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Here is PART 1 of 2 of the second RR Vignette, centered on the experiences of subject-i337, a cocky veteran RR injectable subject with three injections under his belt!

RR Vignettes #2 - subject-i337t

Chapter 1 - Retrieval and Reassignment

[subject-i337, Dr. Bexley]


[subject-i337t’s POV]


In the past six months, Tom had grown very accustomed to all of Ashley’s routines and preferences, at least as much as he could interpret or extrapolate from deep in the abundant fatty tissue of her massive left breast.  His memory of her face had long since faded into obscurity but Tom felt as if he knew certain parts of Ashley better than anyone else did or ever could. He knew that Ashley had recently graduated college with a degree in something relating to business.

He knew that she worked for a fortune-500 company.

He knew that she had amassed a significant credit card debt.

He knew she liked to watch unoriginal romantic comedies when she was alone.

Above all else, he knew she had massive tits.

Of course he didn’t count that when stroking his own deductive ego. He’d gotten a pretty significant eyeful when he was in the needle.

The size of her breasts was known prior to his injection, this was true.  However, Tom would happily accept credit for knowing that Ashley very rarely exposed her breasts or cleavage.  She usually opted for button up shirts while in the office or full coverage blouses.  Tom thought at first that the young businesswoman was just one of those girls who didn’t want her big tits to be her whole identity.  It seemed to run deeper than that, Tom realized, when she would keep her bra on while fucking her boyfriend.

‘To each their own…’ Tom would think dismissively, jerking off as his fleshy globe of a vessel rocked gently within the protected confines of the bra cup.  It wasn’t Tom’s job to unpack her closet and get to the bottom of her issues.  He didn’t know why she fucked with a bra on and he didn’t care to know.  Tom’s job was just to survive here in Ashley’s huge left tit…and he was great at it.

For an experienced RR injectable veteran like Tom, it was easy to tell when the woman carrying him was waking up for the day.  It didn’t matter how many fat cells crowded, insulated, and isolated Tom from the outside world…the sound of that alarm clock, muffled as it may be, was getting in and unpleasantly vibrating his bones just as it had before he shrank to the microscopic scale a year before.

But it was going off much earlier than normal, wasn’t it?

It felt earlier to Tom, anyway.

Then the world would shift as the titaness rose from bed.  A subtle jiggle here and there would move him randomly amongst the condensed lattice structure of fatty cells as she started her day, changing out of her bed attire into something more professional and tight.

Ashley had taken a long shower this morning, which was unlike her. Tom would take long showers all the time back when he was normal sized, but he was not nearly as motivated and driven as Ashley.

Tom was so proudly and smugly attuned to the flesh he called home for the last 6 months, he could tell muffled sounds permeating her tit flesh that Ashley had not boarded the commuter train into the city.

When Tom realized where she was, he felt a rush of excitement.

‘She’s at the airport!’

It all made sense.  Tom knew that he’d been living inside of Ashley’s boob for nearly 6 months now, but not until the busty businesswoman was going through customs and being felt up by a female TSA agent did Tom connect the dots.  It truly had been 6 whole months!  He truly had made it through his THIRD injection at RR Labs!  And now, he was being delivered by Ashley back to RR Labs.

Not to say that he necessarily minded hanging around a chick with big tits all day every day, but Tom was finally allowing himself to think about what he was going to do with his restored size…and all that money!

Good god, there was a lot of money coming to him…way more than he’d originally been promised back during his first injection.

He’d originally signed up for just one injection into the ass cheek of some short, skinny girl.  There was barely any fat on her but just enough on her cute little butt to keep him cushioned and protected. She wasn’t especially active so it was smooth sailing to the 2-month retrieval date. When Tom was extracted by the women of RR Labs, they were so impressed by his ability to survive that they asked him to enroll in another injection.  Tom’s already inflated ego had grown several sizes as a beautiful redhead in a lab coat practically begged him to agree.  She offered to triple his compensation, but Tom was already prepared to say yes.  Thriving on the attention and the praise, Tom eagerly accepted…although Tom made sure to conceal the ‘eagerly’ part.

And so Tom went from the butt cheek of a short skinny chick to the inner thigh of an older, overweight woman.  He jerked off a lot less during this injection period, using it only as a tool for boredom as opposed to satisfying any arousal like he did in the cute butt cheek.  The fat woman was wildly unattractive to him and he gladly pushed the image of her body from his mind once he was buried inside of it, but at least the cushion of her fat thigh made for a soft and hospitable home away from home.

And then after that extraction, the same red-headed scientist pleaded with him to do another injection!  They seriously could not get enough of him!  Tom was convinced that there was something special about him; he knew that there were other injectables here in the lab but they must have all been losers compared to him or something.  He knew that there were risks associated with injection, and some areas were more risky than others.

And so Tom was injected a third time, this time into the monstrously large left tit of a woman named Ashley…the same Ashley who fucked with a bra on.  The same Ashley who had flown the two of them to North Carolina that morning.

Tom could hear the familiar voice of the RR Labs receptionist in the waiting room, although the muffled, barely discernible tone of her voice suggested that she was much more friendly and courteous to Ashley than she was to him when he visited.

‘Whatever…’ Tom thought dismissively, ‘...probably a lesbian.’


[Dr. Bexley's POV]


“Good morning!” Dr. Bexley beamed with pep and spirit as she entered ‘Install and Exam Room C”.  The raven-haired co-founder of RR Laboratories smiled politely at the other two women in the room.  The one with blonde hair named Quinn Kaplan wore a lab coat that matched Dr. Bexley’s, and she sat attentively with a pale blue manilla folder in her narrow lap and a smile on her pretty, young face.

Seated on the adjustable exam room bench was a woman who appeared slightly older than Quinn but younger than Dr. Bexley.  Tight brown curls hugged her tan cheeks and grazed the shoulders of a gray blazer that was clearly custom tailored for her slender but top-heavy physique. Stocking clad feet nervously rocked above two empty flats on the floor and stocking clad thighs thickened to the north and disappeared into a gray skirt.

“How are you doing this morning, Ms. Lopez?  Or may I call you Ashley?”

“Ashley is fine.” Ashley replied nervously.

“Dr. Stanhope apologizes for not being available this morning. She was the one who performed your injection 6 months ago, correct?”

“Mm-hm.” Ashley responded.  Her response was short, and her smile only just accentuated enough to show two cute dimples on either side of her lips. Ashley seemed slightly more relaxed now, having heard Dr. Bexley’s voice and disposition.  Dr. Bexley was aware of her excellent bedside manner and the calming effect her voice had on Participants and subjects alike.

“Well, shall we get started?” Dr. Bexley asked with a smile, her eyes wandering down to Ashley’s chest.

Both Dr. Bexley and Quinn watched with an attentive but professional gaze as Ashley’s uncertain fingers unbuttoned her pale pink blouse. The material appeared grateful to relax, having been stretched significantly over her chest.  Underneath was an attractive yet sensible cloud-blue demi-cup bra that did far more pushing up than the business woman needed.

Ashley sighed nervously as her trembling fingers parted the shirt to fully reveal her ample chest to Dr. Bexley and Quinn.  It was an impressive bust, to say the least.  Especially on such a slender frame!

“Do you remember which one he’s in?” Quinn asked curiously.  For a moment, Ashley looked very certain as her hazel eyes wandered down to her left breast.  Then her eyes, shaded by a wrinkling brow, danced over to her right breast.

“Well, now you have me questioning it!” Ashley said.

“If you can’t remember which breast your injectable has been living for the past 6 months…” Dr. Bexley asserted as she began readying the subject retrieval tech, “...then I suppose your life hasn’t been all that altered by his presence.”

“Which is exactly what we’re going for!” Quinn added excitedly.

Ashley giggled lightly, “Oh, I hadn’t really thought of it that way. You know, I could have sworn I felt him a few times in the first few weeks but then…I just…stopped thinking about him.  Honestly, I probably would have forgotten entirely if not for the direct deposits in my bank account!”

“Well, that’s great!” Dr. Bexley commented, scooting herself forward on the wheels of the short bar-stool type seat.

“And don’t worry…” Quinn added, her eyes scanning a pale blue manilla folder in her hands before she extended a single finger out, pressing lightly against Ashley’s swollen left breast.  “WE know for sure that he’s in this one.”

The women all laughed jovially.

“So, what’s it been like for him?” Ashley asked when the laughter died down as Dr. Bexley positioned the device overtop of her chest.

“Hmm?” Dr. Bexley replied distractedly, fiddling with the recovery tech.

“Has it been boring for him in there?  As much as I’ve forgotten about him, I don’t imagine that he’s been allowed the same luxury. But boring is probably better than being scared.  I hope it wasn’t too scary for him these past 6 months.”

“Oh, don’t worry about him.” Quinn replied dismissively, reading the pale blue manilla folder. “This injectable subject spent 4 months injected into a woman’s inner thigh…and before that, 2 months inside a woman’s buttock.”

“That’s right..this one is a veteran injectable…perhaps more diversely experienced than any of our others.” Dr. Bexley chimed in.  The device in her hands blinked a sequence of lights and chirps to indicate that it was positioned atop Ashley’s breast at the injectable’s specific location.  The indicator also read the depth of the subject as he was immersed in Ashley’s fatty breast tissue.  These values were interesting to record for sure, but they weren’t necessary for the next step.  The tech did all the work for them.

“Sounds like he’s a little casanova, spending all this time with so many girls.” Ashley giggled, looking down at her half-exposed breast.

“Indeed, he has!  Quite a few notches on his belt.” Dr. Bexley smirked in agreement, gently pressing her index finger and thumb into Ashley’s breast and preparing the device. “Okay Ashley, you’re going to feel a slight pinch?”

Ashley’s grin melted away and the poor woman winced uncomfortably in anticipation of the button press.  In reality, just as Dr. Bexley expected, the retrieval was so quick that Ashley barely felt a thing.  In less than a second, the tip of the retrieval piping had made a puncture less than a fraction of the size of a pinhole in Ashley’s breast.  The piping extended rapidly into the fatty tissue and efficiently sucked the injectable into its transparent, plastic belly before retreating from the fatty tissue just as quickly as it entered.  The entire process was similar to that of a single prick from a tattoo gun.

“Okay, all done!”  Dr. Bexley proclaimed, lifting the device that was now emitting a green light.  “You did great, Ashley.”

Ashley smiled proudly, her shoulders subconsciously folding back which caused her breasts to protrude even further from her chest.

Dr. Bexley immediately secured the portion of the retrieval device that contained the injectable and handed it to Quinn.

“Quinn, please take the injectable to IT Storage.”

The blonde intern happily accepted the device from Dr. Bexley and cradled it against her chest as she walked toward the exit.

“What’s going to happen to him next?” Ashley asked, watching Quinn open the door.

Dr. Bexley looked up from her notes, taking a second to recall what Ashley had asked but what the busy doctor was not fully paying attention to. Her mind was already moving onto her next task for the day.

“Oh, subject-i337t?”  A smirk grew on Dr. Bexley’s face. “He’ll be debriefed and examined to gauge his adaptation to your breast over these last 6 months.  Normally we would return him to your breast so long as you consented, but as it turns out, a unique opportunity fit only for our most senior, experienced injectable has just presented itself.  It’s a high-interest injection coordinated by one of our other staff members.”

Dr. Bexley followed Ashley’s concerned gaze toward the narrow door window that had just shut behind Quinn who had now left the two womens’ field of view.

“Everything okay?” Dr. Bexley asked curiously.

Ashley’s head turned back to Dr. Bexley.  There was a concern on the young business woman’s face that troubled the raven-haired doctor. “Yeah, I just…was hoping that I could keep participating. This isn’t the end, is it?”

“For you? Oh, of course it’s not the end!” Dr. Bexley reassured happily, patting Ashley on the shoulder, “...and yes, we hope you DO continue participating!  As long as you consent to another injection, we’ve already got another injectable set aside that will be leaving with you today.”

Relief washed over Ashley’s face and all the concern seemingly directed toward subject-i37t melted away.

“Now…before we have him brought in for injection…” Dr. Bexley crossed her legs and uncapped a purple pen she’d retrieved from her lab coat pocket. The raven-haired beauty raised a playful eyebrow, “...did you have a preference on injection sites?”

The business woman initially looked shocked at the choice she’d been given, but then Ashley’s eyes went up to the ceiling as she delicately rubbed her chin in contemplation.


[subject-i337t’s POV]


Tom’s eyes had only just adjusted to the blinding bright light of the world outside of Ashley’s massive tit before he could sense even more daunting space around him.  It was scary enough being in that huge exam room, but now he was coming back to grips with the fact that not only was there a near-infinite universe outside the universe of Ashley’s tit, but graceful and godlike beings occupied it!

Goddesses, to be precise.  All appearing so busy and driven.  Beautiful and passionately involved in their craft, moving so gracefully and purposefully down the hallway past the blonde who carried him; some moved so quickly that their white lab coats flowed behind them like celestial comet trails.  Some made brief eye contact with Tom, though he knew that there was no way they could see him. All they’d see is a syringe filled with clearish liquid.

It didn’t stop most of them from smirking briefly before breaking eye contact and continuing on their way.

‘They wouldn’t be smirking if they knew who I was…I’m not just some random injectable…’ Tom muttered to himself.

The movement of the blonde’s steps caused him to shift uncomfortably through the thin, rapidly cooling liquid.  At least in Ashley’s tit, the fat cells cradled him tightly so that the jiggling wasn’t quite so imposing, but with nothing to anchor him here in the water, he sloshed around vulnerably.  It was the hardest part about being retrieved.

In fact, there were a lot of “hardest parts” about being retrieved.

The bright lights.  The jostling.  The cold.  The sounds.

Tom wouldn’t expect just any typical injectable or RR scientist to know as intimately as he the plights of adapting to retrieval.  He was special and experienced, after all…and he would be happy to give RR Labs plenty of notes about his experience.  Maybe he’d even be in one of those classrooms, presenting to a room of beautiful, attentive women in lab coats.  All eyes on him, all focus on every word he speaks.  He had so many good things to say; so many lessons to impart, but he was sure he’d catch some of the girls whispering amongst themselves, probably about how on earth the most experienced and successful injectable could be so darn handsome at the same time!

Then he could just disappear on his own terms as a legend within the walls of RR Labs, having successfully completed not one, not two, but THREE injections! He’d be free to spend his fortunes on whatever he wishes and maybe he’d even return one day when he inevitably blew it all away.

His mind was wandering now, a trick he’d developed to tiers of godlike power out of necessity to pass the time.  He pulled his focus back now to his surroundings.

Quinn had stopped walking and she was in the middle of a conversation with a latina woman also wearing a labcoat. She had curly black hair tied back into a ponytail with a sunny yellow hair tie. Stitched above her breast pocket was a name tag but Tom’s vision was still too fuzzy and his eyes completely unpracticed in reading to make out what it said.

“Oh, do you really think I’d be a good fit, Dr. Hernandez?  That would be so, so cool!” Quinn beamed, playing with the retrieval device in her fingers.

Dr. Hernandez smiled, “Dr. Becotte and I have already submitted the paperwork to Dr. Walker and Dr. Bexley to approve the security clearance upgrade.  We think the department will benefit greatly from your expertise, Quinn!”

“I really can’t believe it! I don’t know much about the department, obviously…none of the interns do…and even most of the doctors…but I’m very excited to work directly under you and Dr. Becotte! I just hope that I don’t get in your way…” Quinn said with uncertainty in her voice.

Quinn voiced more concerns about her credentials, most of which completely went over Tom’s head.

‘Can we move this along, ladies?’ Tom thought impatiently.  ‘...save the clucking for the henhouse.’

“Did you know I interned under Dr. Becotte when I started here?” Dr. Hernandez asked.

“You did??” Quinn asked, enthralled as the latina doctor began explaining her history with RR Labs.

Tom was starting to get chilly..the ghostly warmth of Ashley’s protective, life-preserving tit had largely faded away into the cold, uncaring universe and neither of these distracted goddesses in lab coats seemed to notice.

“I was very close to getting my doctorate just like you.  I felt the same way when I became her assistant, but I like to think that I made a difference here and there.  And even now with my own doctorate, I’m still learning so much from her.  I’m sure we’ll be learning from you soon enough!

“Please…” Tom uttered through the deathly chill surrounding his body, knowing neither of the goddesses could hear him but trying somehow made him feel better. Much to his relief, the latina scientist patted Quinn on the shoulder, whispering something about security badges and then the two were walking again.  All warmth had been sucked from the liquid surrounding him and now that cold liquid was pulling the nanojoules of body heat from his poor naked little body.  He shuddered with vulnerability as the two women made a sharp right.  Quinn stopped in front of the door labeled “IT STORAGE” and Dr. Hernandez continued on to the next door, which was much heavier and larger.

Dr. Hernandez swiped her badge on the door. Tom could actually read the label on that door due to the large block lettering.  He’d also remembered seeing it last time he was retrieved. It read “RESTRICTED ACCESS: CONFIDENTIAL”.

The two women said goodbye and Dr. Hernandez disappeared into the restricted access room.

Quinn entered the IT STORAGE room.

Tom sighed in relief as Quinn opened an incubator. Every slot was occupied by a syringe except for one, and Quinn slid Tom’s syringe directly into the empty slot.

He immediately sensed the deathly chill being chased away by the artificially generated, motherly warmth of the incubator.  He took a long glimpse at the cute young blonde smiling down at him before she shut the lid of the incubator, sealing him and all the newbie injectables into comfortably warm darkness.  He’d be masturbating to that image of Quinn for the next few days until they removed him for debrief.

He’d heard the sound of the door opening moments after Quinn shut him in the incubator and another woman’s voice asking “How’d it go?”

Quinn replied, “Just fine. He’s incubated.”

“Perfect….” the other feminine voice remarked.  It sounded familiar but he couldn’t connect it with any of the other women’s voices, which wasn’t really a strange thing.  Their voices all sounded so distorted based on his proximity to them.  Surely some strange auditory anomaly due to his size.  There was a strange hint of something in the woman’s voice but Tom dismissed it as a micromanaging boss, he having been a micromanaging boss himself at his last job.

The debrief came and went.  Just as the last two times, Tom was removed from the incubator by the red-headed scientist who begged him to keep participating and he was slid under a microscope for examination.  It was a little different this time, as instead of being in a dark room alone with the red-headed scientist, they were in what looked like a lecture hall.  Tom observed the irony of being in a classroom educating an audience of beautiful young women in lab coats, although he’d have preferred to be full-sized and clothed.  Instead, his nude image was projected up onto three 70” LED monitors while the red-headed scientist described what she was doing to him and why she was doing it.

The students were eventually dismissed and the hall filled with the sounds of notebooks closing, laptop lids shutting, and shoes scuffing until it was just the red-headed doctor and Tom on the microscope slide.

He felt his world shaking as she removed the slide from the microscope and slid it into a device.  Tom didn’t know its name but it resembled a cassette player, but Tom did know from experience that it did something very different. There was a loud clicking sound followed by a bright pink light to his North and a dull pale blue light to his West.  It was confusing to his perspective, but he re-oriented his body so that the pink light was directly in front of him and the blue light was to his left.

“You’ve been such a big help, Tom.  Do you know that?” the red-headed scientist’s voice could be heard from outside the device..

Just as Tom had been taught, he shifted his body to look toward the pink light and he waved his arms and legs.

“Good.  I hope that breast wasn’t too much for you to handle.”

Tom shifted his body within the liquid drop on the slide to face the blue light and he again waved his arms and legs.

“I didn’t think it would be.” The red-head’s voice replied playfully.  “You’re so good at this. Are you ready to be restored to your original height and released from Injection Therapy?

Tom re-oriented his body toward the pink light and more enthusiastically waved his arms and legs.

The red-head giggled.  “Okay, okay.  But……what if I told you that..you’re SO good at this…we’ve got an advanced injection scheduled for today…and one of our weak-minded, weak-willed injectables backed out.”

Tom wished he could communicate his rolled eyes and scoff to the pretty red-head but alas he was limited in his communication.

‘What a child..’ Tom thought with a smirk on his face.  ‘Best to leave it to the pros.’

Tom didn’t want to sound too eager so he figured he’d let the pretty red-head continue.

“..so we need someone with your level of expertise and courage…and you have no peers, Tom.”

‘Damn straight, I don’t.’ Tom grinned.

“...so will you help us out with this last time? I swear to you that this will be your final injection. We’ll triple your pay.”

Tom waived his arms and legs frantically toward the pink light. He wished he could see her face as she received his signal of confirmation through the device’s interface.  He loved the way the freckles on her cheeks danced outward when she smiled.

“Oh, I’m so happy to hear that, Tom! She’s actually already setting up in one of the rooms.  We can get you situated right now!”

He was a little uncomfortable with how fast this was moving, but the red-headed doctor had removed him from the device that allowed him to communicate, so 2-way communication was over . He’d given his consent and now the two were making their way quickly down the busy corridor.




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