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Here's the penultimate chapter of "Injected: Claire's Mammary Experiment".  

“That’s an excellent choice! This is one of our most special, I’d say.” The cashier said with excitement, turning the bottle in her hand to admire the label before scanning.

Evette smiled, “Well, that’s good to know! It's for a very special occasion.”

The cashier set the expensive bottle of wine down and looked up. Evette met her eye line for a moment and the 37 year old counted a full 3 seconds before the cute brunette’s eyes wandered down to Evette’s chest.  She smirked internally, enjoying the fact that even young women couldn’t help but stare.

Evette couldn’t quite put her finger on it, but something had happened in the past few months…something deep inside of her.  Her opinions on so many things had changed, mostly on herself.  All of the sudden, it seemed, she enjoyed eyes on her.  She enjoyed the feeling of the steadily warming air against her bare skin.  She wanted to get pedicures and paint her toenails.  She wanted to wear short skirts and show off her thighs, especially when sitting down.  It wasn’t just the world with which she wanted to share her sexuality.  She wanted to experience it herself too.  Before Christmas, she couldn’t have remembered the last time she masturbated…but now, now she was doing it at least every other day…sometimes more!  Sometimes…albeit rarely for now…not even by herself!

Evette didn’t know where these changes and desires came from, but they felt so, so good.  Maybe she’d suppressed them after “the incident” toward the end of hers and Adam’s relationship.  She’d felt so guilty about what had happened that maybe she convinced herself that being outwardly sexual was wrong.  Maybe Evette just needed some time to reject that for the bullshit that it was. She was almost relieved to get that letter from him shortly before Christmas.

At first, its brevity was painful, but as time went on she realized that his plans to leave the country without even so much as a goodbye to her or her daughter just indicated to her that everything happened for a reason.  Several times after their separation she’d almost called him…almost begged him to come back.  At one point, she’d pressed 6 of the 7 digits in her phone and was about to hit send…but then Jordan came in the room for something and she lost her nerve.  That was the closest she ever came to trying to resolve all this, and it was clear now from his letter that it was too late.

‘It’s okay though; whenever one door closes…’ Evette thought to herself, getting back into her car and setting the wine bottle on her passenger seat. ‘Another one opens.’

Adam cried for nearly the whole first day.  It started after he’d been discharged from the needle’s wide tip and immediately accepted by the familiar warm, soft, slippery embrace of the immense fat cell lattice structure.  The tears didn’t start until he turned his head, forced to smear his face against one of the spheres as he did so.  It was because he saw something he didn’t see the first time: he saw the syringe leaving Evette’s breast.

Something about watching the device that had put him here leaving…something about knowing it was the only thing that could rescue him…something about seeing it get further and further away.  It was as if a plane had dropped him off back on his deserted island only to take off and leave him.  He cried as the shimmering tip got further away, displaced fat cells jiggling back with a gleeful vengeance into the freshly vacated space the syringe left behind.

The narrow beam of light was at its brightest when the syringe exited Evette’s skin…and he was able to admire the white light for just another few seconds before the white light turned to a deep purple.  It was the shading of Evette’s bra, the large cup encasing her huge breast…his home…now completely concealing his entrance.  In anywhere from a few hours to a day, the barely noticeable pin of an injection point right below her nipple would be healed…and his only exit would be gone.

Could he tell that he was in her left breast this time instead of her right? No.  Could he tell that he was about 20 times larger than he was before?  Very. Much. Yes.  For one thing, he was much closer to the size of the fat cells surrounding him.  They still had him outnumbered by millions to one, sure…but now he was nearly as tall as one of them.  It embarrassed him that this fact made him feel big…as if it were some prideful accomplishment to be as tall as one of the fat cells in his ex-wife’s swollen left tit.

He noticed that he could manipulate the fat cells much easier at this size.  He could traverse and move within the lattice structure, but he was also far more susceptible to the vibrations and reverberating jiggles rampant throughout the structure.  It was still difficult due to how slippery the membranes were so about 40% of his movement, at any time, was completely unproductive.  It was still better than the first time.  Did moving within her tit help him? No, not really.  At his size, it probably would have taken days or even weeks to move from one side of his spherical prison to the other.

It was also worth considering that just a few well-timed bounces would send ripples of pressure and waves of influence throughout the surroundings.  Sometimes it would aid him in his efforts, and sometimes it would cancel out hours of work with the snap of a finger.  There was no rhyme or reason to it.

Something else he noticed almost immediately was that he could actually hear voices!  It wasn’t perfect; a lot of times he could only hear the bass like before.  However, he could catch certain words here and there, and it was way easier to interpret as well.  He could even make out the noises of the world outside a bit better.  Maybe something about being bigger had something to do with the way the sound waves reached him and how he could interpret them.

Sure, it was incredibly painful to hear that monster of a girl Claire chatting with his ex-wife and his daughter mere moments after injecting him into Evette’s breast…but he didn’t feel quite so alone now at least…and he was getting better at picking up context clues and filling in the bassy blanks by the day.  Adam sank back into the rhythm of an existence within Evette’s breast.  There were other things made slightly easier due to his new size…like eating, for example.

He would occasionally hear Claire’s voice so he knew that she was still coming over, presumably to check up on her.  He didn’t know how long he’d been in his ex-wife’s breast, but he had counted about 9 times where he’d heard Claire’s voice.  If she was coming over every week, it meant that he’d been in there for 9 weeks.  Adam miserably came to the realization that he’d broken his previous record. Every new day, for the rest of his life, would be another broken record.

Evette was heading downstairs and much to Adam’s discomfort, she wasn’t wearing a bra.  This was new behavior for Evette as of late, she ALWAYS wore bras…but apparently only sometimes now. He heard Jordan’s voice and then heard it again much closer.  She was saying “I love you” to her mom.  He liked to think she was saying it to him too. Adam felt his surroundings compress and he knew that it was due to the pressure of Jordan’s chest against Evette’s.  He liked to think that she was hugging him too.

Evette took Adam everywhere she went, and now she was taking him into the car.  Where would they go? He had no idea.  He had his guesses.  Guessing was one of two things that helped him maintain a grip on some semblance of sanity. The other thing was counting.

Regarding guessing, being right or wrong added some kind of purpose to his life, even if it was him creating it himself.  He had gotten pretty good at guessing but today, his guesses were all wrong. The car was completely quiet except for the radio so he knew that Evette was alone.  He didn’t hear anything of substance until the engine cut.

He then heard his unaware owner chatting with another woman he didn’t recognize.  It sounded like they were talking about wine. Was it a cashier? He heard beeps and register sounds so it must have been.  Okay, so she was buying alcohol..but why?  Evette didn’t drink.  But then again, she didn’t walk around braless either…

Back in the car, back on the road.  It didn’t last long though.  About 20 minutes or so later, something he could only measure by counting the number of songs that came on the radio, the car stopped again.  He heard the crinkling of the paper bag on her passenger seat hundreds of feet to his left and then his surroundings jiggled and lifted.  Was she…cupping her boobs?  Adam heard the car door slam shut and Evette’s sandals slapping her bare soles.  Then, he heard three loud knocks.  Evette’s heart was going absolutely crazy.  Where was she?  Who was she meeting?

The door opened and he heard Evette’s voice, but it was more of a low, seductive purr.  In response, he heard another woman’s voice.  It was the most horrifying, emasculating, humiliating thing he could have ever heard.  His biggest fear. It was here.  Adam began shaking so profusely, he could see the ripples of his trembles reverberating through dozens and dozens of the surrounding fat cells…and then he felt compression once again, the kind that he’d learned in his experiences came from a hug.  In the heavens above him, he heard soft, wet lips smacking…and her voice.

It was Amina.

Evette knocked on the door three times and waited. She took the time to pull her breasts a bit higher out of her low-cut top and fix her hair. The door opened and there she was.  Evette immediately became flush and her heart started racing.  Amina had that effect on her. She always did.

Her cheeks were flushed and her nipples were hard. With no bra barrier, they jutted out impressively and Evette knew in that moment she’d given up any position of control.  That was okay with her. She liked it when Amina was in control, and from the way Amina was biting her lip and looking Evette up and down, the 27-year old liked it too.

“Hi…” Evette said, rolling her eyes at the silliness of her smitteness, to which Amina giggled.

Amina stepped forward and gently pressed her hips against Evette’s.  Evette was older by nearly 10 years, but Amina carried this mystical wisdom and maturity that had always intrigued Evette.  The 27-year old was, by comparison, young..but she didn’t even appear to be 27. Perhaps it was her angelic face and big, soft lips.  Maybe it was her perfect symmetry.  Maybe it was the way her hourglass figure, and the way her narrow waist widened artistically into slim but seductive hips. Evette allowed her hands to wander down to those hips.  They were much more narrow than hers.  Evette’s curves had become more pronounced over the years and it thrilled her that Amina still found her attractive.  Evette felt her lower lip sucked between Amina’s and gently nibbled.

“Hi, yourself.”

“Any updates?” Evette asked the moment the kiss was finally broken.

Amina’s brow furrowed slightly and she stared into Evette’s eyes…allowing a pause pregnant with tension.  Evette would never forget the feeling of exhilaration she felt when Amina’s brow unfurrowed and her pouty lips curled on either end.

“Uh-huh.” Amina said, nodding her head up and down slowly.

Evette could have cried at that moment.  “Really?”

Both women clasped hands at waist height as Amina replied, “My landlord let me out of the lease.  I’m officially outta here by the end of the week.”

Evette’s smile was so big she could barely contain it.  “Amina, that’s so wonderful!”

Amina grinned, “Yeah, but the only problem is that now I have nowhere else to go.”

Her cute grin turned to an over-emphasized adorable pout.

“I kinda wish I had a sexy, successful, curvy girlfriend who would let me come stay with her.”

Evette’s smile weakened. She released Amina’s hands and the moment became tense and serious.  The 37-year old placed her hands on Amina’s waist and gently pulled her back toward her again.  Evette was close enough to smell Amina’s cool minty breath and they stared deeply into each other’s eyes.

“You will not be staying with me…” Evette said, leaning in and pressing her forehead against Amina’s. They wrapped their arms around each other right there on Amina’s apartment steps.

“WE will be living TOGETHER.” Evette whispered.  Amina smiled and Evette’s heart was beating so fast she thought it might melt.

“I owe you so many apologies.  Ever since I was a little girl, I had this idea of what was expected of me.  I tried to fight for that ideal.  I thought I was fighting for Jordan. I thought I was fighting for normalcy…and I even thought I was fighting for Adam…but in reality, I wasn’t fighting for anything.  I was only fighting against myself, and I’ve won for years.  I’d gotten so damn good at it, Amina. The only times I could EVER lose was with you.” Evette said, her eyes welling up.  She continued.

“...and I did lose.  I lost on that incredibly special night, and it was the most memorable, important night of my life.  I never stopped thinking about it.  I reflect on it so differently now than I did when it happened and even as recently as last year.  When I lost that fight, I lost Adam.  I couldn’t blame him; the poor man literally walked in on you and I…naked in our marital bed with you on top of me.  I tried to stop him and tell him it wouldn’t happen again, but he wouldn’t listen.  All he said was that it was over.  I tried so hard to get him back.  I tried appealing to his humanity and our history. I am not proud to admit I even tried to manipulate him with the well-being of our daughter…who I knew in my heart was old enough and would be fine.  He would have none of it, and I had to find a way to be okay with it even though I felt I never would be…but now…”

Evette nuzzled her nose against Amina’s and gently kissed her lips.

“...I’m over it.  I am so fucking over it.  I’ve been so selfish, Amina.  I shouldn’t have pushed my feelings for you aside to try and repair something with him.  I ABSOLUTELY shouldn’t have pushed you away even after the separation and divorce as I stupidly hoped he would take me back.  I’ve realized, hopefully not too late, that I don’t want him back. I never did.  That ‘fuckup’ between you and I was the best thing I’ve ever done.  I don’t want anything to do with him anymore.  And it's not because I hate him, I wish him well on his journey through life wherever it ends up taking him.  He’s the farthest thing from my mind right now, and he’ll only get farther with each passing second.  I guess what I’m trying to say is….I am so excited to start my journey with you.  I want to spend the rest of my life turning my house into our home…and making up for the time we lost.”

Amina didn’t say anything for a few seconds, but her eyes were welling up too.

“I love you so much…” Amina said, her voice cracking.  The 27-year old brunette’s hands rose up from Evette’s wide waist and up her soft protruding chest.  They continued up to her collarbone and neck, further up to her face.  Amina caressed Evette’s face and cupped her cheeks, gently pulling her in for a deep, sensual kiss.  A few seconds later Amina was stepping backward, keeping Evette’s face pulled tightly against hers. The two women broke the plane of Amina’s apartment door.  Evette clumsily dropped the bottle of wine onto a nearby sofa and Amina kicked the door shut.

Adam was hard-pressed to think of a situation that would fill him with more despair than the one transpiring right now.  Evette, the love of his life, was pouring her heart out to the woman with whom she’d cheated on him with. Evette was proclaiming her love to this fucking homewrecker.  Adam was there, cursed with the size to hear and understand most of the conversation.  Even though he knew he was far too small to ever be heard, he pitifully screamed and wailed in agony.

He begged Evette as a woman to take him back.  He begged her as a Goddess to have mercy on him.  He begged for an end to this.  He begged Amina to say no…or to leave…or to die.  He would have even settled for the homewrecker killing him.  She basically already was killing him, as far as he was concerned.  None of his pleas or prayers were answered though.  Instead, the heavens sounded off again with an explosion of soft, succulent lips locking with much more intensity than before.  He heard the loud thud of a door slamming shut and the chunky thud of a deadbolt activating.  They were inside Amina’s apartment….HE was inside Amina’s apartment.

Evette’s heart had never beat this fast or this strongly before, and it killed Adam to know that not only was it beating this way for Amina, but he was so close to it he could literally feel it vibrating his bones.  The love that Evette had for Amina was physically and literally hurting his small, frail, pitiful body.  Adam heard buttons snapping and zippers unzipping.  He heard more kissing and then his world violently rotated and bounced.  Adam knew that Evette was now on her back.

Evette’s big, heaving bare breasts bounced with tremendous, energetic force as she fell back onto Amina’s twin-sized bed.  She cupped them for a moment, pressing them together and forming deep, eye-commanding cleavage as she watched Amina seductively undress.  She was more slender than Evette and more tan.  As Amina removed her red dress, Evette couldn’t spot a single tan line.

The bed groaned as Amina pressed a knee down into the mattress on one side of Evette, and the other knee on her other side.  Both Amina and Evette were now completely naked, and Evette stared up in awe.  Her breasts deformed in shape and hung down by her sides as she released them, repositioning her hands on Amina’s narrow waist  Amina began gently rubbing her hips into Evette, slowly but thoroughly.  She appeared to be in a trance, she worked so precisely and rhythmically.  Amina ran a well-manicured finger over Evette’s soft stomach and then shifted her body weight to be lower, planting a light kiss where she’d just touched.

“I can’t believe this is all mine…” Amina whispered.

Evette groaned, “I love that it's all yours; it's always been yours.”

Amina continued kissing further down Evette’s stomach.  She felt fire between her thighs and Amina was doing nothing to put it out. In fact, the fire was only burning brighter and stronger as Amina kept kissing, now planting her lips appreciatively on each of Evette’s thick inner thighs.  Evette let out an audible moan when she felt her thick, plush lips slip into Amina’s mouth.

She peered down, over her rising and falling breasts to see Amina hard at work. The love of Evette’s life pulled those sensitive lips into her mouth, rolling them on her tongue, and varying her sucking pressure.  Soon, Amina was paying special attention to Evette’s clitoris, sucking and gently licking at the perfect frequency and pressure.  It was like Amina could see into her heart…into her soul.

Evette didn’t even know how to process the feelings of pleasure, relief, and satisfaction that were coursing through her veins. She squeezed her breasts HARD and experienced a sudden and abrupt spike in pleasure and resolve.  Then her hands wandered up her chest to her hair.  Evette felt her swollen clit escape Amina’s warm, hot mouth and Evette reflexively shut her large pale-by-comparison thighs in and around the 27-year old’s head, not at all okay with this ending just yet.

“It's okay…” Amina giggled, her speech adorably manipulated by the pursing of her lips due to the thigh compression around her face, “I’m not going anywhere.”

Evette lost count of how many times she came.  It was over..and over..and over..and over again.  Each time she would finish, Amina would nurse her through the afterglow of her orgasm, gently kissing her sensitive pussy lips and stroking her thighs. After Evette caught her breath, the sensitive kisses would turn into a sloppy yet romantic, passionate makeout session between her thighs.

Soft fingers stiffened and curved at the precisely perfect moments, exploring the full circumference of Evette’s wet vagina.  It just kept happening and Evette never wanted it to end.  The only reason she was okay with Amina stopping was because Evette was excited to return the favor.

Seven times.  She had cum seven times.  Counting was his number 2 thing, and he counted Evette’s delighted and pleasurable squeal as an orgasm.  It was a sound he hadn’t heard too often when he was with her, but now he was hearing it over and over and over again.  Her insides were boiling.  He felt like he was in a mosh pit, getting crowded and abused by her millions of fat cells.  He knew that either Evette or Amina was roughly grabbing Evette’s breasts.

He didn’t know who it was but the effect was all the same.  Extreme compression and displacement.  At one point, he was even sure that the woman’s thumb was directly over him, and the fingers wrapped in underneath.  For a second, he felt like they were touching him…if it was Evette he’d almost welcome it.  If it were Amina he’d want to die.

The jiggling and squeezing continued, each pulse shifting his body amongst the lattice structure. Adam noticed in horror that each shift and bounce was actually pulling him further away from the dark center of Evette’s huge tit.  He knew because he could hear the moaning women and the wet sounds with much more clarity.  The fluid surrounding him was slightly cooler as well.

Everything rotated again now as Evette was clearly adjusting her position. After a bit of noise and skin against fabric, Adam could tell that Evette’s breasts were dangling freely.  She was probably on her hands and knees straddling the lucky Amina.  Then, he heard Amina’s voice VERY close.  He started crying, trying to get away from the impossibly large woman but for every millimeter he traveled, the groping of Evette’s breasts pulled him back by what felt like miles. He was so close to the surface…the compression so sparse…it sounded like Amina was right there.  The kiss he’d heard her plant on his ex-wife’s left breast was so astoundingly clear.  It was the clearest thing he’d heard since entering his new home and it destroyed him.

“Please just let me get away from this.”  Adam wasn’t even begging for his freedom anymore. He just wanted to get further away from the love of these women.  The gods or goddesses weren’t allowing that to happen.  Gentle kissing sounds turned into greedy sucking.  The suction was actually pulling him along the lattice structure until he felt something he hadn’t felt yet: Evette’s skin.  He was pressed firmly against it from the inside.  He knew that he must have been incredibly close to Evette’s nipple because he heard Amina’s deep moan transform and deepen with bass as if he was inside of the homewrecker’s mouth.

She’d just placed Evette’s nipple, and technically Adam between her big, pouty lips.  Adam didn’t even know it was possible, but all he could smell was mint.  Somehow the homewrecker’s breath was permeating Evette’s skin.  Maybe it was going in through the nipple and diffusing into his surroundings?  He didn’t know, but it only emasculated him further.  He was covered in the fluids of his ex-wife’s fat cells in her breast, and now he was surrounded by the breath of her new lover.  He wondered if he’d ever be able to get an erection again, and he cried realizing he’d probably never need to.

Adam could feel the occasional poking and prodding of Amina’s tongue through Evette’s skin.  It bullied him and hurt him, and part of him hoped she’d feel him.  She was the alpha.  This short woman who he’d only seen with his own eyes once or twice…this cute young girl who had barely come up to his chest as she ran past him in HIS white bath towel after being caught fucking his wife, had completely ruined his life without even realizing it…with the help of Claire of course.

For a moment, he felt again like the helpless prey animal in his dreams…an apex predator in her late twenties curiously poking and prodding around the breast that had swallowed him…although this was reality.  The apex predator wasn’t looking for him nor did she care about him…nor was she even aware of him.

Just the thought of his existence being acknowledged would have been enough to sustain him through this nightmare. It didn’t seem like she did though because nothing changed.  Well, something changed.  Once Adam heard the sound of Evette’s soaking wet nipple popping out of the 27-year old’s mouth, he heard Amina’s voice and giggling get further away.  Evette was adjusting her position.  Now, the minty smell of Amina’s breath was replaced by a new smell.

The smell was primal and thought-clouding.  It was earthy and musky.  It drove him crazy, but not in a good way.  Tears were flowing down his cheeks as they made love, but an onlooker–assuming they could even see him at his pitiful new size–might have just thought the glistening fluid all over his face was the copious lubricant of the neighboring fat cells or perhaps the condensed moisture of the homewrecker’s breath.

“You like that baby?” Evette purred. Adam felt Evette’s hands grasp his home and squeeze it, manipulating it, and jiggling it.

“Oh fuck yes!” Amina said. Evette leaned in closer and gently pinched Amina’s pussy lips together, gently massaging and rolling the 27-year old’s clit.  Evette teased her nipple against Amina’s clit, watching both stiffen and expand before her eyes.  Amina was now subtly rocking her hips, increasing the pressure and friction between the two super sensitive anatomies.  Evette allowed the full weight of her fleshy left breast to deform against and sink between Amina’s tan thighs.  The voluptuous breast behaved like a thick, viscous liquid filling the atypical shape between Amina’s legs and Amina gasped.

Amina was now rocking her hips with increasing intensity, literally fucking Evette’s super doughy, super soft, super dense left breast. The 37-year old was soaking wet and so was Amina. Evetter did her best to stabilize her jiggling, bouncing tit to allow for friction, her fingers nearly turning white from the pressure applied to the unruly flesh.  A rumble deep in Amina’s throat started to grow and Evette gasped as Amina came so hard her body tightened…her toes curled, and she cried.  The 27-year old thrusted her hips into the massive, jiggling sphere of flesh, feeling that wonderful nipple and all the wonderful tissue attached to it. Evette was consumed in the waves of love and passion rippling through her voluptuous breasts as she watched Amina’s adorable toes curl.

When all was said and done, Amina’s sheets were drenched, and Evette’s left breast was soaked.  A gasping Amina pulled Evette up to her face, planting a sloppy kiss on her lips. She kept pulling, allowing Evette’s wet and glistening, dangling left breast to collapse gently on and conform sublimely to Amina’s face.  Amina lapped and sucked at the breast, dutifully cleaning her orgasm from the heavy tit while Evette bit her lip and pressed her forehead against the headboard.  The two women’s nude, sweat-glistening bodies were basked in the glow of moonlight.  They laid there in Amina’s twin bed, hair in tangled messes stretched out over their shared pillow. They laid chest-to-chest, holding each other and talking about their future together until they fell asleep in each other’s arms.


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