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Here is the painfully short, penultimate chapter of Injected 2: Jordan's Revenge.

Injected 2: Jordan's Revenge

Chapter 15 - Locker Room Encounter


“Please don’t take him away from me!” Chelsea shrieked up to the goliath young women towering over her.  She had never felt such arousal and anguish in her life. She peered down at little Brad in her arms.  The poor little thing was so tuckered out from nearly 4 straight hours of lovemaking.  She’d lost count of how many times he’d cum into her pussy and how many times she’d cum in his face.  She rubbed his face between her breasts, her own thick cum clinging stringily to her breastbone and glistening wet breasts.  She knew that her time was running out.  It didn’t matter how much she wanted to keep Brad.  It didn’t matter that he was promised to her.  These gargantuan women were going to take what they wanted, and even though Chelsea was upset, it turned her on immensely to see Jordan overpowering her and asserting her own will over Chelsea’s.

She pushed some soaking wet hair out of Brad’s face to see him panting, his eyes glossy and staring thousands of feet ahead of him.

“I can’t let you go!” Chelsea wailed, forcing Brad’s lips around her nipple again.  She felt lightning strike her body as he applied gentle, weak suction to her nipple, only several inches to the right of where that gorgeous dirty blonde goddess had pricked her.  She never wanted this moment to end.

“Put him in the test tube, Chelsea.” Jordan instructed sternly.  “I am not going to ask you again.”

Tears were streaming down her face.  Her time with Brad was over, and yet she couldn’t let it go.  She forcefully unlatched him from her nipple and lowered him to her crotch once more, thrusting into his face as she stood there, trying desperately to chase one more orgasm.

“5…” Jordan started counting down.

‘Oh, this makes it even hotter…’ Chelsea moaned in a daze, thrusting her wide hips into Brad’s tiny, delirious face.


She allowed his nose and chin to find position between her super wet, super sensitive, super swollen, super exhausted pussy lips and nuzzled him against her clit


“Suck!” Chelsea commanded through gritted teeth, pulling his hair.  “Suck right fucking now!”


Chelsea gasped, feeling his tiny little lips and teeth gently nibble on her clitoris.  She was so fucking close now, she resumed the gentle bucking of her hips, adapting to the rhythm of his suction.


Chelsea’s eyes rolled in the back of her head.  She knew right then and there that this would be her last orgasm using Brad..and she wanted to remember it forever.  She bucked her hips violently and even as he sputtered on the surge of vaginal fluid, she held him firm in place, forcing all of it against his face and hopefully some down his throat.

Just before the goddess Jordan said ‘0’, Chelsea had hurled the broken little Brad into the massive test tube without so much as a goodbye or good luck.  She collapsed and struggled to dissociate, wanting to clutch the coattails of the orgasm for as long as she could.  Chelsea completely spaced out as the test tube was brought up and its contents transferred to another syringe.  Her clarity was returning post-orgasm, but her refractory period was mere seconds due to the injection of tiny bodies in her tit, of which she’d just found out.

Chelsea salivated as Jordan lowered one side of her shorts to reveal one immensely chubby butt cheek.  Chelsea thought back to when Jordan wedged her between those bare, pale, wonderful cheeks and she wished she could go back in time and do it again.

“I can go with him!” Chelsea pleaded as the tip of the syringe sank in the dead-center underside of Jordan’s left butt cheek.

“I’ll live there the rest of my life with him!  With you!  Please Jordan!” Chelsea cried, “PLEASE!!!!!

She watched miserably as the plunger was pressed, and the fluid unceremoniously disappeared into Jordan’s hefty glute.  That was the last she’d ever see of Brad. The last anyone would ever see of him.  He’d spend the rest of his life in that ass cheek, surrounded by fucking oceans of ass fat.

“Oh god, she’s fucking masturbating!” Claire giggled.

‘Damn fucking straight..’ Chelsea thought as her fingers stimulated her clit, savoring the remnants of a banished man’s saliva.  She watched with envy and jealousy as the shorts slapped back up over Jordan’s plump young ass cheek, further sealing away little Brad.

“She probably wants to join him.” Jordan joked.

“YES!!!” Chelsea leapt up, moving her hands up and down as if she were a castaway signaling a plane.


Poor Chelsea couldn't even think any more than 20 minutes into the future.  Her education?  Sure, that was important.  Her future? Of course.  But cumming? She could do that right now…and what was the hottest way to cum? Buried in the plentiful and abundant fat of Jordan’s wide, jiggly ass cheek.  It was all that mattered.

“Nope, you remember..a deal is a deal!” Claire chirped.  “She’s coming back with me to California.  She’ll make a cute little assistant…I’ll just have to find some little guy who’s face she can fuck apparently.”

Chelsea collapsed onto her knees.  She’d fallen in love with Jordan in just these past few hours.  No, it was beyond love.  She worshiped her.  She belonged with her.  She cried for her.

“Okay, that’s fine.” Jordan said uneventfully, giving Brad’s new home a gentle slap and shake before taking a hard seat on her bed and pulling on her sneakers.

“I’m gonna head to the gym.  You can take her with you and just let yourself out, okay?”  Jordan said.

“Sure, no problem.  My flight leaves in 2 days but I’ve got one other thing to take care of so this will probably be the last time we see each other.”

Jordan smiled, extending out her hands to Claire.  “Thanks, Claire.  I know we gave each other a lot of shit, but I really appreciate everything you did for me.”

“It's no problem, Jordan.  Honestly you might be the closest thing I have to a friend…and I’m not sure what that says about you! Or me!”

The two giggled in earnest and parted ways.  Chelsea watched intently as Jordan’s big, swaying ass shook with so much confidence and victory.  She wondered what it must be like for little Brad in there.  The poor thing hadn’t spent more than 30 minutes back out in the real world after how long?  4 or 5 months?  And then, he of course got to bury his nose in her pussy and ass, but then it was right back inside Jordan..this time in that voluptuous, curvy, globe of a butt cheek that was swinging into its sister so hard that he must have been bouncing all over the place.  And he was so little compared to those fat cells now!

Chelsea’s eyes watered as Jordan left her room and her loud footsteps thundered down the stairs.  That was it.  It was to California now…her new owner would be this Claire girl….Chelsea only hoped she would come to appreciate and adore her as much as she did Jordan.  Or so she thought.

Claire rested her chin on the back of her hands upon the nightstand, peering in at Chelsea.  Chelsea felt her heart skip a beat.  She hadn’t realized how pretty Claire’s eyes were, or her short button nose. She had such a cute smile.  Just as Chelsea felt like it really was possible to swoon for Claire, the dirty blonde smiled and spoke up, “You wanna go with Jordan, don’t you?” Claire said with a cute little pout.  Once Chelsea saw the magnifying glass come up, Chelsea responded by nodding her entire body enthusiastically.


“You want your best friend to be your goddess?”


Claire giggled, “I sure don’t know what those squeaks mean but I’ll take them to mean yes.”

The dirty blonde looked left and right, as if she was checking to see if anyone else was listening.

“Listen, little girl…I’m not going to give you the whole story cause we’d be here all day and I have a flight back to Cali in a few days…but I shrunk Jordan’s dad and injected him into her mom’s tit.  It was because of me that he was removed after 4 years only to be reinjected into his ex-wife’s lesbian lover.  As funny as that all is, and its fucking hilarious, it only gets better to think that he could actually be as infatuated with Amina as you are with Jordan…or maybe he’s completely miserable. I don’t feel bad about what happened to Brad, the dork seemed to have it coming.  I don’t feel bad about what happened to you…cause clearly you were a cold bitch trying to steal away Jordan’s meal ticket.”

Claire’s eyes looked off into the distance.  “What I do feel bad about is possibly being the one who broke up Amina and Evette.  They actually were legit cute together.  And to think that turning her into a weird sex zombie could have caused that…well…I need to do some good.  It’s too late for her though…and lord knows it's too late for Jordan’s dad.  It’s also too late for Brad.”

She smiled and then pointed a finger straight at Chelsea, who was now clutching her beating heart.  “But it might not be too late for you. So here are your options.  I’ll start with what is NOT an option:  growing you back to your original height, removing those 3 little guys from your boob so you’re not this sex-obsessed little pervert lady, allow you to get your life back, yada yada yada…absolutely none of THAT shit is going to happen so don’t bother ask.”

Claire lifted two hands as if to indicate two options. “Here are your two choices: If you come with me back to California, I’ll probably make you my cute little lab assistant.  It won’t be a glamorous job, and you’ll probably hate it but it’ll be an honest living I guess.  I may even be able to find a boy or two for you to rub your nasty ass all over.  OR……I can give you a chance to go back to Jordan and spend the rest of your life with her…but I have to warn you that we’ll be testing out something very special…its..ummm…well lets just call it a super special moisturizer I’ve been working on…and there is no guarantee that it’ll work.”

Claire closed all her fingers on both hands except for her two pointer fingers and extended them out to either side of the tiny enclosure trapping Chelsea.

“What’s it going to be?  Left is California with me.  Right is…” Claire exploded in laughter as Chelsea was already sprinting for Claire’s right finger, her large, bare, glistening breasts jiggling and bouncing every which way.



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