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This chapter is a little shorter than I like to make them, but there was no clean way to cut the POV's in a way that would add more content here.

Still a suspenseful chapter though. Hope you enjoy!

Injected 2: Jordan's Revenge

Chapter 7 - Adam's Next Adventure


Amina’s head was descending toward the pillow and Jordan fluffed it a few times before her head sank into the white cloudy cushion.  She sighed deeply and thanked Jordan, or at least that’s what Jordan thought she said.

“You didn’t have to give her my pillow…” Claire grumbled under her breath as she approached the fireplace where the syringe had been sitting all along.  Just as they thought, no one noticed it, and now they were ready.

“She’s asleep now. I couldn’t pass up the opportunity.” Jordan said with a giggle.

“You’re sure?” Claire asked skeptically, looking at Amina’s shut eyes.

“Oh yeah…she is a HEAVY freaking sleeper…” Jordan replied, now lifting Amina’s ankles up off the floor and positioning her bare feet on the arm of the chair.  and they’ve been drinking all night so she’s out like a light.”

The bottoms of Amina’s feet were a bit dirty and she probably should have wiped them off prior to putting them up on the sofa, but Jordan didn’t want to touch them anymore than she had to.

When Jordan looked up from Amina’s bare feet, a smiling Claire was standing across from her and holding out the syringe containing Adam.

“Do you want the honors?”

‘Fuck yes, I do…’ she thought with an intensity that may have scared Claire, so she instead said, “uhhh…yeah?”

It's funny how some things play out.  Jordan didn’t feel any different when the syringe came into contact with her hand, and she didn’t feel any different as she accepted most of the weight of the syringe.  But when Claire let go, leaving Jordan there holding the syringe on her own, an ungodly amount of power rushed through her body and she couldn’t believe how attracted to it she was.

In this syringe, she held her former father..and the fate of his entire life.  She could have gone into the bathroom and squirted him into the toilet and flushed if she wanted to.  Jordan could have gone across the street to Mrs. Millman’s house while she was gardening, waiting for her to squat down at her ugly flowers and squirt him into her crack.  The obese, oblivious woman would probably just think it was sweat or a rogue raindrop and think nothing of it.

Jordan could have even pulled Amina’s lower lip down and gently squirted him into her gums..and then just waited for that sleepy, monstrous tongue to slide out from her pristine white teeth and claim him.  She was a goddess…she could do anything. Her mind raced with more possibilities.  She even briefly considered injecting Adam into the underside of Amina’s foot…surely it would be humiliating to spend six months literally being stepped on with every step the unaware woman made.

Unfortunately, Claire advised against it so Jordan complied with keeping the original plan.

It was a good thing that Evette’s newish tendency to wear booby shirts had rubbed off on Amina.  She was showing a decent amount of cleavage, her right breast pressing into her left as she rotated slightly to press her cheek against the soft white pillow.

Jordan began gently pulling down at Amina’s top, revealing more and more of the woman’s breast…continuing past the tan line, past the bra cup, and then finally exposing the nipple. It was smaller than her own, but it still probably looked like a house to her former father.

“You were right..” Claire grinned, “She’s like…fully out.  THis couldn’t have worked out better. We don’t even have to ask..we can just do it.”

“I just hope the syringe doesn’t wake her up. It’s kinda thick.” Jordan said, looking at the tip.

“Well, it had to be…he’s a big boy.” Claire joked.

“And you’re sure we can’t just use that cream you were talking about? The experimental stuff you mentioned?”

“The Osmolotion?  Absolutely not.” Claire chuckled. “That stuff is still HEAVILY experimental. It's the first thing I’m working on when I get back to California though.”

Jordan peered at the syringe, looking closely at the naked man that used to be her father.  She felt so powerful as she stared in at him, wondering what she must look like to something so small and insignificant.

“And how will we get him out? Wait for her to get drunk again?” Jordan asked, raising the syringe up to her face to peer in. ‘Jeez…’ she thought, ‘...he’s so friggin small, look at him swimming around in there…hard to believe that in a moment, he is going to be swimming instead in Amina’s boob.’

“We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.  Six months will be plenty of time to plan something.”

Jordan lowered the syringe from her face and began aligning its tip with the exposed portion of Amina’s left breast, right below the nipple.

“And if the plan doesn’t work and we end up needing more time..well…we really have all the time in the world.” Claire justified and Jordan agreed. “I mean…there’s no crazy rush or anything if it ends up going beyond six months.” Claire was gently playing with Amina’s toes, which Jordan thought was kind of weird but then she realized that Claire was probably just trying to distract her from the coming prick of the uncomfortably thick needle.

As soon as the needle’s tip kissed the supple white skin under Amina’s stiffening pink nipple, Jordan heard the worst possible thing she could have heard at that moment.  Claire heard it too.

They looked at each other with concern and fear, and then up at the steps where they’d just heard a door open and close from upstairs.

“It’s my mom!” Jordan hissed in a sharp whisper.

Sure enough, the two could hear her feet swishing against the carpeted steps.

“Hurry up!” Claire replied urgently from down at Amina’s bare feet.

“I’m trying! I’ve never done this before” Jordan said, hooking her thumb over the syringe.  She began pressing on the plunger.

“Go faster!  ….but not too fast! You don’t want to smoosh him or rupture her tit or–”

“Shut up! I’m doing it!” Jordan barked in a quiet whisper.

Jordan took another quick peek up at the steps.  She didn’t see her mom’s feet yet so there was still time.

“It’s going in! It’s going in!” Jordan celebrated, watching little Adam inside. She kept firm pressure on the plunger and watched the 1 cm tall man be forced closer to the stem of the syringe. Evette’s foot had just come into view on the steps from the living room. Jordan was sweating but she kept her cool. She would have loved to really savor this moment; damn her mom for coming down now and making her rush!

Jordan smirked down at the man she’d once called Dad one last time as she watched him completely leave the syringe and disappear into the ocean that was Amina’s tit fat. Jordan swiftly pulled the syringe out, a single droplet landing a few centimeters away from the injection point.  Claire came around and quickly tucked Amina’s left breast back into her bra cup and restored order to the presentation of her crop top shirt.

“What are you girls doing?” Evette said, her head having just cleared the second floor granting her view into the living room.

“Oh uh…” Jordan said, quickly tucking the syringe behind her back and down the back of her pajamas.

“--I was trying to go to bed, but Amina is laying here so we were trying to wake her up.”  Claire saved the day.

Evette rolled her eyes and smiled, her big breasts bouncing freely in her sleep shirt as she finished the steps and approached the living room, “Oh, it’s a challenge to wake that woman up, I tell you.”

Claire and Jordan stepped back from Amina as Evette approached, dropping down to her knees at Amina’s head.  As she leaned in to give her a tender, sweet kiss on the cheek, Claire couldn’t help but point out that the top of Evette’s large ass was showing through the waistband of her pajama pants.  Jordan replied with a heavy, life-threatening eye roll.

“Sweetheart..come on, it's time for bed.” Evette said sweetly, peppering Amina’s cheek and forehead with more kisses, pressing her own hefty, massive breasts against Amina’s breasts.  Amina’s toes curled and she took a deep breath, inflating her lungs and sending her breasts outward.

Amina opened her eyes and looked disoriented.  Interestingly, her left hand went right to her left breast, near the nipple, and then she started to sit up. “So are we going home, Eve?” Amina slurred.

“We are home, my love.” Evette giggled, helping Amina to her feet. “Let’s go to bed.”

Jordan watched Amina’s left breast with so much intensity, picturing little Adam getting comfy in there…settling in for his 6-month punishment…all while neither of the two lovebirds before her had any idea.

“Good night, girls.” Evette said in a motherly tone as she wrapped an arm around Amina.

The drunken girl stumbled and almost fell, eliciting a healthy laugh from Evette who helped her up the steps and into their marital bedroom.

Jordan’s heart was racing and her breathing was heavy.  She watched Evette and Amina stumble up the carpeted steps, unaware that they were taking an unwilling Adam with them.

‘I did that…’ she thought in disbelief as her mother and her mother’s lover clumsily reached the top of the stairs. Jordan watched in awe as Evette’s sock clad foot left the last visible step and then a few seconds later, their bedroom door opened and shut. Adam’s six month punishment started right now, and it was all because of her decision…and her action.

Claire sighted in relief, oblivious to the revelations going on in Jordan’s head and patted her on the back, “Well, look at that! That couldn’t have possibly worked any better, huh?”

“Yeah, I can’t believe it.” Jordan said breathily, her hand on her chest to feel her racing heart.

Claire lifted a small device that looked a bit like a thumb drive only a little thicker.  “Actually, the only way it would have worked out better is if I had time to scan him. I love seeing the indicators light up to see that he’s really in there.”

The fluttering of her heart wasn’t stopping, and now she felt a heat down between her legs.  Was she really that powerful?  She had to have been…she just condemned that tiny little insignificant man to six more months with his ex-wife and her lesbian lover.  Was there any larger power in the whole universe than that?? Jordan thought not.

Claire kicked her sneakers off and sat down on the sofa, her upper lip curled in disgust as she brushed the dirt and sand that Amina’s bare feet had left on the arm rest.

“What are you doing?” Jordan asked.

Claire lowered her pants and quickly changed into a pair of flannel pajama bottoms.  “I’m going to bed, duh.  It’s late.”

The dirty blonde then swung her feet in under her blanket, turning the pillow over to the side that Amina hadn’t pressed her face into.

“Wait…” Jordan said, practically out of breath.

Claire opened her eyes, “Huh?  What’s wrong?”

“I just…” Jordan said, uncharacteristically sheepish.

Claire rolled her eyes, “Stop worrying.  We got away with it.  Suppose she’s getting a shower or something tomorrow and she even notices the injection point.  She’ll just think it was a bug bite on her boob or whatever.  There’s absolutely no reason in the known universe for Amina to suspect that her wife’s ex-husband is buried in her boob.”

“No…I know we got away with it.  It’s not that.”  Jordan replied.

“Well then what is it?”

“Shouldn’t we…like…shrink someone else?” Jordan replied breathily.

Claire chuckled, pushing the covers off her body and sitting up on the sofa.

“Shouldn't we?  I don’t know, Jordan.  Why should we?” Claire asked playfully.

“Shut up.” Jordan said defensively, looking down at her foot as she scuffed the carpet. “I’m just saying it..you know…could be fun to shrink someone else.  That’s all.”

Claire replied, “Well, you’re absolutely right.  It would be fun.  Did you have someone in mind?”

“I mean….no…but someone who deserves it, ya know…like he did.” Jordan said, gesturing toward the upstairs bedroom, where for the first time in her entire life she would not have minded if her mom and Amina were in the middle of a seriously intense fuck session.

The dirty blonde smiled, grabbing her notebook and gesturing with her head for Jordan to follow her.

Jordan did.

The two sat down at the dining room table.

“Any teachers you didn’t like at college that you want to get back at?” Claire asked, flipping through her notebook.

“No…” Jordan said, “I mean..they were all dusty and boring..but none of them were interesting enough to shrink.”

“What about your friend Chelsea?  That could be fun!”

“What?  No!” Claire said with unambiguous disgust on her face.  “She’s been my best friend since kindergarten.  No way.  Go fish.”

Claire was flipping through her notebook, and Jordan saw that there were no longer complicated equations, chemical reactions, and graphs…but instead long paragraphs.

“How about…ooooooo…what about that boy you mentioned earlier?”

Jordan tilted her head in confusion. “Who?”

“Brad something.” Claire said, reading her journal.

“Oh…my…god….” Jordan said, her heart skipping a beat. How fucking dare he enroll in a school out of state.  How fucking dare he leave her behind here to do her work herself.  How fucking dare he move on and try to find someone else. How fucking dare he unwrap himself from around her pinky finger.

“Yes….yes….fucking yes.” Jordan practically growled.

“Great!” Claire said, frantically flipping to a new page of her notebook to take notes.  “What do we know about him?”

“He apparently took up hiking.” Jordan said, rolling her eyes.

“That’s great!  Nice, secluded places..nobody around…that’s perfect.”

Claire scribbled a few more notes into her notebook and then looked up at Jordan.  “We don’t have a lot of time…I have to go back to Cali soon and we’re going to have to finish this before then.  We gotta figure out where to find him and where to do this.  Does he hike around here?” Claire asked.

“Yeah, he posts the stuff on Facebook.  He’s such a dork he even posted his exact coordinates a few times so I’m sure we can find his routes.”

“Okay, perfect.”  Claire said.  She closed her eyes and then smiled silently…but then the smiling gave way to giggling.

“What’s so funny?” Jordan asked inquisitively.

“Oh nothing…” Claire said, “...but….just so you know…if I do you this solid of shrinking Brad for you…well…you’re going to have to do something for me…”




I like where this is headed!