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Adam was jolted awake by a rapid and violent shift in gravity.  A welcome escape from his nightmares…usually laced with him running through jungle floors, trying to evade predator women with comically huge breasts. The pack fought him and each other for the opportunity to stuff him in their glistening cleavage.  He’d whine and whimper…being the weakest prey in the entire world, a world filled with millions upon millions of large-breasted women aching to surround him in their warmth meant he had no natural defense mechanisms.

His instincts ordered him to whine and whimper but, ironically enough, it only seemed to amplify their desires to acquire him. It spoke to his role in this world if his natural instincts heightened the predatory drive of the women.  Some would even reflexively lactate which seemed to be their natural methods of attracting prey like him, a truly vicious feedback loop…and as much as he’d fight the tactic, it worked like a charm.  Each dream usually ended with one of several women winning the fight against the others, and the sweaty champion roughly scooping her trembling, nude, malnourished prize up off the jungle floor.

She’d raise him to her sweaty tit and force his face into her giant, stiff nipple, pumping him full of her breast milk. The victorious predator would force him to make eye contact with her as he accepted the milk down his throat. The defeated women cried in anguish, wanting him so strongly but only able to watch as they licked their wounds.  He’d get smaller and smaller till he could no longer mouth the tit, but the milk would keep coming.

Eventually he’d be so small that the victorious predator no longer supported his bare bottom with her palm, but instead forced his whole body against the tip of her nipple with just a finger…and then he’d be swallowed up into the nipple, sucked up into the narrow channel and delivered into her hungry breast where everything would turn white.  He didn’t have dreams like this before, but now he does…nearly every night…and much to his lament, reality was not all that different.

It must have been the start of a new day.  Adam couldn’t confirm this from deep within his ex-wife’s enormous E-cup breast, but he’d learned over the past few days to read the queues of her movement.  He knew that when he felt the flesh and fat in which he was immersed become extremely compressed, she must have been lying on her stomach.  If the painful compression lasted longer than an hour, he knew she was sleeping.  Other indicators were her heart rate, which was a deafening drum that never stopped, only changed intensity and speed.

Occasionally, he’d hear what he thought was his ex-wife speaking, but there was absolutely no possible way he could hear anything she was saying.  Maybe it was because of how deep he was in her breast tissue or just the fact that he was inside of her at all, but her voice was completely 100% bass.  It sounded like humming.  Based on his sleep cycle, he’d counted at least a few weeks, maybe even longer, and he hadn’t been able to make out even a single word, although he could tell different voices from time to time.

He could really only tell between his ex-wife and his daughter Jordan.  When either of them spoke, it literally vibrated the building-sized fat cells that surrounded him and held him in position.  The rippling through the soft, warm orbs was not nearly as pronounced as when Evette walked but it was still noticeable.  In a pathetic sort of way, he felt happy to be back in his home with his family, even if it was from deep within Evette’s E-cup breast without either of the girls knowing he was there.

Adam learned quickly that movement within Evette’s massive breast was nearly impossible.  He was so small that even the fat cells that made up his ex wife’s fatty breast tissue completely and utterly dwarfed him.  They were also incredibly soft and slippery…they were translucent and practically glistening…there was no way he could gain any traction against them.  It was difficult to tell where he was within her breast, but he didn’t think he was too far from the point at which he was injected.  Adam shivered at the thought, remembering his horrifying journey.

He remembered seeing three sets of beautiful, feminine eyes watching him forced further toward the stem of the thin needle.  The person he saw for the last time before entering was Evette, staring down at him, and then the wide, cylindrical oceanic chamber he’d called home for the day or two prior had narrowed down, but was still massive. Instead of a dark pink hole at his feet, there was now a bright light over his head, and it was getting further away the deeper he was forced along with the surrounding pale pink fluid into Evette.  He’d never forget the warmth that surrounded him the moment he was ejected from the needle’s tip…her body seemed excited to accept him.

Evette was putting her bra on now, so Adam knew that his surroundings would be snug for the rest of the day. He felt his world shift 90 degrees and he knew that she was bending over, probably to put on some stockings or socks or grab something.  Oh, he could hear the sound of nylon against skin, ever so faintly…yup, definitely putting on nylons.  She always looked so good in nylons.  He wished he could see her right now.

Adam thought back to when he shared that room with her. When he shared that king-sized bed with her.  He thought of them cuddling in bed.  He thought of waking her up with breakfast and giving her long foot rubs at the end of long hard days.  He remembered painting the walls light blue shortly after Jordan was born.  He remembered moving that king-sized bed into the bedroom, and he remembered the sins that took place that no one could ever take back. He was back in his home, but in the worst possible way.

He nuzzled into the embrace of the spherical orbs that held him so firmly in place and tried to fall asleep…anything to pass the time.  Eventually, after what felt like a million years, the pressure around him relented.  Evette’s big, dense breasts were loosening, which meant the bra had come off.  His world shifted once more and he struggled to adjust. When her heart rate slowed, he knew another day was gone.  She was sleeping, and he counted her heart beats until he too was asleep.

He couldn’t put the feeling into words but he was starting to develop a closeness with her that he didn’t quite understand.  Sure, he’d always loved her but the feeling of wanting to protect her felt stronger than ever.  He recognized how stupid the idea of protecting her sounded.  He was living in her boob, how the hell would he protect her or anything for that matter?  It didn’t stop him from seething with rage and anger when he heard the bassy female voice that he believed to be Claire…inside Evette’s house.

She was there, eating dinner with his family?  What the fuck was she doing?  What was her plan?  It only reminded him of how completely at her mercy he was.  Part of him prayed that she would remove him but after several hours of not hearing her voice anymore, he realized that his dreams were dashed and Claire had left.  How could he hate someone and simultaneously depend on them so much?

The jiggling and jostling was quite erratic today, whatever day that was.  How many days had it been since she’d worn the nylons? Or when Claire came over? Or when Jordan and Evette were yelling at each other for god knows what? He had no idea.  What day was it? He didn’t know, but things felt different.  Evette was in the car for a long time, and he was pretty sure Jordan was with her.

They listened to music mostly but they also talked.  Sometimes there was laughter but most of the time it sounded serious.  He was always listening…hoping he could make out some words. He wanted more than anything to at least be able to hear what they were talking about…to at least be part of a conversation in some distant way, but he couldn’t understand a single word.  The hardest was Christmas morning.  Partially, because he remembered what day he was injected into Evette’s tit.  It was 12 days ago.

He’d been living in his 37-year old ex-wife’s E-cup breast for 12 fucking days.  How he hadn’t gone insane by now, he had no idea…how he even allowed himself to believe this was possible he’d never understand.  But then again maybe he was going insane.  His recurring dream was getting more and more vivid, and it hadn’t even been two weeks.  What the fuck was he going to be feeling in another 2 weeks?

Despite his lack of ability to resolve human speech, what he did understand was the sound of crinkling wrapping paper and muffled, bassy Christmas music…and the heartbreaking sound of Jordan loving her Christmas with Evette.  He had stupidly decided, way back on the day he ran into Claire at the mall, that he was going to hand deliver Jordan’s Christmas presents.  Now she wouldn't get them.  He wanted to be there, and he miserably pointed out to himself that he actually was there.

Christmas was incredibly hard for him, but things seemed to go back to ‘normal’ after that, but now here they were in the car and they’d been driving for awhile.  Where could they be going?  Evette’s sister lived on the other side of the country, could they be doing a road trip that long?  Fat chance of getting Jordan to sit still that long.  They’d been driving way too long to be going to a restaurant or something.  He was completely perplexed.

They finally got to wherever they were going and Adam heard a strong, loud whooshing sound.  It was Evette putting on her winter coat before getting out of the car.  It was funny, Adam was completely naked and didn't have a coat…nor did he need one.  From his perspective, he’d never even known that cold air existed; Evette’s hefty breast protected him from everything…light, cold air, pride, respect, and especially his freedom.

Adam felt the bass of Evette’s voice.  He imagined that she was telling Jordan to put on her coat as well, but who knew what she actually was saying.  He then heard the bass of her voice again, and the bass of another woman.  It wasn’t Evette’s voice…and it wasn’t Jordan’s.  Could it…no…it couldn’t be her…could it?  Adam felt tears start to form in his eyes and his tiny heart was racing.  He then felt all the fat cells that surrounded him rush in and hug him, as if to comfort him, and he surmised it was because Evette herself was being hugged.  Adam tried to remain calm.

He tried not to jump to conclusions…that was exactly why things ended between him and Evette! One could even extrapolate that it was how he ended up here swallowed up in her breast flesh.  Maybe it was some other family friend, or a visiting aunt.  Hell, maybe it was even Claire.  It sounded sort of like the strange woman he’d heard in his–err–Evette’s home. Even though the thought of Claire being there in Evette’s house with her and her daughter made him want to faint, it was preferable to this. He prayed to God that it wasn’t who he thought it was…he prayed that it wasn’t Amina.

Adam awoke to the start of another of Evette’s day.  Which one?  By his best guess, maybe the 18th or 19th? His stomach rumbled angrily at him.  Adam knew Evette would be on the move soon, and the jiggling did not help with his own morning routine.  He knew he would have to hurry.  He did what he had already realized he would have to do after the first 3 or 4 days trapped in Evette’s breast:  he ate.

What Claire had told him the night he’d been shrunk was seared in his brain.  It didn’t make much sense at the time, but once he was injected and felt himself wedge into the deep, pronounced cleavage of all Evette’s fat cells, and once he felt how soft and gel-like they were…he knew.  For as long as he could, Adam sucked at the pale pink liquid that sustained him while he waited to be injected.  However, from the moment he was injected into Evette’s breast, the fluid had started to dissipate.

By the end of the first day, the sweet liquid was gone and so his hunger began.  At first he remained stubborn. In his weakest moments, he would merely poke and prod at one of the millions of fat cells surrounding him.  It was so warm…so soft, the membrane so thin and translucent he could see the gel-like substance inside.  He couldn’t believe how pervasive his curiosity was.  It was fueled by an increasing hunger, of course, and a rather annoying persistence to try and survive.

He found himself wondering what that gel-like substance would taste like.

He found out on Day 4.  Puncturing the cell membrane with his body was impossible, he was way too small and too weak.  Plus, any time he would push against the fat cell, it would apply equal and opposite pressure on him, forcing his back against the fat cell behind him.  The only thing that worked was using his teeth.  He gnawed at the fat cell’s membrane to reach the sustenance behind the wall.  He felt like a pathetic wild animal.  What disgusted him the most was how pleasant the fat cell tasted.  He’d gotten just enough to satiate him before the cell repaired its membrane and closed up. With a full belly, he cried harder than he ever had since the day he’d been injected. He lost more humanity that day than any day combined.

Adam no longer cried when he ate, but with each progressive feeding session he felt like he was losing more of himself.  What man could hold onto his identity when he’s literally nursing from a single fat cell in his ex-wife’s breast?  Luckily, he’d finished eating just as Evette got her bra on and left her bedroom.  The rest of the day was uneventful.  Random jiggles here and there, sometimes she’d adjust herself and he’d actually feel her monstrously large fingers pressing in against him through the protective cushion of flesh.  It really depended on how strong the jiggling was.

He found that walking jiggles tended to pull him further toward the center of her breast where it was much warmer and more compressed…and things like pressure and hand adjustments would pull him away from the center, where the compression was less extreme and the temperature was ever-so-slightly cooler.  It was more mentally uncomfortable than physically uncomfortable.  To experience such drastic differences over such an extended gradient really just reminded him of how close to nothing he was compared to her.

Today was shaping up to be a pretty miraculously different day though.  Adam had recognized the bass sound that he assumed was Claire, and something was happening.  He heard a strange whirring sound off in the distance.  He’d heard it once or twice before since he’d gotten here.  The noise stood out to him because it was definitely coming from INSIDE Evette’s breast, but what the hell could it have been?  Now, he knew.  He could see its shape through the distorted translucency of the fat cells.  It had several red eyes and it moved like a machine. Graceful and purposeful. Efficient and smooth.  Its chittinous, gray armor glistened with the same lubricant that covered his body.  It terrified him.

The machine looked like it was staring directly at him now, and it chirped several times.  Terrified, Adam tried getting away, but the fat cell lattice structure was having none of that.  The only way Adam was permitted to travel along the structure was if an outside force had created enough of an impact against Evette’s breasts.  The strange machine stared for a few more minutes and Adam heard more voices outside in the real world.  And then, what he saw nearly made his tiny heart leap into his throat.  He saw a narrow beam of light refracting and bending around the translucency of the endless row of fat cells.  It was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.

“Oh my god..” Adam cried.  “Is that…”

Adam held out a hand as if he were trying to touch God. It may as well have been.   Or at least it was an instrument of god.  He caught a shimmer of light that bounced off the object approaching him.  It was exactly what he thought it was.  Had it been a month?  It must have been.  It was a syringe.  Adam waived his arms stupidly as if he were a desperate castaway stranded on a deserted island.

The syringe tip was coming straight for him, and it stopped directly overtop of his body.  Adam was sobbing uncontrollably as he felt the suction start to slowly increase.  It was over. It was finally over. Adam felt the neighboring fat cells reluctantly release their grip on his tiny body, and he saw them jiggle spitefully as he passed into the tip.  He couldn’t have been more happy to waive goodbye.  He was coming out. He was leaving Evette’s breast!  He was getting his life back!

Adam hoped that he wouldn’t see Claire on the other side of Evette’s skin.  If she wasn’t there, it would mean that the crazy psycho might have gotten caught and the authorities found out about him.  To his disappointment though, as he was rebirthed into this world through his ex-wife’s curvy bosom, Claire’s piercing blue eyes were the first thing he saw.

Maybe this was a good thing though.  She was the one who shrank him so maybe she was the only one who could bring him back.  He was so excited he actually waved as he was raised to her huge blue eye.  He wanted to hug his ex-wife and his daughter.  He wanted to tell Evette that they should put the past behind them.  They should put Amina behind them.  He wanted to be the man that his girls deserved.  He wanted to get over this. But instead she capped the syringe and he was unceremoniously dropped into Claire’s purse.  It was actually okay with him, all that bright light was giving him a headache, and the stimulation of seeing so many large things around him was making him nervous.  The darkness of her purse was a welcome break.

“You’ve gotta be kidding me?!  I answered ALL your questions about the experience. I lived in Evette’s fucking tit!  I lived in it!  I lived OFF of it! I did everything you asked for and said everything you wanted….and you’re going to put me back in!?!?” Adam wailed like a child, blubbering uncontrollably.

“Well, yeah of course!  We’re not done with the experiment yet!” Claire said, her chin resting on her dining room table, her head was turned and her ear was only an inch or so away from the small tray that Adam stood atop.

“But you took me out!  You saved me!” Adam cried.

“Saved you?” Claire said, leaning back in her chair and letting out a hearty laugh.  “I only took you out so that I could make you a little bit bigger, you goof!  You see, the first guy that I shrunk…Tom…I had actually tried shrinking him to the size that you had been, but I messed up somewhere in the math or the chemistry.  I actually found where that mess up was, by the way, while you were in Evette’s boob.  I’d explain it to you but I know you wouldn’t understand…anyway, after a month of observing Evette, she’s KINDA moving in the direction I’d hoped she would. I’m seeing her being a bit more outgoing and firm.  She’s apparently going out a bit more according to Jordan and even dressing a little better.  Even so, things just aren’t moving fast enough for me.  I’m kinda convinced now that we need to try again, but at this new size.”

“But why? Try what again?” Adam asked frantically after Claire leaned back in to listen for a response.

“Why?” Claire repeated the question.  “I mean…why did I go to that ridiculously dumb Star Wars thing with you when I could have just shrunk you right there in the mall?  Or in your car on the way to the event?  I don’t think you’ll be satisfied with it, but the answer is ‘because it excites me.’”.

Claire was right, the answer did not satisfy Adam, and it made him tremble.

“It's like…that other guy I mentioned…Tom…I injected him into some Korean girl’s boob. Waaaaaay smaller than your ex-wife’s boob, by the way.  You’re living in a friggin MANSION compared to him…but anyway, I noticed that the Korean girl had like…completely changed her demeanor and stuff shortly after I injected Tom into her boob.  She was more confident, more sexually open, and to be honest…a little bit of a bitch.  I wanted to see if the same thing would happen to Evette, and I figured it was another great chance to try and get the reduction scale corrected.  It's so funny to think that maybe I was right the first time. Life is just full of fun little surprises, huh?”

Adam looked around in a panic, but quickly realized that even if anyone else was there..and NOT in on it with Claire, how the hell could they even hear his pleas for help?

“It's gonna be a lot easier for you…ya know?  At this new size?  You said it yourself that you hated not being able to hear what anyone was saying.  Well, news flash…you’re like 20 times larger than you were before so when I put you back in Evette’s boob, you’ll be able to hear people…well, a little bit better at least. But that’s something right? You gotta look at the silver linings here.”

“When do I get to come back out?” Adam asked, afraid of the answer.

Claire took in the question and slowly turned her head to face him.  She simply said, “Uhhh…never?”

He awoke to the sound of girlish giggling.

“Hey, are you awake?  Hahahaha! I think you passed out.  I had to look for my old glasses repair kit to find something small enough to poke you with!” Claire said, laughing.

“Claire, I’m begging you…please don’t put me back.  What do you have to gain from doing this to me? From condemning me to this fate?” Adam tried to reason with her.

“Ummm…lots?  I will tell you, in all seriousness, I thought long and hard about whether or not I’d make your visit to Evette’s boob permanent or not.  I thought about it for over an hour, and this just feels like the right thing to do for everyone, ya know?  Evette especially is better off, especially considering what a cheating loser creep you are.  I don’t really care about that part all that much personally, but that’s definitely a positive for her..not having to worry about you anymore.”

“What? Claire, you don’t–”

Claire had leaned back in her chair.

“...and plus it's fun for me. I mean, it's been..hmm..around 3 months now since I injected Tom into the Korean girl’s boob.  I don't even remember her friggin name anymore…Jing-Ping?  Haha, I have no idea…but you know, they say you never forget your first…and I still think about Tom every now and then.  I mean…just this morning I randomly wondered if airport security would see Tom in the Korean girl’s boob if she went through the x-ray scanner…and if he’d even register as anything but a tiny little blip…I almost shot milk out of my nose!”

Claire looked at her phone screen and then sighed.

“Ugh..it's getting late.  I don’t really have any more time to talk so I think we have to cut this short here. Don’t worry, you don’t have to really…do anything.  All you gotta do is…well…live the rest of your life.  Honestly, you’re gonna be well-fed, well-warmed, and well-protected for the rest of your days.  Some might say you’re making out better than anyone here!”

Claire stood up and Adam sobbed as she sucked him back up into the syringe.  The stem path was noticeably smaller to him now, but still massive, and now he was back in the belly of this beast, set down to be left overnight.

“You know…as I think more about it.” Claire said, her hands on her hips and staring down at him, helpless in the syringe.  “I don’t know why you’re so ungrateful.  A boob is a nice place to live.  There are far worse places.”

Claire then leaned in super close to the syringe, blowing a few loose strands of dirty blonde hair away from her green eyes.  She pressed her lips up against the syringe chamber and gave it a little kiss.

She then whispered, “You know…I dunno if you’ve ever noticed, but Jordan’s got quite the badonkadonk.” Claire purred.

Adam’s eyes widened and Claire smiled deviously.

“You know what that is, right?  Maybe you’d wanna live there instead?”

Adam knew she couldn’t hear him, but he was screaming, pounding pathetically on the clear walls of his temporary prison.

“I’m sure I could convince her to let me do it. She’s not all that smart even though she thinks she is. I could just inject you right into one of her big…bubbly…butt cheeks.” Claire made herself giggle, over emphasizing the ‘b’ sound on each of the fun words.

“They look super soft and spacious.  It's hard to tell for sure, but cheek-for-tit, I think Jordan might actually have her mom beat.  I could inject you nice and deep…maybe into the underside of one of her cheeks, or maybe I’ll part them a bit and put you in closer to her crack!  I’ll bet the temperature would be a lot higher toward the middle! Oh, stop crying!  I promise, no matter where in her big, soft butt cheek I inject you, Jordan will keep you safe and warm.”

“You’d have plenty of room and it would only suck for you when she sat down, right?  Or when she’s going to the bathroom maybe.  Ew! Or when she’s trying to pack her cakes back into those super tight jeans or yoga pants she wears. That’s an awful lot of compression!  Or when someone slaps it…a booty that big commands an awful lot of attention, ya know?” Ohhh ohh! Or if someone were pounding her in the ass! That would be kinda rough for you probably, right?  Do you think she does that?”

Adam was sobbing into his hands.  He was praying to her as if she were a Goddess now.  She essentially was.  This 22-year old psycho had complete and utter control over the rest of his life; whatever she decided was what would happen and he had absolutely no say whatsoever.

“Anything but that, Claire. Please…”

“That’s actually a really interesting idea, the more I think about it.  I’m gonna have to sleep on that…” Claire said, rubbing her chin before heading off to bed.

Five days went by. This time, Adam could tell the days apart because he could see Claire’s digital clock on her stove.  She never once acknowledged him. Adam watched Claire live her life as if he wasn’t there at all.  She watched TV.  She made breakfast in nothing but a towel.  She talked on the phone with her mother or sister.  She painted her toenails, making sure to rest her foot on the edge of the table so that her fleshy sole rose like a mile-high wall over him.  She ate dinner by herself, absentmindedly spinning the syringe as if she were playing spin the bottle. She didn’t speak to him. She barely looked at him. She definitely didn’t tell him whether or not he was going to be injected into his wife’s tremendous tit or his daughter’s gigantic ass cheek.  Those five days in Claire’s apartment were almost worse than the 30 or so he’d spent in Evette.

Once again, Adam found himself stuffed into the blonde’s purse one early morning, and he remained there all day. Once again, Adam consumed the pale pink liquid that surrounded him.  Once again, Adam was pulled out from the purse to see that he was in Evette’s dining room…his old dining room. Once again he saw his beautiful young daughter and gorgeous ex-wife’s faces peering in at him. He waved his arms this time.  He knew he was bigger and thought maybe they’d see him.  They didn’t.

Evette was clearing the table and Jordan was walking toward the laundry room.  Adam was at first terrified to see that Jordan was wearing a super short, very thin pair of hot pink nylon shorts. He was mesmerized and equally disgusted by the way her huge ass shook with each step.  Everything became blurry as he soared through the air.  Almost as quickly as the blur of movement had started, it all stopped and he found his vessel contacting a hard surface.  He looked up through the pale-pink tint to see Claire’s smiling face way further above him than it was before.  In the heavens above him, he saw Jordan come back into view.  She set a water bottle down on the table surface hundreds of feet over his head and then straddled him.

Straddled her chair.

‘Claire…..Claire put me on Jordan’s chair!’

Adam whimpered like the prey animal of his nightmares as the teenager’s huge curvaceous ass plummeted toward him like two hot-pink, planet-cracking asteroids. They expanded and separated as the teen bent at the waist and Adam caught a glimpse of her neat, blonde ponytail bouncing past her shoulders before the lights went out.  Luckily for Adam, Jordan’s ass cheeks carried significantly more cushion than asteroids.  The angle of the narrow syringe conformed immediately to the curvature of the teen’s sizable ass. It grinded against the wooden grain, instantly tracking to position between hot-pink twin planets as the flesh splayed and spilled over the relatively narrow wooden seat like hot pink tidal waves.  The syringe aligned perfectly within the deep, dark valley of Jordan’s ass.

“What the hell is that?!”

At the same moment of Jordan’s very muffled and fair inquiry, Adam’s world abruptly tilted 90 degrees but the lights didn’t come back on.  His entire world was still wedged firmly between Jordan’s huge, now jiggling ass cheeks.

“Jordan, language!” Evette said.

Adam welcomed the invading beams of light as he emerged from the hot pink nylon of his daughter’s shorts.  He saw her face staring down over her shoulder at him, but it was his ex-wife’s hand that was rescuing him.

“Don’t worry, I’ve got it, and the cap is still on.” Evette said, setting the syringe back down on the table.

“Why would you put that on my seat?” Jordan huffed at Claire, who defensively said, “You weren’t sitting there…and I only set it there for a minute; calm down.”

Was this a preview for things to come?  Had Claire decided to let him get up close and personal with Jordan’s ass from the outside before he spends the rest of his life inside?  That seemed like something the twisted bitch would do.  Adam was frantically trying to accept the fact that he may be spending the rest of his life injected into Jordan's massive ass cheek. He was trying to get to acceptance before the teen hiked down her pink nylon shorts and exposed a bare, smooth, curvy cheek…but it didn’t happen.

Either Claire was joking just to torture him or she really did try to convince Jordan but Jordan said no.  He didn’t know which.

Once again he was lowered to Evette’s chest and stuck between her massive tits.  Once again all the lights went out as her cleavage swallowed him.  Once again, he was confused by how aroused and simultaneously terrified he was.  This time, however, when he was pulled from her deep, warm cleavage, he noticed that Jordan had left the room. This time, Evette had taken off her blouse and her bra.  This time, instead of the inside upper curve of Evette’s right breast, the tip of the syringe kissed the underside of her weighty left breast, only a few inches below the nipple.

Adam stared in awe at the gargantuan nipple, which was actually growing and stiffening in real time as he heard the plunger above him start to descend, preparing to send him on his way.  The first time, he had tried stupidly to swim away from the black hole beneath him.  This time, he knew that it was pointless.  He saved his energy for creating as many final memories as he could of the bright, beautiful world he was leaving.  He passed the plane of the black hole, looking up once more to see Claire’s bright, smiling young face.



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