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Here is PART 1 of 2 of RR Vignette #4

As one of the most senior Participants in the RR Labs rear-housing experiment, Fransesca Burlusconi has been asked to mentor a "two-strikes" Participant named Nina Beckett.  Both Nina, Fran, and their respective subjects will be quite surprised at what they see when they all meet!

RR Vignettes #4 - Francesca Burlusconi

Chapter 1 - Two Participants Meet

With her bare feet firmly planted on the foamy, spongey yoga mat, Francesca Burlusconi took a deep breath and began flowing through sun salutations. It was a warm day for sure, the sun smiling down on the 26-year old Italian woman’s motivated workout.  She’d only just rolled out the mat in her large fenced-in backyard 5 minutes ago and she was already feeling beads of sweat trickling down her temples, neck and back.

Fran worked through several poses, the heat further igniting her muscles and enhancing her awareness of the increasing flexibility. Waves of flexing and relaxation permeated throughout the muscles of her arms, stomach, thighs, and glutes. Accumulating perspiration tickled the tip of Fran’s nose as she worked through, distracting herself in her music.  She watched the tiny droplets of sweat collect at the tip of her nose and cheek, gathering too much mass and weight to avoid gravity’s influence, plummeting to the foam yoga mat below.  Some of the droplets splashed atop the black mat during her time in poses like Downward Facing Dog, immediately absorbed into the otherwise arid, hot foam.  Other droplets fell atop her bare foot, either rolling down the side of her sole or between her toes.  She also felt beads of sweat touring the curve of her arched lower back, some droplets absorbing into the already damp material of her leggings while many others continued their journey beyond the gate of her high-waisted band of her green yoga pants and down her panties, ultimately disappearing into her increasingly slippery crack.

She felt her core engaging as she slowly entered Reverse Warrior. It was one of several poses with which Fran had problems, evident from her rapidly wiggling toes struggling to maintain the balance of her thick body. She was almost in the clear but her ADHD was triggered by an adorable brown rabbit in her yard.

The adorable brown rabbit skittishly sprinted away from the 26-year old Italian woman clumsily plopping down on her yoga matt.  It was a good thing there was so much padding…both in the yoga mat and in her ample booty.

Fran picked herself up, leaving behind a wide ass-print on the yoga mat.  She’d come back to Reverse Warrior another day. There were far easier poses that looked just as good to work through.

When Fran moved on to Pigeon about 10 minutes later, her immense glutes experienced a gentle opening, releasing stored tension and tightness. Sweltering heat escaped from between her parting cheeks as if the area between them were a convection oven, the heat joining the already hot air of her backyard.  Her bountiful cheeks worked dynamically to lift her hips and support her lower back as she transitioned through hip-opening exercises like Bridge and Wheel. She found the inversion and balancing poses challenging and a little frustrating but she welcomed the consequential tightening and toning of her ample, curvaceous glutes.

In her favorite pose, High Lunge, the 26-year old woman consciously activated her plump buns, squeezing them tightly to add an extra element of toning and control to her practice.

Fran let out a long sigh of relief when she heard the timer on her cell phone going off and she collapsed with a forceful plop onto the sweat-splashed gray yoga mat.  Her damp buns practically sizzled as the heat of the dark mat transferred delightfully through the spongy foam and into the pliable but compressed flesh of Fran’s splaying ass cheeks.

“Thank god…” The Italian woman huffed out loud, leaning back into a supine position and dabbing her face with a fresh and clean towel.  She donned her favorite pair of bug-lens sunglasses, more than adequately sized to protect the 26-year old’s eyes from the sun as she extended the well-earned break lying on her back.

Hot yoga was her most recent passion, but the only thing stronger than Fran’s interest in trendy hobbies was her lack of attention span and ability to follow through with them.  Last month she’d activated her truest passions when she discovered calligraphy.

A month after that, it was candle-making.

Then urban gardening.

Then photography.

But she was sure this time!  She’d found her calling in hot yoga for sure, and just in time for the sweltering heat of July!

Fran reached for her phone, face-down in the grass next to her yoga mat and then rolled over onto her stomach, entering the Sphinx pose.  The sun baked her wrinkled bare soles and the heat lingered intensely between her pulsing, engaged glutes as she checked her phone.

A few emails.  A few new Instagram followers.  And then lastly a text.

She didn’t recognize the number, but the message brought a smile of remembrance to her face.

‘Hi!  This is Nina Beckett! Dr. Walker said I should text you for your address.  I can leave my mom’s house at nooooooon! :-)

With her rolled yoga mat tucked under her arm, Fran opened the sliding glass door into her home. Carelessly tracking dirt and grass into her kitchen, Fran dropped the yoga mat halfway to the fridge and pulled out the ingredients for a nice, rejuvenating Frozen Margarita.  Goosebumps sprout over her body from the cooling sensation of the delightful air conditioning and the icy, tangy liquid felt wonderful against her lips and tongue.

Despite the rapid evaporation of the perspiration on the 26-year old’s neck, shoulders, and arms, Fran could tell that little heat had dissipated from down below; her ample derriere greedily holding onto the heat and perspiration that accumulated during the heavy workout.

Fran left the ingredients for her cold beverage out on the counter.

The ingredients, the yoga mat, the dirt and grass….all of that would be taken care of by the maid who was due to arrive any minute now.

“There are more important things to think about right now.” Fran said with a smirk, her left hand snaking down her body to land on the underside of her heavy left ass cheek.

“God, they’re wet.” Fran chuckled, feeling a particular dampness at the center of her skin-tight yoga pants.  She set her drink down and hooked both of her thumbs into either side of her tight waistband and began tugging down.

“I guess we should clean up if we’re going to have company.” Fran said out loud as she freed the abundant, plentiful clammy flesh of her ass cheeks.

She was not alone but she knew her voice fell on deaf ears.  Her round cheeks were far too large and the dense, the pillowy flesh far too insulating for any sound to permeate that deep, dark space between.

She stepped out of the yoga pants, her panties conveniently refusing to separate. Fran kicked them with her bare foot into a crumpled wet pile of gray and hot pink vaguely next to her yoga mat. With a rehearsed precision earned over the course of years, Fran’s fingers gilded between her bare wet cheeks, immediately finding the well-behaved and easily forgotten treasure buried so deeply within.

A slight jiggle radiated out in all directions of Fran’s doughy, spherical butt cheeks as they returned to their normal position immediately after her fingers left her crack.  She raised the hand to her face, its fingers and its prize glistening with Fran’s perspiration.

“Good morning, Lindsay.” Fran sang with sweet condescension.

“Good morning, Goddess Fran,” Lindsay replied.

The poor little thing looked so groggy and disheveled but Fran had to give her a little credit as a rehearsed pep and cheerfulness did its darndest to float to the top.

Her once luscious mane of golden, textured blonde locks took on new dimensions of chaos and array in the many years that passed.  Strands of hair that once flowed with vibrancy and group conformity now resembled a forest of wild, anarchic golden tangles saturated in sweat.  In fact, the perspiration extended well beyond her tousled locks.  The tiny blonde beauty’s entire nude body carried a salty shimmer, accentuating her flat stomach and spherical, perky bare breasts.  It’d be impossible to determine how much of the shine came from her own perspiration and how much came from Fran’s crack, but the Italian woman assumed that it mostly came from the latter.

“Is it…Saturday already?” Lindsay asked.  Her eyes had retained most of their striking beauty but they were unmistakably groggy and fatigued.  Her once bright blue irises now appeared dimmer, reflecting the weariness and confusion of her life in Fran’s custody.

“No, dear.  It’s only Tuesday.” Fran chuckled, “I’ve let you out early for a very, very special occasion.”

Lindsay’s head tilted as if she were a tiny, woodland animal trying to understand the decisions of its mother.  It seemed logical to think that Lindsay’s perception of passing time would improve proportionately with her increasing experience in gluteal confinement, at least that’s what the two fancy doctors at RR Labs told her.

In reality, Lindsay’s time perception while stuffed up between Fran’s butt cheeks seemed to degrade over the years.

She smiled down at the naked disheveled blonde wrapped in her fingers, gently stroking the tiny woman’s face and chest, “You’re going to meet one of Goddess Fran’s new friends.”

Lindsay had been leaning affectionately into Fran’s stroking finger, relaxing her frame and happily accepting Fran’s scratches to her scalp and the rubbing of her round, bare breasts. Now, having heard Fran’s statement about friends, Lindsay’s body had stiffened so much that Fran could actually feel Lindsays’ curvy bare butt cheeks against her palm tighten up and her eyes widened with concern.

Fran knew exactly why Lindsay might have been less-than-excited about a new friend coming over.

Usually whenever Fran had company, Lindsay was passed around like a collection plate at church. The poor little thing already looked uncomfortable with being disturbed from her confinement in Fran’s rear so Fran understood Lindsay’s concern at the thought of today being spent touring several other rears.

She found it hilarious and adorable, but she understood.

“Ohh?  Is it…Miss Janice? Or…it’s not–I mean…is it Goddess Lucy?” Lindsay asked timidly.

“No, you silly girl!  Not my sisters!” Fran let out a loud, obnoxious cackle, her lone fingertip continuing to tease Lindsay’s perky, pale, glistening breasts.

‘And goodness…did she ever MEET those two!’ Fran thought to herself.

Fran continued out loud, “I told you it's a NEW friend..one you haven’t met before.”

There was some semblance of hope on Lindsay’s face, but still a fair amount of fear.  As much as Fran enjoyed it, seeing the cute little girl’s face brighten would have its own unique value.

“I’ll give you a hint.  This NEW friend that’s coming over.  She’s also a friend of Miss Katie and Miss Alex.”

Lindsay’s eyes lit up and Fran chuckled.

“I know it was a long, LOOOOONG time ago, but do you remember them?”

“Of course I do!” Lindsay piped, “they gave me to you!”

“That’s right, sweetheart! They sure did!” Fran chuckled, reminiscing briefly on that interesting day and then returned to the subject of company.  “Anyway, Goddess Fran’s new friend…she’s a new..hmm” Fran tickled her chin, trying to think of the words, “...well..she’s a ‘new-ish’ Participant in need of some mentorship…and wouldn’t it just make perfect sense that Miss Alex would ask me to help her?”

“It makes perfect sense, Goddess Fran! But so…”

The wheels in Lindsay’s pretty little head were spinning.  She didn’t often get moments like this to think so critically.

“I’ll get to see someone as little as me?!” Lindsay asked in disbelief.

“Well, it’d be pretty silly if Nina didn’t take her boy out of her bottom at some point during the visit, don’t you think?”

“Ohhhh!!!  He’s….a BOY?!?!?” Lindsay squealed in disbelief.

“Of course he is, you silly girl!” Fran cackled, observing both of Lindsay’s nipples stiffening.  “You know I told you that you’re one of the only pretty little ladies in this program.”

Lindsay’s breasts bounced as she kicked her legs excitedly, her tiny bare feet slapping against Fran’s hand.

“Oh, can I say hi to him if she takes him out, Goddess Fran?” Lindsay asked, literally clasping her hands in prayer to the goddess that controlled every aspect of her life. “Pleeeeease???”

Fran tickled her chin for a moment, allowing Lindsay to stare up in anticipation before finally replying.

“Well……I think it’ll be up to Nina if you can but since you’ve been so good lately…I don’t see why not.”

“Yay!! Thank you, Goddess Fran! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!” Lindsay squeaked, rapidly peppering Fran’s wet fingers with kisses.

“Oh, I’m so excited, Goddess Fran!  When is your new friend and her boy getting here?”

“Look how impatient my little Lindsay is!” Fran snickered, “..they’re going to get here at about 1 pm.  Can you still tell time, Lindsay?”

Lindsay’s pretty little blue eyes darted over to the analog clock on the wall.

“I can, Goddess Fran!” Lindsay replied proudly, but the girl spent more than a few seconds staring at the analog clock.  Fran did her best to avoid laughing into Lindsay’s face as she struggled quietly to interpret the clock.

“Is it….8:30 AM?” Lindsay asked quietly and timidly.

Fran smiled and silently nodded.

Excitement returned to her face at the correct assessment, but then her brow wrinkled when she realized how early in the day it was.

“Well, it looks like you’re going to have to be patient, my dear!”

“I’ll try, Goddess Fran.  I really will.  I’m just so excited to meet him.” Lindsay said, then quickly added, “...and her!”

“I’m sure they’re just as excited to meet you!  You’re going to be very helpful today, you know. Showing Nina what a good girl you are and all. You’ve come a long way since we first met, Lindsay.”

“I know, Goddess Fran.  It makes my heart so happy to think that you’re proud of me.” Lindsay chirped.

“I’m MOSTLY proud of you, Lindsay.  You’ve still got a bit further to go, but you’re doing so good for your Goddess Fran.”

“Do you think your friend might let her boy give me a hug?” Lindsay asked sweetly, her hands clasped over her chest.”

Laughter and spittle spurted from Fran’s lips and hit Lindsay’s blushing face.  She clutched her chest as if to hold a heart either swelling or breaking.

“Is little Lindsay in love already? Does she want the sweet prince to sweep you off your feet?” Fran giggled, “You’ve not even met him yet!”

“I know, Goddess Fran. I’m just excited to…meet someone as small as me.” Lindsay blushed and pouted.

Fran resumed stroking Lindsay’s breasts and belly, “Oh, girl.  Don’t worry, I get it.

Lindsay smiled with a smitten reverence for Fran.  “Is it okay if I go back in my home, Goddess Fran? Until your friend gets here?”

“No, Lindsay.  Not just yet.  Oh, don’t you dare pout!” Fran chuckled down at the miniature woman in her hand, “Goddess Fran is going to need a long shower after that workout, what with company coming over and all.  But if you behave, you can go home right after your Goddess is out of the shower and has dried herself off.”

Lindsay’s pout turned to a grin, “Okay, Goddess Fran!  Is it okay if I work on my project while you shower?”

Fran’s brow wrinkled for a moment as she tried to remember what her little butt-companion was talking about. A laugh escaped her lips as the memory returned.

“Oh, your big important project, that’s right.” Fran replied, her voice dripping with condescension. “Of course, dear.”

Fran slid her tanktop up and over her shoulders as she walked toward her bedroom and it landed in a crumpled, wet pile of cotton much like her yoga pants in the kitchen.

‘The maid would get those, too.’

She entered her bedroom completely naked, just as naked as Lindsay was 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and dropped down to her knees at the foot of her bed.  She reached in under the bed and pulled out a pair of white and teal flip-flops and set Lindsay atop the left one.  It had three distinct toe prints from Fran’s big toe, second toe, and third toe.  The fourth and pinky toe prints were there as well, but they were very faded and smudged, almost completely lifted from the sole of the flip flop.  The other flip flop was completely clean, looking brand new compared to the one Lindsay stood upon.

Lindsay immediately dropped to her hands and knees and began lapping at one of the fresh, untouched toe prints.

Fran snickered down at her little Lindsay, “You’re doing so good, my dear.”

The 26-year old glanced over at her nightstand table where a prescription medicine bottle rested next to her alarm clock.  It looked like the traditional prescription bottles but instead of amber orange, the bottle was purple.  “And remember…it's good for you, too! If you somehow didn’t get enough during your Goddess’s workout just now.”

Lindsay looked up just long enough to nod vehemently in agreement before burying her cute face back into the toe print.

Fran grabbed a fresh pair of underwear from her drawer and set out her outfit for the day at the foot of her bed. She selected a white crop top, pristine white to complement her sun-kissed complexion

Before entering her bathroom to wash the heavy workout from her thick body, Fran looked once more at Lindsay, out in the open on her bedroom floor dutifully licking at the dirty toe prints of her well-worn sandals. It would be another few weeks before Lindsay’s lips and tongue would fully restore those flip flops to their new condition.

Fran was excited to see how quickly her heels, soles, and toes could erase all of Lindsay’s hard work.


Fran wiggled her toes rhythmically, anchored by her heels atop her living room coffee table as she scrolled through Instagram, half-listening to Grey’s Anatomy playing on her wall-mounted television.

She shifted her wide hips into the comfy cushion, feeling her little Lindsay wedging deeper into her crack when she heard a series of rapid knocks from off in the distance.

As Fran made her way to the door, she reached a single hand down the back of her skin-tight leggings and pulled her massive left cheek from her sister just far enough for sound to enter her crack.

“She’s here.” Fran said with a smile and then released her cheek, appreciating the way the jiggly flesh bounced right back into position around her little Lindsay. Lindsay had stopped struggling within her home in Fran’s crack years ago but there were a few exceptions of course.

Fran’s ass cheeks were BIG.

Big even for a normal sized person, let alone someone as small as Lindsay living between them!  Naturally, her big cheeks would bounce and shift when she walked, sometimes pulling little Lindsay in deeper and sometimes pushing her outward.  She couldn’t blame little Lindsay for trying to get cozy in her big jiggly home…especially if it was exceptionally slippery back there like from today’s workout.  There were also times when Lindsay would be tasked to partner up with Fran’s bedside rabbit.  The vibrating hot pink device would take care of the front while Lindsay took care of the back and oh, did they make a great team!

Struggling was more than okay in those moments!

But now Lindsay was squirming around like it was her first week in Fran’s crack.  Fran could have punished her or jiggled her cheeks violently to make her stop, but she only rolled her eyes at the show of emotion.

‘She’s excited..’ Fran laughed, patting her bulbous spherical cheeks.

The cute little thing could barely stand still as Fran bathed her in the sink, flooding Fran with questions about Nina and her boy.  Fran would have loved to tell her but she knew so very little herself, only that Nina was in need of some guidance.

Fran was about to open the door when she heard another set of knocks.  It hadn’t been more than 10 seconds since the first set.

“Ugh….this girl better not be annoying..” Fran thought, her hand circling the brass doorknob and pulling open her front door.

Nina Beckett stood facing away from Fran on her doorstep, her attention absorbed into her phone screen.  Fran thought that she was searching for reception, but a closer look at her phone screen revealed that she had snapped a selfie standing in front of Fran’s door and as she slowly turned to face Fran, her attention remained fixed on her phone, navigating the Instagram menu to post the picture.

Fran immediately recognized that Nina epitomized the quintessential valley girl aesthetic, effortlessly capturing attention wherever she went with an air of unearned wealth and natural self-assuredness.  She’d carried that demeanor and entitlement to Fran’s front door, which was fine for now.

Living in California, Fran knew plenty of girls like her.

Growing up in California, Fran was a bit like her.

Her long, bleach-blonde hair cascaded down several inches past her shoulders, straight and well-maintained which concealed the arms of her designer sunglasses as they disappeared into her mane.  The roots of her dirty blonde hair peeked out subtly, only visible to a discerning and observant eye not wholly distracted by the girl’s pretty young face, her display of cleavage, or her preposterously large ass.

An expensive designer zip-up hoodie, light and gray, clung to Nina’s form and accentuated her narrow waist. It was zipped up only halfway, revealing a simple white shirt with a plunging neckline that offered up a distracting view of cleavage.

Fran recognized the black yoga pants cloaking the young girl’s lower half like a second skin.  They appeared simple but Fran knew how expensive they were.  To put it simply, her maid would have had to save for months.  The sumptuous fabric embraced the curves of Nina’s ample backside with a sinful tightness, leaving no doubt about the intoxicating power it effortlessly held over any poor, simple boy who dared cast their gaze upon it.

The uniform tightness of the garment relented only slightly as it tapered downward, ending a few inches below her knees.

“You must be Nina.” Fran said.

“That’s me!  It’s really nice to meet you.” Nina replied, anchoring her sunglasses atop her golden mane.

“Mm-hmm.” Fran responded, looking at her phone screen and then back up at Nina with a raised eyebrow.  “Car troubles?”

Nina looked at her own phone and her facial expression soured, indicating to Fran that the oblivious girl’s lateness was a brand new revelation.

“Maybe it's a daylight savings time thing?” Nina replied unconvincingly, looking down at her phone.

There was far more sass in Nina’s response than sincerity, but it didn’t bother Fran.  In fact, as a woman with her fair share of sass, Fran actually appreciated it…as long as it didn’t get too out of control.

Fran observed Nina’s fingers danced over the screen and she began tapping her bare foot impatiently. Nina’s greenish-brown eyes snapped from her phone screen down to Fran’s bare foot, aware of Fran’s counter-sass.

“Kay…sorry!”The blonde responded by hurriedly stuffing her phone in her purse.

“It’s no problem. Why don’t you come in?” Fran said, stepping backwards into her own home and gesturing toward the floor, “You can leave your flip flops here.  No shoes inside.”

Nina ran her hands over her plump, full backside before plopping down on the loveseat adjacent to Fran. She wiggled her hips, getting comfortable in the seat.

“So when Dr. Walker and Dr. Bexley told me that I needed to come see you, I was expecting someone much older.”

“Is that right?” Fran firmly parked her large rear back into the same cushion on her couch. “Why’s that?”

Nina continued, “They said you’ve had your subject for like 8 years.”

“It’ll be 9 years this September.”

“Wow, you’ve had your subject for that long??? I was only 9 years old!” Nina laughed, “You must have gotten yours when you were really young, huh?”

“Oh yeah, I had only just turned 18 a few days before.”

“No way, me too!” Nina said, pressing her hand against her chest with her mouth agape.

Fran chuckled along with the amused Nina and continued, “I rushed into a lot of dumb stuff when I was younger…and I rushed into this all the same…” Fran crossed her left leg over her right and ran her fingers along the underside of her left cheek, “...but getting in early on this experiment was one of the best things I ever did.”

“Really?” Nina asked, leaning in.

“Oh yeah, of course.  You saw the pay, right?”

Nina scoffed, leaning back in her seat and waving her hand dismissively, “Oh, yeah.  I don’t really care too much about that.  My allowance from my Mom is more than that.”

‘Oh, this one is interesting.’ Fran thought, ‘bitchy but interesting.’

“Is that right?  Why are you in the experiment then?”

Nina rolled her eyes and huffed, “Ugh…because my mom said I have to learn about responsibility and unless I can take care of a subject for at least a year, she’s going to stop giving me my allowance.”

“Hmm…how old are you?”

“I turned 18 in January.” Nina replied.

“Interesting.  Well, that sounds like a great deal.  I would’ve done the exact same thing!” Fran said, picking up her phone and swiping through some of her recent text messages.

“So Dr. Walker tells me that you need some help with ‘subject retention’?” Fran asked, emphasizing air quotes.

Nina rolled her eyes again, “I guess I’ve had a few problems before, but they were barely my fault!”

“What happened?”

Nina crossed her arms, “The first one I lent to my friend who wanted to try him out…but then she lent him to one of HER friends..who lent him to another friend, yada yada yada. You know how that goes.”

Fran nodded, “I’m still waiting to get my favorite pair of golden hoop earrings back from one of my girlfriends.”

Nina giggled and continued, “I tried tracking him down for like a full day but I guess whoever had him last either lost him or just kept him.”

“I see…” Fran replied.

“...so I blame Olivia for that one.”

“Hmm….okay.  You said ‘first one’.  Was there a second one?” Fran asked.

“Mm-hmm!”  Nina replied, taking a sip of her cherry coke, “The next one I’m pretty sure I lost at a Taylor Swift concert.”

“Gotcha…” Fran replied, “...was he in your butt?”

“Yeah the whole time!  Until he wasn’t, I guess.  Thinking back to it, I probably should have worn underwear under my dress but in my defense that little thing was CONSTANTLY trying to get out of my butt.  If he’d have just stayed put there would have been no problems…but he just haaaaad to try and get out.”

“Okay, so I think–” Fran started but Nina interrupted.

“And then the third one…well…”

‘Jesus, this girl…’ Fran thought to herself with a chuckle.

“I brought him to the beach with me.” Nina continued, “...he stayed in my butt the whole day until I went out to cool off in the water but at that point…between the sweat and tanning lotion that probably dripped down between my cheeks, he definitely wasn’t deep enough in my crack…” Nina smiled sheepishly, “...and I kinda lost him in the ocean.  I guess that one was mostly my fault.”

“Hmm..yeah it's best to tuck them all the way up inside of you if you’re going to be swimming.”

“Yeah, I thought about that on the drive home.”

“So wait..you got your first subject on your 18th birthday…when was that?”

“January 19th.” Nina replied

“…and you’ve been through three already?”

“Mm-hmm!” Nina replied, taking another sip of her cherry coke.

“It’s been six months, girl!” Fran chuckled.

“Ugh, I know right?  Everyone’s got a cute little quirk…one of mine is just that I forget stuff sometimes.”

“It’s okay, lesson learned!” Fran said.  “Well, I understand now why Dr. Walker wanted you to come over and chat with me.  I think I can offer some pretty good advice and insight into your ‘subject retention issues’.” Fran air-quoted again.

Fran’s skepticism over Nina’s abilities as a Participant had started low and were steadily declining. She was a cute, confident girl that reminded Fran a bit of herself when she was that age, but that was at least a little bit part of the problem here! Still, Fran owed an awful lot to RR Labs and she was happy to help where she could…and the $5,000 check for mentoring Nina sure didn’t hurt either!

As simple as keeping a tiny little person buried in your butt might seem, there were plenty of little nuances of rear-housing that Fran had learned over the past decade with her little Lindsay.  It was quite a journey!

Fran couldn’t say she was optimistic about Nina’s little subject making it much further than the previous three but maybe with Fran’s help, he could make it a few months.

Maybe Fran could set Nina up with some good advice on gluteal confinement.

Maybe Fran could teach Nina a little bit about the teamwork necessary to make rear-housing work.

Fran stood up from the sofa, running a hand over her ample buttocks.  She wanted Nina to see that there was always a bigger ass…and the blonde girl was more focused on it now than she ever was on her phone.

“Maybe it’s time that you meet my little Lindsay.” Fran said with a smile, her epic globes jiggling as she gently patted them.

