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Injected 2: Jordan's Revenge

Chapter 2 - Anger and Opportunity


It had been 44 years since Adam Benson’s birth…or had it been 45?  How many Christmases had passed?  It was hard to remember.

‘..for the sake of argument, let's say 45…’ Adam thought.

It had been 45 years since Adam Benson’s birth, and he unsurprisingly remembered nothing of his grand entrance into this world.  Despite his lack of memory, he had to imagine it wasn’t all too dissimilar to what he was currently experiencing, trapped in the spinning vortex of fluid and several hundred stubborn, love-struck fat cells.

The fat cells part…that surely wasn’t part of the experience, but the blinding light surely was. He couldn’t see a damn thing, and couldn’t make out a single, solitary shape.  In fact, he only knew the fat cells were with him because he’d occasionally bounce off or slide against their slippery, jiggly membrane walls and oh, did he know them well.

Eventually, he no longer felt the few stubborn fat cells that followed him up the syringe stem and he knew the voluminous container of the syringe allowed them to drift as if they were planets never to be seen or heard from again.  He was now barrelling through an empty white void.  Adam wondered if the years in darkness had permanently disabled his vision but he reminded himself that if that were the case, everything would likely be black..  The bright white, indiscernible liquid carrying him was noticeably colder.  He wondered if the years cocooned in his beautiful, busty ex-wife’s extreme mammarian warmth had destroyed his metabolism. He knew that he could still hear but without the protective filtering of Evette’s skin and fatty breast tissue, the waves of sound were painful and scary.  He was hearing so much from the world he once called home but he understood none of it.

This wasn’t the first time he’d been extracted from Evette’s huge breast but this time, it’d been so long that it truly felt like a rebirth in every sense of the word.  He was naked, cold, and afraid..and most of all unsure of what was going to happen next. Despite his fears, he decided that whatever it was that waited for him on the other side of this swollen tit was better than a life inside of it.  Adam’s mind instantly went to the night before…or was it two nights ago…when he heard that god-awful, treacherous demon of a blonde’s voice echoing all around him.  What could she possibly have wanted with him now?  Hadn’t she tortured him enough?  And for no fucking reason at all.

Maybe she was pulling him out just to tease him some more.  Maybe she was pulling him out to finally follow through on her threat she’d made years ago…to inject him into Jordan’s ass cheek.  God…how old was she now?  21? 22?

Adam’s world mercifully darkened as his syringe was dropped into some kind of bag.  He heard what must have been the deafening sound of a zipper up in the clouds of heaven or in the bowels of hell depending on the orientation of the syringe. He remained there for some time, slowly regaining the ability to understand all the data his senses were gathering.  It was strangely uncomfortable not feeling the strong, unrelenting pressure of the fat cell lattice structure around him.  He’d gotten so very used to it and now he felt unprotected…vulnerable…alone.

After a few hours, the dark bag jostled and shook, and was bouncing along with someone’s steps. The rhythmic bouncing continued for some time until finally liquid inside the syringe inside the bag abruptly rippled as the bag came to rest on a hard surface.  The zipper was much more noticeable now that his hearing had somewhat normalized.  The light rushing in was still painful but not nearly as intolerable as before.

For the first time, he saw something other than white or black.  It was a color!  And to make things even crazier, it was a color other than the barely illuminated pinkish red he’d grown so accustomed to.  Sure, the color spectrum in its full range was still too difficult to discern, the massive objects rushing toward him taking on a vibrant reddish color.  The shapes were a better indicator of what they were though.

They were fingers.

He watched the thumb and finger prints press against the plastic walls of his home away from home and even as the skin slightly shifted from the pressure, the prints remained stationary where they were against the plastic.  Adam was out of the bag now, and new colors were finding their way to his eyes, exercising the atrophied cones and rods.  The fingers had taken on a flesh color now, and he could resolve the dark, oak brown of the table beneath him.  More and more was beginning to make sense and Adam already felt exhausted, but there was so much more to understand.

A fleshy thumb hooked around his field of view, moving uncomfortably fast considering its sheer size, and the fluid around him began its familiar vortexic spin.  Adam’s eyes frantically scanned down where the liquid was leaving the syringe, expecting to see Evette’s breast again…or perhaps his daughter’s massive bare ass cheek, but instead he saw reflective stainless steel.

“The sink?!” Adam panicked, trying to swim away from the influential suction of the leaving liquid.  He watched in terror as stray fat cells not so diligent as he were pulled through the stem and deposited down into the drain of the sink.

“It can’t end like this!  Not after all this time!” Adam shrieked, swimming frantically away from the vortex.  There was so little liquid left in the syringe, and Adam could still see that evil, chubby thumb overhead. He swam toward it as if it were a god that could be bargained with, and  he suddenly saw the blood rushing back to the previously white area of the thumb where pressure was being applied.  Whoever was vacating the fluids in the syringe chamber stopped just before he’d been fully ejected, and now they were moving away from that terrifying stainless steel nightmare.

The pressure on the plunger resumed, but now Adam saw the stem was directed toward a transparent, square slab…perhaps made out of plastic.  Adam noticed the slab was affixed to a green circuit board just as he was forced through the stem and out its tip.

There were already several droplets of fluid there waiting for him atop the transparent square slab, and Adam felt even more nervous at this moment.  There was nothing but these tiny droplets of fluid between him and the world he’d left years ago.  It was unnerving and embarrassingly stressful.

He looked around.  Indeed he was atop a large circuit board, with wires dozens or even hundreds of times larger around than he running in a spaghetti fashion in all directions, but all converging on a path toward him.

For the first time, his vision had settled enough and earned enough experience to actually pick out where he was…and more importantly who had ejected him from the needle’s tip.  Adam’s heart skipped a beat.

It couldn’t be her.  It couldn’t actually be her, could it?

Surely he’d just lost the ability to understand faces.  It had been years since he’d seen one, after all.  There was no way this was who it was.  This had to be some ethereal Goddess.  A beautiful, transcendent angel that had granted him a modicum of mercy.

It was then that Adam heard the most beautiful sound he’d ever heard in his life.  He began to cry.

“Daddy?  Are you in there?“

He couldn’t believe his eyes.  The angel that had just discharged him from the syringe’s chamber….the beautiful Goddess he’d dedicated in a moment a lifetime’s worth of prayers…was his daughter Jordan.

“Jordan?!” Adam exclaimed in disbelief, swimming within a single, tiny droplet of transparent fluid.  “Yes!  Sweety…I’m here!  I’m here!”

Jordan leaned in closer, and his entire field of view was consumed by her squinting left eye.

“I see a little dot…is that you?  Oh shoot, you’re too little to talk to me so I probably won’t be able to hear you either.”

“I’m here, baby!  I’m here! Daddy’s here!” Oh thank the lord, I’m here!” Adam cried, swimming closer to the edge of the single droplet, wanting to get that much closer to his beautiful daughter-savior.

“I can’t believe she did this to you.” Jordan’s voice bellowed despite her calm tone.  She was leaning over the kitchen table, and yet she was still in the heavens above him.  The poor girl was pouting.

“Where is she?” Adam shouted, despite knowing that he was too diminutive to be heard.  “Is she dead?  In jail?  I don’t care as long as she’s gone!”

Jordan, predictably enough, was not providing Adam with an answer to his question.  Adam didn’t hold it against her.

Instead, she was turned away from Adam, seemingly rooting around in the bag from which she’d pulled Adam’s syringe.  The exaggerated movement of her upper body as she shifted throughout the contents of the stuffed bag translated to movement below her waist. Adam swallowed dryly, watching Jordan’s huge ass jiggle with very little restriction.  She was wearing a skintight pair of pale pink bike shorts that hugged her curvy cheeks so tight it was borderline obscene.  Already, the fear of ending up trapped deep in the fat of one of those fleshy spheres was leaving him, and he was already thinking about the stern talking he’d give her about modesty when he grew back…if that was even still possible.

“Sorry, Daddy…I’m just looking for…hmm…oh! I think this is it!”

Jordan was excited and by extension, so was Adam.  She set a transparent container down on the table near Adam and began leafing through a composition notebook that Adam couldn’t believe he recognized.  It had been years since he’d last seen it on a different dining room table in a different house.

“There’s green….there’s pink…ooo, definitely don’t want that one…” Jordan muttered to herself.  There wasn’t much urgency in her voice, so maybe Claire really was out of the picture.

“Ahh!  Baby blue!  Well, that’s just perfect, isn’t it?” She said with a smile down to Adam.

Jordan’s fingers emerged from the bag holding a small container with several eye drop containers secured into plastic framing. She popped it open, revealing more clearly the variety of colored eye drop containers.  He saw tiny containers that looked a bit like those packages of tiny food coloring squeeze bottles.  Jordan removed the one that was baby blue.

“Okay Daddy…here goes nothing!” Jordan said with a smile.

She opened the cap and held the container over top of Adam’s droplet and squeezed.  A baby blue droplet began growing at the end of the container and finally its weight became too much.  It crashed down into his droplet and immediately mixed homogeneously into his surroundings.

And then Adam felt it.

It was like the feeling he’d felt when Claire injected him all those years ago except that time it was like a violent purple cracking against a void black backdrop…spidering out in all directions from the injection point.  This time, it felt like soothing, calm pinks and blues were flowing in toward him from all directions.  Every square millimeter of his surface area was warmed by the liquid and he felt himself growing.

“It’s working, Daddy!  It’s working!” Jordan clapped and smiled.

Adam’s head broke out of the surface tension of the droplet prison containing him and for the first time in years, Adam took a deep explosive breath of fresh oxygen.  He coughed profusely but the kicking sensation in his lungs felt so good. He felt like a human again…not some tit parasite.

“Oh, thank fucking god I don’t have to be in that liquid anymore!” Adam shouted, growing so big now that he couldn’t remain suspended in the droplet anymore.  Now, his unworked bare feet had the task of supporting his full body weight.

Easier said than done.  WAY easier said than done.

Adam stumbled and already his leg muscles felt sore from the bombardment of weight and work.

“You’re back! Yay!” Jordan cheered.

Adam looked around.  He was still standing atop the clear slab of plastic centered on the circuit board and spaghetti wiring.

“How big am I?” Adam asked.

“Are you talking, Daddy?  I hear a really quiet chirping sound.  Is that you?”

Jordan lowered herself to Adam, bringing her ear so close that a few strands of her long brunette hair almost knocked Adam from his transparent pedestal.

“Thanks sweety..thanks so much.  It’s so good to be able to talk to you..and to hear your voice.  How big am I?”

Jordan consulted the composition notebook and ran her finger down the page of bubbly, girly handwriting.

“The baby blue does…hmmm….one centimeter.” Jordan said.

“Well..that’s a start.”

Jordan abruptly returned her ear right next to Adam.

“I said ‘That’s a start!’”. Adam repeated. “Is there any liquid in there that corresponds to a larger size?”

“Sorry Daddy, I don’t see any.”

“It’s okay sweetheart.  Listen…” Adam sighed deeply, “I need you to go and get your mother.  Is she home?”

“No, she and Amina are at a friend’s party.”

That stung a little bit.

Jordan tapped her chin, “Actually, Mom is going there straight from work I think, but Amina hasn’t left yet.  Do you want me to go get her instead?”

“No!” Adam shouted and repeated rapidly up until Jordan brought her ear close enough to hear the answer and then realized how frantic he sounded.  “I mean…it’s okay honey. How about…hmm…we need to get to a hospital.  Do you think you can get me to the hospital?” Adam asked hopefully.

He took a moment to look around.  The cathedral-sized dining room was where he and Evette had wrapped christmas presents…it was where they’d prepared Jordan’s easter basket each easter.  It was where Adam and Evette sat and ate dinner every night.  Now, it was a strange new territory with all new decor and all new pictures.  The most emasculating one had to be the one with Evette wearing a beautiful white wedding dress…and another beautiful woman dressed in white next to her, holding her hand and kissing her sweetly.

Adam trembled. He remembered that day.

“I guess I could.” Jordan said.  “But you’re so little, Daddy.  What if I break you?”

“Don’t worry about breaking me, sweetheart.  If you knew what I’d been through, you wouldn’t worry about that at all.  And plus, I know you can be super, SUPER careful right?”

“I dunno….” Jordan said.

“Angel…” Adam said, pausing long enough to take control of the panic gradually and uncontrollably growing in his voice.  “What do you mean you don’t know?”

“It's just…” Jordan started, trying to find the words, “I told Chelsea that I would go with her to the gym; she doesn’t like going by herself cause of all the guys that hit on her and she said they don’t approach as much when she’s working out with another girl.”

Adam’s panic was making way for anger. “Jordan, are you serious right now?  Young lady, this is far more important than a gym visit.  You must understand that, right?  You’re going to take me to the hospital, and you’re going to do it right now…do you understand me?”

“Ugh…yes..” Jordan said, rolling her eyes.

“Yes, what?” Adam asked.

“Yes, Daddy…” Jordan rolled her eyes.  She was a grown woman now but still speaking as if she were a child…perhaps that’s just what he brought out in her.  It was good to know that he still had authority over her, even with this incredible size disparity.

“Ooooo!  Unless…” Jordan started to say.  Her eyes drifted up from Adam.  “How about I just have my friend take care of you?”

Adam’s stomach sank, “Your friend?  …..who?”

Jordan was no longer looking at Adam.  She was looking behind him.  And her gaze was no longer so far down at his level..instead it was up at her godly level.

Adam wished he didn’t, but against his better judgment he turned around to see where Jordan was looking.

“Hi, Adam!” Her black-painted fingernails danced as the Devil herself waived to him.

It was her.

Adam immediately fainted.

“Just look how pale he is! He never ever let himself get that pale.” One feminine voice announced and echoed on into fuzz.

“Well, he hasn’t exactly seen the sun so it makes sense…but you’re right; he’s definitely way more pale than I’d expect.  Almost translucent.  Could he see you?”

“I think so, why?”

“He probably hasn’t had to really use his eyes this whole time. I wonder if they even still work. He was more muscular than this too, right?”

“Oh yeah, wayyyy more.  He’s so skinny now!  Although he doesn’t really look malnourished.  Did he have food in there or something?  How did he not starve?”

Whispering.  More whispering.  And then loud giggling.

“Eww! Seriously?!”

“Shh!  Look! He’s waking up!”

Adam’s vision was blurry but he’d already done the work of reacclimating his eyes to the bright world earlier so the adjustment this time was quick.  Jordan was now sitting at the dining room table, and sitting right next to her was Claire.  Their faces were distorted and twisted upside down, and Adam realized it was because they were staring through a magnifying glass.

“Good morning!” Claire sang cheerfully. “Is it weird seeing him naked…and his little thing?”

Adam immediately rushed to cover his privates but he knew they’d already been ogling him for quite some time while he laid there passed out.

“Jordan…” Adam uttered weakly, trying to rise to his feet.

“Ummm…how about…gross?” Jordan smacked Claire on her shoulder playfully, “I’m not looking there.”

“Jordan, I don’t know what she said to you, but whatever she’s said is a lie.” Adam groaned, rising to his feet.  He knew he was only speaking to himself…that he was far too small for his voice to carry that–

“--Liar.” Jordan said, her arms crossed over her chest.

Adam’s head tilted. “You can hear me?”

“Uh-huh!” Claire nodded her head excitedly. “It’s a new prototype I’ve been working on, take a look…you’re literally standing on it!”

Adam looked down again at the slab of clear plastic seated on an expansive green printed circuit board. Unlike before, there were now LED lights blinking and flashing in seemingly random sequences.  He noticed now that the black box he’d seen earlier was in fact a speaker.

“Yup!  That’s  the speaker.” Claire said, following his eyeline.  “Your little bare feet complete the capacitive circuit and the speaker listens for local sounds, but it only amplifies the really quiet and really pathetic ones like yours. Pretty cool, huh?  And it's not the only fun toy we’ll be playing with, but we’ll get to that later.”

Adam looked up at Jordan, her upper lip curled into a disgusted sneer.  He couldn’t believe she was looking at him like this.  “Jordan….sweety…I’m begging you.  You have to–”

“I know what you did.”

The words were aggressive.  Jordan had a way of speaking in a lower pitch when she was uncontrollably angry, and she was definitely speaking in a lower pitch right now.

“What did I do?” Adam asked.

“Don’t play stupid with me, Daddy.  I know what you did to Mom!”

Jordan’s fist came down hard on the table, the vibrations traveling up through the amplification prototype and bringing naked little Adam to his knees.

“You told me that the two of you had just grown apart! That was a bold-faced lie!”

“Sweetheart…” Adam said, sighing with a slight smile.  He knew exactly how to handle this.  “I admit that I lied, but I only did it because I knew it was the right thing to do.  I did it in your best interests.”

Her beautiful, bright eyes lit up into twin fireballs, “My best interests?  You thought it was in MY best interests for you to hide the fact that you were FUCKING some other woman behind mom’s back?!  Are you fucking kidding me?”

“What?! Jordan, what are you talking about?” Adam said, his voice trembling and quivering.

“You were only hiding it to help yourself when in the end it ended up blowing up in all of our faces…not the least of all, Mom’s!”

“Honey, you’re misunderstanding…I–”


Adam watched in horror as the blinking LED’s around him all diminished at once.  He looked up to see a devilish grin on Claire’s face.  She had flipped a silver toggle switch and turned off the amplification prototype!  She wasn’t going to allow Adam to defend himself!  Adam looked frantically back to Jordan, who was still ranting about how upset she was.  In all her anger, she hadn’t noticed that Adam’s ability to respond had been silenced.

“You ruined our family! Jordan said, her voice getting louder.  “You’re not my father…and I’m not your daughter.  Don’t ever call me honey, sweety, sweetheart, princess, or any of that shit ever again. I don’t even want to hear my name coming out of your mouth, you sleez-bag liar.”

Adam was now on his knees, clasping his fists and praying up to the Goddesses..that’s how it appeared, anyway.  In reality, he was only praying to Claire.  He was silently begging her to give him his voice back so he could explain himself.

Claire silently said no.

“He could call you Ms. Maziotto…” Claire said quietly.

For the first time, Jordan laughed.  “You know what…not even kidding, that’s what we’re doing.”

Hearing that he would not only be forced to address his daughter with the respectful “Ms.” title, but on top of that she was removing his last name in place of his ex-wife’s made Adam want to curl up in a ball and die.

“I don’t want to hear another excuse from you about this.  I don’t want to talk about this.  I don’t want to hear your side of this.  Do you understand me?


‘What great timing…’ Adam thought miserably as the LED’s resumed their blinking.

“Yes…” Adam said quietly.

“Yes, what?” Claire piped in, and Adam wanted to punch her.

“Yes, Ms. Maziotto.”

Adam felt more defeated than the first time he’d been present for Evette and Amina’s first lovemaking session.

Claire sent a silent look to Jordan, who silently nodded her head, and then Claire began speaking.

“Okay, Adam.” Claire said, clearing her throat.  “By the way, you can still call me Claire.”

Jordan rolled her eyes.

“...anyways…so I know I kept you in there for A LITTLE bit longer than we originally planned.”

“You’d said it would be for a month!” Adam wailed, “and I was trapped in her breast for YEARS!”

“Ugh…I know!” Claire said with an annoyed tone.  “That’s literally what I just said.  By the way..” Claire pulled out her phone and swiped her fingers along the glass a few times, “if you were curious..the exact time you’ve been in your ex-wife’s boob was 1,589 days, which comes out to just under 4 and a half years….but I digress.  Anyway, now you’re out!  You’re officially done in Evette’s boob; good job!” Claire donned a goofy grin and did a small golf clap.  Jordan sat there with her arms crossed over her chest.

The dirty blonde devil continued, “Now I just need to do a little evaluation to see how you’re doing since then.”

Adam skeptically asked, “.....and then what?”

Claire wore a confused expression, “Umm…and then you’re done.”

“What do you mean, done? You said I was going to spend the rest of my life in Evette’s breast!”

“Well jeez, Adam..” Claire said, rolling her eyes, “If you REALLY want to go back, I guess I can oblige.”

Claire began reaching for Adam and he fell back reflexively away from the massive digits..the black fingernails black as the dirty blonde’s soul.

“I’m just kidding!  No, seriously…you’ll be free to go after the evaluation.”

Adam’s eyes were pulled toward the sound of Jordan clearing her throat.

“Hmm?” Claire looked over at Jordan too, who looked at Claire silently.  “...Oh yeah.  Actually..after my evaluation, Jordan wants to punish you.”

“For what?” Adam asked nervously.

“Oh God, don’t make her repeat it.  She just said she wants to punish you for what you did to her and your wife, blah blah blah.”

Jordan smacked Claire on her shoulder, not quite as playful this time.

“Yow!” Claire said, rubbing her shoulder.  “Anyway, yeah…after she’s done punishing you, we’re gonna grow you back and you’ll be free to go!”

Adam remained quiet for a long time.  He considered running to the edge of the table and leaping off.  There was no way she was telling the truth…but he wanted to believe it so bad.

“Have you decided what his punishment is going to be yet?” Claire asked Jordan, to which Jordan shook her head.

“Not yet, I need a little more time to think of something fitting.” Jordan said, her upper lip still curled, “but no matter your punishment…once you’re restored, I don’t EVER want to see you again.  Not here in this house, in this town…not even in this state.”

She leaned in really close, so close that he could have reached out and touched her nose.

“And when you leave…” Jordan’s thick, heavy breath washed over him, oppressive and humid with mint and blueberry.  “...you are NEVER to bother me, my mom, or Amina again.  Do you understand me?”

Adam nodded his head violently.  Maybe this really was real.  There was no way she’d be this mad if they were just going to toss him back in Evette’s breast, right?

“Yes, Ms. Maziotto..I understand.”

“Oh..and Adam?” Claire said sweetly as Jordan sat back in her chair, allowing the ambient cold air to surround Adam as her breath particles fell under gravity’s influence.

“If you ever do somehow muster up the balls to say something to anyone about all this…first off, know that your lovely daughter…I mean…Ms. Maziotto here…will absolutely go down with me.”

“What?” Adam and Jordan both said in disbelief.

“And before we’re locked away and they throw away the key, I’m going to do a little gardening.”

“...gardening?” Adam said, confused.

Claire’s smile was terrifying, “Exactly.  I’m gonna plant a whole BUNCH of seeds all over.  Seeds of revenge.  They may take awhile to grow but from that day forward, you’d better be super, SUPER careful of any flowers.  Cause any time you see a pretty girl checking you out on the train, in the coffee shop, at work…maybe she’s interested in dating you.  But maybe…JUST MAYBE…she’s just one of the beautiful, devious flowers I planted…and she’s just planning on how she’s going to follow my orders and shrink you for good.  And there won’t just be one of these beautiful flowers, mind you…there will be dozens..and one of them WILL get you one day.”

Adam’s heart was racing.  They really were serious…and Claire really was terrifying. He believed everything she was saying..which was both exciting and terrifying. He nodded his head solemnly.

“We can go that way…” Her expression softened again, and Claire donned that cute smile that fooled him all those years ago. “...or we can all go our separate ways. I’ll even throw some money your way so that you can get back on your feet.  What’s it going to be?”

“I just want to move on from this, Claire.”  He turned to face Jordan.

“I’m so sorry for what happened Jord–Ms. Maziotto.”  Jordan stared down at him expressionless. He turned back to face Claire.

“I’ll do whatever you want.”

“Okay, good..let’s move this along.” Jordan said flatly.  “I wasn’t kidding about what I said earlier..about the gym and Chelsea…but I may as well stay for the first part.  I’m still first, right?”

“Yup!” Claire said, reaching into a duffel bag.  “Let’s start with Evaluation #1!”

Adam watched with uneasy curiosity as Claire removed from the bag four ziplock bags with some kind of cloth or colored cotton in each bag and a small and a thin slab of clear plastic.  She then opened one of the ziplock bags to remove the white and orange cotton inside.  When Adam realized what it was, he started to panic.

It was orange and white, and although the top of it appeared pristine and clean, the bottom was anything but.  He counted five distinct, off-color circles up at the tip…they started out small but graduated larger and larger further up its side.  At the bottom was a circle larger than all the others combined.  The orange hearts were larger than he was.

It was a sock.   A dirty sock.



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