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Here are the last two chapter of "Injected: Claire's Mammary Experiment".  If you somehow only started reading here on Patreon, the previous chapters can be found on GTSworld.  Thanks for reading.

Chapter 11 - Claire Laurier: Homewrecker or Matchmaker? [Claire]

“Seriously, how hard is a hibiscus cooler?  Is this your first day or something?” Claire said, rolling her eyes and setting the cup on the counter.

“Umm…well, yes it is.” The nervous redhead said, blushing from behind the counter.

“Well go get someone who knows how to make drinks…Jeez.” It looked like the redhead might start crying as she went to go get someone.  Claire wasn’t interested in waiting so she turned from the counter to find a seat and immediately threw her hands up in the air.

“What the fuck is wrong with today?” Claire said exasperated.

Not only did the lanky redhead fuck up her drink, but there was a couple sitting at her favorite table near the window.  Claire got closer, her upper lip curling in disgust.  One of the women had huge tits practically out on display but that was just about all Claire could see. The woman’s face was blocked by the back of someone else’s head.  Claire was about ready to tell them to get a room when the full head of brunette hair retreated from “Miss Big Boob’s” face and her eyes widened.

“Evette?” Claire said in disbelief.

Evette broke eye contact with the woman practically sitting on top of her and made eye contact with Claire.  She first looked surprised, then for a second embarrassed, then she started laughing.

“Oh, hi Claire.”

Claire’s look of disbelief very quickly turned to a devilish grin.  She took a seat with the two women.

Evette broke the silence, clearly trying to keep things from getting too uncomfortable although, much to Claire’s delight, it seemed unavoidable.

“Claire, this is Amina.  Amina, this is one of my old students.”

“It's nice to meet you.” Amina said with a friendly smile.

Claire remembered her from one of Evette’s dinners but it was more fun to pretend that she didn’t.

“You know how Jordan was doing so well with school that she was able to actually finish her senior year early and now is more certain than ever that she wants to go to college?   It's all thanks to Claire’s tutoring, and not to mention what a good role model she’s been.” Evette said, beaming proudly about Claire’s impact on their family.

Claire smiled politely and accepted the praise graciously, but she didn’t really care about any of that.

“So how did you two meet?  Is this your way of getting back at Adam for cheating?”

The two women cringed reflexively.  Claire’s aptitude for social interactions was often hit-or-miss, and she’d missed here but that didn’t mean she wasn’t going to find out what was going on.

“Well, I don’t know if I’d describe it that way.” Amina said, a little indignant.  Claire assumed that Amina was offended at the idea of being a rebound girl.  Evette set a hand on Amina’s shoulder and sighed.

“No, it's not a “get back at Adam'' kind of thing.  I haven’t seen or heard from him in months and I suppose I don’t expect to.  I am not exacting revenge because there’s no revenge to be had.” Evette said, looking at Amina and smiling.

“Uhhh…he cheated on you though.  And you’re not still mad about that?” Claire said.

“He didn’t cheat on me.  I cheated on him.” Evette said reflexively.

Claire’s eyes widened again.  She looked from Evette to Amina and then back to Evette.

“Wait….you cheated on HIM?  With HER?” Claire said in a hushed tone, pointing toward Amina.  Evette nodded her head.

Everyone in the coffee shop stared as the dirty blonde erupted in bellowing laughter.  “So he wasn’t even unfaithful?  He didn’t do anything wrong?” Claire managed to ask through bouts of hysterical, red-faced laughter.  Evette and Amina were getting uncomfortable and she saw Evette mouth something to Amina, which seemed to remove some of the anger from Amina’s eyes.

“What the hell is so funny?” Amina said, her arms crossed over her modest breasts.

Claire finally calmed down, wiping the tears from her eyes.  “Oh no, nothing about you guys. You guys are fine.  I’m just laughing at something else entirely.”

Claire somehow found it in herself to stop laughing and clear her throat sternly.

“Seriously, you guys are awesome.” Claire said with a sincere smile.

“Here’s your hibiscus drink.  Is everything alright over here?”

It was one of the more senior coffee shop employees; she looked concerned and annoyed with Claire’s outburst.

Claire looked once at Evette and then down at her huge right tit, which was subtly pressing against Amina’s arm on the table.  She then looked back up at the coffee shop employee.  “Yeah everything's fine here.  Just catching up with my friends. I’ll try to keep it down.”

Claire took a sip. It was made correctly. She spoke again,

“You two are adorable. Seriously. And I am so happy for both of you for finding each other.  Honestly, I think the best way to describe this WHOLE situation could seriously just be that one word….adorable.”

They said their goodbyes, as somewhat awkward as they were, and Claire made sure to give Evette a very big hug. She informed the two that she would be traveling for some exciting new research opportunities, and she left it at that. Evette and Amina didn’t ask any questions but they wished Claire the best.  As Claire was leaving, she heard Amina whisper, “So its Aspergers?  Or Autism?”

“Oh, who knows…but she’s a good girl.” Evette whispered back.

Claire smiled and left the coffee shop, sipping her hibiscus drink.

Chapter 12 - Where do we go From Here? [Claire]

“...and it was John F. Kennedy who said in his 1963 Commencement Speech, and I quote: ‘Our problems are man-made.  Therefore, they can be solved by man.  And man can be as big as he wants.’  I know all of you will approach your problems with…”

‘Good god, what a stupid friggin quote.’ Claire thought, trying not to choke on its thick, dripping irony.  It was a hot June day and while she was uncomfortably baking in the bleachers, it was worth it to steal the occasional glance at Evette’s chest.  With fascination, Claire watched beads of sweat glide over the skin and plummet into her deep, exposed cleavage.  Each one of those drops may as well have been several olympic sized swimming pools to the poor soul inside that colossal, compressed, sweaty tit.

Claire had received an unexpected call from Evette a month earlier.  Despite the years that had passed, she recognized Evette’s voice immediately.  Her first impulse was to think of Adam and she couldn’t help but smile.  Apparently, Jordan was graduating from college and Evette’s exact words were “Since you played such a significant part in Jordan’s decision to go to college, we would all be honored if you could come.”

Claire had to do some shuffling with her schedule and make some fast flight plans, but she wouldn’t miss this for the world.  Not because she particularly cared to see Jordan graduate. It was because it had been over 4 years since Claire had injected Adam into Evette’s left boob.  She’d spent many a daydream pondering his existence, as well as Tom’s, of course.  You never forget your first, but the difference is that even after all these years, she still did know where Adam was and how to find him.  She’d be a fool not to take this opportunity to check up on them and see how Evette was doing as well. There was also something else she wanted to do, but she’d need to convince them to let her sleep over.

“Okay, now a picture with Amina!” Evette shouted excitedly.  All around them were the bright colored figures of family members and black caps and gowns worn by proud college graduates. One of them was Jordan, now hugging cheek to cheek against Amina, both joyfully saying ‘cheese’ for the camera.  Claire kept waiting for someone to mention Adam, surely Jordan would ask where her dad was, right?  The graduation ceremony came and went, but much to Claire’s disappointment, his name didn’t escape the lips of any of the three women.  He truly was out of the picture, or so they all thought. None of them wondered where he was, and she was the only person…literally THE ONLY PERSON in the entire world who knew where he was.  What a feeling that was…

The alarm on Claire’s watch silently vibrated against the inside of her right wrist and her eyes slowly opened.  It was 11:30PM.  It was time.

She pushed the light blankets off her body and sat up on Evette and Amina’s living room couch.  The room was pitch black with the exception of some cascading moonlight and a lone streetlight. Claire uncomfortably tugged at her pink and purple flannel pajama bottoms and small, black shirt.  She had gotten in the habit of sleeping naked since she moved out west and she briefly considered doing the same here. She ultimately decided against it; she couldn’t risk one of the three girls coming downstairs and seeing her naked so she had begrudgingly dressed for bed.

Claire reached for her backpack, which was fit with a security combo lock.  She unlocked the bag and she felt around, searching for something she’d brought just for this occasion.  She felt around, worrying for a moment that she might have forgotten it, but then her fingers recognized the cylindrical tube right underneath her journal.  The tube was a solid pale pink with bright blue chinese symbols printed in a flashy, eye-catching pattern. She didn’t know exactly what the writing said, but Claire was very familiar with what it did.

She quietly crept upstairs, avoiding loud creak spots she’d identified when she got there earlier that day. She knew from conversation that both Evette and Amina were incredibly heavy sleepers, but she couldn’t risk waking up Jordan.  She managed to avoid all but one creaking step but after a few moments of holding her breath in silence and listening, Claire decided she was in the clear and continued up.

She carefully opened the bedroom door and saw the two women intertwined with each other atop their luxurious master bed. The blankets covered them from their necks to their calves, but Claire could easily tell that they were spooning, Amina being the big spoon.  As she quietly snuck closer to the bed, Claire noticed that even their bare feet were snuggling tightly and affectionately with each other.  Okay, that was actually pretty cute.

Without a sound, the sneaky blonde sat down on her sock-clad feet at Evette’s bedside.  The 41-year old woman was dead-asleep, the streetlight and moonlight casting a mixture of dull yellow and white light on her pale face, subtle hints of pink mixed from the reflection off the pale pink-painted walls of the bedroom.  Evette slept on her side, her right side smushed into the side of her velvet pillow with Amina’s face nuzzled into the crook of her neck. Both women looked so happy and so peaceful.  Very carefully, Claire began to tug the blanket down, slowly exposing more and more of Evette’s ample bosom.  She wore a violet spaghetti strap nightgown that showed off an incredible amount of cleavage. Not only that, but since she was on her side, her hefty left breast was passing the full burden of its significant weight to its twin sister, which was splaying and deforming under the pressure. This was perfect; Claire was expecting to have to risk reaching in with her fingers and removing Claire’s right tit but there was plenty of exposed flesh.

‘Good thing she liked showing off her boobs so much now.’

Claire lowered the brightness on her phone all the way down and opened her app.

The blonde tilted her head in confusion for a moment, staring at the screen and then it dawned on her.  She hadn’t deleted the linking arguments for the last injection she’d done.  No duh, she was too far away from that Nanocon.  It was all the way over on the west coast in some big-titty bimbo with way too much of daddy’s money to spend.  She silently chuckled to herself, clearing the command line and updating the arguments.

“Wow…” she whispered.  1,581 days.  Claire briefly reflected on how much she’d experienced in the past 1,581 days.  How much she’d accomplished, how much fun she’d had.  The high points, the low points.  The challenges…the triumphs…and for all that time, Adam was right here all along.

‘Awwww’, she thought.  ‘He’s nice and relaxed in his big, soft sauna…’

Claire removed the small cylindrical tube from her flannel pajama pants pocket along with a single-finger glove.  It was a special protective sleeve meant to go over just one finger, and it was of ferophobic material, meaning it would influence metal objects away from it.  She popped open the tube of the chinese product and squeezed. A single, half of a pea-sized droplet of the cream fell onto an exposed section of skin on the sleeping beauty’s left breast.  Immediately after, Claire pressed down lightly with her gloved finger, completely sealing the cream with the bordering edges of her fingertip and then gently rubbed.  She had to press hard enough so that her finger would seal around the cream and form a dome, applying inward force against the cream. Luckily, the pressure didn’t wake Evette.  Claire dropped the single-finger glove into a small ziplock baggie and put it along with the tubing back in her pocket.  She gave the cream about 30 seconds to sink in and then Claire went back to her phone.

Claire started typing the next command when she heard bedsheets shuffling.  She whipped her head up quickly from her phone to see Amina was just readjusting.  She could see the brunette beauty was just getting more comfortable, her manicured fingers gripping Evette’s wide left hip to pull herself closer to her lover’s ass.  Claire stared straight-faced…until finally Amina achieved the comfort she was looking for and returned to a motionless state.  The determined Claire returned to her phone.

The cunning blonde smiled big as her improved application switched to a JPEG image.  It was a color map of Evette’s left breast, generated by the Nanocon using sonar and thermal imaging.  It not only provided a visual indication of where Adam was within Evette’s expansive boob with respect to her nipple, but it also told her how close to the surface he was.  She couldn’t believe how lucky she was…Adam was incredibly close to the surface, and not only that, but he was along the inner slope, about 3 inches worth of linear curve away from the nipple toward her profound, inviting cleavage.  Claire looked from her phone screen to Evette’s swollen chest, and she could literally see the exposed flesh of Evette’s breast where Adam was suspected to be located.

She knew it would be risky, but what was she risking, really?  A friendship with Evette and her family?  This was way more important.  Claire sat up off her feet and brought her face closer to Evette’s pale, moonlit cleavage.  She was close enough now that she could smell lilac and faint perspiration.  She allowed the tip of her cute nose to gently graze Evette’s left nipple and she continued moving in further until her mouth was directly over Adam’s presumed location.

This was working out even better than Claire could have hoped.  She recorded a message in advance to send to Adam, not expecting to get an opportunity for him to actually hear her voice up close, but this was that opportunity.  She smiled and closed her eyes, imagining what he might be thinking as she whispered,

“Hi, Adam.”

She then planted a super gentle kiss on Evette’s breast, hoping that she might have felt his shape in the flesh, but she didn’t.  It was okay if she didn’t feel him…she knew that he felt her.

Luckily, Evette only stirred slightly, but Claire saw the sleeping beauty’s closed eyes dancing from under her eyelids, and the corners of her lids wrinkled as she squinted.  Claire’s hand rushed to her mouth to conceal a giggle.  She was convinced now that Adam had heard and maybe even felt her, and he probably started freaking out and struggling, which right before her very eyes was arousing Evette.  Confirming Claire’s suspicions, Evette sleepily shifted her lower body, backing her wide hips into Amina. As funny and adorable as this all was, Claire realized she had to be quick if she wanted to send that pre-recorded message.

Evette let out a high pitched moan from her nose, humming in a half-dreaming pleasure and now rhythmically rocking her ass back into Amina’s crotch.  A well manicured hand rose from Evette’s satin-clad hip and Amina cupped her partner’s spherical left breast.  The cushiony breast conformed around Amina’s small fingers and the shadows grew between each digit as the soft flesh bulged between them. Each time Amina squeezed, her fingers disappeared behind the displaced, protruding cushion and then they reappeared when she loosened her grip.  Claire really had to hurry.  She quickly brought her phone right up near Amina’s groping hand.

Claire quietly jumped up to her feet and walked briskly but silently out of the room.  She’d just gotten to the other side of the door when she heard the bedsprings.  Unable to help herself, she peeked back into the room just long enough to see Amina now straddling Evette.  Amina was lying on top of her, actually,. The women’s breasts were compressing together as they passionately made out.  Claire tried not to laugh, imagining what it must be like for Adam.  Still, Claire was a little disappointed.  She wanted to do a vital check again after he’d heard her voice, and especially right now…just to get an idea of what he was going through…but you can’t always get what you want.

Claire made her way back downstairs and froze when she entered the living room. Someone was there in the dark, rooting through her backpack!  The dark figure was squatting down…each of her broad, shapely ass cheeks packed tightly into a pair of fuzzy polka dotted pajama bottoms, and they were resting atop arched bare heels.

“What the fuck?” Claire said in a hushed tone.

Jordan looked over her shoulder, smiling.  She was holding Claire’s lab journal. She started to read out loud:

“...so not only did I inject him directly into one of her milk ducts, I actually convinced her to start taking lactation supplements!  I knew what that meant for him but seriously, it was sooooo worth it.”

“You need to put that down…right now.” Claire growled.

Jordan set the journal back into the backpack, zipped it up, and locked the combo lock. She turned back to face Claire.  The draw strings of her pajama bottoms swung like twin pendulums below her exposed midriff.  The college grad sat down on the loveseat across from the couch and crossed a thick left thigh over an equally thick right thigh. Jordan crossed her arms over her modest chest and smirked, raising a devilish brown eyebrow.

“Okay.  I put it down. Now…tell me all about this injection stuff…”

Claire initially looked furious, but her face slowly softened into a cute but devious grin.



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