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Reduction & Relocation - Lori Warren

Chapter 8 - Hospitality

[September 29th, 2005]

“Excuse me?”

Heightened concern accented Lori’s distracted voice as she navigated the complicated maze of clothing racks and tables of folded shirts.  Her voice was loud enough that the sales associate abruptly turned her head as did the woman who she’d been helping with the purchasing of a comforter.

“I’m so sorry to interrupt,” Lori said, feeling self-conscious as the sales associate and the woman stared.

“Can you please tell me where the bathroom is?”

The faces of the two women softened sympathetically.  “Just around this corner here, past the bras to the left side.” The associate said. “If you hit the Oreo Pie display on the right you went too far.”

With a polite thank you, Lori was off, shuffling her feet while clutching her stomach.  She could now see the women’s sign around the corner and she recognized it from earlier.  As soon as it entered her vision, something in her mind made the pain in her stomach worse.  Clutching it seemed to help, and after a moment the pressure miraculously  shifted within her gut. Lori had bought herself a few more steps.

The door struck the rubber stopper as the 37-year old woman exploded into the bathroom, her breath shallow and rapid.  In the restroom, Lori saw 3 stalls.

The first stall was taped shut with dull yellow masking tape. One of the freshly torn strips held  up a sheet of construction paper.  She read the sign and sighed:

Out of Service.

Our apologies for the inconvenience

There was no masking tape on the other two, but they were shut and appeared locked.  Lori instinctively pressed her hand against her chest to secure her breasts as she peered under the first stall door.  She saw cute, black boots surrounded by bunched up denim.

Lori clenched her cheeks desperately.

She took a glance under the final stall. This was the stall she’d used just a half-hour ago for the exact same thing.  This time, however, the stall was occupied.  There were fidgeting toes adorned with bright orange toenail polish resting atop a pair of cheap but cute white flip flops. The toes danced atop the strap as if to childishly taunt Lori for her predicament. Above them were bare calves framed at the very top by the legholes of a white pair of short shorts.

It was looking like she wouldn’t be getting any privacy, and she was out of time.

Lori couldn’t believe she was about to do this here in the public bathroom right here in the open.

The 37-year old mother of three plunged a hand down the back of her yoga pants and fished out the tiny man in her ass crack.  Her cheeks had barely finished sealing behind her hand…the strong waistband snapping against her lower back…

…and then it happened.

The echo was embarrassingly deafening due to the tile walls and floor of this acoustically nightmarish bathroom.  The vibration deep between her cheeks sustained for a full 2 seconds, which doesn’t sound like a long time but felt like forever considering how loud it was!  Lori protectively clutched the tiny little man in her left hand, hearing the hint of his squeaks only once the explosive echo of her pent-up , overpowering flatulence had finally decayed and dissipated.  She could feel him squirming more strongly in her hand now. No doubt that he was experiencing the odor on a higher level than she was…but he should have been grateful.  She had rescued him after all. It would have been far easier for her to just…let it happen…while he was back there.

It felt so nice to relieve the pressure, and she sighed, wafting with both hands the foul cloud of air that surrounded her.  Despite the relief, she was still mortified.  If she were in a stall (like a half hour ago), she could have cleaned herself up and stayed there until any other listeners left, granting her time to even wash him off before sending him back but now a flush from one of those stalls could come any minute, followed by a judgmental girl.

The bathroom door opened, letting in the sing-song chatter of several young women echoed off the walls of the small bathroom.  She didn’t have time to say anything to the subject. There was no time to thoroughly wipe the area between her cheeks in the privacy of a bathroom stall like earlier.  There was no time to run him under the sink and give him a short break and a clean-ish fresh start before returning him to her freshly wiped crack.

There wasn’t time for any of that now.

After compassionately mouthing the word “sorry”, Lori stuffed the squirming, naked little man back into his home deep between her huge, warm, cheeks.  The exterior curve of her buttocks were reasonably dry but as soon as he entered her crack, there was practically no friction due to how wet it had become and the squirming subject glided into placement. His progression into her crack was so much quicker than she expected that her soft cheeks clenched in and around him like strong, pale boulders..

When the girls rounded the corner, all they saw was a slightly overweight, middle-aged woman washing her hands. As she washed the smell of her rear off her hands, Lori noticed out of the corner of her eye one of the girls’ noses wrinkle up a bit at the smell of the air.  It was a bathroom, after all.  The smell could have been coming from any one of the other ladies already using the stalls.

Lori walked briskly from the bathroom, feeling an uncomfortable wetness between her shifting cheeks.  She tried not to think about how unpleasant the experience likely was for her little subject, trying to find a spot…anywhere she could discreetly remove him but it was a busy day in the department store, not to mention that there were cameras everywhere.  He would have to remain in her bottom until she left.

‘I should have just stuffed him down my shirt…’ Lori scolded herself.  As things currently had played out, it was as if she was punishing him for the other stalls behind occupied.  As if she was punishing him for her gassy stomach.

The warm sun felt nice on Lori’s scalp and shoulders as she crossed the sweltering blacktop parking lot and approached her car, but it was intensifying hers–and mostly her little subject’s–already enormous problem. Her crack had reached new, unpleasant levels of slickness and even though she was about to be seated in the privacy of her car, she had decided that she would not be removing the little man from her bottom.  It was just…she didn’t have any water or anything to rinse him off.  She didn’t want to set him on the seat and risk staining anything.  Lori found a way to convince herself that he had likely already gotten used to the uncomfortable experience she’d forced him into so what difference would another 10 to 15 minutes in her car make? Unlocking the door and preparing to lower her wide rump into her car seat, Lori thought to herself, I’ll make it up to him later.’

That was when she stopped herself right before her expansive, overworked bottom contacted the driver’s seat.

“Oh I nearly forgot!” Lori said out loud excitedlly.  She felt her partially spread cheeks wetly reconnect as she stood and retrieved her purchases from her bag. She rummaged through them until she found what she had been looking for.

“Ahh!” It was an incredibly soft, cushiony, velvet pillow.

She figured the cost of the expensive, adorable, light pink cushion shaped like a heart would be worth it if she could sit comfortably with her new little partner in her backside.  She excitedly lowered the plush pillow onto the driver side seat and then slowly lowered her rear atop the pillow.  Much to Lori’s disdain and disappointment, her legs had barely finished swinging into her car before she felt that increasingly annoying tickle deep in her crack.

‘Seriously?’, She thought in disbelief, ‘He is still complaining?’

This just wasn’t fair.  She had spent all that money on something she herself didn’t even need just to make his experience better, and he wasn’t even grateful!  She grumbled under her breath about it as she drove home, one of her heavy cheeks rising up from the driver seat the whole way back.

‘There is just no pleasing him’, she thought miserably.

The crazy, persistent itch born in the depths of her crack had only gotten worse during the drive, undoubtedly due to the wetness paired with the ungrateful subject’s persistent movement.

Once she was home, Lori wasted no time in immediately shuffling up the stairs, her big butt bouncing on each step. She briefly greeted Isabella along the way up the stairs, hoping she wasn’t in the mood to start a conversation or ask permission for anything.  Luckily enough, all the teenager said was, “Hi, Mama.” and continued her way downstairs.  Lori sighed in relief, gratefully adjourning to her bedroom.  Behind the closed door, she felt the clammy, warm flesh of her lower body expanding comfortably and cooling quickly as she began disrobing.  Her simple gray socks flew into the dirty clothes hamper followed closely by her tight, partially damp leggings, and finally, most in need of a long wash, her satin panties.

Lori stood their bottomless, having removed all bottoms…well, almost all.

There was only one more thing left to remove: the naked man buried deep between her sweaty ass cheeks.

‘Now that’s everything.’ She thought with a dry smirk.

Lori made sure to tuck away all cases of any amusement before raising him up for a quick inspection.  She held him up very close to her face.

“Listen to me, sweety.” Lori said, nearly having to cross her eyes to focus on his features.

He was close enough to smell, and the scent of those lavender wipes was long, LONG gone.  She had used the last one on the second day and hadn’t gotten around to getting more.  Work just had her so busy and with all the hurdles she had to help Gina hop through for her coming first year at college, it was a wonder the woman had any free time at all! The showers in the morning, while helpful in the beginning of the day, did not help much by the afternoon.

“I understand this has been difficult for you. It’s been a challenging adjustment for me, too.  But you have to understand I have been trying very hard to make this as comfortable as possible for you.” Lori said.

She waited in silence, urging the shrunken man in her custody to speak. He looked surprised, perhaps expecting her to have said more.

“C-comfortable?  For me??  I have literally been living inside your ass!  For months!!” he cried.

Lori rolled her eyes, “Months?! Please don’t be so dramatic. It hasn’t even been a full week yet.” She said to him, but that didn’t seem to make him feel any better.

“And you keep me in there all day!” He wailed.

“You’re exaggerating!” Lori said in frustration, lightly stamping her bare foot on the carpet.

“The first few days it was for 6 hours a day, and now we’re doing 8 hours!  Dr. Walker wants us to keep increasing but we don’t HAVE to!  We’re just trying it out!  And then you get to go into your box for the rest of the day, right? I feed you real food and drinks every day…I even got you that tiny weight set from my daughter’s doll house for you to use.” Lori said, pointing him down toward the left corner of her underwear drawer.

She had felt bad after the first week about how he had spent all his time either in her big soft bottom or in his tiny dark box, so she sectioned off a corner of her underwear drawer for him, creating walls of low-warmth but long-lasting hand warmers and the weight set.  It was a tiny little plastic bench and a few plastic barbells with comically large plastic weights on the ends.

She wanted him to say something…specifically something to express some modicum of gratitude for the way she’d went out of her way for him. He didn’t say anything.

“It’s like you just don’t even care.” Lori uttered in disappointment.

“How can you expect me to be grateful? You think you can throw some cheap plastic in your dusty underwear drawer and I’m gonna forget that you’re forcing me to LIVE in your disgusting fucking ass??”

“ITS! ONLY! 8! HOURS!” She chanted, stomping and raising her voice on each syllable, which immediately caused the tiny naked man to cower.

“But you know what, I’m starting to get so tired of this.” Lori said, exasperated.  “If you even showed me the slightest amount of gratitude…”, she held up two fingers with barely any distance between them, but ironically enough for his body to have fit, “…for the sacrifices I’ve been making, I would probably make more.”

Lori set him down less than gently on her bed.

“But no, you don’t care.  I like getting my showers at night but in order to make sure my bottom is as clean as possible for you, I change my showering routine to shower in the morning AND the evening…just for you so you have a better experience in the mornings…I don’t turn my heated seats on anymore cause god forbid my behind gets sweaty while you’re in there, I make it a point to pull you out of my bottom whenever I feel like I have to pass gas.  Do you know how inconvenient that is when I’m at the store?  I had to walk out of my daughter’s talent show because of you…”

Lori’s grievances were coming to life as they left her lips and filled her bedroom, and it was actually making her even more upset.  “You just haaaad to get out before the bomb went off.  And I missed her solo.  I suppose I’m not expecting a ‘sorry’ although it wouldn’t kill you…but not even a ‘thank you’?. I sit at an angle because…it’s no state secret…I’ve got a large bottom.  And I sit at an angle so my buns don’t squeeze you too tight because I know you just HAAAAAATE that too, don’t you?  Well, I’m starting to get these cramps and pains going up and down my thighs from it…do you care ? Nooooooo, of course you don’t.”

Lori was getting really worked up now.  She caught the box out of the corner of her eye, the one the subject was sent in.  She reached into it and pulled out the tiny maroon cloth.

“And you know what?  I got these…they came in the mail with you. Dr. Walker wants me to wear them…with you…in my bottom.  I tried putting them on the first day but then I didn’t go through with it.  You know why?” Lori asked, aggressively tossing the wadded up panties toward the subject, enveloping him as if they were a soft, maroon net catching her prey.

“Because they’re ridiculously tight, that’s why.  They’d squeeze my cheeks in on you so tight you wouldn’t be able to move a muscle.  You think it's bad when I sit like a normal person…on my $250 velvet pillow?”

She picked the panties back up, seeing he was hopelessly tangled inside of them.  She shook him out back onto the bed and opened them up, holding them against her waist.  The slight pouch of her pale stomach hung slightly over the edge of the maroon panties, and they barely even covered the full width of her wide hips.

He had almost certainly been responding to her…trying to, anyway…she’d said a lot, after all.  Lori had given him opportunities to speak…to say things like ‘thank you’ and ‘sorry’.  She wasn’t in the mood for a two-way conversation anymore.  She had more to say, and he was going to listen to every word.

“Imagine if you were in my backside with these things squeezing it.”  Lori thought for a moment, quiet for what felt like an eternity as she reflected on the image herself.

Lor didn’t have to imagine what it would be like.

“You know what…” She said, reaching for him.  “I didn’t mention this to you, but I’ve got my followup meeting with Dr. Walker tomorrow.  It’s my one-week followup.  Did you know they’re sending a private plane out to pick me up.  ME, Lori Warren, getting picked up by a private plane.  No…why would you know that when all you do is thrash around, complain, and say mean things?  And you know what else? She’s probably going to expect me to be wearing these…it’s the least I could do.”

She said, massaging him into the maroon material.  She plucked him away from it and started to bring him around her bare hips.  “Might as well get started now.” She said, stuffing him back into her bare bottom, his nude body gliding effortlessly between her soft, nude cheeks. The environment in her crack was still just as prevalently wet and unpleasant as when she’d removed him.

She stepped her chubby bare feet into the maroon panties and started hiking them up her legs.  She met that same resistance as she had before, struggling and shimmying the material up her heavy, thick thighs…finally reaching the undersides of her epic, round globes.  She could feel him frantically fighting in her crack, but she’d had enough for now.  Lori wasn’t going to be bossed around by something a fraction of the size of one of her buttocks.  She continued her efforts, rocking and rhythmically swaying her hips, securing another millimeter of ass flesh here and there into the full coverage panties.

Somehow, she had packed over a third of her hefty rump into them.  She continued; she was just about halfway, shifting weight from her left foot to her right foot, even jumping up and down a few times until finally she reached the halfway point.  Once she was over the daunting, outward curvature of her expansive globes, the rest was much easier to cover.

Finally, the panties slid up over her entire backside, concealing and constricting all of it as the waistband secured snugly against her lower back.

The compression on her cheeks was positively insane.

Looking over her shoulder, she couldn’t believe it.  It looked like her big butt was going to explode out of the stretched maroon panties at any minute but somehow they held up.  She might have thought it was magic if she hadn’t known it was the work of clever scientists and engineers.  She really appreciated the garment’s engineering.

Sure, the undergarments weren’t incredibly comfortable, but they were tight where they needed to be..on her cheeks, but not so tight on her thighs so as to cut off circulation.  It felt like several hands were on either side of her wide butt and were squeezing it together as hard as they could.  She slid her hands up her backside, starting at her thighs, and curving up over her spherical glutes.  Her butt hadn’t felt this small and tight since she was in her 20’s!

She bent at the waist to pick up the underwear she’d worn today and it was fascinating: the underwear seemed to give enough so as not to dig into her belly or her thighs, but the garment remained so tight against her behind, her cheeks didn’t part at all…they held just as firmly in on the subject as they had been when she was standing straight up!  She looked at her digital watch:

8:04 PM

She had inserted him into her backside when she rose from bed at around 11am…after her shower of course. She could have taken him out now and let him spend the rest of his night in his box, or in the gym he seemed to hate so much.  She could have gotten a shower and washed off the effects of the hot day. There were a lot of things she WOULD have done to try and make the little man’s life easier, but if he wasn’t going to try and help her, why should she help him?

“You know what..” Lori said to herself, cupping her enormous, compacted, solid butt cheek and gently rocking it.

“Maybe you should sleep with me tonight.”

There was no argument or disagreement.  The little man who liked so much to complain and insult Lori’s bottom had no complaints nor did he hurl any insults at her bottom.  If he did, they had no chance of permeating the deep, protective confines of her crack.  Not only were her big, bulbous cheeks protecting him from the outside world but they were also protecting Lori from his disrespect.

She pulled on her silk pajama bottoms, amused at how easily they slid up over her compressed rump and then went downstairs. Her cheeks jiggled far less and she could already envision some scenarios in her life when wearing these panties apart from restricting the little man’s movement would actually be quite practical.  One such occasion was at work when the elevator was down for maintenance. Lori had to climb the stairs and there always seemed to be at least one young man stuck behind her during the ascent. Lori was always self-conscious about the way her big bottom shook and wiggled when she walked and she knew that it was twice as animated when ascending or descending stairs.  Bless their hearts, the polite men usually maintained a respectful distance behind her during the climb so as not to bury their faces in her bottom, but she couldn’t help but fear that they viewed the jiggling ahead of them as if they were viewing a car crash: unable to look away but wishing they could.  These panties would function wonderfully in restricting some of that distracting jiggle.

Once downstairs, Lori saw Victoria and Isabella on the couch, their attention split in some percentage between watching TV and playing on their phones. Lori was all dressed for bed but the girls were still wearing what they’d worn all day. Victoria wore a school t-shit and a pair of faded blue jean capris with mismatching socks, one striped green and the other a solid baby blue but both were equally dingy and discolored. Isabella wore a darker set of jeans with pristine white socks and, much to Lori’s satisfaction, the girl was actually wearing a full-coverage t-shirt.  It was remarkably tight in the chest area, moreso than Lori liked, but this was a problem that Isabella was likely aware of when it came to her body and t-shirts; she would have to get used to it so Lori learned not to make things worse by being too critical.

“Where’s Gina?” Lori asked, looking around.

“She went to bed early. She’s going swimming tomorrow morning I think” Isabella replied, her pretty chocolate brown eyes looking her mother up and down. “You going to bed too, Mama?”

“Yes, sweety.  Remember I’ve got that...business meeting I have to travel for.”

“Oh yeah, I forgot!” Victoria exclaimed excitedly.

Lori looked at both of them sternly. Most of the stern expression should have been directed toward Victoria but Lori split it equally so as not to single Victoria out.

“I’m going to leave $50 for takeout.  I don’t want you using the oven.  No parties.  Either of you.  Tell Gina too.  I’ll be gone all day Monday and I’ll be back Tuesday evening, okay?”

Both girls smiled and nodded in agreement.

“And I’ve told Mrs. Helen next door to keep an eye out for anything suspicious…like people, cars, kegstands.”

Victoria rolled her eyes, “Kegs, mom.  Kegstand is something you do ON a keg.”

Lori put her hands on her hips and said with a playful grin, “and just how do you know that, Vicky?”

Without missing a beat, Victoria responded with the smile of an angel, “Movies.”

Lori rolled her eyes and bent at the waist to kiss each girl on her forehead.  She grabbed a glass of water and headed upstairs for bed.  She set her alarm for 4am.  It was earlier than she liked to get up, even if it was a Monday, but she had to be on the plane at 6am. She didn’t dare be late for a private plane!

She laid out her clothing for the next day: a cute denim skirt and a nice blouse.  Lori didn’t bother to lay out any underwear. She’d be wearing the same panties tomorrow that she was wearing right now.

Lori slowly lowered her wide rump down onto the big soft bed and swung her legs in under her soft comforter. Her cold bare feet lifted up, allowing the comforter to tuck in under her heels and she sighed as they started to warm.

She scooted her body down the bed to align her head with her pillow and sighed deeply as she got comfy.  The movement in her highly compressed crack was noticeable of course, and the elements of compression were numerous; her soft but compressed backside in and around him was substantial as well as the soft but compressed mattress pressing back up against her large bottom.

He was going to break a record tonight.

He’d spent over 9 hours in her bottom so far, and he’d be right there between her cheeks until 4am.

“That’s..my goodness…16 hours!” she thought, yawning as she pulled the covers up to her chin. What an accomplishment..for the both of them…

She scooted her hips left and right, digging herself into the soft mattress. She was getting quite sleepy already. Lori decided to roll over and sleep on her stomach; she wasn’t sure how it would go having the poor thing compressed under her heavy bottom for an entire night without her awake to supervise.

‘Just another example of me being nice when he doesn’t seem to care.’ She thought negatively.

Before she drifted off to sleep, she started planning her morning.  “I’ll take him out when I wake up and let him wash up while I get a shower..then he’ll have to go…right back…into…” she didn’t finish the sentence.  Lori snored softly in the darkness of her bedroom.



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