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Even though this is the last existing chapter of Mrs. Romero's content, know that her story will continue and any lapses in time exist only so that other Participants' stories can be told!  Enjoy!

Chapter 14 - Casa Dolce Casa [Sofia, 12/18/2000]

Sofia kicked her hot sneakers off at the door and pressed firmly into the fiery knot in her lower back. She usually took the time to align her shoes properly but she was exhausted.  Exhausted actually wasn’t even the right word…it didn’t come close to describing just how sweaty and uncomfortable and tired she was.  Sofia walked with purpose to her bedroom and removed her damp socks, wiggling her red-painted toes on the cold linoleum floor as she entered her master bathroom. Each step left behind a faint outline of her chubby footprint in the tile.  She gleefully removed her wet work pants and her sweat-stained pale-pink underwear, disgustedly tossing both articles of clothing into the hamper next to the hot tub.  Her socks went in next and then she drew her bath.

Sofia stood there for a moment and sighed, feeling the cold air kiss her sweaty, hot ass cheeks.  The red nail of her index finger scratched intently at a persistent itch on the underside of her left cheek, and the sensation felt so good..finally getting that itch..that she went harder and harder.  So hard she was actually leaving a light mark on her rump, and not to mention causing all of it to jiggle profusely.  Her cheeks would momentarily separate enough for some of that delightfully cold air to kiss the hidden depths of her bottom. As the cold ambient air rushed in between her hot, sweaty glutes, that persistent, annoying squeaking rushed out, no longer muffled beyond comprehension by the density and overwhelming volume of flesh.  Mrs. Romero reached her thumb and finger between her cheeks, feeling around for the tiny lump that had been in there for the long drive home.

“Sorry it took so long, traffic was bad.”  Mrs. Romero stated flatly.  She set him down on the edge of the tub.  His naked form clumsily stumbled and collapsed.  It had been awhile since he was expected to support his own weight with his own legs.

“I’ll need you to turn around.” Mrs. Romero said.  She was still wearing her work shirt and covering her nude lower half with a dry towel.

Dante’s tiny little face wrinkled up in confusion.  “What?”

He may have been confused by the request or genuinely had not heard it due to his brief reintroduction to the outside world.

“I’m undressing, mister.  I don’t care if you’ve seen my bare derriere.  I’m not going to let you see me naked.  Face the wall.” Mrs. Romero commanded, and Dante listened.  Mrs. Romero lowered the towel and removed her shirt.  Her messy, knotted hair tangled for a moment in the collar but finally fell freely near her shoulders.  She felt free at last.  The 41-year old Italian woman removed her drenched sports bra and now stood completely naked in her bathroom.  She dipped a single toe into the bath water just as she dreamed about doing over 9 hours ago.

“Oh, that feels so nice.” Sofia smiled, but she felt her left leg, the one that was supporting her full weight, begin to shake.  No doubt due to the squatting, walking and biking.  She lowered her whole foot into the steamy water.

She lowered her calf and stepped fully into the water, bringing her other foot in and then slowly sank her body down into the water, sighing deeply as the waterline came to rest up just over her breasts.  Sofia’s eyes practically rolled in the back of her head as she lifted her bare feet up, wiggling her wet toes in the cold air above the surface of the water.  A few droplets of water dripped from her toes, landing on Dante’s head, but to his credit he didn’t turn around to face her yet.

Sofia smirked, collecting enough of the bubbles to obstruct any potential view he might have of her naked body before reorienting herself so that her head was closest to his slippery, wet ledge.

“Okay, you can turn around now.” Sofia purred.

“Please don’t make me go back in there.” Dante said, his voice cracking.

Sofia rolled her eyes.  “Dante, we are seriously going to go through this again?  How many times?  You heard Katie and Alexandria.  I have to keep you in my bottom for 12 hours a day.”

She looked up at the clock on her wall.

“Look.” She said, “It's already getting close to noon now.  If we’re to meet the 12 hour requirement, I’ll have to get you settled shortly after my bath.  Don’t worry, it won’t be nearly as bad in there once I’ve gotten a chance to thoroughly clean myself.”

“I can’t!  I don’t want to!  Please don’t make me!” Dante cried like a child.

“You are unbelievable, do you know that?  It's only for a year!” Sofia sighed in exasperation. “I understand that you’re young but you have to believe me when I tell you that a year passes in the blink of an eye!  And also, what about your sentence being cut in half, do you really want to throw that away and go back for the full 14 years?”

Dante was quiet, his eyes frantically scanning as if he were trying to do complicated math in his head. Sofia continued.

“If you really are that selfish and you’d break your promise to those girls, then at least think about yourself here.  7 years is much better than 14 years, right?”

“I just can’t, Mrs. Romero..I’m so sorry.” Dante sobbed. “Can you please, PLEASE just call them?  Tell them that you want them to grow me back…they’ll listen to you, I think.  I didn’t expect–”

“This is no longer up for debate, Dante.  My answer is no and that is final.”

“Please!” Dante dropped to his knees again and clasped his hands.

“Young man, you are going back in my bottom after this bath…THAT fact has already been settled.  If you say even one more word about this, you will be punished.”

“I can’t do it!  I’ll die in there! It's too big!”

A giant, soaking wet fist crashed down hard on the slippery tile ledge where Dante stood.  The fist crashed down no more than 3 inches from his tiny, vulnerable body.

“You better listen to me and you better listen good, young man.  I don’t know what kind of degenerate filth of a household you grew up in or came from…” Sofia growled, “...but under this roof, there is structure and there is order.  I am in charge.  What I say goes.  Do you understand me?

“...yes..” Dante cringed.

The fist came down again, slightly closer this time and Dante jumped away, landing on his butt.

“Yes, Ma’am!”

The angry sopping wet fist retreated from the ledge and sunk back into the bubbly hot water.  But then it jumped out again, reaching for the dirty clothes hamper that was right next to the tub.  Sofia rooted through the clothing, finally pulling out a pale pink mass of wet cotton.  It was the underwear she’d worn that day…and the night before.

“What are you doing?” Dante asked with terror in his voice.

“You’re being punished.” Sofia said matter-of-factly, flattening out the crumpled up ball of underwear and turning it right-side out.

“For what???” Dante wailed.

Sofia replied, “I suppose your parents said that kind of thing and then didn’t follow through?”

She reached out and picked him up with her wet fingers.

“I suppose they gave you to the count of 3, but you always called their bluffs before they got there.  Rest assured, Dante, I will ALWAYS follow through and get to 3 unless you do what you’re supposed to do, is that clear?”

“Yes, Ma’am.” Dante said quickly.

“I told you that if you said another word, you would be punished. And what did you do?”

“I’m sorry!” Dante wailed.

“WHAT DID YOU DO?” Sofia repeated louder.

“I said another word!” Dante cried.

“That’s right…you did.” Sofia said solemnly, moving Dante’s tiny naked body overtop of her opened pale pink underwear.

“I’ll be in this bath for another hour.  Lord knows I deserve that.  I was going to let you sit there on the ledge and relax in the fresh air but if you can’t find it in yourself to appreciate the gesture, well…then I’m going to take it away from you.  You were going to get a break from my bottom, but no longer.  You’re going to wait here in my underwear until I’m done with my bath.

“I’m sorry! I won’t do it again, I swear!” Dante shouted, squirming above the voracious mouth that was the waistband of Sofia’s underwear.

“We’ll see.” Sofia said, opening her fingers and dropping him into the underwear.

He landed with an interesting bounce right atop the soaking wet area that came to rest against and wedge between her bottom.  The 41-year old maid promptly folded and crumpled the panties into a tiny ball, surrounding little Dante in the warmth and sweat left behind by her rump.

“And the sad part is that I can’t even trust you to stay put while I close my eyes.” Sofia said, frowning, and reaching into the hamper again.

She removed her dingy white socks.

“I’ll take you out after my bath and then we’ll go to bed.  I strongly suggest you work on trying to earn my trust, Dante…as impossible a feat that seems to me right now.  It will make things go much smoother for the both of us.”

Without another word, Sofia stuffed her balled up underwear into one of the damp, sweaty socks she spent all day working in, and then paired it up with its sister, sealing Dante inside.  She set the balled up sock containing her panties containing the quarter inch tall man down on the tile floor next to the tub.

Sofia stared down for a moment. The off-white sock ball danced and moved ever-so-slightly as the little man inside tried to get comfy like a puppy nesting.  She watched for a few more seconds until the movement stopped entirely.

Sofia sighed deeply. For the first time in over 12 hours, she could finally relax and get rid of all the stress from the work day.  She felt her problems melting away.  The knot in her lower back was calming, her poor quadriceps were no longer twitching, and her tired feet were throbbing pleasantly, absorbing the wonderfully hot water surrounding them.  It didn’t get any better than this, and it was worth the wait.  Sofia allowed the water to creep up to her neck before closing her eyes and smiling.




Hope that some days the tinies will be injected within a shoe insole instead on the buttocks.. Fuck, this story could be a bomb! Maybe a new story, a little spinoff? Who knows! ... BTW, I'm Italian and I couldn't believe that you made an Italian character this time 😂


Very glad you're enjoying it so far. Its definitely not out of the realm of possibility!

Ragaey Mahmoud

I think we deserve another chapter of what coming next