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This month's free RR Scientist commission is a vignette about everyone's favorite Assistant Acclimation Therapist, Brandi Thompson. Hope you enjoy it!

RR Vignette

Brandi Thompson

Brandi Thompson took a deep breath of the crisp, morning air as she stepped out of her car.  She didn’t get to see too many forests where she came from that weren’t in books or on TV. A cruel fate it was for a girl who appreciated nature and curves as much as Brandi did to have grown up in Indiana, not known for its trees nor its curves.  It was one of many reasons she loved working at RR Laboratories.

The lab was set back in the beautiful, mountainous Carolina woods just deep enough for the paved road to transition into packed dirt. Brandi had heard stories about how the dirt road had hindered remodeling efforts of the lab back in its founding, and it also presented unique lab-running challenges like consumable resupply and repair logistics. These concerns were not within the scope of Brandi’s day-to-day responsibilities at RR Labs but still, she often wondered why they didn’t just make it into a paved road.

Brandi sipped her piping hot latte and adjusted the backpack on her shoulder as she approached the lab, the large rocks shifting and shuffling under her sneakers. She checked the time: it was 6:58AM.

The lab building’s appearance was altogether unremarkable if you forgot its location buried back in the woods. If you considered the rurality of the area, however, it appeared as an oasis of architectural and corporate accomplishment.  The grounds were well maintained and the building itself was freshly painted.  There weren't many windows but the few panes of glass that existed were always immaculate.

The only sounds were those of nature starting its day, the energetic blonde’s sneakers scuffing the wide rock path that narrowed into smooth paved concrete, and the quiet hum of a generator that supplied emergency power to the building in the case of an outage. Brandi passed the only two cars in the parking lot. Predictably enough, one belonged to Dr. Katie Walker and the other was Dr. Alexandria Bexley’s.  If the lab co-founders had pulled an all-nighter instead of merely arriving very early, Brandi wouldn’t have been the least bit surprised.

Brandi removed her RR Labs ID card from the back pocket of her jeans and pressed it against the card reader mounted on the frame of the door. The device emitted an approving chirp and the door unlocked.

It was quiet inside, the reception desk unmanned and the waiting room seats unoccupied.  The squeak of Brandi’s sneakers carried a louder punch in the empty room than normal as she crossed the Waiting Room and entered the non-restricted, Pre-RT corridor.  This was the first area a new subject or Participant saw on their journey deeper into RR Labs. It was mostly where prospective subjects were screened for Reduction Therapy eligibility but Brandi had seen the rooms used for other purposes as well.

She passed Pre-RT Exam Room B on her right and saw Dr. Walker through the tiny rectangular window.  It looked like she was conducting a pre-RT screening, and Brandi smiled when she saw him.  Neither Dr. Walker nor the shirtless man with a blood pressure cuff around his muscular bicep noticed Brandi as she slowed her walking pace to observe just a little bit longer. What an adorable sight it was to see this hulk of a man towering over Dr. Walker as he did.  Nothing against Dr. Walker but at 5’-4”, it was rather common for men to tower over her.  At least until they’d gone through Reduction Therapy, that is.

Brandi recognized him from his file and immediately remembered that the questionnaire he filled out last week mentioned claustrophobia.

‘So not only will I get to prepare him for the challenges of rear-housing…’ Brandi thought as she swiped her badge at the large, heavy security door labeled Security Door #1,

‘...but maybe I’ll even get to help rid him of his claustrophobia!’

Working with him would definitely be rewarding.

…and fun…

The blonde settled into a comfy seat in the RR breakroom, but not before starting up a pot of coffee for her coworkers who would all be arriving for work soon.  She spent 30-45 minutes enjoying her breakfast and studying for a quickly approaching final exam in one of her courses on Behavioral Neuroscience. Brandi could hear the restricted, post-RT corridors outside of the breakroom slowly coming to life and after getting through about half of her practice questions, the blonde figured the lab was now well-enough staffed for her to start working.

The corridor was dark and quiet when she’d entered the breakroom, but now the lights were on and people were working. Brandi saw Dr. Carla Stanhope across from the breakroom in the Computational Genomics Laboratory. It looked like one of the machines was being repaired by a manufacturer-provided technician and Dr. Stanhope was observing her.  It wasn’t always easy getting the manufacturer to provide a female technician but it was the only option as males were not permitted in this portion of the lab.

Not unless they were post-RT, of course.

Brandi had a nice giggle to herself, recalling a story the red-headed doctor had once told in the breakroom. Dr. Stanhope had to turn away the technician that Fisher-Scientific had flown out to the lab a few years back because he was male, and it apparently created some friction between Fisher-Scientific and RR Labs.  Brandi wasn’t sure what strings were pulled and who did the pulling, but the issue was resolved and it hadn’t happened again since. But Dr. Stanhope had joked privately that if Fisher-Scientific did it again, she’d be forced to conduct Reduction Therapy on the technician so that he could access the equipment rooms. Then, after he’d either repaired the equipment himself or instructed Dr. Stanhope on how to perform the repair, he’d naturally be enrolled into the rear-housing program.

“Oh, good morning Jane!” Brandi said as she rounded the corner, nearly bumping into the black-haired intern.

“Oh! S–sorry, Brandi!” Jane replied, shuffling the stainless steel tray she was holding.

“Don’t be sorry.” Brandi giggled, “I think I just rounded the corner too fast.”

Jane began interning with RR Labs shortly before Brandi started and they got along nicely despite being very different. Brandi took on more of a stereotypical midwestern, almost adorably rugged blonde appearance with what some might describe as “hints of basic”. By comparison, Jane’s hair was jet-black and short like Dr. Bexleys.  Brandi’s skin was mildly tan and lightly freckled while Jane’s complexion was that of a pristine porcelain doll.  She reminded Brandi of grown-up versions of Lydia from the movie Beetlejuice or Christina Ricci’s character in Casper.  The two were roughly the same height at around 5’-8” but when it came to weight, Brandi’s subtle muscle tone and appropriately-placed, attention-grabbing curves called for the scales to tip much more in her direction. In contrast to Brandi’s bubbly and cheerful demeanor, Jane had a reputation around RR Labs for being more serious and stern, especially with the subjects.  Brandi never would have known this from her conversations with Jane because Jane was always incredibly friendly and helpful with Brandi.

Just like now…Jane didn’t look serious at all. She had a big smile on her face and even seemed excited to see Brandi.

“Did you get some sun this weekend?  Your face looks a little red.” Brandi observed.

“It does?” Jane asked, a flutter in her voice. “Oh, maybe a little.”

The blonde looked down at the tray in Jane’s hand.  The jet-black fingernails looked even darker when compared with her fair skin.  Brandi’s eyes wandered from the fingertips clutching the tray to what was centered upon it.  Brandi smiled.

“Awww, who’s this one?” Brandi asked, her smile growing.  She didn’t recognize him but he surely recognized her.

Jane parted the pale blue manilla folder in her hand and scanned the name at the top, “subject-103m.”

“Oh okay! I remember this one.” Brandi said enthusiastically, setting her palms on her thick denim-clad thighs and dropping down closer to the cowering man. “I’ve got a special place in my heart for the one-inchers. Where’s he going?”

“Installation.” Jane said. “Dr. Walker is prepping the Participant now.”

“Oh, great!” Brandi cheered. “The big day is finally here, huh?”

The blonde smiled sweetly down at subject-103m.  She spoke in an over-emphasized sweet, almost obliviously condescending tone,

“We had a bit of a hard time in the beginning, you and I…but you figured things out really quick after the first day.”

“How many sessions did you have with him?” Jane asked.

Brandi tickled her chin, adjusting to a more normal tone and cadence when speaking with Jane,

“Hmmm, I think it was around 6 days.  Mostly quarter-hours but there were some longer ones sprinkled in here and there.”

She looked back down at subject-103m and the sweet condescension came back,

“But now he’s all ready to move onto the next big step!  You’re going to do great, 103m!  Remember what I taught you.  You need to embrace the warmth…and you need to trust the cushion! It’s there to protect you and keep you safe, k?”

“Umm…Brandi..” Jane said.  Brandi’s crystal blue eyes raised from subject-103m to Jane and she stood back up to full height.

“Your hair looks really nice today.” Jane said.

Brandi wore a friendly, confident smile as her fingers stroked the thick blonde braid, “Oh, thanks Jane.  It's nothing special though, just a simple braid!  Your hair looks nice too.”

The blonde was ready to continue on her way to start her day but it looked like Jane had something else she wanted to say.

“So…I was wondering…it's stupid, really…my dumb little brother…he got tickets to see this band and he couldn’t get out of work…so he gave them to me.  Since I’ve got an extra ticket, would you...maybe want to go with me?”

“Oh, I love concerts!” Brandi pepped excitedly. “When is it?”

“It’s next Friday!” Jane said with a smile.

Brandi’s eyes narrowed, “Ahhh shoot.  I won’t be able to go on Friday.  I have to go to my sister’s bachelorette party.”

The smile on Jane’s face shrank but did not entirely disappear.  “Ohhh, I gotcha. It’s an all day thing?”

“Yup!  First thing in the morning, we’re doing this really cute scavenger hunt that the Maid of Honor put together.  After that, the winning team gets to pick between making pottery or a wine-tasting.  And then we’re gonna end the night swimming at the Maid of Honor’s house.”

“Oh, that sounds really fun.” Jane said.

“I know, right?  I’m really excited about it, too…probably more than I should be!” Brandi giggled. “I have this adorable little orange two-piece that I bought on clearance over the winter that I’ve been dying to wear out. I can show you a picture of it later if you–”

Brandi became startled when Jane almost dropped the stainless steel tray containing subject-103m.

“Oh my god; are you okay, Jane?” Brandi asked with concern, her hands rushing to stabilize the tray. Brandi’s warm palms and fingertips made contact with Jane’s hands, which were noticeably colder than her own. Brandi expertly used her hip to gently nudg subject-103m away from the lip of the tray, back to the safety of its center.

“I’m fine! Completely fine!” Jane replied quickly, tucking the blue manilla folder into her armpit and using her free hand to fix her chin-length black hair. She nervously tucked a few loose strands behind her left ear.

“Are you sure?  Your face is really red.” Brandi said with authentic concern.

“Yup! Totally fine!  Maybe some other time.” Jane replied out of breath, gesturing down toward the trembling subject-103m who was still glancing frantically back and forth between the two women towering over him.  “I should probably get to IE-A.  Dr. Walker and the Participant are waiting for us.”

“Okay, Jane! Take care!” Brandi said with a smile and friendly wave as Jane briskly walked away toward the Install & Exam Room corridor.

‘That was strange..’ Brandi mused as she walked in the same direction toward her office which was directly across from the Install & Exam Rooms. The placard on Brandi’s door read:

Brandi Thompson

Assistant Acclimation Therapist

In Brandi’s closet was a rack filled with a long row of hangers. Each hanger contained what an untrained, inexperienced eye might quickly dismiss as common yoga pants or leggings but looks can be deceiving; there was nothing common about these pants.  They were called Housing Pants, and they essentially functioned as Brandi’s work uniform.

Most of the Housing Pants were either black or slate gray but there were a few colored ones mixed in as well. The blonde’s orange-painted fingertips danced over the complicated weavings on each pair as she considered which ones she’d wear.

‘Duh…’ she thought to herself, ‘I should probably see who’s up first today.’

Brandi approached her desk where there was a stack nearly a foot high of the same pale blue manilla folders Jane was carrying earlier.  She lifted the first one on the stack and opened it. The folder was labeled “subject 388p”.

“Oh, it’s a quarter incher…” Brandi said out loud, her crystal blue eyes scanning the page. A big smile grew on her face. “...and it's his very first session!  Oh, what a lovely way to start the day!”

Since she was dealing with a quarter incher, Brandi knew that she’d need one of the ‘Pocket Pairs’ of Housing Pants.  She removed a slate-gray pair and inspected the back of the Housing Pants. Centered horizontally over the seat of the Housing Pants was a tiny little flap of material. The flap was of the same slate-gray color so it blended in very well with the rest of the garment.

Brandi fished the tip of her pinky finger into the flap. There was barely enough space in the tiny pocket for her full fingernail to enter but she scooped gently, checking to make sure the pocket was empty. Satisfied that there were not stowaways from the last time the Housing Pants were worn, Brandi unzipped her blue jeans and shimmied her wide hips out of the restrictive, tight denim.  The material clung to her thick bare thighs as if they didn’t want to be separated from them, but the blonde’s diligent effort finally paid off. She set the neatly folded denim jeans atop her computer chair. A cute, tiny, folded pair of pale orange boyshorts joined the jeans.

The Acclimation Therapist was now naked aside from a pair of socks and a cute, long-sleeve button up shirt, and she greatly appreciated that her office window was equipped with smartglass that could switch from transparent to opaque.

The Housing Pants came up much easier than the jeans did this morning. They were just as form-fitting as the worn denim…perhaps even more so in the way they hugged her curves…but the material was stretchy and comfortable.  The Housing Pants truly were a marvelous marriage of fashion and engineering, and they were designed specifically to fit Brandi’s ass like a glove.

It actually might have been more accurate to describe them as fitting each of Brandi’s ass cheeks like a glove.  The material was snug against the entire circumference of each of Brandi’s glutes, creating a clear divide of deep cleavage between the two globes.  Full gluteal cleavage was not often a desired look when wearing pants, and certainly not if you’re going for “professional”, but this was Brandi’s job.  Gluteal cleavage was necessary.

Once the band was up around her narrow waist, and her sizable rear comfortably but snuggly packed into the stretchy material, Brandi reached back and played with the tiny little pocket that was now wedged deep in the cleavage of her crack. She adjusted the flap to make sure it wasn’t flipped shut before allowing her large cheeks to gently fall back into place around it and any person walking behind her would have no idea it even existed.

“Oh, shoot….I forgot to check the battery…” Brandi said aloud.  She flipped up her shirt, exposing her flat, toned tummy and then inverted the front waistband of the Housing Pants. On the inside, several inches below her belly button and stitched into the material, was a small battery indicator.  In bright pink LCD font, the indicator read “50%”.  She smiled, satisfied with the remaining battery on the Housing Pants, and folded the front back up over her lower stomach. The last thing Brandi did before leaving her office was to grab subject 388p’s folder along with another pair of Housing Pants that she laid neatly over her shoulder.

Brandi walked with purpose from her office to the SSF, or Subject Storage Facility. There were two of them, the SSF-1 and SSF-2. Her first session of the day, subject-388p, was a brand new post-RT subject.  He’d only just completed reduction therapy and hadn’t even been assigned to a Participant for rear-housing yet; that meant he would be stored in the SSF-1 for now.

The heavy, clunky security door reluctantly unlatched as Brandi pressed her ID badge against the reader.  Unlike the SSF-2, there was no 24-hour security posted in the SSF-1 so Brandi would not have to sign him out.  Although, at the end of the day when he’d had all his acclimation sessions with Brandi, he’d need to be upgraded to SSF-2 storage.

“Well, hello everyone!” Brandi said with a chipper, excited tone as her crystal blue eyes danced back and forth from the pale blue manilla folder in her hand to the tiny men in their ‘transparent containment box’.  The box was on the counter, somewhere between Brandi’s waist and chest, and she peered down with a big smile.  “I know you’ve all had a very exciting day…maybe even a few of them…so it might be hard to remember.” Brandi set her hands down on either side of the box and leaned in closer to it, observing all the men varying in sizes below an inch tall.

“Does anyone here answer to the identification number 388p?”

Her crystal blues scanned the assortment of confused, tiny, naked men.  Some of them looked like they wanted to speak up and some of them hid behind others.  After a few moments of silence, one of them reluctantly raised his hand. Brandi praised him eagerly, “Hello, 388p! You’re going to come with me, kay?”

Brandi did not wait for a response from subject-388p or the others nor did she make any effort to act like she was.  She simply unlatched the front area of the box and encouraged the tiny, naked man to come out onto her open palm.

“It’s okay, 388p.  I’m not going to hurt you.”  Brandi said sincerely.

He must have believed her, because his reluctance seemed to melt away as he hurriedly jogged the several inches toward the edge.  One or two of the other men seemed to try and stop him but he pushed through and as gracefully as he could, he calculated his jump from the edge onto the blonde’s open hand.

“Great!  It's time to get acclimated!” Brandi said, shutting the containment box behind the freed subject-388p. She then retrieved something from her pocket.  A tiny little transparent container that resembled one-half of a contact lens case.

“Okay, you just sit tight in here and we’ll make our way over to the Acclimation Therapy and Procedures Room.”

Brandi offered a friendly wave goodbye to the shocked, confused, fascinated, and nervous little men in their containment box and turned to leave, cradling the much tinier container in her closed fist.  She turned out the lights and made sure to pull the door shut tight behind her.

The blonde had a tendency to swing her left arm when she walked and she realized about halfway down the hallway toward the Acclimation Therapy and Procedures Room that poor subject-388p was on quite the rollercoaster ride.

“Oooo, I’m sorry, 388p.” Brandi said with sincere contrition.  It wasn’t her intention to do anything other than prepare these little cuties for what lay ahead of them.

Was there a benefit to exposing them in very small, controlled increments to the unique softness and cushion of the female rear end?

Of course there was!

Was there a benefit to swinging them wildly through the air?

Of course not.

Not every woman at RR Labs would have agreed with her, but that was okay! Even her friend Jane would have disagreed with Brandi specifically about showing even a modicum of respect to the little subjects. The difference in their opinions were evident in the way they transported subjects…but Brandi and Jane were still good friends! Friendly acquaintances at the very least!

Brandi pulled the door shut behind her, leaving the busy hustle and bustle of RR Labs’ day-to-day activities on the other side of the door.  There was only one objective on this side of the door:  get subject-388p ready for gluteal confinement.

The blonde popped open the container and gently dumped subject-388p back out onto her palm.

“Well, here we are!” Brandi said with a grin, lifting her palm up to her face so that she could see him better. She did one last visual inspection of his facial features against the image stored in his file.

“Wow, I’m guessing you were a little heartbreaker…weren’t you, 388p?” Brandi asked with a playful giggle. “I’m just teasing!”

After her giggling died down, Brandi cleared her throat.  “Okay, 388p.  I think it's time we get started, dontcha think?  I’ll be honest, I can’t say that I understand from personal experience how draining and confusing reduction therapy can be.  However, I DO know that those that have come before you rose to the occasion and figured everything out that they had to.  They learned to trust the process and have faith in their Participant. And you know what, I think you’re capable of just as much..if not more!”

Brandi allowed a moment for what she’d said to sink in before continuing. “I know that everything you’re going through is new and scary and…well..I’m not going to sugarcoat it, there are some new and scary things waiting for you after I’m done helping you…but I guess my hope is that I can help you…understand…and prepare…for what those new and scary things are.”

It was always fascinating to watch the brand new ones listen to her speech. Brandi had refined it over time and now knew it so well that she was free to fully dedicate her focus to taking in the full extent of their expressions and body language…even if it meant squinting when they were this tiny.

The reactions and body language of subject-388p were not all that unique. He looked concerned and worried, as if he was trying to solve a puzzle in his mind but he’d been given too many pieces.

“This will be new and scary, too….at first.” Brandi said soothingly.  “...but I promise you it will go by fast…”

Brandi began lowering subject-388 from the grace of her eye level down toward her chest.

“...and believe me…its best not to fight it.”

He continued his descent down the vertical landscape of Brandi’s toned body, passing her hips and circling the width of her hips. Brandi turned on her heels, feeling a ripple travel through the flesh of her compressed cheeks.  She looked over her shoulder into a mirror mounted on the wall about waist high.  It gave her a perfect view of her ass.

Brandi’s left index finger and thumb gently pinched subject-388p and brought him within less than an inch from the dead-center of her curvaceous left cheek.

“I know it’s big, 338p.” Brandi said with a mixed tone of comfort for the subject and pride for her badonkadonk.

“...but do you see how soft it is?”

The blonde shifted subject-388p so that he was aligned with just her fingertip, and that fingertip sank about 2 inches into the cushiony, pillowy black globe.

“It’s not here to hurt you, 338p.  No…quite the contrary.”

As Brandi’s finger retreated, the big, curvaceous cheek bounced back into its planetary shape, the residual, faint jiggle reverberating through the flesh.

“...it’s here to protect you.  It’s here to keep you safe.”

Brandi guided him toward his temporary home where Brandi’s right hand was already waiting.  It had a much harder job than the left hand: it had to pry Brandi’s huge left ass cheek away from the equally large right cheek.

“Let me show you how…”

Predictably enough, Brandi could feel subject-388p’s struggling intensify as he realized where her fingers were guiding him..and the struggling seemed to crescendo when her escorting fingers were between her cheeks.

“Don’t struggle…don’t fight this….” Brandi said with a sweet but dominant tone.  With a single finger from her right hand, the one holding the bulbous bubbly butt cheek away from its sister, Brandi flicked the tiny little flap to make sure that there was enough of a gap for little subject-388p to fit.  The pocket was super warm from its sandwiched position deep between Brandi’s glutes. It was a warmth and comfort that would soon pass directly to subject-388p.

The blonde bit her lip in focus as she looked over shoulder, squinting down at her butt as she tucked the tiny little man into the flap sewed to the back of her Housing Pants.

“There we go…now that’s not so bad, is it?” Brandi said with encouragement and praise as subject-388p tumbled clumsily into the warm pocket.  Brandi could just barely make out the little cutie clutching the edge of the flap as if he were a baby kangaroo clinging to his mother’s pouch.  She struggled to avoid laughing, lest her big, soft cheeks jiggle and possibly dislodge the baby kangaroo.

“Okay, 388p…” Brandi cautioned, “....I’m going to very slowly release my cheeks, kay?  And when I do, they’re going to close in and surround you.  You’re going to feel A LOT of pressure and it might feel a tad overwhelming but I promise you that it’s nothing you can’t handle. You can do this!

“Believe in the cushion…“

“Believe in the warmth…”

“Believe in me, your Acclimation Therapist…”

“…and believe in yourself.  You can do this!”

With that, the blood slowly returned to Brandi’s fingertips as the pressure lessened. She slowly released her iron grip on the bountiful flesh of her glutes, which were fighting to reunite over their new temporary possession.  With each incremental loss of pressure, her rebellious cheeks gained another inch in toward each other and then finally, Brandi’s hands were jotting notes into subject-388p’s file while her big, soft ass cheeks had completely closed in and around the quarter-inch tall man. He was completely consumed in the tightly compressed, clothed flesh of Brandi’s glutes.

“I’ll see you in fifteen minutes.” Brandi said, a little less affection and encouragement in her voice as she pulled out her phone to play a game.

What Brandi didn’t tell subject-388p was that at the end of those fifteen minutes, he would only be coming out for observation and for Brandi to change Housing Pants.  The first housing session was very important, and all the relevant data associated with the subject’s first housing session was stored as pressure and friction information mapped directly into the fibers of the pants.  They would need to be removed so that the information could be extracted, which was why Brandi needed to bring another pair of Housing Pants with her…to keep the show on the road during analysis!

The subject was on his first acclimation session of the day, but he was scheduled for four more.  ‘Kinda on the high side for a brand new subject but he looked like a tough fella’ Brandi thought.

She could feel him struggling still, albeit faintly, within the depths of her warm crack. The Housing Pants were surely doing their job, ensuring that none of the natural aroma of Brandi’s rear would reach the little subject’s nose. Had Brandi been sweating from a workout, the Housing Pants would protect him from that too.   It wasn’t about odor. It wasn’t about perspiration.  It wasn’t about skin-to-skin contact. God knows there’d be plenty of time for all that later when subject-388p is paired with his Participant and sent home with her.

Right now, it was just about the cushion.

It was just about the softness.

It was just about the warmth.

Brandi figured he had to be enjoying it at least a little bit, if not a lot.

If not…well…he’d need to figure things out pretty quick.  Nothing was set in stone, but Brandi had heard on the grapevine that subject-388p was going to be assigned to an African-American rights activist named Shanice Harris.  Shanice was on the heavy side and most of it all seemed to reside in her rear.

Time spent confined within Shanice Harris’s rear would not be easy, but Brandi liked to think that her work today, tomorrow, and until Installation Day would help arm subject-388p with the mental and physical coping tools he would need.  Unlike Brandi, Shanice would not be putting on a state-of-the-art pair of Housing Pants prior to wedging him between her cheeks.  There would be no layer of protective garment separating and protecting him from the bare skin, fat, and muscle of Shanice’s bulbous cheeks.  They’d be bare naked as he too had already been since he completed RT…and when those big, bare black cheeks jiggle shut around him for the first time…and her underwear and jeans come up…subject-388p’s next big exciting adventure would begin.

But that wasn’t today.

Brandi placed her palms on either side of her wide, bubble butt and started applying firm, gentle pressure inboard.  The increased pressure inspired a frenzy of movement deep in her crack, enough to tickle, but it was important that subject-388p understood what gluteal compression felt like. It was very unlikely that Shanice would be this gentle and patient.

The blonde continued to play on her phone while subject-388p spent the rest of his 15-minute session tucked away deep in the protective and insulated cushion of Brandi’s expansive ass.  She would have preferred to sit down for the session but she knew that the first session was always standing.

The seated session would be next.



Remember...trust the warmth, trust the cushion, and trust your Participant!



Enjoy the episode. Brandi isn't one of my favorite characters, because she reminds me a bit of Claire, just friendly and considerate instead of being haughty and self-centered, but I loved exploring some of the lab activities from her point of view. What I liked the most was her meeting with Jane. Hopefully we'll see more of her character in the future. Her attitude towards men caught my attention. I can only imagine what she would do if some unfeasible subject ended up in her hands. And Brandi's anecdote about Dr. Carla only makes me wonder how joking her comment was or if a similar incident occurred within the facility. Bravo!


Thanks so much for the feedback! We'll be seeing more of both Jane and Brandi in the future as well as Jane's (in my opinion) adorable crush on Brandi!