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Reduction & Relocation - Lori Warren

Chapter 3 - Participation

[August 19th, 2005]

Dr. Walker: As I said, the longer the commitment, the more valuable the Participant!  In fact, our ideal Participant would commit to a lifetime term of housing the subject.

Lori: ….lifetime?

Dr. Walker: Oh yes.  The objective is to monitor physical and psychological changes in the subject and Participant alike, and the thing about physical and psychological changes: sometimes they take lifetimes to develop and then identify.

Lori: …how much does that one pay?  …NOT THAT I WOULD…ahemm……not that I would opt for that one.

Dr. Walker: Actually, the lifetime commitment is one we reserve for Participants who have already invested a large portion of time into housing their subject.  New Participants will be considered “Purple Tier” until they have reached 1 year of housing their subject, at which point they will graduate to the next tier, called the “Pink Tier”.  For a Participant to graduate to lifelong commitments, which we call the “Gold Tier”, she must house her subject for a minimum of 5 consecutive years.


Dr. Walker: If your head is spinning with colors and numbers, do not worry.  All of this information will be included in the Rear Housing Guide!

Lori: Oh, you read my mind!  That reminds me of a question I had earlier…what if a Participant picks a certain amount of time to commit and the subject picks a different time?  Do you have to swap out the pairs to match with others who have matching preferences?

Dr. Walker: Good question! The term-length selected by the Participant is used in all cases.

Lori: So, the subject doesn’t get a say?

Dr. Walker: Well…..I wouldn’t put it quite like that.  The documents that we have our Participants sign are not quite as binding as the contracts our subjects agree to. These contracts are signed by our subjects before initiating size Reduction Therapy; they willingly and willfully surrender decision-power to the Participant, who consequently may specify any and all terms of alternative housing not already under the discretion of R&R Laboratories. To say a different way, virtually every decision related to the experiment would be left up to you, which includes rear-housing term length.

Lori: I see……so I could take things at my own pace?  Well, that’s comforting to know.  So…if I were to commit to…say…a month, and then a week later decide that I do not want to do it anymore…what happens then?

Dr. Walker: If you decide to withdraw from the experiment, your compensation would be downgraded to the weekly flat rate and you would simply owe the difference, and if it were 1 week on the day, that difference would be $150.  So you would have to repay R&R Laboratories $150 and you would be responsible for returning the subject as well.

Lori: That’s it?

Dr. Walker: Yes, Ms. Warren.  It is a very low-stakes situation; we aren’t asking you to etch anything in stone!

Lori:  Oh……..well, that doesn’t seem that bad at all.

Dr. Walker: Exactly!

Lori: Okay, so….sorry to go so far back, but I was still curious about the whole confinement concept.

Dr. Walker: Okay?

Lori: Well, I understand that you’re saying the subject would have to be on my person..but I just don’t understand…why does it have to be there?

Dr. Walker: Well, let’s think back to the teenager who bumped into me in the supermarket.  Let’s suppose I was housing the subject somewhere else…like in my pocket.  Now suppose the teenager struck me in the hip with a shopping cart.  That might be some discomfort for me…maybe a bruise on my hip.  How might that incident affect the subject?

Lori: Well…

Dr. Walker: Probably not very good, right?

Lori: No, probably not.

Dr. Walker: In all reality, it most certainly would be fatal for the subject.

Lori: Right, I understand how the pocket wouldn’t be safe…but..

Dr. Walker: It’s a matter of softness and warmth, Ms. Warren.

Lori: I get that.  But what about…umm..you’ve got me blushing right now but…what about..breasts?

Dr. Walker: That’s a great question.  Mammary confinement was thoroughly tested in the beginning of our experiment. It was actually the first type of confinement we tested, but it was ultimately abandoned in favor of gluteal confinement.

Lori: Why is that?

Dr. Walker: Well, we’re getting into the weeds a bit here but my co-founder and I just held a lecture for our interns going over the history of RR Labs so luckily all the information is at the front of my mind!

The preference of gluteal confinement over mammary confinement is for for two reasons, actually.  Reason 1: As I’ve mentioned, cushion and warmth are very important criteria for a suitable and safe housing environment.  We determined through experimentation that breasts easily exceed the cushion and warmth requirement.  However, problems arise when we evaluate the concealment factor.

Lori: Concealment factor?

Dr. Walker: It’s important that the subject is fully concealed by the Participant’s body.  It’s also critical that the subject does not become dislodged from the cleavage containing him, be it through accidental or intentional events. It is also important that this continuous containment be achieved through no active effort of the Participant.  Basically, we want the subject to be snug and secure such that the Participant does not have to intervene, reposition, readjust, et cetera.  Meanwhile, the woman housing him is free to continue her life as she normally would without having to realign her focus to him.  As I said, confinement tests with breast cleavage failed on the grounds of concealment.  Oftentimes, the inward force applied to the breasts by the bra was enough to contain the subject so long as the breasts were large enough.  However, the natural movement of the breasts during static activity resulted in the subject drifting upward and out of the cleavage if it were not tight enough.  More frequently, however, the subject would drift downward.  Sometimes this would result in the subject becoming lodged in the bra cup and wedged between the woman’s rib cage and the underside of her breast…which was fine as long as the Participant didn’t mind.  But more often than not, eventually they would completely fall out of the breast cleavage, which I’m sure you can imagine presents some non-ideal scenarios.

Lori: Oh, yes I can imagine.

Dr. Walker: The only situations where no problems arose was during times when the women were wearing sports bras.  It was an interesting thought but hinging the entire experiment on the idea of women exclusively wearing sports bras did not seem like a realistic premise.  So that is the main reason why breast cleavage is no longer considered. Another reason has to do with averages.  We were able to determine all the parameters and metrics of the ideal set of breasts for confinement, things like softness, perkiness, overall size, and several others were considered necessary and minimum scores were defined.  The problem we quickly discovered was that of the women we sampled, only 58% had breasts that met these requirements.  Something else worth mentioning is that the percentage of women whose breasts did not meet the requirements were largely in the older age range and were endowed with above-average sized breasts.  This indicated to us that large-breasted, young women were ideal for breast housing, but their eligibility decreases as they get older.

Lori: Well, that does make sense but still…58% sounds like a lot.  Is that not enough?

Dr. Walker: One term of success for this experiment is to determine a safe housing location for the subject such that the maximum number of women would meet the requirements for housing.

Lori: Oh, I see.

Dr. Walker: 58% is a good number, but we owed it to the experiment and our investors to see if we could do better.  Someone suggested we determine the minimum requirements of care and containment for the buttocks, just as we did for breasts.  We initially thought the idea to be a bit outlandish at first.  We contacted the same women we had sampled previously and requested to evaluate their buttocks. Well, the results were very interesting.  We determined that 97% of the women had rear ends adequate for housing.

Lori: Oh, wow…I wonder why so much higher?

Dr. Walker: Well, for a few reasons.  Obviously, the rear end meets the warmth conditions so long as the subject is deep enough between the buttocks.  In every case the buttocks were more than soft enough to provide adequate cushion for the subject.  Another part of it has to do with the concealment factor. In fact, the 3% of women who’s rear ends did not meet the requirements excelled in every category with the exception of gluteal cleft depth.

Lori: Umm…gluteal what?

Dr. Walker: Basically the measurable depth created by the cleavage of the buttocks.  It is a function of how far from the woman’s waist her buttocks protrude.  Unlike the breasts, which are sometimes partially on display, the rear end is almost always completely concealed.

Lori: Oh right.  Mine certainly is!

Dr. Walker: And not only is the rear completely concealed, the buttocks are often compressed into clothing, be it underwear, jeans, et cetera. The added compression of the buttocks contributed significantly to the continuous containment potential of the subject between them.  The 3% had rear ends sized too small for concealment and containment, but the silver lining was that the age range graphed against rear-housing acceptability within the 3% and the 97% were nearly identical Gaussian distributions.

Lori: I’m sorry Doctor, I’m having a hard time keeping up.

Dr. Walker: Oh no apologies necessary, Ms. Warren. As I said before, I often get carried away with the boring stuff…but I like to think the people appreciate it!

Lori: You could be right about that, maybe!  What does Gaussian distribution mean?

Dr. Walker: Well, in this context, we recorded just how good each woman would be at housing a subject in their rear end based off the criteria I mentioned earlier regarding their buttocks.  We also gathered their ages, which ranged from 17 years old to 52 years old.

Lori: Oh my, that’s a wide range.

Dr. Walker: Once we gathered all values for all women, we separated the information into two graphs: those who passed and those who failed and put them on graphs. The “scores” we assigned for their buttocks was along the y axis of the graph and the womens’ ages along the x axis.  When looking at the graph of those who passed, we saw that a majority of the women with the highest scores were right in the middle age range and then the scores got lower the further to the left (younger) or right (older) you go, making a shape like a bell.

Lori: Oh, like a bell graph; I do remember that now.

Dr. Walker: Precisely!  The dip-off in score was also more gradual when approaching the max as opposed to the min so it wasn’t an ideal Gaussian but very close.  The really interesting thing is that we did a graph of women who did not meet the requirements, and the graph looked nearly identical.

Lori: What does that mean?

Dr. Walker: It means that age was not a factor in eligibility as it seemed to be with breasts. The sagging of the buttocks in the older women in both the pass and fail categories did not contribute to their rear-housing eligibility; whether pass or fail, all ages were represented almost equally.  This means age was not a factor, only the size of their rear end and buttocks. We were confident in asserting that if a woman met the requirements for rear housing in her youth, she would almost certainly meet them as she ages.  In fact, some could expect to see increases in rear-housing suitability as they get older. This is a very big deal. It basically means that women are overwhelmingly, naturally capable of housing size-reduced individuals in their rear ends.  One might even extrapolate this further and say the female rear end seems to be “designed” with the idea of housing in mind.  Bold, I know!

Lori: Well….gee, Doctor...when you put it that way it actually kind of makes sense.  One thing though…well…a few things.  I get that its warm…I get that its soft…but it doesn’t seem like a very….nice place to be.

Dr. Walker: Admittedly, the subjects seemed much more open to the idea of mammary confinement. They also seemed to develop bonds with the Participants much quicker, that could be for several different reasons, mind you.  It could be due to the resonance of the heartbeat, it could be pheromone exposure, it could be that the particular area was aromatic.  In any event, it failed in the categories that the rear end decidedly met.

Lori: Well, you mentioned aroma…isn’t that important?

Dr. Walker: No.

Lori: …….just no?

Dr. Walker: That’s correct.  Well…okay, I’ll expand.  If there were an area that met all requirements as the rear end does AND was also known for being more aromatic, we would consider that area.  But no such area exists.  The rear end is the ideal housing location for size reduced individuals.  The fact that there are negative aspects inherent to the area such as odor and hygiene are acceptable downsides when considering all the positives.

Lori: So…..it may not be a really nice place to be, but it gives the most safety?

Dr. Walker: And the most concealment!

Lori: Oh…concealment…yes, I knew that!

Dr. Walker: Furthermore, and I understand that it may be difficult to understand at this phase of the experiment, but we are not as concerned with the subject’s comfort in any given moment as much as we are concerned with the subject’s ability or inability to psychologically and physically adapt over time to the environment between your buttocks.  I understand that it may sound cold, but the subjects sign legally binding contracts and at the end of the day, it really is all about the science.

Lori: And my contract?  What would it say?

Dr. Walker: As I said earlier, it's not so much a contract as it is an document with a few agreed upon points. We really try to go out of our way to accommodate our Participants and make sure they are comfortable.  In fact, that is arguably one of the most important aspects of the experiment right behind the subject’s ability to adapt and acclimate to this new environment.

Lori: What do you mean?

Dr. Walker:  Well, let's say that our experiments prove without a doubt not only that the rear end is perfect for short-term, long-term, and permanent housing of size reduced individuals…but lets say we also prove that given enough time and exposure to these environments, there is a nearly 100% likelihood that the subject will completely adapt to this new environment, and perhaps come to accept or even embrace it.  That would be a wonderful accomplishment.  However, it's honestly all for naught if the concept of rear-housing is too taxing or inconvenient for women.

Lori: I don’t think I understand.

Dr. Walker: To put it simply, if it's too difficult or bothersome for women to house size-reduced individuals in their rear ends, I fear that the idea of rear housing could never…catch on as a sustainable option, if that makes sense. We could prove that the rear end is the perfect home for a subject, and they could completely love it, but it stops there if the woman is inconvenienced by the process.

Lori: I see what you mean.

Dr. Walker: So to circle back, it is of the utmost importance to us and to the integrity of this experiment that our Participants are able to continue living their lives in the way that they prefer, in a manner that maximizes their comfort and convenience.

Lori: Umm…can you give me an example of what you mean?

Dr. Walker: Sure…lets say…oh here’s a good example.  We recently had someone somewhat new to the experiment…a mother just like you…who was heading out on a particularly long car trip.  She was taking her children to the grand canyon or something of the sort.  Anyway, she had called just to check in and let us know how things were going, and she’d mentioned offhandedly that she would be in the car driving all day and night and would be keeping the subject in her bottom for most of the trip.  She was quite excited, having just recently purchased a new SUV with “all the bells and whistles” as she put it, which included heated seats.  She informed me, however, that she was going to keep the setting off for the sake of the subject.  I immediately asked her why and her answer was that even though the exterior of her buttocks might be quite cold, she knows that the area deep between them would be sufficiently warm for the subject…and she feared that if she turned the heated seats on, her posterior would perspire and the subject would be miserable in the drastically increased heat and humidity.  This is a perfect example of where I would strongly encourage the Participant to do what is in her best interest.  In this case, that would be turning the heated seats on full blast so that her backside and back are nice and warm, and her comfort is maximized.  Yes, it comes at the cost of the subject’s comfort, but its so important that he get used to the various conditions and states that the female rear end can take on.  Honestly, she was doing him a favor by exposing him to it.

Lori: What did she end up doing?

Dr. Walker: Oh, she saw the reasoning in what I was saying.  She left the heated seats on for the entire trip, there and back.  She agreed that it was the right decision. Sure, the subject’s struggling had intensified once the perspiration had reached a peak accumulation point, but she informed me that he quickly “tuckered himself out”.     This is the way that it should be.  We want our subjects to learn to live around our Participants.  Not the other way around.  Never the other way around.

Lori: ….okay Dr. Walker…let’s do it. I want to participate.

Dr. Walker: Oh dear, I didn’t expect THAT story to be the final straw!

Lori: Oh..it wasn’t.  I’m still not entirely sure how I feel about it…but the fact that you consider my feelings and preferences so highly in this experiment…I don’t know…I just feel…safe.  And I could definitely use the money.

Dr. Walker: Well, that’s great Ms. Warren!  I am thrilled to have you on board!

Lori: Where are you based out of?  I am assuming I would have to come in and pick him up?

Dr. Walker: Typically yes, but I see you are on the west coast while we are based out of North Carolina.  Now, we are more than happy to pay your way to get you out here.  But if you’d like, we would be just as satisfied sending the subject to you through express mail.

Lori: Really??  You would do that?  You’re not worried about the subject getting…caught or seen or something?

Dr. Walker: Oh no, not at all.  We have an entire department dedicated to discrete and private shipping, methods by which we can conceal the packages contents from USPS/UPS/Fedex scanning equipment and technology.

Lori: But…you would trust me?  I mean, you haven’t even met me…

Dr. Walker:  Well Ms. Warren.  I DO trust you.  You seem like a very considerate woman who understands how much she stands to gain from participation.

Lori: Well, yeah that is true.

Dr. Walker: Not to mention, during our conversation I took the liberty of looking you up on various social media platforms.

Lori: Oh, well you won’t find me on any of those. Lord knows I can’t keep up with those things.

Dr. Walker: Partially correct.  I did not find your name when searching. I did, however, find a Gina Warren in Seattle, WA. A very beautiful young woman who has 2 sisters, a father who lives in Wyoming, and a mother named Lori.

Lori: Oh, you’re good!

Dr. Walker: Yes, I like to think so! I am assuming that this woman sitting with Gina in several of these beach photographs is you? I believe that is you sitting on a beach towel in the polka-dotted one-piece bathing suit with the sunglasses on putting the sunscreen on one of your daughters?

Lori: Oh God there’s a picture of me in that bathing suit out there? Yes, that was at Rockaway Beach in California a few years ago. Such a beautiful day that was..although I will have to have a talk with my oldest about posting my bathing suit photos for the world to see!

Dr. Walker: Well, be that as it may.  I will say though, based off that picture and the one I’m seeing here of you facing the ocean with your hands on your hips, I have absolutely no doubt that your buttocks are large enough and the cleft between them more than deep enough to completely conceal and secure the subject. To be perfectly honest, I think your rear end is perfect for this experiment, and formally confirming that would just be a waste of your time.

Lori: Okay well I really appreciate that, Dr. Walker….uhh…that you’re concerned so much with my time and my convenience, I mean.  If you are okay with sending him through the mail, I think I would prefer that.

Dr. Walker: Wonderful, that is exactly what we will do then! It is going to have to wait until later in the week though. The subject we will be assigning you has to undergo some more acclimation sessions.

Lori: Acclimation sessions?

Dr. Walker: Usually we like to enroll our subjects who have just completed Reduction Therapy into another program with our psychological screener, Dr. Kleinhardt and her assistant Brandi.  We call this program Acclimation Therapy.  We understand that, despite how suitable we believe the rear end is for housing, abrupt exposure to the new environment can be difficult, especially for long stretches of time!  This is why, as what you could call a “sub-experiment”, Dr. Kleinhardt and Brandi take on the task of introducing them to the female rear end at their new, post-RT size.

Lori: Oh really?

Dr. Walker: Yes, Dr. Kleinhardt is currently out of the office right now, but Brandi is standing in.  She has not been with us long but she is a very quick learner.  Not to mention she probably has the largest rear end of all the women here so she is a natural choice for this. From our records, I see here that the subject we will be assigning you, Subject 119b, has had 8 acclimations sessions with Brandi.  Essentially, Brandi dons some pants specifically designed for this purpose.  They appear normal to the naked eye, but they actually excel at maintaining an odor and dryness differential between what is outside the pants and what is inside.  The pants essentially “protect” the subject from Brandi’s perspiration and odor.  Brandi then wedges the subjects-in-training between her buttocks over top of the pants.  This way they are introduced to the idea of being cradled and contained by a large set of soft buttocks, and they are free to focus on that concept without overwhelming their other senses.  These sessions typically only last 15 minutes, and we would really like to get Subject 119b in Brandi’s rear for 2-4 more days of Acclimation Therapy before issuing him to you.

Lori: Oh sure, I understand. There’s no rush.

Dr. Walker: it’s actually probably for the best, as we will be needing something from you before we can ship him.

Lori: Oh?

Dr. Walker: We will need a DNA sample from you.

Lori: What for?

Dr. Walker: Prior to rear installation, we need to synthesize something akin to a booster shot for our subjects.  We call them “Assignment shots”.  The shot is specifically designed and tailored to the Participant’s DNA.    In essence, it makes the subject’s assimilation with your body a less traumatic process, increasing the harmony between his body and yours. We also use this opportunity to introduce the nanomachine sensors we talked about earlier…in addition to a few other things.

Lori: Oh okay. That makes sense. What do you need me to send?

Dr. Walker: The easiest thing you could do, if you have toothpicks, would be to carefully insert a toothpick into your mouth and scrape the toothpick along the inside of your cheek.  No need to scrape too hard!  Once you’ve scraped a few times, gently place the toothpick into a clean ziplock bag and send the scraped cells from your inner cheek to us.  That should be more than enough. Please try to send that out first thing tomorrow to allow enough time to synthesize the assignment shot and administer it.  We would like to mail him out in a few days and opt to overnight him.

Lori: Okay, I can definitely do that.

Dr. Walker: Fantastic.  Please review all the appurtenances, instructions, and educational literature that will be included in the packaging with the subject, to include the Rear Housing Guide.  Please sign the included documents and indicate for how long you would like to participate.  Don’t feel obligated to rush that decision!  Take a day or two to get a feel for it and then let us know.

Lori: Alright, doctor. No problem.

Dr. Walker: Great!  It’s been a pleasure chatting with you, Ms. Warren. I am very excited to accept you into the experiment; we are expecting great things!

Lori: Thanks so much, doctor.  I’m looking forward to getting started too. I'm a little nervous but excited!

Dr. Walker: That’s completely normal!  Remember, I am always only a phone call away!

Lori: Ok, thanks Dr. Walker!

Dr. Walker: No, thank you!  Have a wonderful evening.

Lori: You, too.  Take care.

Dr. Walker: Goodbye.

Lori: …Victoria Grace, when I’m on the phone, you need to–




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