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Reduction & Relocation - Mayumi Okamoto

Chapter 1 - An Unfortunate Misunderstanding (Jaime)


“Thank you for calling the RR Laboratories. If you know the extension of the party you are trying to reach, you may dial it at any time.  To speak with Dr. Walker, please press 1.  To sp--”

Jaime Pendergraft interrupted the automated message with a short press of the #1 on his phone, nervously playing with his brown hair.  He felt a growing uneasiness in the pit of his stomach as the phone cut over to pleasant, soft jazz.

Was he really going to do this again? Desperate times did call for desperate measures, after all.  He was desperate last time, and he was even more desperate now.

It hadn’t even been 3 full months since Jaime was restored to his original size and the $1,500 compensation he’d received from RR Labs was long gone.  He hadn’t gambled it away on casinos or lottery tickets.  He didn’t blow it on drugs or prostitutes. Those would have at least been fun ways to spend it.  He didn’t even get to spend it on boring yet necessary expenses like car maintenance or healthcare. Instead, he spent every cent of his compensation trying to get caught up on rent and he was still falling short by over a thousand dollars.

He’d bought enough time to avoid being kicked out, at least.

He was brought back to reality when the smooth jazz stopped. He then heard a familiar voice.

“RR Labs, Dr. Walker speaking.”

If she weren’t already busy being a super-smart doctor, she could have done ASMR with that voice of hers.  Funny...her voice sounded so soothing to him and yet his stomach was in dread-laced knots.

“Hi, Dr. Walker…I’m not sure if you remember me but–”

“I remember you, Mr. Pendergraft.  How are you?”

Jaime’s heart rate increased.

“I’m doing good.”

“That’s great to hear.  Any issues with conversion back to traditional solid foods?”

“No, no..” Jaime said, shivering uncomfortably.  “Everything is back to normal, I think. I was actually…well…I was wondering if that offer was still on the table.”

“The second round of Injection Therapy?”

Jaime let Dr. Walker know that he was interested in volunteering for another round of Injection Therapy. He left out all the details about having dropped out of college and being entirely out of money.  He also left out the lack of a job and lack of friends or a relationship. Part of him hoped that Dr. Walker would say he couldn’t do it...that it had been too recent and therefore unsafe.  Something like that...anything like that.

“Absolutely, Mr. Pendergraft! If I remember correctly, you were paired with Karla for a left-tricep injection. Is that right? ”

Jaime fumbled through his response, “Ummm...yes, that’s right.”

“Okay….oh, my notes tell me that Karla is currently studying abroad and has temporarily disenrolled from the Participation program.  I can check if any of the other Participants have opted into tricep injections.”

“That’s okay; you don’t have to check on the tricep injections cause umm….”

Something inside of him was begging him to stop, but he kept going.

“...cause I was hoping we could go with something that pays a little better than the tricep thing.”

Jamie clenched his eyes, regretting what was escaping his lips.

“Actually, I was wondering...what pays the most?”

There was the slightest pause on the other end of the line before Dr. Walker responded.

“That would be injection into mammary layer fatty tissue.”

Jaime paused for a moment.  “Injection...into a boob?”

“That’s right.” Dr. Walker replied. “You would be injected into a breast.”

Jaime cringed, feeling like a 12-year old as thick condescension dripped from the tone of Dr. Walker’s rephrasing.  The larger issue though, the content of her sentence was disconcerting.  It rolled off her tongue and sent confusing thoughts through his mind.  He liked boobs, what guy didn’t? But being microscopic, and forced by a long needle deep into one of them? That sounded a bit scary, to say the least.

Karla was some kind of college athlete at his school, but luck smiled down on Jaime when the athletic blonde broke her arm a week before the injection date.  Dr. Walker had removed her cast just long enough to inject a microscopic Jaime into the fatty tissue before putting the cast back on her recovering arm. For Jaime’s entire 6-week confinement period within Karla’s tricep, she had never taken the cast off. Consequently, and much to Jaime’s relief, her arm was almost always completely stationary. But even life inside of Karla’s tricep was scary at times.

Karla also knew that Dr. Walker was injecting a microscopic man into her tricep, so he was far less worried about Karla doing something that might cause him harm or cause him to become dislodged.  Honestly, it really was the perfect situation for a nervous Jaime, but unfortunately the safest option is very rarely the most profitable.  Tricep injections were among the lowest compensation rates and Jaime’s was only as high as it was because…well…they didn’t tell him, actually.  But anyway, even if another tricep injection was available with an informed Participant, he would need to turn it down.

Jaime felt like he needed to go big.

“Breast injections…are they…safe?” Jaime asked.

“Well, the density structure of the breast’s subcutaneous fat and fatty tissue is different than the tricep so I’m not going to lie to you, Mr. Pendergraft, there are some logistic concerns unique to the breast.  However, we have several other volunteers undergoing this type of injection and we have had very promising results.”

There was a second of silence.  Jaime had taken a breath to speak but Dr. Walker continued.

“The compensation, important as you’ve indicated, is the highest we are offering for injection therapy. Upon retrieval, subjects are entitled to $8,000.”

Much to his reasonable and pragmatic side’s lament, Jaime’s hesitancy and reluctance was melting before his eyes.  He could pay off his entire debt to his landlord! He could fix his junker of a car and stop taking the bus!  He could actually go on a date and not have to ask the girl to cover her own meal! This was a life-changing amount of money, but it would require a potentially life-changing experience.

“How long would I have to be injected?” Jaime asked.

“The injection period for the breast is 1 month…” Dr. Walker added, “...less than the time you spent in Karla’s tricep.”

‘Less time than the tricep injection??’ Jaime thought.  ‘And like 4 times the amount of money??’

“Okay...let's do it.” Jaime said.

“Wonderful.  Let me take a quick peek at my calendar here….It looks like we’ve got a few injection therapy kickoff sessions scheduled for next week.  Today is Thursday...how about you come in Monday morning at 9AM?”

Jaime quickly checked his schedule in his mind. He remembered that he didn’t have a job, curriculum, or girlfriend so he responded, “Yes, that would work for me.”

“Great! We will see you Monday morning!  Please arrange to be here 15 minutes early and just like last time, please do not eat or drink anything but water 12 hours prior to your appointment.”

Jaime nodded his head to nobody, “Sure thing, doctor.”

Dr. Walker took on a much more serious tone, “...and most importantly, please remember that the non-disclosure agreement you signed last time is still active and will be going forward. Enjoy your weekend, Mr. Pendergraft.”

“You too, Dr. Walker.”

Jaime lowered the phone from his ear and meant to press the END CALL button, but accidentally pressed the speakerphone button.  He heard the sound of Dr. Walker’s receiver rustling, probably lowering toward the receiver.  Her voice sounded distant, as if she was speaking to someone else.

“Please make a note of subject selection in Ms. Okamoto’s Breast IT file for next w--”.

The call ended before Dr. Walker could finish her sentence, but Jaime had heard enough to pique his interests. Did he just hear the name of the woman he was going to be injected into?

Jaime locked up his apartment and walked to the public library.  He signed out one of the computers and began his search. Jaime was perceptive and lucky enough to have heard and understood that not only was he already assigned to a woman for breast injection, he’d actually caught her name.  Last name anyway, but hopefully the last name of Okamoto would be enough.

Turns out it was enough.

Sure enough, he dug a few layers through facebook friends and found her:  Atsuko Okamoto.

Atsuko was a Japanese exchange student he’d actually seen in a few of his classes back before he dropped out.  Atsuko was definitely a wallflower; Jaime couldn’t even put a face to the name.  She was so quiet and shy that Jaime seriously considered that she might be mute until she was forced to give a class presentation.  It honestly didn’t surprise him at all that she would be participating in an experiment like this considering her high grades and interest in science.

Jaime creeped through her facebook and he saw that she played a lot of video games.  She was also a part of several Dungeons & Dragons campaigns.  These were potentially all good signs. What relieved Jaime the most was what he saw in one of Atsuko’s pictures from Comicon.  It was Atsuko wearing what was at least close to a normal outfit: a pair of dorky knee-length denim shorts and a video game shirt. He’d never seen her out of her big, loose, black hoodie and now as he beheld the picture, he was sighing in relief.

Atsuko had incredibly small breasts...just barely large enough to require a bra.

Jaime was already starting to feel better.  Atsuko was not very active and judging from her Facebook, she didn’t go out much;  it looked like she hadn’t been out anywhere since Comicon.  It didn’t take a rocket scientist to understand that the bigger the boobs, the scarier and probably even more dangerous the experience of being injected into them would be. And those suckers can bounce!  He was reminded of his mom’s friend Angela who accompanied him and his family to the beach on a few occasions. Generously gifted with an abundance of womanly charm, her big tits barely fit into her zebra-patterned bikini top.

Sure, she was over 40 at the time, but it was a formidable experience nonetheless for a 12 year old boy to see Angela run out into the water with them.  He didn’t know tits moved like that until that day.  What were they? D-cups?  E-cups?  He could still see those huge tits bouncing when he closed his eyes…and the thought of being trapped inside one of them was a little more than scary.

Luckily enough, none of that was a concern for him in this particular experiment.  The day that Angela volunteered, maybe he’d reconsider but in this particular instance, he’d hit the jackpot here...a month in Atsuko’s nerdy, small tit and he’d be $8,000 richer.

Monday came way quicker than Jaime thought it would.  As much as he hated to admit it, he was grateful that he’d be able to actually eat a decent amount again soon enough…even if it was the strangest food source he’d ever come by.  Still, it would beat cleaning out free-sample stations in his local supermarket.

Alone in the RR Labs waiting room, Jaime signed the last of several legal documents in order to be cleared for Injection Therapy.  The pretty but rude receptionist practically snatched them out of Jaime’s hand.

“You can go have a seat.” she said, not looking up from her phone.

He might have been fazed by the rudeness if he wasn’t already built up such a tolerance to rudeness from women.

Jaime’s left foot bounced as he looked around the boring waiting room.  He was nervous about the new experience for sure, but nothing like before.  Upon finding out that he’d be spending his time in Atsuko Okamoto’s small little boob had convinced him it would be alright.  Jaime thanked his lucky stars that he’d heard Dr. Walker mention Atsuko’s name! Otherwise, he might have lost his nerve and stayed save with another tricep injection or something else that pays crappy. He might not have even done it at all.

While waiting, Jaime fought boredom by browsing one of the dusty magazines.  When he ran out of things to read, he resorted to one of his own personal talents: daydreaming.  With nothing to stimulate his mind, Jaime had a knack for getting lost in his own thoughts; it was a great way to pass the time.  Just as his mind was preparing to take him into a fantasy, he heard the entrance door down the hall open and the sound of flip flops slapping bare soles.  Jaime had been alone in the waiting room for over an hour so he welcomed the company…even though the pink LED lights had lit up on the NO TALKING signs.

Jaime turned his head to see who had entered the waiting room.  Maybe it was Atsuko?

Jaime literally gasped.


She didn’t notice him when she walked in, instead walking past him right up to the receptionist.  Jaime watched in awe as the woman floated past him.  She was wearing a light pink dress with small, white polka dots all over.  The dress was tight at the top and flowing freely toward the bottom, a few inches above her bare knees.  Further down, Jaime determined the slapping sound he’d heard to be the woman’s matching white and pink flip flops.  Her soft, white soles peeked momentarily with each step before being slapped by the flip flop and then they stopped moving once she stood at the receptionist counter.

“Mayumi?” the receptionist said to the beautiful Japanese woman with a smile and warm friendliness that caught Jaime off guard.

“Yes, that’s me.  Its pronounced ‘My-yoom-mee’ though .” the gorgeous young woman said quietly.

“I’m sorry about that, Mayumi! My name’s Laura and it’s nice to have you here at RR Labs.”

‘What the hell…NOW she’s being nice?’ Jaime thought.

“I see you in the book here for a 10:30 AM appointment with Dr. Bexley.”

Jaime tried not to stare at Mayumi, whose back was to him.  Her left bare foot slid out of the flip flop and she used her unpainted toes to play with the thong strap while she signed in.

“I can take care of the rest for you.” Laura said.  “Why don’t you go have a seat over there and we will call you up when we’re ready for you? While you wait, you can look over these frequently asked questions.”

Mayumi mirrored the receptionist's smile and turned to approach the waiting area.  Jaime managed one quick glance as she turned to face him and he tried to hide the widening of his eyes.  Her cute, pink dress showed off a positively stunning and frankly unbelievable amount of cleavage. He could only ascertain so much as his quick glance was losing contrast and the details were fading, but was she seriously not wearing a bra?  Her tits were way too big for that!

Each step she took resulted in a mesmerizing, wondrous ripple that sent shockwaves through each enormous tit. On occasion, the waves in one tit would combine and subtract with the waves of its dancing sister, creating completely unpredictable and nearly hypnotic motion that Jaime would never understand how she could just ignore.   Those tits were larger than any he’d ever seen before…..ever. They were almost comically large, but still quite arousing.

But she was so thin!

And she looked so young!

She couldn’t have been older than 20.  She was also very short, perhaps a little over 5’. Jaime sighed in a confusing combination of pleasure and torture as Mayumi took the seat across from him. Seemingly oblivious to the chaos she was inspiring in the nervous male’s mind and body, she looked up to acknowledge him.  Jaime’s heart stopped but her brief, polite smile would have been enough right there to keep Jaime’s blood pumping for months.

He thought she looked remarkably like the Japanese adult star Hitomi Tanaka.  It was actually remarkable..in fact, if this woman didn’t look as young as she did and she didn’t just introduce herself to the receptionist as Mayumi, he might have thought it was actually her.

The gorgeous young Japanese woman lowered her eyes from Jaime and began reading the paper she was given. Jaime’s eyes danced over her body once more as Mayumi crossed her left thigh over the other, showing a tantalizing amount of her left thigh’s underside.  They weren’t particularly large thighs, nor were her hips all that wide.  Her dangling foot once again played with the attached flip flop and her breasts jiggled as she found comfort in her seat.  She seemed like any normal short japanese girl, but those tits...those fucking tits.  Jaime retreated into several strange fantasies, some of which were innocent enough..like bringing her home to his family for the holidays and nuzzling noses over hot chocolate with marshmallows in the morning.

Some fantasies were more sexual, like picturing his throbbing cock completely swallowed in that ocean of tit flesh only to explode out the top of her cleavage. That’s assuming the tit flesh wouldn’t keep his cum completely contained. Maybe the coveted space between her tits operated as a black hole...a singularity between two massive objects from which nothing could escape. He also pictured her overtop of him in bed, grabbing hold of a hefty tit and squinting one eye, as if to aim..and with a smile she’d release the abundant burden of weight from her dainty small fingers to Jaime’s face. The considerable tit would swallow all his features, overflowing generously on all sides and deforming further as she gradually lowered herself...and her nipple perfectly positioned over his mouth so that the second he even parts his lips, that nipples not coming out again until she lifts up off of him. They were so fucking big...they put Angela’s to shame for sure…they might have been even bigger than Hitomi’s.

“Ms. Okamoto?”

Jaime’s attention was ripped from pondering just how soft Mayumi’s body would have felt against his lips.  He looked up and saw a raven-haired doctor standing at one of the doorways.  She was short, beautiful, and had a decent sized chest, but nothing like Mayumi.

‘Wow, had I been so focused on ‘tig ol’ bitties’ over here that I didn’t notice Atsuko come in?’ Jaime thought as he looked around for Atsuko Okamoto.

That wouldn’t surprise him.

He took a second look around but didn’t see anyone else waiting; it was just him and Mayumi.  That’s weird...he definitely heard Ms. Okamoto being called up.

“Yes, that’s me.” Mayumi said with a smile.

He tilted his head in confusion to see Mayumi uncross her bare legs.

‘Wait…’  HER name is Okamoto, too?’  Jaime thought with increasing panic. ‘Are they sisters?  What are the odds that two girls with the last name Okamoto are in this experiment?’’

Atsuko didn’t have any sisters…not that Jaime could find, anyway.  He searched his memory from five days ago.  Did he hear the wrong name?  No…he had specifically heard Dr. Walker say Atsuko Okamoto!

There was no confusion there, right?  She definitely said Atsuko Okamoto…..right?

Unless…….did Dr. Walker just say Ms. Okamoto?

Was he remembering incorrectly?

‘Oh, no…’

Jaime’s eyes widened. Dr. Walker had said Ms. Okamoto, no first name.

‘Why the FUCK did I assume it would be someone I went to school with?’ Jaime’s nerves were lighting up like a christmas tree.

Before standing up, Mayumi leaned forward to grab her purse off the floor next to her feet, obliviously giving an already traumatized Jaime an eyeful of her deep cleavage.  The young Japanese woman’s thin, elegant neck made way for a pale white, smooth upper chest and defied gravity as the continuation jutted out into preposterously large, overflowing tits that looked like they might spill out of the confines of her pink dress at any moment.

Just minutes ago, Jaime had been fantasizing about burying his face in those tits, but now he feared he would be injected into them and lost. He gaped at them with no discretion.  Discretion was reserved for the sexy and alluring.  Her overwhelmingly large breasts were now terrifying and imposing; they were modern marvels of biology, evolution, and overindulgence. How in gods name would they be able to find him after injecting him into those fucking things?  And the way they bounced and jiggled...he’d be in constant motion, constantly jostled about as she lived her life...and he’d have to do that for a whole month??

‘No...its too much...they’re too big…’ he thought to himself.

Unaware of Jaime’s panic attack, Mayumi slid her feet all the way into her flip flops and stood up. Her eyes locked with Jaime’s for a moment.  She looked confused by his reaction but did not spend time trying to understand it.  Instead she turned to approach the raven-haired doctor.  “Good morning, I’m Dr. Bexley.” The raven-haired doctor said.

“I'm Mayumi Okamoto. It's nice to finally meet you.” Mayumi said sweetly before the two women disappeared behind the door.

Jaime was hyperventilating now. He’d dropped the magazine on the floor and was seriously considering just getting up and leaving.  He had seen some pretty confusing and scary things in the contracts he’d just signed but that all just pertained to the NDA, he was pretty sure.  He couldn’t get in trouble for leaving even though he signed the stuff already, right?  He was willing to take that chance.  He’d lost his nerve.  He stood up getting ready to leave, the receptionist not looking so friendly now and about to say something. Before she could, however, the same door that Mayumi had entered opened up, and there stood another doctor.

‘Oh, shit.’ Jaime thought..stopping and staring at the cute, short doctor.  He’d felt defeated, and it was too late.

“Good morning Jaime.  Sorry for the wait.” the cute doctor said. Her brown eyes narrowed for a moment and she tilted her head in mild confusion.  “Oh, are you leaving?”

Jaime opened his mouth to speak but no words came out.

The cute doctor smiled, “Why don’t you come on back with me?  We can talk about any questions or concerns you have.”

Jaime turned his head toward the exit and saw the parking lot.  He saw a car reversing out of a parking spot.  He saw a tree off in the distance blowing in the wind.  He saw a landscaper mowing the grass. In that moment, he wanted to just stand there and stare forever...but Jaime turned away from the view outside and faced the cute doctor...he faced the $8,000.

Dr. Walker grinned and held the door open wide for him to enter.




Seems interesting. Hope to read about a sole Injection one day