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Reduction & Relocation - Lori Warren

Chapter 11 - Waiting

[September 30th, 2005]

Lori stood nervously in front of the glass door.  Apart from the bright sun reflecting off the glass, the entrance appeared entirely innocuous, as if this were just some run-of-the-mill, cookie-cutter corporate building that you could drive by for years without it ever having caught your eye.  She’d seen many a corporate plaza in her day and even worked in one herself, but Lori had never seen one tucked back in such a serene, unexplored range of North Carolinian nature.  The air was more crisp here, and the sounds of passing cars were miles down the dirt road she’d carefully driven in her rented Prius.

Lori read the white text centered on the door at about eye level:

RR Laboratories

Lori took a deep breath and pressed the call button right next to the keypad.

In a combination of nerves and budding impatience, Lori absent-mindedly smoothed the back of her denim skirt down, focusing for a fleeting moment on the hint of fidgeting between her large, warm cheeks hidden from the world. The source of the fidgeting could barely claim any stake in this world that Lori so freely walked, buried deep below flesh, tight maroon cotton, and thick denim.

The first thing she’d done when getting off the plane was adjourn to a restroom in order to change into the tight maroon underwear.

She’d briefly considered taking him out to explain to him what was going on, but her landing was delayed and she feared that she might be late for her appointment.  Lori simply tucked the blue panties she’d worn on the plane into her purse.  He wasn’t happy about it but he should have been grateful that she’d allowed him the freedom of her normal underwear on the flight!

Lori’s attention was easily pulled from the faint struggling in her crack by an abrupt buzzing speaker. From the speaker, she heard a single word…the tone of a question…from a feminine, nearly skeptical voice.


Lori cleared her throat and leaned unnecessarily close toward the speaker, her eye catching the movement of a security camera mounted up in the corner.

“Lori Warren?” She replied, matching the tone of a question.

There was no response from the skeptical feminine voice, only the sound of the locking mechanism of the glass door unlatching with a loud “ca-chunk”.

Lori pulled the heavy door open and walked into RR Labs.

The air conditioning felt good against her arms, bare legs, and sandal clad feet.  It was quite a warm day, and she had to walk further in this heat than she and certainly him were expecting.  She was sure the tiny complainer in her bottom would have something to say had she given him the opportunity.  At least the flight over was reasonably air conditioned; she felt bad that the subject had to remain in her bottom for the entire flight though.

Lori rubbed her ample left cheek.  It was still sore from the long flight and the drive didn’t do her any favors.  As soon as she plopped down in the seat, she felt so sleepy that she dozed right off and didn’t wake up until they’d landed…and even as she slept, she adjusted her sitting style to prevent her bulbous cheeks from compressing too firmly in on the subject.

Did he care? Was he grateful?  Probably not.

And now she’d nearly walked off the cramp in her left ass cheek that had returned during the drive from the airport, each step inspiring a flurry of fleshy movements that reverberated up her calves and thighs into each cheek, loosening the flesh and creating relief for the selfless mother of three.  Lori continued down the long hallway, the slapping sound of her flip flops against her wide, calloused heels echoing off the bare, windowless walls that lead to a single, simple door.

On the other side was a waiting room that bore a striking resemblance to a doctor’s office. The room exuded an air of understated luxury, professionalism, and cleanliness.  The room exuded a subtle aura of calmness that did its best to slow Lori’s racing heart. Muted, cold light emanated from recessed fixtures in the ceiling while decorative fixtures along the walls complemented with soft, warm hues.Despite the room’s large size, there were only two rows of chairs.  They seemed expensive and designed for the utmost comfort, and were meticulously arranged along either creme-vanilla colored wall with at least 15-20 feet of walking space between the two rows.  Every luxurious, comfortable looking seat was empty except for one on the north wall.

It was occupied by a beautiful young blonde woman engrossed in the pages of a fashion magazine.  Lori looked further down into the depths of the waiting room and saw the receptionist’s desk.

Gratefully, the beautiful blonde had not looked up from her engrossing magazine as Lori self-consciously walked up toward the desk.  The last thing she wanted was a young woman like her looking at Lori’s bottom and wondering if there was a tiny little boy in there.

‘But was that even really a bad thing? If she wondered?’ Lori thought.  ‘Clearly she’s here, too…’

Lori approached the front desk with measured steps, her gaze fixed upon the young woman stationed behind it. The counter, remarkably elevated, was cold, gleaming, and uncluttered.  It presented an image of clinical precision and cleanliness, a testament to the meticulous upkeep and achievement ethos within RR Labs.  The counter concealed much of the receptionist from Lori’s view, revealing only glimpses of her chipper, vibrant young smile as well as the lapels and collar of her impeccably tailored blazer.  A nametag decorated her right breast, identifying her as Laura.

Laur wore a pin on her left lapel that resembled a mirrored image of two purple arcs, each one containing a small blue ball.  Lori recognized the symbol from the literature items she’d received with her subject.

Though youthful in appearance, Laura possessed an air of maturity beyond her years and her smile made Lori feel more at ease in such a complicated and confusing situation.  Lori estimated her to be not much older than Gina.  Perhaps in her early 20’s if not younger, yet her demeanor exuded a sense of practiced competence and genuine friendliness.

Lori’s voice, barely above a whisper, broke the stillness.

“Hi.” Lori greeted, the single word somehow packed with a healthy blend of curiosity and apprehension.

“Good morning, Lori. How was your trip?” Laura replied with a melodic symphony of professional courtesy and sincere warmth.

“Oh, it was fine…thank you.” Lori replied, a bit caught off guard but pleased by Laura’s interest in her wellbeing.

“I’m so glad to hear it!” Laura chirped.  Lori had a better view of the lower tiered workspace of the receptionist area, featuring a slender monitor screen and tight, compact wireless keyboard and mouse.  Laura reached for a pen from a full cup stationed next to a cleanly squared stack of blank forms.

“Did you bring your subject today?” Laura asked sweetly.

The question was a gentle reminder to Lori of what had brought her to this domain of scientific discovery and research.  She swallowed dryly.

How interesting…Lori had never attached the word ‘hers’ to the subject before.  For all intents and purposes, it really was true though, wasn’t it?

Lori recalled a time some years back when she and her daughters had visited a swim park. The ticket-selling cashier had asked how old her daughters were so that their tickets could be priced correctly. She’d not had the same introspective contemplation in that moment, wondering whether it was appropriate to refer to them as ‘hers’, and yet here she was, replaying the word rolling off of Laura’s full lips.

Gina, Isabella, and Victoria were ‘her’ daughters…sure, no problem there.  This…subject was…well…’her’ subject.  She could wrap her head around it…sure…if not for one thing. This just felt so different. Lori didn’t know this young woman, but the tone of her question wasn’t that of the ticket-selling cashier’s from that day at the water park years and years ago.

It could have been overthinking or her just imagining it, but Lori inferred from the tone that the receptionist didn’t view this as familial or even a professional relationship.  The tone implied that he was a possession of hers that she could have just as easily forgotten to bring…that he wasn’t just ‘her’ subject in the same way that Gina, Vicky, and Bella were ‘her’ daughters.  Unlike the full-sized, increasingly independent girls, the subject actually did belong to her…much like the sandals on her feet or the business cards in her desk drawer.

Lori wondered if she agreed with the receptionist’s implication.

“Umm..yes, I brought him.” Lori replied.  She nervously flexed her cheeks.  Her heart rate had started rising again.  This was the first time someone had looked her straight in the eye and referred directly to the tiny man concealed within her butt.  It was a little jarring, considering how secretive she’d had to be…hiding his presence, albeit with relative ease, from her daughters.

“Okay, then.” Laura smiled, grabbing a few sheets of paper and a pen from the cup.  Each pen had a long, plastic flower tied to the end, obviously to dissuade visitors from keeping them.

‘She’s just acting so normal….’ Lori thought in disbelief, watching the elegant young receptionist do her job. ‘I’ve got a human being tucked away in my bottom and she’s just grabbing papers.’

“We’ll just need you to fill out the fronts of these forms.” Laura said kindly, holding the papers and pen out.

The receptionist reached down behind the counter where Lori couldn’t see and grabbed another sheet, placing it on top of the small stack in Lori’s hands.  Laura pointed at the top of the first sheet and quietly said, “If you wouldn’t mind, go ahead and take a look at Note #2 on the top sheet before you go sit down, please.”

Lori read the note to herself:

Note #2:

Subjects must be installed prior to all appointments.

It is strongly preferred that Participants perform subject-installation prior to check-in. However, if the subject is not installed at the time of check-in, Participants are required to visit the waiting room lavatory and install the subject prior to any appointment.

Participants are responsible for ensuring that subjects are completely concealed at all times while on the premises except for in lavatories or until otherwise instructed by RR Laboratories personnel.

Lori looked up from the paper to the receptionist, not quite sure how to say it.

“Oh…I don’t have to go to….” Lori trailed off, looking over at the restroom.  She returned her gaze to Laura, hoping that the young girl would have gotten what she was trying to say.

No such luck.

Laura wore a youthful curiosity on her freckled cheeks, her green eyes sparkling with focus on Lori’s words.

Lori cleared her throat, “to the restroom…like the note says.  He’s…..umm…he’s already…” Lori gestured down to her wide hips and the receptionist’s eyes followed. Laura realized quickly what Lori meant and a smile spread across her young face.

“Oh, fantastic!  In that case, you can have a seat over there anywhere you like and finish reviewing the other notes…once you’ve read them over you can start filling out the paperwork.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask, Ms. Warren.”

Lori smiled and turned away from Laura, nervously clutching the papers to her chest, lightly tapping them against her skin as her heavy glutes shifted under her denim skirt with each hesitant step. She could feel Laura’s eyes dancing all over her big, jiggling bottom…at least the denim helped to obstruct their true jiggliness..at least a little bit!

“Oh, I forgot to add, Dr. Walker is just finishing up with some other obligations but she said that she will be with you shortly.” Laura added.

She took a seat in the same row as the blonde woman, only a single chair between her and Lori.  It was a comfy chair no doubt, several inches of soft, plush cushion compressed under her formidable weight. Her hips just barely fit in the gap between the arm rests.  Luckily for her complaining subject, there was enough room for her to uncomfortably shift to one glute, crossing one thigh over the other.

Before looking at her forms, Lori took another quick look around.  She smiled politely at the blonde who had acknowledged Lori’s entrance, and now her eyes continued to the large selection of signage she’d briefly spotted previously.  The most prevalently occurring sign was the one she’d seen earlier over top the blonde’s head. It looked to be about half the size of a standard poster and it had what looked like an unlit LED light at the bottom center.  Above it was text:

ABSOLUTELY NO TALKING in the Waiting Room when PINK LED is illuminated, except with RR Personnel.

There were other signs as well.

Cell Phone use is prohibited.

Please check in with the receptionist prior to sitting down.

No electronics.

Do NOT unmute the television

None of these signs were as large or occurred as often along the cream-white wallspace as did the no-talking sign.

“Beautiful day today, isn’t it?”

Lori’s eyes quickly darted back to the ‘no talking’ sign. Even though she’d literally just looked at it, she wanted to confirm once more that the LED was not illuminated.

Once she confirmed that it was okay to talk, Lori glanced over at the blonde woman and smiled politely, “Yes. Yes, it is.”

The young woman set her magazine down in her lap and leaned over the empty seat between her and Lori, her tight blonde curls bobbing slightly as she extended a hand. “My name’s Hannah.”

“I’m Lori.  Nice to meet you.  Are you…. participating?”

Hannah showed a full mouth of pristine white teeth as she smiled and shook her head, “Oh no, no.  I don’t really meet the…well..” she motioned down to her narrow waist.  Lori’s rear took up nearly as much real estate of the luxurious, cushioned seat as possible, her upper thighs each flirting with the arm rests of her chair.  By comparison, there was plenty of air between Hannah’s hips and the arm rests.

“…I don’t meet the requirements.” She said with a short but genuine laugh.

Hannah’s slender thighs were mostly encased in dark designer jeans, adorned in fashionable tears, revealing glimpses of sun-kissed tan skin.  Lori’s own pale calves, caught in a momentary and unfair comparison, appeared even bulkier than Hannah’s thighs in contrast.  A tinge of self-consciousness flickered within Lori, but she swiftly brushed it away.  Hannah appeared at an age where her high school days were still an audible echo in a past within reach, and her exceptionally svelte figure led Lori to the conclusion that Hannah might have been one of those cheerleaders who effortlessly soared through the air, lifted and twirled by her teammates.

Amid Hannah’s petite frame, there was one aspect that attempted to defy the notion of her delicacy and svelteness. Her ample bosom, proudly on display with an arresting amount of cleavage that even Lori couldn’t avoid stealing a glance.  It might have even made her sweet Isabella blush.  Hannah’s thick, cascading curls framed her face beautifully, but very purposefully terminated above the shoulders, careful to avoid obstructing the stunning view of her chesty, feminine display.

As self-conscious as Lori felt about how much…well…thicker she was than Hannah, Lori felt more self-conscious about bringing up what could have been a sore spot for Hannah.  Not meeting the criteria for anything could be a bit of a slap in the face, even something as silly as not having large enough buttocks for a man to live between...but then again, that is an awful lot of money to miss out on.

“Oh…I’m sorry I asked.” Lori said, returning her gaze to her own wide lap.

“Oh no! Don’t be!” Hannah said, gently grabbing Lori’s arm and patting it.

As if she could see the next question on Lori’s mind, Hannah’s forest-green eyes wandered over toward the door across the waiting room between their seats and Laura’s station at the receptionist desk.

“I’m just waiting for my fiancée. She DEFINITELY meets the requirements,” Hannah said, punctuating her words with a playful wink that caused Lori’s eyes to widen and her cheeks to blush.

“Oh, I see!” Lori said in shock and Hannah laughed lightly.

“Oh, I hope you don’t think…I mean…you know my response wasn’t about—we’re very progressive back in Seattle! And three of my closest friends from high school, well I’d heard…and I mean…I was okay with…I was just—” Lori sighed, noticing a growing amusement on Hannah’s face.

“I’m just very new to all this.”

“To what, Lori?  Lesbian relationships or rear-housing?” Hannah teased.

“The second one, by far!” Lori enthusiastically answered.

Lori’s only experience with this strange new concept of rear housing was her own. From that single frame of experiential reference, she was most familiar with secrecy, shame, and pain.

Secrecy from her daughters, secrecy from her friendly coworkers at lunch, secrecy even from the handsome boy at the coffee shop who knew exactly how she liked her mocha.  None of them knew that she carried a miniature naked man in her bottom.

How disgusting would they all think she was if they knew? If they caught her removing the tiny little trinket from deep between her big soft cheeks, if they watched her ample, wide bottom wiggle and bounce with each waddling step, silently judging her for wedging something so small and helpless in their damp, earthy cleavage.

‘Oh…’ Lori added silently to herself, ‘let’s not forget persistent pain in either my left or right glute depending on which way I’m leaning to accommodate my subject’.

For the first time, Lori had been privy to a second frame of reference.  Even if it was all delivered in the form of a single sentence from a pretty, adventurous, and confident young woman.  The idea of two women…to borrow an inferred sentiment from Laura…”co-owning” a tiny little person so openly and unapologetically…it was just such a foreign and intriguing concept.

Lori couldn't help but picture the two women cuddled up on a couch watching movies, sitting across from one another over a candlelit dinner, or bare bodies intertwined under a thick heavy comforter…and all the while, Hannah knowing that there was a diminutive stowaway tucked deep between her love’s cheeks…and that Hannah wouldn’t care!

It was just very fascinating.  Maybe this wasn’t something to be ashamed of after all.

Lori and Hannah’s conversation continued, each woman gradually turning more and more toward each other and getting more comfortable. Hannah was so captivating and alluring, and Lori saw in her the things that she wished she could see in herself.  With so much of her finite focus on Hannah, the sensation of Lori’s subject struggling and wiggling deep in her crack became more and more faint.

“It actually works…wonderfully, believe it or not. Our relationship has never been healthier.” Hannah said.

Lori replied, “Because…of this experiment?”

Hannah giggled, “Yeah.  You see, I’m bisexual, and I asked Bridget once or twice about bringing a boy into our bedroom.  Only problem is that she is VERY not bisexual!  She told me if I wanted to go out and experience something with a guy, then that was fine as long as I came back home to her.  She’s an incredibly confident woman, which is one of the many things I love about her. Anyway, I wanted her to be a part of it too…I didn’t want to do it without her…but at the same time I completely understood that she just didn’t feel any kind of attraction to men whatsoever.  We’re both mature adults, so we both made our compromises…but then like…literally a day after Bridget approved of me calling this guy I dated in high school for a one-time thing, this experiment came along.”

“Oh?” Lori said, leaning in with more interest.

“Bridget was contacted by one of the interns here, I think through the hospital she works for in Arizona.  When she mentioned the idea to me, I thought it was crazy..but to make a long story short it clearly wasn’t.  And you’d think bringing a boy into our home, let alone our bedroom, might make her insecure...jealous even…but nope.  Not Bridget.  Seriously, not even a little bit.  He’s just the cutest little thing, I don’t think anyone could look at him as any form of equal competition like I might look at a grown man.  I mean…come on…Bridget and I are getting married next June…and he lives between her cheeks. She has my heart and he has her heart-shaped butt! There’s just nothing there to worry about.”

“So you don’t ask Bridget about threesomes anymore? Or encounters with men?” Lori blurted out, shocked by her own interest.  She was even more shocked by Hannah’s lack of shock in the bold and abrupt question.

“She doesn’t have to.” Hannah said with a grin, raising one of her dark eyebrows suggestively.

Lori’s mouth was agape.  She took a moment to look around uncomfortably but returned her gaze to Hannah. “You…Bridget…and the subject?”

“Oh yeah, all the time.  I mean, AFTER he’s finished his rear-confinement time for the day. They’re pretty big sticklers about that here at this lab.  And OF COURSE after we’ve washed him off..but we even find ways to have fun with that.” Hannah said with a devilish grin.

Lori looked over at the receptionist.  Laura was clearly within range of being able to hear the conversation, but Lori was the only one that was wide-eyed. She touched her chest, her heart fluttering under her hot skin,

“They’re…alright with being…well..involved in that kind of thing?”

Hannah looked for a moment like she was thinking, her forest-greens focusing in on the tiled ceiling, as if she’d never pondered the thought.

She shrugged, her large breasts bouncing slightly. “I guess.”

After some silence, she clarified, “I mean, what guy wouldn’t want to be with two girls?”

Lori heard a quiet, smirk-laden chuckle come from the receptionist desk.

“In all seriousness though,” Hannah said, “They told us that when we got him, we were allowed to literally do whatever we want with him as long as we met the DDM thing.”

Lori replied, “The Dynamic Daily Minimum.”

Hannah nodded, “Yup!  It's really a win-win for everyone involved.  Bridget gets to make some money while we save for a house and for the wedding AND I get to have fun with a guy..or well…pretty close to a guy anyway.”

Another quiet chuckle from Laura followed.

“And it's funny, Bridget is not attracted to men and she barely even cares to interact with the subject most of the time aside from putting him in her butt or taking him out but if you get a few glasses of wine in her, she turns into this playful, thick, cute little kitten toying with a mouse.  It’s actually super adorable to watch.”

Hannah pulled from her navy blue purse a studded flip-phone. After pounding a few keys, a picture popped up and she turned the small screen to face Lori.  She’d recognized the format of the photo immediately.  Gina loved posting pictures like this.

It was the typical girly vacation photo.  A photograph of a beautiful ocean landscape serving as the background and in the foreground were two sets of thighs, one set as sunkissed and tan as Hannah’s with the same light blue nail polish she was wearing now.  The other set of thighs were pressed up against Hannah’s and Lori surmised that they must have been Bridget’s.  They were much larger than Hannah’s thighs and far more starved for sunlight, but in neither way could they be described as unattractive.  Further down the pale legs were pale bare feet slightly larger than Hannahs adorned with black polish on toes longer than Hannah’s.  The most interesting and trend-breaking component of the photograph, however, was the tiny man hugging Bridget’s pale foot.  He kept one eye on the camera as he planted a deep, respectful kiss upon Bridget’s big toe.

The toe-kissing action occurred down in the lower-half of the photograph while the upper portion showed two champagne glasses clinking together, as if to celebrate the view and their collective feminine superiority and dominance over the subject at Bridget’s feet.

“He used to spend about roughly equal time with both of us each day when we first got him. But obviously, since Bridget is the one keeping him in her booty and the DDM is supposed to increase, she’s gradually been keeping him longer and longer as time goes by.”

“What do you normally do with him when you have him?  When he’s not…with your fiance?” Lori asked quietly, staring intently at the subject hugging Bridget’s foot.

She wondered what he was thinking…how he felt about the task…how much the girls had to insist...

Hannah grinned mischievously as her chin drifted down, her gaze aligning with her large breasts.  The silence of Hannah’s visual response was broken as the door leading to the rest of RR Labs opened, ripping both womens’ attention away from the blonde’s ample cleavage. The sound of flats scuffing against the tile floor came first, and then a woman appeared.  A single purple scrunchie held her thick, curly brown locks in place but graciously allowed for a cascade of captivating tresses to flow gracefully over her left shoulder. The woman looked around for a moment, a smile forming on her thin lips as her large brown eyes locked on Hannah.

“Hey, hon.” Lori heard Hannah say from beside her.

Lori stole more than a fascinated quick glance at Bridget as she walked toward Hannah.  Her choice of attire reflected a blend of grace, femininity, and professionalism.  A light gray, silk button-down blouse, its fabric appearing as delicate and soft as a whisper was tucked neatly into her high-waisted gray slacks. The horizontal stripes that ran from ankle to waist were wavy at her calves but tightened along with the material that hugged her thick, ample thighs.  Her fashion choice was feminine and professional, confident and yet conservative, suggesting that she might have come straight from work.

Hannah rose from her seat and the two women exchanged a quick, tasteful peck on the lips.

“Missed ya.” Hannah said, rising from her seat to plant a tasteful peck on Bridget’s freckled nose.  An expression of girlish infatuation on Hannah’s face as Bridget moved a stray strand of blonde hair from Hannah’s eyes.

“They're finishing up with him now…” Bridget said, “...and Dr. Kleinhardt said you can come back now…for the couple’s screening.”

“Oh, good! I like her.” Hannah said.

When she noticed Bridget looking over toward Lori, Hannah spoked up, “Oh, I’m rude, huh?  Bridget, this is Lori.  Lori, this is my fiance, Bridget.”

“It’s nice to meet you.” Bridget said with a courteous smile.  “Are you already participating?”

‘Clearly Bridget could tell that I meet the requirements…’ Lori thought, unsure of whether she should be ashamed or proud.

“I am.  It’s my first week.” Lori said nervously. “Still trying to get used to it.”

Bridget replied, “Ohh, well you’ll figure it all out in no time, I promise.  It’s probably hard for you to believe it but you’ll eventually get to the point where you’ll go hours without even feeling him back there.”

“That’s only because her big butt just gobbles him up.” Hannah said playfully, gently tapping Bridget’s left ass cheek.

“Leave my big butt out of this, why don’t you?” Bridget said with a playful eyeroll.

“No, I like talking about your big butt.” Hannah said, running a hand along Bridget’s waist.

Bridget smirked and sighed, “It was very nice meeting you, Lori.  Excuse us?”

Lori smiled, “Oh, sure…nice meeting you too. Good luck!”

“It was very nice meeting you, Lori.” Hannah said, her large breasts swaying as she shook Lori’s hand.  “We’ll have to talk more about you and your little subject if we ever cross paths again.”

“I’d like that.” Lori said. “It was nice meeting the two of you.  Good luck

Bridget replied, “You as well.”

Bridget and Hannah walked to the large doorway into RR Labs.

“You’re insatiable, you know that?” Bridget said with a chuckle.

Lori watched as Hannah’s small hand did its best to grab as large a handful of Bridget’s expansive left ass cheek as it could. The two women disappeared behind the slowly closing door.  As it took its time closing, Lori heard Hannah’s voice echoing faintly off the hallway getting quieter with each step.

“So it's my turn now once we leave here, right?  Riiiiiight?  We both know he’s met his minimum for the day and then some.”

Lori heard Bridget sigh playfully and dramatically, “I don’t know…what’s in it for me?”

Hannah paused for a moment, “Ummm..a backrub?”

Bridget purred, “Deal.”

The conversation continued, but it was too faint for Lori to hear…and then the door finally sealed.

In similar waiting scenarios like when she would get her oil changed or visit the doctor, Lori would usually play a game on her cell phone. She didn’t know the name of it but it was something Victoria had downloaded for her where you tap colorful bubbles for points.

Much more alone now in the waiting room, she could hear nothing but her own heartbeat in her temples, and feel nothing but the tickle in her asscrack.  She picked up the pen and forms from the seat that was between her and Hannah and looked at the top page.  It was the one with Note #2, and she saw that there were several more.  The top note read:

Note #1: Participant is responsible for this sheet of information and is not permitted to share it with anyone. Participant is restricted from photographing, recording, transcribing, or reading aloud the text contained on this sheet.  Participant is required to surrender this sheet in its entirety to reception upon submitting paperwork and absolutely no later than exiting the premises after business has concluded.

Lori was interested to see that, unlike all the other sheets of paper, this one actually had her name written on it…everywhere.  Her name was written diagonally in light gray writing all over the sheet.  It looked to be a watermark placed so that if the document were to ever leak, R&R Labs would clearly be able to hold her accountable.

Lori reviewed the remaining notes and began to fill out the forms.




Oh, trust me. You've not see the last of her or her fiancé!


Very excited 🙌🏻her one off story was one of my favs. the ex living up the lesbian lovers big butt is such a humiliating twist 🤤