempt at bedside manner left something to be desired, but no matter–it was practically interrupted as Nicole excitedly pressed the red button and a few rhythmic chirps sounded.  For the first time, Jaime now had Nicole’s complete and undivided attention, the blonde intern princess now watching him very closely.

When the gentle whirring of servo motors, pounding of flipping relays, and shining of lasers had ramped up to full speed, Jaime looked up at the woman watching him from outside the Dog-crate Enclosure.  He sat there naked, hugging his cramped knees as the temperature inside the enclosure increased.  He had watched Nicole press the button that would reduce him and she had done it with such an unforgettable eagerness.

Jaime made eye contact with the young blonde intern standing over him and although most of her face was obscured by her pronounced, white, shelf-like rack, he could still see her eyes.  They displayed an interest in him that was entirely absent just minutes earlier.  Was it pleasure in those crystal blue eyes? Was it amusement?  Was it superiority?  They were stepping back away from him now.

It was a confusing mix of pleasure and pain to undergo Reduction Therapy.  It was a feeling Jaime thought he’d remembered but as the surges passed through his naked, dwindling body, he realized he’d forgotten the full extent...the warmth and cold pulses, the flood of endorphins and emotions...the fear...and then all of the sudden it was over.  The machine chirped to indicate it had finished.

“Okay, the first phase of Reduction Therapy appears to have been successful.” Dr. Walker said, nudging Nicole toward the Dog-crate Enclosure. "Now go ahead and remove him like we practiced.”

As the impending moment unfolded before him, Jaime's emotions intertwined with an undercurrent of apprehension, his gaze locked onto the towering intern’s voluptuous figure approaching the enclosure's door. The blonde presence cast a long shadow, an emblem of both his anxiety and her magnitude.  The latching mechanism yielded to her grasp and with a measured grace, she lowered herself, adopting a squatting position that aligned her with the entrance into which Jaime's gaze was fixed.

Even in a full squat, the blonde intern was so much larger than him.

"Are you going to come out, Mr. Pendergraft?"

The question, marking the first time that Nicole had spoken directly with Jaime during this whole endeavor to date, wandered beyond cordiality and flirted with the cliff’s edge of bratty and self-absorbed annoyance.

In a synchrony of movement, the blonde intern navigated the space around her, the elegance of her actions softened by the gravity of the situation. Nicole adjusted her squatting stance, bringing her knees to the ground as she positioned herself lower to the ground, still lording over him.

The details of the blonde’s feminine anatomy came into Jaime’s focus and caused the shrunken man to tremble. The expanse of her thighs, formidable and intimidating, took on new dimensions as they splayed and swayed with the fluidity of her movements. Now on her hands and knees, her exposed cleavage was positively mind boggling.

‘Fuck, Nicole is so stacked…’ Jaime thought, shying away from the behemoth blonde.  “...and just one of Mayumi’s tits is probably bigger than both of Nicole’s!  How am I going to do this??’

“I’m not ready!  Staaaahp!” Jaime whined pitifully.

Jaime had felt a huge hand circle his calf, the fingers easily wrapping around it in its entirety. He was blown away by the strength he could feel.  He looked up to see those crystal, ocean blue eyes narrowed in on him.  Nicole wasn’t rough; she used just the right amount of strength to pull him out, but it was strange...he could feel the sheer strength behind the mild action.  He could sense how she’d barely tapped into her muscular strength to remove him...completely against his will.

“Now, Nicole..usually we give them a moment to piece themselves back together.  Reduction can initially be traumatizing.”

“Okay, Dr. Walker.  I’ll keep that in mind for next time.”

Jaime struggled to comprehend the drastically shifted scale of the world around him. Not least shocking of all was how much strain he’d put on his neck to look up at Nicole’s face so far above him, the protruding white shelf of her chest, the underside painted in shadow that only someone of his stature could truly marvel at.  As Jaime’s gaze traveled back downward, he recognized the undeniable reality: he barely reached the height of the intern's knees—knees belonging to a woman standing at a mere 5 feet 2 inches.

A breath later, Jaime’s senses were startled by the sensation of large fingers sliding in under his armpits.  And then Jaime was lifted with an unexpected grace, power and speed that defied the norms of physics…at least as he incorrectly understood them. Suspended within the air, he ascended to meet the level of the young intern's beautiful face. An uncertain wonder filled the spaces between his thoughts of fear and emasculation.  Those crystal blue eyes were inspecting him thoroughly and up close—was that truly a smile adorning her lips as she held him aloft?

This unanticipated elevation was more than just a physical ascent; it was a brief return to the world up at the normal-sized women’s eyelines. Jaime’s senses were flooded by the proximity of her presence. He grappled with the surge of sensations coursing through him as her warmth, scent, and youthful yet motherly presence surrounded him.

"He looks okay, Dr. Walker," Nicole said.

His slight, naked form found easy support anchored firmly upon her wide hip, the contours of his lower body nestling against the embrace of her lab coat as her gloved hand effortlessly supported his bare bottom.

The oceanic hue of her eyes captured his attention, drawing his gaze into a spellbinding mosaic of blue. Within their depths, he discerned not only hints of green but a spectrum of emotions—power, fascination, perhaps even a subtle trace of amusement. Her gaze was intense yet utterly understated. At times, he found himself averting his eyes, as if the depths of her attention held an allure too potent for him to confront directly from such a close proximity.

“Great,” Dr. Walker said, pressing some more buttons on the dogcrate enclosure, getting it ready for the next session.

“While we wait for it to recharge for the second session, let's get him over to the table.” Dr. Walker said.

Jaime's discomfort was palpable and obvious, a weight that bore down upon him as he struggled to navigate this emasculating experience of literally being carried like a toddler by Nicole. The gap he sought to create between himself and the striding intern was more than just a matter of physical space—it was an attempt to reclaim a semblance of autonomy, a fragile grasp on the threads of his former stature. His hands, outstretched against the canvas of her lab coat, did little to create that space as they simply sank into the womanly softness of her upper body.

His reduced form was anchored against her hip, an intimate proximity that underscored his helplessness. The juxtaposition was jarring—the towering intern and his diminished presence held in place by so little of her strength reserve. The fabric of her lab coat provided a veneer of separation, but beneath its thin layer lay the contours of her body, softness concealed by the mundane textile. With each step she took, the gentle bounce of her movements created a hypnotic rhythm, her steps seeming to resonate with the vibrations of his thoughts completely absorbed with comprehending her commanding presence.

Her fingers, adorned in vivid cherry paint, pierced through the aqua glove, their vibrant hue a stark contrast to the subdued surroundings. It was a gesture that encapsulated his surrender, his wrists clasped between her digits, his resistance rendered futile.

Jaime whined pathetically at his newfound weakness and Nicole reflexively shushed him as she lowered him from the soft anchor-point of her body onto a cushioned surface about the height of the women’s stomachs.

He laid upon what resembled a baby’s changing table, and Jaime thanked god that it only resembled one.  Once he was set down on his back, Dr. Walker used her fingers to hold Jaime’s arms up over his head.

“Okay…your turn, Nicole.” Dr. Walker said to Nicole, both women towering over Jaime as if they were two mothers tending to a child.

Nicole then thoroughly and invasively inspected Jaime’s entire body to make sure no abrasions or tears developed as a result of the first Reduction Therapy session.  Jaime gasped as Nicole slid her fingers in under Jaime’s balls.  The blonde intern cupped them gently, completely encompassing them in her grip.  Then, using her thumb, Nicole scooped Jaime’s cock downwear, including it into her grip and she gently squeezed everything all at once.  It didn’t appear to hurt Jaime but it certainly made him squirm uncomfortably.

“I thought Reduction Therapy was supposed to reduce everything proportionately.” Nicole said, continuing to circle her thumb over Jaime’s tiny cock and scrotum as if they were a pocket-stress-ball.

Dr. Walker leaned forward, casting a shadow over Jaime as her impressive form eclipsed the bright, overhead surgical light. The sterile scent of the operating room mixed with the delicate fragrance of her perfume as her brown eyes squinted behind her thick-framed glasses.

The two massive women focused their attention on Jaime's small anatomy. Nicole used her gentle touch to maneuver Jaime's genitals, turning his cock to different angles for assessment, finally nudging it straight up under the surgical light, continuing to support its pointing with her thumb.

“I think his genitals were reduced more than the rest of him.” Nicole commented curiously.

Jamie gasped as Dr. Walker joined in, her gloved hand gently encircling Jaime’s shaft and applying a controlled but uncomfortable degree of pressure for evaluation. Jaime weakly pressed his hands against Dr. Walker’s fingers but Nicole was very quick to shoo them away.

Then, with a composed grace, Dr. Walker straightened herself, resuming her full height over Jaime, momentarily blinding Jaime by the other intense light above Dr. Walker’s head.

Dr. Walker's words, delivered with the matter-of-fact clarity that defined her, broke the tension. The echo of her assessment reverberated in the room, a clinical observation that contrasted with the multifaceted experience of the examination itself. The interplay between the personal and the professional, the tactile and the clinical, created a tableau that encapsulated the complex dynamics of medicine, human interaction, and vulnerability.

“I agree they appear quite small for his frame and I must admit that I did not pay close attention to his size during the first inspection, but I’m fairly certain that his reduction was proportional throughout his body.” Dr. Walker said bluntly.  “Mr. Pendergraft’s penis size was already well below average prior to Reduction Therapy.”

“Oh, I really didn’t look but that would make sense.” Nicole said, continuing her inspection of Jaime. “Ooo, found one.”

Jaime wasn’t sure what Nicole was referring to until he felt the pain of her rubbing the sore area, demonstrating her discovery to Dr. Walker.

“Good catch, Nicole.” Dr. Walker said proudly.  “Minor abrasion on the left buttock.  We really need to pad the floor of those enclosures.”

Nicole slathered her left fingers up with petroleum jelly and used her right hand to lift both Jaime’s ankles high into the sky.  Jaime whimpered as Nicole, under Dr. Walker’s recommendation, lathered up his entire ass, just to be safe.

When the inspection was finally over, Nicole scooped the exhausted and thoroughly humiliated Jaime back up off the small table and took him toward the Dog-crate Enclosure–they weren’t done with him yet.

“I can’t do this...I really can’t.” Jaime started to say.  Nicole hushed him and rocked him against her body.  Normally the softness of the female body might have awoken a primal desire to be comforted and coddled but the nuzzling of Jaime’s body into Nicole’s large chest had the opposite intended effect.

“What can’t you do, Mr. Pendergraft?” Dr. Walker asked.

“I can’t go in her tit...it’s too big! I’ll die in there!” Jaime squeaked, pawing pathetically at Nicole as she stopped in front of the enclosure.

“You’re not going in Nicole’s breast, Mr. Pendergraft.” Dr. Walker sighed.  “She’s just setting you up for the final reduction.

“I know!  Not her!  Mayumi!” Jaime wailed.

Dr. Walker gasped, her eyes darting quickly to Nicole and then back to Jaime. “How do you know that name, Mr. Pendergraft?”

“I heard you on the phone!  You said her name and then I saw her in the waiting room!”

Dr. Walker hesitated for a moment.  Things had changed in this moment...drastically.  Jaime could feel the uncertainty in the air.  He didn’t know Dr. Walker very well but there was something very disturbing about the way the wheels in her head were spinning.

“Can it be someone else?  Someone with smaller tits? Or somewhere else entirely?” Jaime bargained. “It’s okay if its less money! I just can’t go into that Japanese chick.  Not those huge tits!”

Jaime was frantic and inconsolable; Nicole held him tighter, his face practically nuzzled between her breasts.

“You will be injected into Mayumi’s breast, and that is final.” Dr. Walker said firmly.

“No!  I’ve changed my mind!  I don’t want to do this anymore!” Jaime wailed, pulling his face from Nicole’s rack long enough to get half his sentence out; the rest was absorbed by Nicole’s ample chest.

Nicole looked up from the emotional naked man on her hip and up at her boss, as if silently confirming the course of action.

“We will not be turning back now.” Dr. Walker said calmly.  “Nicole, put him in and commence the next phase of reduction.”

Instead of trying to get away from her, Jaime was now trying to wrap his tiny arms around Nicole, ironically fighting to remain in the safety of her bosom.

“Noooo, don’t!” Jaime shouted.

Nicole effortlessly ripped his naked body away from hers.  She tried to gently place him in the enclosure but he kept squirming and struggling out...she had no choice but to roughly shove him in.  Nicole had the latch shut and the red button pressed before he was able to stand back up.  Jaime no longer had to hug his knees in the Dog-crate Enclosure.  He could stand fully with room over his head, maybe even enough to jump.  Jaime banged pitifully on the plexiglass as the machine whirred up and the women watched.



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