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Injected 2: Jordan's Revenge

Chapter 12 - Locker Room Encounter


The lukewarm water felt good against her skin and the sensation of earned perspiration leaving her naked body left her feeling accomplished.  Another day of eating right. Another day of looking good.  Another day of turning heads and making girls jealous.  Chelsea normally would have opted for a steamy shower but after an hour in the sauna, she was looking for anything but hot.

She needed to remind herself to try calling Brad again.  The day was quickly approaching that she would be leaving for college and the idea of trying to ensnare some other loser at her actual university, especially this late in the game, just sounded exhausting.

‘The fucking dingus better not be blowing me off…’ Chelsea thought to herself.  She took a page out of Jordan’s book and started wearing lower cut shirts around him, and it seemed to be paying off.  She just wished she had a larger butt like Jordan did.  As comically big as it may have been, it really seemed to do the trick on the pervert.

Suddenly, Chelsea felt a strong pinch on the underside of her right tit.  Her hand rushed for the strange biting sensation, expecting some kind of water bug or something, but her hand collided with skin and plastic.

“What the fuck?” Chelsea sputtered through the stream of water.  She pushed the sopping wet brown hair out of her eyes, identifying before her a fully dressed dirty blonde.  Chelsea immediately recognized the smiling girl.

“You’re Jordan’s friend.” Chelsea said aggressively. “Did you fucking jab me with that?”

The strange blonde girl’s dimples popped out as she smiled and nodded excitedly.  She was fully clothed, and in her left hand she held a syringe.  In her right hand was one of the gym’s towels, which she set down over the drain.

Chelsea watched curiously and confused as the dirty blonde made sure to completely cover up the drain.

“What the fuck are you doing?” Chelsea asked, rubbing her tit.

“Well, we don’t want to lose ya!” Claire chirped with a smile.

“We?” Chelsea asked with concern.

The blonde nodded and Chelsea felt another prick like the one in her tit, but this time in her neck.  A reflexive sharp gasp initiated, but before the air could even finish rushing into her lungs, Chelsea felt herself falling.



Her immediate thought was something along the lines of the second story shower collapsing, or maybe it was one of those sinkholes that opened up and swallowed matter as if it were a black hole.  It couldn’t have been any of those things though, because she was still in the perfectly preserved and normal shower…although the normal shower was now more akin to an indescribably large cathedral.  Her naked body joined a streaming current of soapy water and she sputtered, trying to remain afloat.  AS she struggled to keep her head above water, she rushed past stacks of suds that may as well have been full buildings, and sneakers that were the size of high-rise buildings.

The end of her journey, she realized, would have been through the crack, slick grating of the shower drain had she not pummeled into the white towel that Claire had laid down for her.

“No!  Get off of me!” Chelsea squeaked, but she knew there was no way Claire could hear her.  Her entire world was that of a white, soaking wet towel…and now that towel was deforming and shifting as Claire lifted it up to her full height.  It was at this moment that Chelsea saw that Claire wasn’t alone.

“How are you, bitch?” Jordan said victoriously, a huge smile on her face.  Her left hand was resting on her wide hip and in her right hand was a syringe, matching Claire’s.

Chelsea started to reply, but Jordan giggled, “Don’t bother responding. I can’t even tell if you’re trying but if you are, no one here can hear it.”

The wet towel landed with a loud, deafening plop onto one of the wooden benches near her locker.  The massive, giant girls were moving quickly above her, each of them seemed to have their own pre-determined tasks and goals.  The efficiency with which they moved was alarming as they emptied out her locker and gathered all of her things into a duffel bag.  One of the last items they addressed was the wet towel.  Claire rushedly shifted Chelsea off of the towel and onto the wooden bench before tossing the wet towel atop all of Chelsea’s things and zipping the duffel bag up.

“What are you doing with all my stuff?” Chelsea squeaked to no one.

“Alright, let’s go before someone comes in.” Claire said.

“Go where?” Chelsea asked angrily in confusion.

Jordan rested her index finger upon her tongue and began sucking on it.

“What are you going to do to me?” Chelsea demanded, a little more fear in her voice now.

Jordan didn’t say anything, because she heard nothing.  She just continued sucking on her finger and nodded her head. She hadn’t kept her lips pursed over the lip to clear it of excess saliva as one might when they’re sucking something sweet off their fingers.  Instead, she just opened her mouth and removed the finger, strings of clear saliva attaching the finger to the tongue but eventually breaking once the distance was too great.

Chelsea’s best friend dropped down to her knees, becoming as close to eye-level with little Chelsea as she could.

“What the fuck are you doing, Jordan?!” Chelsea shrieked, hoping that maybe at this distance, Jordan could actually hear her.

Jordan looked up at Claire, “Wow, she’s even smaller than Brad.”

‘Brad?!’ Chelsea thought.

“Yeah, duh.” Claire replied, “Brad was about 1cm and she should be….about 0.4cm, I think.  She’s gotta be smaller, remember?”

“Oh, yeah..” Jordan giggled, returning her attention to Chelsea.  “Okay, you ready to go, little girl?”

“Where are we going?” Chelsea demanded to know.  “What the fuck are you–”


Jordan’s sloppy wet index finger came crashing down on Chelsea and completely surrounded her body.  The pressure was extreme, and she figured it had to have been enough to completely decimate her…and yet she could still feel that she existed.  The feeling was there in her fingers and it was there in her toes.  Her heart was still beating and her stomach was lurching as the g-forces tortured her.  The saliva had adhered her naked body to Jordan’s index finger, and she soared through the air.

Chelsea’s eyes widened as Jordan used her other free hand to tug down on her nylon shorts, painstakingly altering sides of tugging until they were snug against her upper thighs.

Claire rolled her eyes, “You’re seriously going to do it?”

Chelsea whipped her eyes from Claire to Jordan, who was nodding her head with a grin.

Claire tossed her arms up in the air, “Okay, suit yourself…this is basically your only chance to not turn into the next Amina…and you want to risk it all for another one of your patented punishments.”

“I didn’t realize you were so jealous of my butt.” Jordan purred to her fingertip.  “I mean…big ones are in so there’s never a better time to have one this big, and I figured you were a little envious but holy crap…I saw you and Brad’s text messages.”

Chelsea’s eyes widened.  She was close enough to Jordan for Jordan to have noticed.  That’s what Chelsea assumed anyway, considering Jordan’s giggling, “Yup!  I saw them all!  And it's like every other message you sent…ya know, when you were badmouthing me and telling Brad to move on from me, you were just pointing out that I was a dumb, lazy bitch with a big, fat ass.  Are you really that obsessed with my big, fat ass?”

Jordan moved her index finger down and around her hips.

“Jordan, please!” Chelsea cried out, staring at the biggest, fattest, most terrifying set of heavy, pale, round ass cheeks she’d ever seen in her life.  At her size, each of those cheeks may as well have been the size of several city blocks to say the least.

“God, I kinda wish I could hear her..she’s probably freaking out.”

In that moment, Claire had dropped to her knees next to Chelsea and pushed dirty blonde hair away from her ears.

“Please tell her to stop!  Tell her I’m sorry! Tell her I’ll fix it!  Tell her whatever the fuck you have to tell–”

“Yeah, she’s definitely freaking out.  She just said your ass has more cellulite on it than her mom’s. Just put her in already so we can get out of here.” Claire said in a rush.

“What the fuck?!” Jordan exclaimed.  “There’s no fucking cellulite!  Show me, you fucking skank!”

Wide eyed, Chelsea cursed Claire with tears in her eyes as Jordan’s index finger moved closer to her ass.  As if out of nowhere, a massive hand appeared on Jordan’s left ass cheek and began prying it apart.

“This can’t be happening! This can’t be happening!”

Chelsea was forced between Jordan’s round, fleshy butt cheeks with such speed and power that it felt as if she were a single astronaut on a billion dollar rocket.

“Get me away from your fat, disgusting ass you cheap, ugly slut!” Chelsea shrieked in rage and fear.

At the head of the rocket was her plastered body, and she screamed in terror as the pillowy flesh of her best friend’s glutes consumed her and her peripherals.  She was going deeper and deeper, and the smell was getting more and more terrible.  The merciless finger had taken her as far as it could go, but it had one more action of disrespect to impart. It smeared her just south of Jordan’s tight, wrinkled asshole.  Chelsea shrieked in disgust and appaul, her body smearing against the sticky, damp skin.  She looked up just in time to see the finger emerging from Jordan’s ass crack and then the big bouncy cheeks returned to position…followed by the frictional sound of nylon against skin.  Jordan had literally just wedged Chelsea between her disgusting, fat fucking ass cheeks.

“You were right.” Jordan said as she got into her car.  Chelsea knew they were in the car because of the way her entire world shifted…the oily wall to which she’d been adhered now becoming a violently moving ceiling.

“About what?” Claire asked.

“About me having a backup injection ready.  It was a great idea because yours didn’t even do anything.”

“Haha, oh yeah…you’re right……it didn’t do anything.” Claire agreed with a giggle.

Chelsea’s consciousness mercifully slipped and took her somewhere more pleasant, but it was a short lived dream.  When she came to, she was in a bathroom and all around her was snow-white landscape. It was somewhat like the towel earlier, but now instead of sopping wet fuzz, there was large quilted patterning.  It wasn’t until Chelsea was plucked up out its center did she realize she’d been stuck to toilet paper.

“Did you fucking wipe me out of your disgusting fucking ass?!” Chelsea shrieked.  The poor shrunken girl could even still see where she’d come from as Jordan stood up from the toilet.  Interestingly enough, this was now the second time today she’d seen Jordan’s bare ass, and for some reason..it actually made her feel a little strange to behold it.  Something about it wasn’t as disgusting as it was when she entered.  Chelsea dismissed it as her just being happy that she was finally out of it.

“Don’t be a fucking baby…” Jordan said.  There was no way that she could hear the shrunken girl but Chelsea assumed that she must have just heard squeaking.

“I didn’t go or anything.  I only just used it to wipe you out.  And look…there’s not even anything else here.” Jordan showed Chelsea the toilet paper, which was a little damp in the center where Chelsea had been adhered, but it was otherwise clean.  The next part was quite unpleasant.

Jordan set Chelsea on top of the sink’s edge and squirted a healthy dollop of sanitizer directly on top of Chelsea.  There was a strong burning sensation in the poor naked girl’s eyes and in a few abrasions on her knees and elbows that she wasn’t aware of until now.

“Are you done in there?” Claire’s voice could be heard from the other side of the door.

“Yeah, just cleaning her off first.”

‘First?’ Chelsea thought, trying to swim out of the glob of clear sanitizer. ‘What comes next?’

“Alright, Chelsea…” Jordan said.  “Say something.”

Chelsea looked down at the strange device she was standing on.  SHe didn’t recognize anything but it all looked really complicated with weird wires and green plastic.

“What are you…!” Chelsea looked around, hearing her voice echo out.

“Yeah, we can hear you.  Trust me, we’re not doing this because we want to hear you.  I just need to make sure that you’re understanding what’s expected of you.” Jordan said.

“Jordan…please…if you’re mad about the Brad thing.  I just–”


Jordan’s fist crashed down on the table and Chelsea immediately stopped talking.

After a moment of silence, Jordan spoke up, “I’m glad you brought him up. You see…Brad is…well…he’s here.” Jordan motioned toward her chest.  What was she saying?  Brad was in her heart?

“We injected him a few months ago.” Claire said as two of Jordan’s fingers sank into the flesh of her right breast, the bright orange nail polish partially disappearing into the cushion.

“What the fuck?!” Chelsea shouted.  He’s in your fucking boob?”

As horrified as Chelsea was, she was also confused by the feelings that the concept inspired.  Not in a million years had Chelsea ever looked at Jordan in such a way before, but now…picturing that pathetic dork entombed in that dirty pillow…Jordan’s childhood friend was feeling strange, unexplainable flutters in her stomach.

“You….monsters.” Chelsea replied, feeling the blood rushing to her cheeks.

“Hey!” Claire said playfully, “We’re not all bad! In fact, we’re launching a very special mission to rescue little Bradley.”

The dirty blonde leaned in close. “And guess who our special little secret agent is?”

Chelsea wasn’t a terribly bright girl…but she was bright enough to understand the sadistic smiles the two massive girls were wearing.

“I’m…..going in there?” Even amplified through the speaker, her voice still barely carried far enough to the towering goddesses.

“Look at that.  She’s not as dumb as I thought she was!” Jordan exclaimed with a smile.

“I don’t want to…please…don’t make me.” Chelsea said, but there was some strange, foreign whisper inside of her body that had the audacity to argue even as she spoke.  The strange whisper was making incredibly good points.


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