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The Ride to School

“Parker, get the heck up!”

“Where’s the fire, Chloe?” Parker mumbled sarcastically, his eyelids refusing to part as he pulled his plaid blanket over his face.

A loud stomp of his younger step-sister’s bare foot rattled the framed posters on his walls and the concert memorabilia decorating his dresser, scaring away any remnant of deep, dark sleep waiting within Parker to be rediscovered.

Blurry at first, Parker’s vision began to clear.

Turned out there was a fire. Two of them.  He could practically hear the crackling of the bright flames in Chloe’s eyes.

“Get up, you buttmunch!” Chloe wined with a practiced, incessant entitlement. “I’m going to be late.”

“For what?” Parker asked, his mind still fuzzy from a long night of sleep.

“Stop messing with me.” Chloe growled, stomping her bare foot once more.  It wasn’t Parker’s intention to stare, but he couldn’t help but notice the way Chloe’s large chest jiggled in response to her bratty stomp.  She did nothing to hide her cleavage when going to school and she did even less to hide it around the house.  He’d mostly trained himself not to stare, but he was only a man…and what man could resist a huge set of tits jiggling right in front of you–even if they’re attached to someone you can’t stand?

His senses were coming back, promptly violated by the bratty teenager’s heavy footfalls and overloaded by her perfume and the strong scent of her signature strawberry chewing gum.

“Seriously…what for?” Parker grumbled, wiping his eyes and scratching his neck.

“Ummm…..how about for SCHOOL?” Chloe oozed sass and attitude.  As she cracked her gum, the strong scent of its signature strawberry flavor tickled Parker’s nostrils.

“Don’t you usually ride with…umm…the red-headed chick?”

Chloe crossed her arms over her huge chest, raising an eyebrow. She appeared sincerely offended by Parker’s forgetfulness.  “Her name’s Kelly.  She got a speeding ticket so her dumb dad took her car away.”

“Well…I’m pretty sure there’s a perfectly good bus right around the corner that’d be happy to–”

“--uhhh…excuse me but are you friggin’ serious right now?” Chloe interrupted, disgust evident and over exaggerated on her young, deceivingly innocent-looking face. “You expect me to take a bus to school?”

“Uhh…yeah.” Parker replied, pulling his plaid blanket over his face.  “I did it all through high school and so can you.”

“You took the bus because you HAD to.” Chloe replied, ripping Parker’s blanket away and tossing it onto the floor.

“What the hell, Chloe!” Parker said.

“I don’t have to since you’re here and you have a car.”

“Well, now I’m not doing it on principle.” Parker said, grabbing his blanket up off the floor.

Chloe’s upper lip curled as she raised her phone to her face, not breaking eye contact with Parker. “Siri, call Mama.”

Parker rolled his eyes.

Chloe was already beginning to sniffle as the phone buzzed, and by the time Parker could hear the faint voice of his step-mother on the other end, Chloe had turned on the waterworks. He closed his eyes and rolled over, away from Chloe.  He could hear her quivering, tear-ridden voice clear as day but his stepmother’s contribution to the conversation was indiscernible.

“Hi Mama…I’m sorry to call you at work but–”


“No, everything’s fine…I mean, everything is MOSTLY fine.  It’s about Parker.  He’s trying to make me take the BUS!”


“Yes, he’s saying he won’t drive me!”


“No, he’s just laying in his bed.”


“I tried!  He still won’t get up!  I even said please!”

“Such a liar.” Parker said, shaking his head.  His heckling didn’t seem to affect Chloe.

“He’s being so mean to me; and he’s going to make me late and I’m going to get a tardy!” Chloe wailed.


Yeah…he literally made me cry…so can I do it now?” Chloe asked.

“Do what?” Parker asked, rolling over to face Chloe who now had tears streaming down her cheeks.  “What are you always asking her to let you do?”

Chloe didn’t offer a response, she only mouthed an obscenity at him and continued her discussion with her mom.  Parker recalled several occasions in the past few years of Chloe vaguely asking her mother’s permission to do something.  It sounds like a strange thing to remember, but Parker connected the occurrences of the question with behavior that Chloe did not appreciate.  He could trace the first occurrence of the question back to Chloe’s 16th birthday.  He’d played a completely harmless prank of having the party DJ play a special recording.  The recording was of Chloe singing in the shower and it was received with much ire and disdain by Chloe.

He could still see her angry, freckled face looking over to her mother.  That first time, the question was a little more specific.

“Mama, can I do it now that I’m old enough?”

Parke’s stepmother, appalled by Parker’s behavior, patted her princess on the shoulder. “Sweety, we talked about this...”

She crossed her arms over her chest and pouted, “Well, can you at least ground him?”

Chloe had asked the question several more times since her 16th birthday party, always at moments when she was upset with Parker.  But she’d never actually done anything, far as Parker could tell, so he assumed that whatever it was, his stepmother wouldn’t let her do it.

“Come on, Mom!” Chloe said.


“No, I don’t even care about that now…I want–”


“Fine.” Chloe said, rolling her eyes. There weren’t many people out there that could defeat Chloe so decidedly–one of them was her mother–and the look of defeat looked so strange on her face.

“Here.” Chloe said flatly as her phone landed with a soft thud on Parker’s bare chest.

“Hey Mom.” Parker said.  He could see Chloe becoming even angrier.


“You’re such a bad driver.” Chloe said.

“You haven’t looked up a single time from your phone.” Parker said defensively.

“I don’t have to…you’re turning all sharp and braking too fast.  I’m jerking and bouncing all over the place.” Chloe said.

Parker couldn’t help himself.  He set his arm atop the passenger seat and looked over his shoulder to check for cars as he was changing lanes.  As he did so, he just couldn’t help himself. He stole a quick glance at Chloe.

She was definitely right. She was bouncing all over the place for sure.  He was sure that if he’d have hit that last pothole just a little faster, her fat left tit would have popped right out of her low-cut shirt.

“Mom said that if I drove you today, you’d have to be nice and–”

“--stop calling her Mom,” Chloe said. “I don’t care how long you’ve been living with us. She’s MY Mom…not yours.”

“Okay..well thank god we’re here then.” Parker said, stopping roughly and putting the car in park.  “See you later.”

Chloe’s gaze drifted toward all the students hanging out front of the school before the bell.  Her eyes were trained on a group of girls in their cheerleading outfits.

“Listen…Parker…” Chloe said, looking back at Parker with soft, puppy-dog eyes.  “I’m sorry that I was mean this morning.  I really do appreciate you driving me to school.”

“Oh god..” Parker said, rubbing his eyes.  “What do you want?”

“I want you to give my friend Kelly a call.”

“Uhh…for what?”

“Cause she likes you.”

Parker looked over at the group of cheerleaders.  “The one who got the speeding ticket?”

“Yes, she was talking about you in the locker room earlier this week and I think–”

“--no, can’t do it.”

Chloe’s eyes widened in disbelief and the most convincing expression of betrayal and agony that a teenage girl could muster. “What?! Why?”

“Umm…first of all, I’m 21 and she’s like 17.”

“She’s turning 18 in like….6 months!” Chloe said.

“Okay, whatever..she’s in high school.  It’d be weird…and plus, I’m also not really into redheads.”

“Please, Parker. Pretty, pretty, pretty please?” Chloe said. She clasped her hands in prayer which forced her elbows in, compressing firmly against the hefty outer wall of each breast and forcing them together.  “She thinks you’re super handsome and is crushing on you sooooo hard.  I told her I would talk to you and if I walk up there without having set you two up, then she is going to be heartbroken.”

Parker couldn’t believe how effortlessly this girl could go from bratty demoness to the sweetest girl in the world.  The trick seriously almost worked on him. Too bad he’d known Chloe for way too long and been on the receiving end of her sassy attitude too many times to fall for it.

“Since when do you care about your cheer zombies being heartbroken?” Parker said. “Didn’t you sleep with one of their boyfriends?”

Chloe clutched her chest and gasped. “For your information, he slept with me!  Just because I was okay with it doesn’t mean that I betrayed her or anything!  I care about my friends…”

Chloe paused for a few moments, “...but it’s also important for regionals.  If you break Kelly’s heart, it might affect her performance.”

“Regionals?” Parker let out a loud, hearty laugh.  “You want me to date your friend to boost morale?”

“I’m the cheer captain…it’s my job to keep morale high.” Chloe replied.

Parker laughed harder.  “And it’s my job to help you?  Sorry, cheer captain. I’ll be sitting that one out.”

“I swear to god, Parker…” Chloe said. Her voice was gasoline igniting as it seeped through her clenched teeth, “I literally hate you.”

Chloe stormed out of the car, slamming the door with a force greater than Parker thought possible for her short, cute frame.

Can I do it Now?

Parker rested in the living room watching TV, a bag of potato chips resting on the couch cushion next to him when the front door exploded open.  Parker was sure that it was some kind of burglar or murderer at first.

‘Ugh…’ Parker thought. “...even worse.”

“It’s all your fault!” Chloe said, marching promptly up to Parker. “You literally ruined my life.  Do you know that?”

“What?  What’s my fault?” Parker asked.

“We lost regionals! Kelly wobbled during the pyramid, the judges hated it, and then we came in second place to stupid Ridge River High!”

“I’ve been sitting here watching TV,” Parker said.  “I don’t even know what a pyramid is.  Is that why this is my fault?”

“NO!  This is your fault because you wouldn’t call Kelly!”

“How would that be my fault?” Parker scoffed.

“Cause of morale!  I friggin’ told you and you wouldn’t listen!”

“You’re kidding me, right?  That was a week ago.  There’s no way–”

“--I’m literally so friggin’ done with you I can’t even stand it.” Chloe said, pulling her phone from her pocket.  “Siri, call Mama.”

“Mama, Parker is literally ruining my life…again!”

‘God she is so dramatic.” Parker said, unable to control a chuckle that only seemed to make Chloe more angry.  She explained everything to her mother.  She explained Kelly’s crush on Parker.  She explained Parker rejecting Kelly even though Chloe asked him ‘super-nicely’ to just give her a chance for the sake of the cheer competition.  She then explained how they lost..and how Parker could have prevented all of this but he didn’t because he wants Chloe to fail.

Chloe normally tossed the phone to Parker but this time, after a few moments pause as Chloe’s mother spoke, Chloe set the phone to speaker.

“Can he hear me, sweetheart?” Brenda asked.

“I can hear you, Mom.” Parker said exasperated.

“Is that all true, Parker?”

“Everything except for the parts about me making them lose and wanting–”

“--Parker,” Brenda said firmly. “Is it true that you rejected Chloe’s friend even though you knew it could affect your sister’s competition?”

Parker was caught off guard by his step-mother’s tone and question; Chloe seemed to really enjoy it.

“I mean…I…I didn’t REJECT her.”

“No, you made Chloe do it.” Brenda said coldly.

“Mom, I’m not going to date a high school girl; she’s not even pretty.”

There was a long silence from Chloe’s phone before her mother spoke up.


Chloe’s ears perked up at the sound of her mother’s voice. “Yes, Mama?”

“Anything you want to ask me?”

A look of confusion sprouted across Chloe’s face, her brow wrinkling as she thought.  And then…a look of devious, mischievous hopefulness.

“Umm…can…I do it…now?” Chloe asked.

“...yes, honey.” Brenda said. “You can do it now.”

“Thanks, Mama!  I’ll call you later, kay!  Enjoy your business trip!”

Chloe parted her extraordinary breasts and slid her phone deep down into her cleavage.

“What can you do now, you weirdo?” Parker asked impatiently.

Chloe smiled and took a seat on the couch, his bag of potato chips crunching loudly under her weight.

Parker would normally have shouted or pushed her off, but he was completely absorbed in her gaze.

Were her eyes always purple?

Did they always glow like that?

“In twilight’s hush, where fates align,

A spell of change, a twist of time.

From figure tall to squarish small…”

Parker watched Chloe's index finger making a continuous circle and then his eyes crossed to follow her fingertip as it gently tapped the tip of his nose.

“Strawberry delight enthralls us all.”

Parker felt a strong, invasive wave of strawberry flavor wash over his tongue and palette.

His arms and legs sucked up painfully into his torso, swallowing his hands and feet as his clothing fell off around him.  He toppled over, void of any balance–a limbless torso with a head.  It was only for several seconds though as the torso began sucking up into his neck.  The last thing to disappear was his eyes, and left behind atop the couch cushion next to Chloe was a tiny, unwrapped rectangle of thick, strawberry bubblegum.

“Chloe?!  What the hell did you do to me?!”

“Do you know how long I’ve been waiting to read that to you?  That spell’s been transferred from phone to phone going all the way back to my first phone.”

“And now…I don’t ever have to buy another piece again.  The spell is super special.  You’ll never lose flavor.  You’ll never break down.”

“Maybe I’ll rip you up into pieces and split you with the other girls.  I’m sure they’d all love having you in their mouths.”

“Actually, it’d be even funnier if I..like…took a piece of you and dropped you down the back of Tiffany’s skirt right before practice.  She’s got a big butt, ya know…it’d be like a mansion for you in there.  But that’d just be one of your homes.  Your ‘forever-home’ will always be right here.”

She points to her mouth.

Actually, no…I don’t know who I think I’m kidding,” Chloe giggled, “I am NOT good at sharing.  I’m not giving any of you to anybody.  You’re all mine. All of you. From now on.”

An Unfortunate but Amusing Misunderstanding

“Spit out the gum, missy.” Mrs. Mecke said sternly.

Damn, busted!  Chloe had went nearly two weeks without getting caught!

Mrs. Mecke shifted her huge right thigh, revealing down by her feet a small trashcan. She held the trash can, filled with half full soda bottles and candy wrappers up toward Chloe who stared inside silently. She reached into her mouth and when her thumb and forefinger emerged, a glistening chunk of chewed gum was pinched between them.

“Please don’t Chloe.”

Chloe almost started laughing at the pathetic voice in her head.  She was just teasing him of course.  There was no way she was going to get rid of him yet.  He still tasted so good!

“Chloe, hurry up.” Mrs. Mecke said, rattling the trash can and bringing its mouth up closer to her dangling fingers.  “We’ve got 4 more stops and we’re already 2 minutes behind. Throw it away.”

“Okay, Mrs. Mecke.” Chloe said sweetly, lowering the wad of crying and begging gum toward the bus driver’s trash can.

“Unless…” Chloe sang, stopping just before the gum contacted the sole of a broken flip-flop.

“I mean..I don’t have to throw it away if it's prescription gum, right?”

“Prescription gum?” Mrs. Mecke repeated with snark disbelief.  “Can I see the prescription?”

“No you may not.” Chloe replied with sass.  “Its a cognitive enhancer that my doctor gave me.  It helps me focus in school.”

Mrs. Mecke stared at Chloe for a few moments.  She could have simply raised the trash can a few more inches and poor Parker would have adhered to the flip flop.  Instead, she returned the trash can and grumbled as she pulled the sliding doors of the bus shut.

“That wasn’t funny, Chloe.” Parker said with a sniffle and quiver akin to a near-death experience.

“I dunno…” Chloe said quietly, plopping down on the cushioned back bench of the school bus.  “I guess humor is subjective because I thought it was HILARIOUS.”


“Are you gonna help me with my math test today?” Chloe seemed to ask no one as she grabbed books out of her locker.

“No, I’m not helping you with anything…I hope you fail.”

“That…was not nice.” Chloe said firmly.  Her nimble tongue moved with striking dexterity as it scooped little Parker out from her cheek where she was holding him pouched.

“No, no..not again!” Parker wailed, but Chloe continued to manipulate him as she grabbed her books. She pulled all air out of the cavern of her mouth and applied strong pressure with her tongue, the powerful muscle flattening poor Parker as if he were a long, asymmetrical tube.  She then aligned his body to the full length of her teeth, aligning him on his bed of pearly white molars.

“Please don’t!”

Chloe bit down…hard…and she was rewarded with an explosion of delicious, fresh strawberry flavor coating her palette.  With her agile tongue, she shifted him atop her molars, turning him over onto his other side and bit down again.  Chloe ran her tongue along the deep teeth marks embedded into Parker’s slick, rubbery skin.

Using her tongue and palette, the bratty teenager bullied and manipulated little Parker into a near-perfect sphere at the ribbed roof of her mouth and wedged him into one of her molars, repeating the process of flattening all over again with her powerful jaw.  She continued this process of flattening and rounding as she distractedly leafed through her papers.  She could have stopped, having gotten what she wanted.  Parker frantically agreed to help her only after the second chomp, but now Chloe was pushing him toward the inside of her lips, her teeth parted just enough.

“Nooo…please don’t!” Parker shouted as Chloe’s thick, pouty lips parted just enough for light to shine in on Parker.  Holding him firmly between her front teeth, Chloe applied firm pressure with her tongue, stretching him centimeters beyond her lips and miles beyond his comfort.

As her tongue retreated back into her mouth, Parker’s elastic body maintained its new, stretched shape.  Hot, strawberry-flavored air began filling him as he began to swell, reshaped into a perfect, growing sphere with each puff of air from her lungs.

Chloe’s eyes crossed down over her nose as she watched the rubbery pink color begin to thin.  Parker had been stretched so far…inflated so large that he was nearly translucent.

‘Wow, I’ve never blown one this big.’ Chloe thought with amusement.

One more puff, however, and all the hot breath that Parker had been forced to contain became too much for him; his spherical, pink frame ruptured, forcing the thin, stretched out material of his new body to explode like bubble gum confetti.

“That was awesome” Chloe mumbled through the gum clinging to her nose and lips.  She’d just pulled all of Parker’s stretched and popped body back into her cavernous, warm mouth when she heard a voice behind her.

“Hey Chloe.”

Chloe looked over her shoulder to see her friend and fellow cheerleader Kelly.

“Hey, girl.” Chloe said cheerfully as she slammed her locker shut, chewing noisily on her stepbrother stick of gum. When she turned around to face her, Kelly was standing uncomfortably close.

“Uhh….what gives?” Chloe asked in confusion.

“So remember how you said Parker wasn’t interested?” Kelly asked, her hands on her hips. “I..uh…was at Buffalo Wild Wings with my parents and I ran into him.”

“Wait..what?” Chloe asked in disbelief.  Her tongue instinctively probed the pathetic, sopping wet clump of gum, poking it as if to punish little Parker for misbehaving.

“Yeah, did you, like, think that I wouldn’t talk to him or something?” Kelly asked, her tone carrying a bit more sass and aggression.

“I just…this literally doesn’t make any sense. Why was he there?”

“Uhhh..cause he works there?” Kelly replied sharply.  “Actually, I have questions, too.  Why would you lie and say you talked to him when you didn’t?”

“Wait a minute...” Chloe said, putting a hand up. “You’re saying Parker works at Buffalo Wild Wings?”

“No, you wait a minute, Chloe.” Kelly snapped back. “If you liked Parker, all you had to do was tell me and I wouldn’t have done anything.  You didn’t have to be some wolf in sheep’s clothing.”

“Hold on, Kelly,” Chloe said. “Are we not talking about the same Parker?”

“Uhhh…which Parker are you talking about?”

“My step-brother.”

Kelly’s eyes widened, “You thought I was talking about your step-brother, Parker?”

“That’s not who you’re crushing on?” Chloe asked.

“Oh my god, never in a TRILLION years!” Kelly laughed into her hands so hard that tears started forming in the corners of her mascara-saturated eyes.  “I’m talking about Parker Daniels.”

“The Junior kid in our history class?”


“Oh my freaking god.” Chloe burst into hysterical laughter.

“She didn’t even have a crush on me?!” Parker’s voice echoed furiously through Chloe’s head, but it only made her laugh louder. “You did this to me FOR NOTHING?!”

“Well, you’d have known if you actually would have helped me!”

“Helped you with what?” Kelly asked in confusion, and then a look of concern spread her face.

“Oh my god, she’s choking!”

‘This miserable little piece of crap…he’s trying to kill me!’ Chloe thought, feeling the chunky wad of spit-soaked gum lodging itself into her throat.  Her eyes widened for a moment as she clawed at her own throat, trying to expel Parker from her mouth.

Her tongue moved around frantically within her mouth, angrily searching for Parker and cursing its lack of dexterity and flexibility.  The gym teacher monitoring the hallway, Mrs. Johnston, had taken position behind Chloe. She clasped her hands into a joined fist right below Chloe’s belly button and right before Mrs. Johnston squeezed, Chloe felt it.

Relief…followed by a strange, primal satisfaction.

And then a deep breath.

“Nooooooo!!” Parker wailed pathetically as he slid down Chloe’s throat.

“Are you okay, Chloe?” Mrs. Johnston asked, gently rubbing Chloe’s shoulders as she gasped.

“I’ll be okay, Mrs. Johnston.” Chloe said, her breathing gradually calming, unable to pull her focus away from the continued feeling of the powerful muscles in her throat squeezing little Parker further down inside of her. “I think I swallowed it.”

“I think you’re right.” Mrs. Johnston said, a nervous chuckle lacing her statement. “I can see it going down your throat. The teacher gestured toward the tiny lump traveling down Chloe’s neck, disappearing without a trace behind her massive chest.

“Smaller bites, okay dear?” Mrs. Johnston said, patting Chloe on the shoulder.

“Sure, Mrs. Johnston. Thank you.”

“I can’t believe I, like, literally swallowed you.” Chloe said giggling.

“Chloe, please! Get me out of here!” Parker said.

“No, you’re the one that tried killing me. You think I’m just gonna let that go?”

“Chloe, I’m a piece of freaking gum! I can’t move a damn muscle.  You’re the one that almost choked, don’t blame me for that!”

“Well, it all ended up working out.  It was a long trip down there, huh?” Chloe asked. “I could still even feel you squeezing down my throat right up until I left the cafeteria.  Did you feel me stop at the water fountains and just…I dunno…focus on the feeling of you hitting my stomach? What’s it like in there?”

“It’s like you’re a little baby in my belly now or something.” Chloe laughed, patting her flat, exposed stomach.  “Only I think your rebirth into this world isn’t going to be nearly as magical as the first time!”

“As funny as it would be to see you again in a few days, I think it’s a little too much…and that should say something considering how much I don’t like you, you know.”

“Yeah, I think I’m just, like, not gonna look. Whenever the day gets here that…you know…you’re ‘reborn’, I’m just gonna…flush.  No goodbyes.  No teasing.  Not even a look.  Just a flush.”

“Cause jeez..I mean…it was pretty awesome using you while I could. I mean, I chewed on you for 2 weeks straight and you never lost even a teensy bit of that delicious strawberry flavor!  You’re technically cursed to carry that flavor forever so I know it sounds like a super-duper waste, but I’m sorry…there is NO amount of washing or cleaning I can do to you that would be good enough to get you back in my mouth again. Not after what I’m going to put you through in a few days after you…finish your journey! Yuck!” Chloe shivered and giggled. “Fate’s a cruel mistress, or so I’ve heard.  But she’s also fair.”


Chloe changed into her favorite silk sleepwear camisole night shirt, her modest bottom peeking out the bottom and her enormous breasts practically spilling out the top.  As she got into bed, she reflexively reached into her mouth and then began laughing when she felt nothing in there.

“Oh, that’s right.” Chloe laughed.  “I’d have to reach waaaaay further down to getchya! Or at this point, maybe I’d be better off reaching up!”

Chloe had developed a routine 2 weeks earlier when she turned Parker into her gum.  Every evening she’d tuck herself in under her covers and grab the hot pink case on her bedside that held her retainer–something she’d worn every night since having her braces removed at 15.  Each night, Parker would come out of her mouth, stuck obediently to the tip of her index finger as the retainer went in. She would then set Parker’s saliva-soaked, chunky and chewy strawberry hunk into the hot pink retainer case, savoring the sharp clasp of the plastic notch that ensured he’d spend the whole night nice and secure on her bedside.

That adorable tradition was short-lived, however, as Parker was now traveling through Chloe’s digestive system.

As Chloe drifted off into a deep, luxurious sleep, her window AC unit pumping cold air into her room, Parker was going through a very different experience.


Parker had always assumed that the primary force for pulling food down into a stomach was gravity.  He realized, as Chloe’s strong, powerful throat muscles surrounded him that it wasn’t gravity pulling him deeper inside of her.  It was Chloe’s body doing the work.  Her biology’s primal and reflexive desire realized as it detected his tiny, gummy presence. The throat muscles knew that their owner was sending it sustenance so it worked greedily to pull it down to where it belonged.  Parker cried and moaned in anguish as the wet, slippery throat muscles pulsed, squeezing him further and further down, further and further away from the light above. There was nothing he could do about it, even if he could move.

Far from a hunger-satisfying morsel, Parker was surrounded by the horrible, echoing sound of Chloe’s stomach rubbing against itself as if angry at the disappointing offer.  Much to Parker’s terror,that dissatisfaction didn’t stop Chloe’s body from treating him like sustenance to be broken down and converted into energy.  He felt a warm itch spreading across his mushed, gummy body.  The warmth increased along with the intensity of the itchy feeling.  Parker was grateful to feel the itchy feeling subside, but in its place rolled in a growing sensation of burning. Is this before or after she has lunch?

The only thing capable of distracting him from the tingling and burning was the occasional welcoming of more morsels of food like him.  He was greeted by a few mouthfuls of freezing cold milkshake and what he discerned were french fries.  Disgusting and unpleasant as it was to join the mix with Chloe’s food..and as emasculating as it was to admit that he now shared in that category, it gave him free license to think of anything but the tingling and burning…for a little while.

He’d remembered hearing as a child that gum stayed in the stomach for seven years.  While he was remarkably skeptical, he couldn’t help but go down a rabbit hole of vivid and abject horror at the notion of being trapped in this humid, dark, burning organ for another day, let alone years!  Would that be better than traveling through Chloe’s digestive tract, ultimately ejected just like all the other matter that her body deemed useless?  And then what?  Flushed?

Six in one hand, half a dozen in the other.

Neither of those things would happen, Parker would soon realize.  After the tingly, itching sensation was replaced by burning, he felt a new sensation that was difficult to pinpoint.  He felt himself…splitting.  He still inhabited a full wad of sticky wet gum, but he could now see himself.

He was being extracted from the gum by Chloe’s greedy, hungry stomach acids!

‘Maybe this is better…’ Parker thought miserably as more of the gum he’d called home for two weeks came into his view.

To remain protected in the gummy vessel that was his step-sister’s chewing gum would mean he’d continue to live, but at what cost?  And for how long?

The last of his essence left the gum, he’d sensed, but that very essence did not return to his body.  That thing was long gone in the ethereal magic plane, apparently.

And then…half of him was just…gone.

It was quite painful, and he knew that he was being digested.  He was experiencing all of it with no vessel to protect him.  Even having his own body might have helped, but he had nothing.

He split in half again.

And again.

And again.

The pain was agonizing.  And on the outside of the organ imprisoning him, he could hear the loud, familiar sound of Chloe snoring.

He halved again

She was seriously just sleeping through this????

He halved again.

He’d never felt more emasculated and pathetic in his entire life–having this ditzy, bratty girl literally destroying him in her stomach with absolutely no conscious effort.

He halved again.

And there was nothing he could do to stop it.

He continued halving, his essence providing less resistance to the diligence of Chloe’s digestive process.  He managed to catch one last glimpse of the lonely clump of gum embedded in the acid of Chloe’s stomach as he halved one final time.

After a few more halvings, he didn’t recognize his surroundings anymore.  He could see an endless stream of pearly, amber-colored orbs.  He was larger than them for a time, but as his essence continued to disintegrate, he could see the orbs getting larger and larger.

He couldn’t have explained how he knew it, but he knew he’d reached the last halving.  Parker knew it to be true because he could feel that he could not have possibly split any further.  Parker’s consciousness had abandoned ship from each halve of his essence that Chloe greedily absorbed, repeating the process over and over again. He was the simplest particle in existence at this point…and now those orbs resembled planets–large celestial bodies aligned into a meticulous but jiggling lattice structure.

A strong pulsing sounded off all around him as he entered the orbit of just one of those massive, amber orbs.  He truly was orbiting around it; it was the size of the Earth compared to him!

Right before he lost himself, feeling the very last of his essence slipping away from his grip as the force of the gargantuan orb’s gravity pulled him in closer, Parker realized what it was.

“It’s a fat cell.”

Parker’s resistance was pathetic, but was absorbed into the membrane, contributing ever so slightly to the size of the single cell.  He thought it was all over…and why wouldn’t he?

Not only had he been chewed up by his step-sister.  Not only had he been swallowed by her.  Not only had he been broken down, piece by piece by the powerful, unstoppable forces of her subconscious digestion…but he had literally been absorbed into just one of her billions of fat cells.

Could he have possibly been any more dominated by his younger step-sister?

As if to answer the question, Parker felt something strange.  It wasn’t the cold, dark void of death.  Instead, it was a warmth.  Pink light.

A sensation of…growth?

No….what was that feeling?

It was more akin to…spreading.

Things got even stranger after that…


Chloe’s eyes opened to the gentle sound of her phone’s alarm going off.  Rolling over to the other side of her king-sized bed, Chloe popped her retainer back into the hot pink plastic case. In doing so, her large breasts compressed into the soft mattress beneath her.  A completely innocuous, nearly boring event for a girl who’d always had huge breasts, but something about the compression felt different.

She sat up, immediately feeling gravity’s effect on her heavy breasts as she rose gracefully from bed, sliding her bare feet into her fuzzy pink slippers. Chloe arched her back and stretched. SHe locked her wrists behind her back, her wobbling breasts protruding even further than normal from her otherwise petite frame.

The blonde teenager stumbled clumsily toward the bathroom, wiping sleep from her eyes.  With each thud of her fuzzy slipper, she felt her large, unsecured breasts bouncing under the relaxed, semi-structured confines of her silky camisole sleep shirt.  She sleepily readjusted the straps of her shirt, disheveled by her movements in slumber.  Sliding the hefty flesh of her left tit back along with its sister, she felt a spark of electricity. It had come on so suddenly that she couldn’t tell where it came from, but she could feel it radiating throughout her body.  The pleasure-filled lightning splintered throughout her body, as far up as her scalp and as far down as her toes.

“What the heck was that?” Chloe mumbled, realizing that the outline of her rock hard nipples were blatantly visible through her shirt. her mind was free to wander to thoughts of Parker.

“Please, Chloe…help me.”

Chloe laughed, peering down over her expansive breasts and deep, ample cleavage cupping her flat belly with both hands, “Oh my god, I can’t believe I can still hear you in there.”

“Or actually, I guess you’re about here by now, huh?” Chloe giggled, gently patting her cute left ass cheek.

“Chloe, you don’t understand…”

“I think I do.” The playful, bratty teenager said, hooking her thumbs into the sides of her panties and tugging down.  Her seat upon the porcelain throne was cold, but not nearly as cold as she was.

“I think I understand…” Chloe’s cute button nose wrinkled up and her eyes squinted as she tightened her abdomen.  “...that this is goodbye.”

Fluffy white clouds of tissue soaked into the water as Chloe’s hand found the handle.  She pressed it without even looking over her shoulder, the water barely even beginning its journey into the pipes before she was brushing her teeth.

As Chloe’s mouth foamed over with the mixture of toothpaste, water, and elbow grease, her huge breasts were practically dancing beneath her shirt.


Chloe gasped, nearly choking on her toothpaste.  She turned her head toward the toilet, resuming the brushing of her teeth.  “How can I still hear you?  Were you not ready to come out yet, little baby?” Chloe giggled.

Her breasts continued to sway, their movement intensifying as they sank into the rhythm of her arm’s fluid motion.

“You’re making me dizzy.”

There was that feeling again…the electricity.  And this time, she felt where it came from.

“No frickin’ way…” Chloe uttered, her breasts almost spilling from her shirt as she bent forward to spit her toothpaste.

She stared down at her breasts, alternating between her bird’s eye view overhead and the view in the mirror.  She slowly reached both of her hands down into the front of her shirt and carefully slipped her left breast out of confinement.  The healthy young fat and flesh displaced under its own weight in the palm of both of her hands, barely even fitting.  And then, Chloe began to jiggle her breast with intensity.

“Staaahhhhp!  Pleeeease!”

Chloe released her heavy, swollen left tit just long enough for the jiggling she’d created to subside.  But then, it started all over again when she started laughing.

“This can’t be happening!” Chloe said in disbelief. “You’re like…actually my boob now?”

“I don’t know what happened!” Parker wailed “Or why!  Can you please just let me out of here now?”

Chloe laughed, “Oh poor little Parker…even if I could restore you, I wouldn’t do it.  And seriously, you were condemned back when you became the gum. And now that you’ve somehow moved from my chewing gum to my left boob I mean…you’re so far removed and so far gone.  I think this is just it for you now.”

“I can’t do this forever, Chloe!  Please!  Talk to Mom!”

With the palm of her hand, Chloe slapped her breast.  It caused her to wince slightly, but the pain was clearly far more intense for her poor step-brother trapped inside.

“Nah, I think I’ll just tell her that I stuck you under the desk in math class.” Chloe said, getting ready for the day.  “Or maybe that I accidentally dropped you and you ended up stuck in the tread of some unaware girl’s sneaker.  That would be a funny end, huh?”

Chloe packed her immense bare breasts into a lavender purple bra, appreciating more than ever the way her swollen, round breasts completely filled the cups.  “I mean…not as funny as your actual end, but what is?”


“Did you ever think you’d be in the girl’s locker room?” Chloe cooed softly, removing her shirt.  “Look at all these cute girls you get to check out.”

“That’s a cute bra, Chloe.” Jenna, one of the flyers, said to Chloe, taking a closer look.

“Oh, thanks.  It makes my tits like…huge” Chloe said cheerfully, arching her back and popping her chest out.

“Uh…I think your huge boobs make them look huge.” Jenna giggled, gently jiggling Chloe’s left breast.

Chloe let out a giggle, trying her best to make it sound bashful and humble when in reality she loved the attention, stares, and envy.  “Well, that’s why I stay on the ground and you fly in the sky.” Chloe said with a smile.

Jenna laughed, “Okay, well if tonight I end up falling…I’m expecting you to roll out the big ol’ pillows to catch me!”

The locker room filled with jubilant laughter and girlish giggles.

Chloe pulled on her cheer uniform, gently positioning her breasts inside the seductive top.  “Gotta keep my big stepbrother safe, don’t I?” Chloe teased.

Noticing that most of her team was dressed, Chloe stepped on top of one of the wooden benches, elevating herself over every other girl there.

“Hey, squad!  So, like, it might have been a total bummer at regionals last week or whatever, but guess what?  Today is a new day and we’ve got a whole new chance to show what we’re made of during the football game, you know?”

“We’re gonna go out there and shine so brightly that the audience literally won’t even be looking at the boys.  It’s like what Coach Macy tells us: we’re the Pioneers of Cheer!  People look up to us, they envy us, they want to get with us, and tonight…we’re going to remind them why.”

“Now let’s take over the world, starting with this little football game; we’ll, like, turn it into our own personal runway…a stage to show off.  No more dwelling on yesterday, okay?”

The girls all cheered and filed out of the locker room, energetically clapping and chanting before they even got out onto the field.

“Not this again, Chloe…please.” her huge left tit whined.

“Hush..” Chloe said, jiggling her left breast.

“It hurt so bad last time…I thought I was going to die when you started doing the backflips.  Can’t you at least wear a sports bra…to hold me in place?”

Chloe briefly thought about Parker’s request–long enough for him to sincerely believe that she was considering it.

“Nah…the boys wanna see you dance.” The audience erupted into cheers as the girls made their way out onto the field and leading from the rear was Chloe.  She amassed the largest applause, bouncing like a jackrabbit.

“...and we’re gonna give them exactly what they want!”





What if I wanna pay you a commission about a story of a sole injection?