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This marks the end of Injected 2: Jordan's Revenge.  I hope you've enjoyed reading.  As always, I'd love to hear what you liked, loved, and didn't care for in the comments, in DM, or on Discord.  Thanks for being a part of this!


‘Oh god…oh god…please don’t kiss her…please don’t fucking kiss her..please don’t fucking kiss her….’

“I had a great time tonight.” Sabrina said with a big, cute grin as she unlocked the door to her apartment.  “I can’t believe you won me the big bear.”

‘Just go home, please….it was hard enough when she touched your thigh…I can’t do this…’

“I’ve always been good at the ring toss.I told you I was going to!  But you didn’t believe me.” Amina said, playfully tugging down on Sabrina’s beanie.

‘I’m going to fucking cry, Amina. Please don’t do this to me.  This is going to kill me one day..no one can go through this forever.  I can’t do it even one more time.’

“You think you’re hot shit, don’t you?” Sabrina said, raising a seductive eyebrow barely visible over the band of the beanie.

‘Stop thinking that, Amina!  Please stop thinking about her like that!’

“Well, you’ve unlocked your door…opened it…and you’re still standing here with me now, aren’t ya?” Amina said confidently.  “Maybe you agree with me.”

The two locked lips, and Adam knew it because he felt a surge of indescribable endorphins and adrenaline rush into his tiny little paralyzed body through the all-encompassing, torturous, nurturing mass of complex cells to which he’d fused months ago.  He couldn’t move even a single muscle any more except for his head.  Adam was sure that he would starve, not being able to ingest the humiliatingly delicious cytoplasm from Amina’s fatty tissue fat cells, but it turned out that the complex mass he had fused to had invaded most systems of his body to include the digestive system.  Amina’s tit was literally feeding him as if she were carrying him in her womb.

One other quite unfortunate system affected was the nervous system.  Adam realized quickly that his connection to Evette was NOTHING compared to his new connection to Amina.  It wasn’t just that her body sustained his life, it was that her sensations and perceptions of the world around her fed directly into his nervous system.  He could feel her pain and he could feel her pleasure.  And goodness, were those sensations heightened!  Adam was forever in a perpetual state of knee-buckling bliss but his body was motionless.  He lost the ability to touch his own cock long ago, and now he could barely even look down at it, seeing it flop around rock hard and useless.  The sensation of nearly cumming almost never left him.  He was perpetually edged by this promiscuous lesbian, and that was just when she was living her life normally!  Even brushing her teeth before bed was enough to have him in tears begging for any way to cum….and now she could hear him entering Sabrina’s home and crawling into her bed.

It was going to be a long, tearful night for poor Adam,but then again every night was.

All he could do as his stomach lurched and his cock screamed to cum was think about his old life.  It must have been so close now..Jordan’s punishment surely was ending soon, right?  He’d entered Amina’s breast back in April which meant he would be out in time for Thanksgiving…maybe even Halloween!

He was disappointed to hear the muffled sound of trick-or-treaters at Amina’s door. And he was crushed further when Amina flew back to her parent’s house for Thanksgiving.  She’d worn a tight turtleneck sweater to dinner, he was sure.  He almost completely lost hope when he heard the first set of Christmas carolers.

Where was Jordan?

Where was Claire?

Adam had surmised in the months passed that Evette and Amina must have split..but that didn’t mean that they would just leave him in here, would they?  Adam couldn’t even allow himself to think about that possibility.

Christmas came and went.

And then another Christmas.

And another Christmas.

Another Christmas.

Another Christmas.

And yet Adam couldn’t bring himself to give up.  Every muscle of his body was frozen now, almost completely absorbed into Amina, and yet he could still feel everything. The pleasure regularly brought him to the brink of insanity, and the never-ending, sensational desire to cum weakened the parts of his brain that made him who he was prior to the terrible, terrible day he first met Claire.  Despite the physical and psychological changes he’d undergone, Adam still prayed to Claire and Jordan every night..as if they were his goddesses.  The prayers always fell on deaf ears…or perhaps the prayers of little tit parasites couldn’t quite permeate so much fatty breast tissue.

Or the goddesses couldn’t hear his prayers over the groans of Amina and whichever woman she was fucking that week.

The most likely reason, however, was that the goddesses just didn’t care.

Even though his goddesses might have forsaken him, a sentiment that became more and more clear with each passing year, he couldn’t bring himself to hate them…or to stop praying….because what else did he have?

Another Christmas.

And Another Epilogue!

Jordan stepped into the elevator box and pressed the button for the ground floor.  It was a long way from the 30th floor, and she planned on spending the time playing on her cell phone.  Just before the twin chrome doors joined, a hand snuck between them.

Jordan looked up.  She ignored the impulse to roll her eyes. Keeping up appearances was very important.

“Hi, Sherman.” Jordan said with a sweet, but almost condescendingly sing-songy tone.

“Hi Jordan…” Sherman said, clearly out of breath.  He pulled at his tight blue neck tie, trying to allow more air into his lungs. The 6’-2” man held out a stack of disorganized papers. “I..umm….I finished up the QXR reports for you.  I wanted to get them to you before the weekend, just in case.”

‘Oh, he’s so proud of himself…that’s adorable.’ Jordan smirked, she uncrossed her arms from over her gray button-up shirt and patted Sherman encouragingly on his broad shoulder.

“That’s perfect, Sherman. Thanks!”  Jordan accepted the papers, took one brief look at them, and then held them back out to Sherman with the most adorable smile she could muster.

“You can just leave them on my desk Monday morning though, right?”

Sherman’s face went a little sour, “Umm…well, I guess I could.”

“Okay, great!  Just make sure you’re here before the building opens so nobody catches you dropping them off.”

Sherman hadn’t immediately agreed with Jordan, which was strange.  She raised a curious eyebrow, silently urging him to either agree or voice is disagreement.

“...do you think…I mean…I was planning on taking a personal day on Monday.  My son has a field trip that I’m chaperoning for and….”

Jordan let out a long, over-exaggerated sigh and rolled her eyes.  As she tapped her expensive high-heels on the tiled floor of the elevator, Sherman trailed off.

“...actually, it’s okay.” Sherman said.

Jordan’s eyes lit up, “Yeah?!”

Sherman smiled big, “Yeah, of course!  It’s okay..I can..I can just catch the next field trip; it's no problem.”

Jordan wrapped her arms around Sherman and pulled him in for a big hug.  His big, tall body felt like it was melting into her relatively tiny arms.

“Thanks so much, Sherman!  So you’ll definitely be able to get here before the building opens then, right?  I don’t want anyone to see you dropping off my assignments.”

“Oh yeah, it won’t be a problem.  I made friends with the janitor like you suggested so he’ll be able to let me in at 4am. I’ll just…reorganize my office while I wait for everyone to show up. It’ll be–”

Sherman trailed off as the elevator dinged and the doors opened.  A very pretty red-head with round-framed glasses entered.  She waved to Jordan and gave a polite smile and nod to Sherman.

“Hi, Mr. Barrett.” the red-head said

“Hello, Sandra.” Sherman in a markedly deeper and more sophisticated voice than before.

“Did you receive my request for PTO next week?” Sandra asked.

“Oh, yes of course.  I approved it. Enjoy your vacation.”

The tension could have been cut with a knife, and Jordan loved how nervous Sherman looked.  His hands now professionally clasped in front of his belt buckle, Jordan could see him looking over out of the corner of his eye at Jordan…probably afraid that she would start singing his secrets at any moment.

When the elevator hit the ground floor, poor Sherman couldn’t get off quick enough.

“You girls have a great weekend.”

Jordan and Sandra replied in unison, “You too, Mr. Barret!”

Jordan kicked her high heels off at the door and set her keys down on the glass table, excited about finally getting those pantyhose off. She tossed her dirty clothing into her hamper and headed right for the shower. There were some fun plans in the works with friends this weekend to celebrate her new apartment in the city and she only had a few hours to get ready.

Jordan emerged from a cloud of hot, thick clouds of lavender steam into her large bedroom.  She sifted through her drawers, looking for the perfect outfit which would naturally include her lucky baby blue boyshorts.  As the tight boyshorts hiked up her hips and hugged her bottom tightly, Jordan remembered that her favorite blouse might have been packed away in one of the many cardboard boxes adorning her bedroom. Finishing the moving effort was somewhere near the top of her list, and the only reason she hadn’t just gotten Sherman to come over and do it yet was because she wanted to save giving him her address for something REALLY good.  Maybe she’d have to handle the unpacking herself in the meantime.

Jordan reached into the box that she believed contained her favorite blouse and her face contorted in confusion.

“What is that?” She muttered out loud.  It felt plastic with rounded edges.  Why would that be in her box of clothing?  Jordan pulled out the plastic object and she immediately smiled.

“Oh my god…I totally forgot that she forgot it.  How many freaking times did I tell her not to forget this dumb thing..and yet she just keeps on forgetting it.”

Jordan, of course, held in her hands the special scanner that Claire had left behind at her mom’s house way back when.  She almost tossed it back into the box when she had a fun thought.

Pressing the pink button on the side resulted in no flashing lights, which Jordan remembered was not right.  She quickly determined that the three AAA batteries were just dead, probably from how long the device had just been sitting there unused and forgotten about.

After replacing the batteries using the batteries from her TV remote, the scanner came to life.  Jordan brought the sensor down to her right butt cheek and held it firmly against it.

There was no noise.

No chirp.

No light.

No nothing.

“Hmmmm….is he dead or something?” Jordan thought curiously.  Maybe the past few years buried in her butt cheek was just too much for little Brad to handle.  It kinda sucked, honestly.  She liked the idea of Brad coming along for the ride, being there for all of her accomplishments and promotions.  All the wonderful things going on in her life.

But….maybe Jordan had been alone this whole time.  Maybe Brad was gone.

Jordan then slapped her own forehead, “It was my LEFT ass cheek…not my right one!”

Sure enough, the device let out 2 pretty pinks, 2 bright blues, and 1 deep, vibrant purple.

Jordan burst out laughing.

“Oh look at that!  That’s the permanent fusion color sequence I think, right? I wish I remembered for sure.”

Jordan reached behind her back and jostled her left ass cheek. If Brad truly was permanently fused to the fat of Jordan’s ass, she knew that was it…he’d be a part of her forever.

‘What a happy ending for him.’ Jordan thought with a giggle as she slapped her ass, the rippling wave of flesh taking on a whole new meaning to her now.

“We need to like…have an anniversary or something, don’t you think?” Jordan teased, playfully bouncing her big, dense butt cheek up and down, the baby blue of the boyshorts struggling to keep up with the waves of motion.

Having all the fun she set out to have with that little interaction, Jordan was ready to return to her own life and forget about Brad for however long she would, and as she started to return the scanner to the box for another use sometime later, she heard that same pattern of chirping again.

She looked down, realizing that she hadn’t actually let go of the pink button.

“Was it scanning Brad again?”  Jordan asked no one, shaking the device a little and looking closely at the buttons, “It was nowhere near my ass cheek.”

Curiously, she waved it over her body as if it were a metal detection wand, but the device was quiet.  Confident that it had just been some kind of fluke, Jordan moved it one final time across her pelvis and the chirping happened again.

“What…the….heck?” Jordan uttered in disbelief.  She was holding the device’s sensor between her legs, right over her baby-blue clad pussy.  And the device was sending out the same beeping pattern it had sent for Brad! The one that indicated a permanently fused little injectable was in that location!

Jordan shifted her panties to the side and gently placed her finger between her full pussy lips, feeling around against the inside of her labia.  Of course she felt nothing, but when she positioned the scanner right up against her inner lips, it started chirping again!

It was a person alright…injected or fused somehow to her vaginal lips.

“But who could it……”

Jordan mindlessly played with her pussy lips for a few more moments as she thought, and then her eyes widened.

Jordan knew who it was down there in her pussy. Who else could it have been?

‘She said she was taking her back to California!’ Jordan thought.

It had to be Chelsea.

Jordan rolled her eyes, taking a good look down between her legs before she slid her panties back overtop her crotch and gently patted the soft baby blue pouch.

“How in the fuck did she do it?” Jordan asked, literally laughing in disbelief as she picked up her phone and dialed Claire’s number.



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