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Reduction & Relocation - Mayumi Okamoto

Chapter 2 - Mayumi's Appointment (Mayumi)


“Alright then, Mayumi. Why don’t you have a seat right here. I’ll be right back.”

As Dr. Bexley's departing footsteps faded and the door clicked shut, Mayumi adjusted the gentle drape of her white and pink dress, her nimble fingers smoothing the fabric across her back and over her petite backside. The chair she settled into was reminiscent of those luxurious dentist's chairs that beckoned patients to relaxation with their plush upholstery and gentle recline. The cushion cradled the young Japanese woman as she perched on the edge, her body poised for the impending examination.

Tension threaded through her like a quiet electric current, making her legs dance in a restless rhythm. Dangling just above the floor, Mayumi’s feet twitched inside her flip flops, her dainty toes clutching the thongs.  It was a behavior she’d picked up as a little girl as a way to cope with stressful situations.

In the midst of her fidgeting, Mayumi's toes suddenly lost their delicate grip on the flip-flops' thong. With a soft thud, one of the sandals tumbled to the floor. A frustrated sigh escaped her lips, a mix of exasperation and mild amusement at her own clumsiness. She didn't even attempt to peek down to locate the errant footwear, her ample bosom creating an insurmountable barrier to her view of the ground. The cascade of her chest eclipsed all below, a perpetual challenge she had learned to navigate with grace and humor.

About five minutes later, the door to the examination room swung open once again. Dr. Bexley’s tasteful bob cut bounced above her shoulders with each step as she entered, a handful of objects grasped in her small but capable hands.

“Sorry about the wait.” She offered a polite and apologetic smile, her demeanor exuding warmth and professionalism. Gently, she closed the door behind her, creating a sense of privacy within the room.

With a fluid grace, the doctor settled onto a short stool mounted on wheels. The stool allowed her to glide effortlessly across the floor, bringing her closer to Mayumi's side. Dr. Bexley's emerald green eyes, flecked with shades of gold, held a depth of kindness as she positioned herself adjacent to Mayumi. The doctor's movements were deliberate and yet she appeared relaxed.  She appeared professional and yet she was warm and personable.

Upon the swiveling tray mounted near Mayumi's bench, Dr. Bexley carefully arranged the assortment of items she had brought along. Her hands moved with a certain elegance as she placed each object with meticulous precision. A small digital scale took prominence on the tray, its surface gleaming under the overhead light. Next to the scale, Dr. Bexley positioned an empty petri dish. Beside it lay a diminutive tube of hand sanitizer. Completing the ensemble of clinicality were several toothpicks, each individually wrapped in thin plastic.

A soft sigh escaped Dr. Bexley's lips, the sound carrying a mix of experience and compassion. She raised her gaze, her eyes meeting Mayumi's with a gentle understanding that seemed to bridge any lingering unease.

"Before we start," Dr. Bexley began in a voice that resonated with professionalism and kindness, "do you have any questions or concerns, dear?"

Mayumi's nerves manifested audibly as her voice quivered, "Well... yes... umm... is all of this...genuine?"

"Believe it or not…” The doctor's lips curved into a reassuring smile, “...that's a question we get quite frequently. And honestly, I can’t exactly blame you. If I were in your shoes and two doctors promised me a lifetime stipend of $1,000 a month in exchange for a few injections here and there, I'd be pretty skeptical myself!"

Mayumi's lips parted in a relieved grin, her anxiousness gradually giving way to a sense of ease. "So, what they told me is true? I really could receive $1,000 every month for the rest of my life... just by getting these injections?"

A nod from Dr. Bexley affirmed her query, the doctor's eyes reflecting both professionalism and genuine camaraderie.

Mayumi steadied her breath and ventured another question, her curiosity overcoming her apprehension. "Could you maybe tell me about what’s in those injections?"

Dr. Bexley's expression softened, a rueful yet empathetic shake of her head caused her short raven-black hair to sway. "Sorry Mayumi, but I’m afraid I can’t do that. Your participation in this experiment hinges on your lack of awareness relating to specific components of the injection."

Mayumi's voice quivered with a mix of uncertainty and discomfort as she vocalized her concerns, "Doctor, you have to understand how uncomfortable that makes me…"

Dr. Bexley's eyes held a reassuring gleam and Mayumi saw within them an empathetic nature…however that could have been her own reflection.

"Of course, Mayumi. Of course, I do understand. I recognize that this is far from an easy request. However, there are a few things I can share with you. Although I can't divulge the exact composition of the injections, I can offer you my solemn assurance, on the life of my two-year-old daughter, that there is absolutely nothing contained within them that could bring you harm—no harm in any possible way."

Mayumi's gaze remained fixed on the doctor.  Her open, trusting personality motivated her to trust Dr. Bexley and her desire for the compensation pushed her well beyond the edge. The young Japanese woman nodded in acknowledgment, her curiosity piqued as she awaited further explanation.

Dr. Bexley's voice carried a blend of compassion and conviction as she continued, her words aimed at alleviating Mayumi's worries. "Also, I’d like you to know that there are dozens and dozens of other women who have already embarked on the same journey, undergoing this very procedure. Would you care to know how many encountered any side effects or any adverse reaction…or any reaction at all for that matter?”

Mayumi smirked.  She had to look down at her feet for a moment to break the tension of such sustained eye contact.  She looked back up.

“How many?”

“Not a single one.” Dr. Bexley replied, beaming with pride and sincerity.

Interrupting with a furrowed brow, Mayumi's inquiry betrayed her ongoing uncertainty, "But then... why do you want me to undergo it, if it's so…innocuous?"

Dr. Bexley's gaze momentarily drifted upward, as if seeking inspiration from the ceiling itself. She exhaled softly before shifting her focus back to Mayumi, her features composed yet thoughtful.

"Let me try to explain. The core emphasis of Injection Therapy isn't solely centered around you, per se. Rather, the focal point is the very act of administering the injection itself."

Mayumi's reaction mirrored her confusion, her head tilting slightly as if she were a curious squirrel attempting to understand a complex puzzle. "That... doesn't really make sense."

A gentle smile tugged at Dr. Bexley's lips, a gesture that conveyed both understanding and shared sentiments. "I know, dear. I truly wish I could offer you a clearer perspective, but our hands are tied."

Mayumi's skepticism, though still present, was tinged with a willingness to trust the doctor's sincerity, a trust that had been slowly nurtured through the doctor's words and demeanor. Mayumi found herself inclining toward the belief that Dr. Bexley was speaking from a place of genuine concern and care.

“If you don't have any more questions, I’d like to change the subject.” Dr. Bexley said, flipping through a pale pink manilla folder with Mayumi’s name on it.

She didn’t wait very long for a response from Mayumi before continuing, “Let’s talk a bit about your personal life.  May I ask what you do for a living?”

“Well, I’m juggling a lot at the moment, actually,” Mayumi said. “I’m in school part-time for business management, and then I work at a cupcake boutique.”

“Oh, that sounds fun.”

“It really is! The boutique is called Sprinkle’s Bakery and it's the cutest little shop you’d ever see.  We make a lot of stuff but we specialize in cupcakes.  I just love the creativity of it.”

Mayumi’s eyes turned to stars as she set a palm atop her massive chest. “Decorating those cupcakes and putting a little piece of my heart into each and every one…it just makes my heart soar.”

“Well, that’s lovely!” Dr. Bexley replied energetically.

“Yeah..” The stars in Mayumi’s eyes dimmed back to dark brown. “The pay isn’t great…and the hours are kind of all over the place.”

“I think it’s really admirable that you’re following your dreams.”

“Thanks, Dr. Bexley.  It sounds materialistic to talk about money, but since Sprinkles Bakery only pays around half my bills, I have to supplement my income from…well…” Mayumi looked down at her enormous breasts and then up. “...let’s just say more ‘adult’ endeavors.”

“And has that been enough for you to live on?” Dr. Bexley asked with concern.

It honestly took Mayumi completely off guard.  The 19-year old was fully ready to spout off her usual defenses.  Most of her content were little videos where she’d dance to a popular song clip.  It was all innocent enough...she just happened to make sure that her large breasts were in focus as they bounced and bobbed with the song's beat.

Mayumi didn't have to do any of that though.  Dr. Bexley’s tone was that of a concerned mother’s.  However, nothing in the tone conveyed judgment or condescension.  No disgust or disdain.  It was simply concern for Mayumi’s well being.

“Oh…well..yes.  I’m not able to save as much as I’d like to but I’m no longer having to beg my parents for money.”

“That’s great, Mayumi.  I’m glad that you’ve been able to take control of your situation and make your…” Dr. Bexley looked at Mayumi’s stunning cleavage. “...assets work for you.”

“Thanks for being so open-minded!” Mayumi chirped.  “It really means alot to me.”

Mayumi opened her heart like a butterfly’s wings, sharing stories with Dr. Bexley that she’d never be able to share with the judgmental people that surrounded her.  Even the sweet old lady who owned Sprinkles Bakery, Mrs. Tipton, who was so nice to Mayumi–her head would probably explode if she’d heard even one of Mayumi’s stories.

But Dr. Bexley was not only open-minded, she appeared interested.  Mayumi wondered if it had anything to do with the fact that the raven-haired doctor had a pretty substantial bust herself. Nowhere near Mayumi’s, but that was the case for most girls.

Just a mere seven days earlier, Mayumi had decided to share a new clip with her online audience. This particular video was titled "Top 3 Reasons Why Large Breasts Are Great", a playful exploration of her unique attributes.

Mayumi had taken a daring approach in the first installment, deciding to film at Sprinkles Bakery. With careful finesse, she directed the camera downward, capturing her lunch break salad before gradually panning up to her face. A swatch of flour decorated her left cheek and a playful pout adorned her lips as a caption appeared below. It said "No forks in the breakroom?"

The expression on her face quickly transformed into a mischievous and proud smile as her fingers disappeared into the deep, hidden recesses of her ample cleavage, reemerging triumphantly with a plastic fork in hand. The caption then switched to "No Problem! <3" as she unabashedly indulged in her salad.

Dr. Bexley's response had been a delightful one, her amusement evident through an appreciative chuckle. Little did Mayumi reveal, this was just one of many creative ideas she put forth on her platform. Mayumi carefully withheld the racier videos she occasionally produced during her weekends. While she believed that Dr. Bexley was both progressive and open-minded, Mayumi didn’t quite know how to tell the raven-haired doctor that a man had made love to her breasts on camera two weeks ago and another woman would be doing the same thing to her later tonight.

"So is it fair to say that your breasts are often in motion?"

Mayumi's cheeks flushed a gentle pink, the delicate hue contrasting with her normally pale skin. Her response came with a mixture of bashfulness and honesty, "I suppose that's a good way to put it. They do tend to capture attention quite easily."

As Mayumi continued to speak, she couldn't help but feel the weight of Dr. Bexley's gaze upon her. Her ample assets, as always, seemed to be the focal point, and the raven-haired doctor's fascination was unmistakable.

“I’ve got to ask, Mayumi. Are they natural?  Being perfectly honest, I’m not certain I’ve ever seen a 19 year old with O-cups...least of all someone with your frame!”

Mayumi's response carried both candidness and a hint of playful self-awareness. "Yes, they're completely natural. I had D's by the time I was 14, and it seemed they had their own growth spurt agenda. But I think I'm done now... at least I hope so!"

Dr. Bexley's gaze lingered, a mix of professional interest and personal curiosity. "Your growth story is quite extraordinary, Mayumi. Especially for someone of your age and stature."

Mayumi laughed, her response laced with humor, "Well, I like to think my breasts are overachievers."

A subtle smile graced Dr. Bexley's lips as she reached for a bottle of hand sanitizer, her movements unhurried and deliberate. "As we discussed over the phone," she began, her tone returning to a more formal cadence, "the target site for the injection is the inside slope of the left breast."

The shift in the conversation's tone, from the personal to the procedural, was a reminder of the reason for their interaction. The room held an intriguing juxtaposition—an aura of candor and intimacy mingling with the forthcoming medical procedure.

Mayumi nodded solemnly, feeling her heartbeat increase. Dr. Bexley squeezed some clear hand sanitizer into her bare hands.

"And, as we discussed, I'll have to perform a... excuse the pun... but a 'hands-on' exam before we can formally approve you. Is that okay with you, Mayumi?"

Mayumi's response was a vigorous nod, a determined gesture reminiscent of the "fake it till you make it" philosophy that sometimes took hold in moments of uncertainty. Her attempt at confident agreement drew a faint smile from Dr. Bexley, an expression that seemed to say ‘I understand’.

"Okay, great," Dr. Bexley continued, her voice maintaining a gentle tone. "If you wouldn't mind, please lower your dress so I can have a look."

Mayumi inhaled deeply, her heartbeat momentarily echoing in her ears. The comparison of her past experiences and this clinical setting was starkly evident. While she had indeed showcased her breasts to her online audience numerous times, this particular context, beneath the sterile white lights, felt inherently different. Despite the flutter of nerves, Mayumi embarked on the process of baring herself, physically and metaphorically.

With meticulous care, she began the descent of her dress straps. After hours of constant stress, the straps were finally permitted the gift of slack, no longer burdened with cradling and concealing the Japanese woman’s hefty rack. The neckline of her dress, as it gradually lowered, left a delicate indentation on the skin of her breasts, casting nuanced shadows that danced across her feminine curvature.

Finally, with a mixture of anticipation and vulnerability, the downward pull overcame the natural resistance of her breast tissue. The result was a revelation—a grand unveiling of Mayumi's remarkable assets from their polka-dotted enclosure.

In that moment, the atmosphere seemed to hold its breath, as the interchange between the clinical and the personal wove a tapestry of emotion, vulnerability, and a sense of shared understanding between Mayumi and Dr. Bexley.

In the hushed space of the examination room, a new phase of the process unfolded. Dr. Bexley stood before Mayumi, her presence both reassuring and composed. As she reached forward, her hands extended, palms up, toward the young Japanese woman’s naked chest.

With utmost sensitivity, Dr. Bexley made contact, her fingers delicately tracing the tender, soft  undersides of Mayumi's breasts. The initial touch, while a clinical necessity, seemed to bear a certain gentleness.

The weight of Mayumi's bare breasts was considerable, a fact that was emphasized as Dr. Bexley accepted their heft into her hands. The breast tissue, now free from the constraints of clothing, adjusted to the support provided by the doctor's feminine palms. The shape of Mayumi’s plush breasts, normally well-defined, seemed to lose a measure of their structure as they spilled over the edges of Dr. Bexley's hands, a reminder of their remarkable volume and softness.

Dr. Bexley's curiosity appeared to mingle with her professionalism as her fingers explored the contours and nuances of Mayumi's physique. A careful bounce elicited a subtle jiggle in the breasts, their movement a mesmerizing dance of physics, art, and flesh. The doctor's focus was evident, her gaze intent on the way the breasts swayed and jiggled.

Mayumi could feel her heart race and her cheeks flush under the spotlight of attention.

Dr. Bexley let gravity resume its relentless hold on Mayumi’s swollen, heavy breasts and the natural jiggling–rapid at first–quickly decayed. With a twist of her wrists, the pads of Dr. Bexley’s fingertips made contact with the full expanse of Mayumi's bare breasts, thumbs inward and the four fingers on each hand curled outward along the circumference of the Japanese woman’s large mammaries.

Dr. Bexley's hands traced delicate arcs around the areola, the doctor's smaller thumbs and index fingers encapsulating the 19-year-old's nipples. As the doctor began to engage in a rhythmic and tender squeezing, Mayumi's response was immediate—a gasp that carried a mixture of surprise and arousal. The sensation, while medically necessary, held an undertone of intimacy unrivaled even by her most blush-inducing adult content creation.

The pressure applied by Dr. Bexley's hands alternated between Mayumi's breasts, each movement deliberate and precise. With a deft release, the left breast was allowed to rest, jiggling wildly as the doctor's focus shifted. She was now focused on Mayumi’s right breast, which she continued to knead with care.

In a graceful movement, Dr. Bexley reached for the swiveling tray, its presence a reminder of the clinical context in which this exploration took place. As the tray was positioned in front of Mayumi at chest level, Dr. Bexley's touch transitioned, her fingers lightly tracing the contours of Mayumi's stiffening nipple.

For Mayumi, this experience was a first—a departure from the masculine hands, eager mouths, and fervent exploration she had encountered over the years. The softness of Dr. Bexley's touch, the careful attention to detail, spoke of a very different form of intimacy—one that was both clinical and tender, leaving Mayumi with a sense of vulnerability and excitement that was both unfamiliar and strangely captivating.

Suppressing any sounds that might make Dr. Bexley uncomfortable, Mayumi's eyes remained fixed on the scene before her. The contrast between the doctor's small hands and her own swollen flesh was so incredibly captivating.  She wanted to remove her phone and record but she dare not put Dr. Bexley in such a potentially uncomfortable position.

“Everything looks great here, Mayumi.”  Dr. Bexley finally released Mayumi’s other breast only to grasp both at the same time.  The doctor’s small hands squeezed and massaged the massive tits, and Mayumi could see the pale flesh of her soft breasts bulging out between the doctor’s fingers as pressure was applied.  Finally, Dr. Bexley released the busty 19-year old’s chest and began calibrating the scale.

"Now, I just need to weigh each breast. If you lean forward, I can help you position them."

Her response was a subtle shiver, a reflexive reaction to her heavy, warm right breast against the cold metal surface of the scale.

"Sorry, it's cold..."

With methodical efficiency, Dr. Bexley proceeded to record the measurement but then the doctor frowned, her gaze upon Mayumi’s abundant breast seemed to harbor a hint of concern.

Turning her gaze downward to follow the raven-haired doctor’s eyes, Mayumi caught sight of the small scale.

Or rather…the absence of a scale.

The disparity between the massive expanse of just one of her breasts and the trinket-size of the scale was nearly comical. It was as though the weak, little scale itself was struggling to accommodate the grandeur of Mayumi’s stunning anatomy. The visualization was both intriguing and slightly amusing.

The small scale appeared to be engulfed by the sheer size of her breast, the flesh spilling symmetrically off the sides. It pressed firmly into the tray that supported the scale, an unintentional testament to the weight and dimensions that Mayumi carried.

Mayumi blushed, “I’m sorry about that, doctor.”

Dr. Bexley reacted almost in disbelief to her apology. “Oh, Mayumi...there is no need to apologize.  You didn’t do anything wrong…..here, let's try this.”

Dr. Bexley left the exam room for a moment and returned with a few books.  “These are from my office, let’s prop up the scale a bit.”

Dr. Bexley had Mayumi lean back, revealing the previously concealed scale once more....the fleshy underside of her breast lightly sticking to the plate.

“At least you’ve warmed it up, right?” Dr. Bexley joked mildly and Mayumi returned a big, beautiful smile.

Dr. Bexley stacked the scale atop some small books and then had Mayumi lean forward once more.  This time, her breast compressed and reformed under gravity’s influence, displacing over the plate and flowing over the edges just like last time.  But this time, the scale was much higher so the breast overflow was suspended in air, meaning the scale was now registering the full weight of Mayumi’s left breast.

The only problem now was that the scale’s screen was completely blocked by the front of Mayumi’s compressed breast.  Dr. Bexley had a solution for that too.  She simply lifted up just enough of Mayumi’s breast to press a button below the screen and then let her tit fall back into place.  After a few seconds, the scale beeped and Dr. Bexley had Mayumi lean back.  The scale had recorded the full weight of the 20-year old’s breast and would display it for 10 seconds to allow time for observation.

“Okay Mayumi, you can pull your dress back up.”  Dr. Bexley said with a smile as Mayumi worked to pack her enormous bosom back into the polka dotted dress.

“So….your right breast is 8.17 pounds and your left breast is slightly heavier at 8.21 pounds.  Furthermore, after checking both your breasts I am convinced of what Dr. Walker and I already expected: you are absolutely eligible for Injection Therapy!”

Mayumi smiled, “That's great news.  I...I’m going to do it.  I just...I just need time to psyche myself up...ya know...to get more excited and less scared.  I didn’t mention before that I’m afraid of needles.”

Dr. Bexley responded, “That’s completely normal, Mayumi.  It's a very quick injection and it will be over before you know it.”

The raven-haired doctor reached for the toothpick and petri dish.

“There’s just one last thing I need from you.”

Dr. Bexley removed the toothpick and handed it to Mayumi.

“I just need you to scrape the toothpick lightly against the inside of your mouth, up against your cheek.”

Perplexed, Mayumi did as she was instructed. She opened her mouth and scraped the tip of the toothpick against her inner cheek.  Dr. Bexley held out the petri dish and Mayumi dropped the wet toothpick into the container.  With quick and purposeful precision, Dr. Bexley covered the dish with a cap and taped it shut, writing the letters MD in purple sharpie marker and then AB right below.

Mayumi wanted to ask what this was for, but somehow she knew Dr. Bexley wouldn’t tell her.

“Wonderful!  We’re all done here, Mayumi.  You did great and I’m thrilled that you’ll be a part of Injection Therapy.”

“So am I getting the shot today?” Mayumi asked, her heart fluttering so rapidly she thought her breasts might start quaking.

“No, not today dear.” Dr. Bexley said.  “There are a few things we have to take care of in order to get ready for your injection.  I am confident that we will have the injection ready to go into your breast in..hmm…about 4 days, which will be just in time for the end of this week.  Are you able to come in on Friday?”

Mayumi smiled and nodded her head.

“Wonderful.  Let’s make our way out to see Laura and schedule the appointment now.”



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