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Here is a nice, long chapter.  Hope you enjoy!

Chapter 11 - The Presentation [Sofia, 12/18/2000]

“Wonderful.” Senator Langley said, returning her gaze to Katie and Alex.  “We have full confidence that you’ve dotted all your i’s and crossed all your t’s.  Would you mind moving onto what I’m told is the demonstration portion of this presentation?”

Dante felt his heart leap into his throat.

Katie returned the smile, “Absolutely. Let's move onto introducing our volunteers.” She looked to Alex, who promptly began walking toward Sofia and Dante’s Dearforms box.

“We’ll start with the inmate.” Katie said as Alex flipped open the Dearforms box.  Dante cowered in the corner of the box near the hole he’d been spying out of, seething with anger and painful humiliation as Alex smiled down at him.

“Ready?” She whispered with a smile.

Dante did not return the smile or say yes, and Alex didn’t wait for either.  She scooped him out and approached the short side of the table opposite of Senator Langley.

“We reached out to several correctional facilities.  At each facility, there were several inmates that met our program criteria and all were eager to cooperate and participate” Katie said, “However, only one correctional facility actually would allow their inmates to volunteer for our experiment, and they decided to give us only one. That inmate is the reduced man you see before you in Alexandria’s hand.”

Alex held out her hand and proudly proclaimed, “Mr. Dante Smith.”

Fourteen eyes widened and seven jaws dropped around the table.

Dante cowered in Alex’s open palm, trying to hide behind her massive thumb, but she expertly nudged him out or twisted her hand so as to make sure he was always front and center.

“Dante is an 18-year old white male currently serving a 14-year jail sentence for breaking and entering and violent assault.”

The youngest one, Suzanne, cringed away despite being closer to the other side of the table away from Dante.

“It’s okay Suzie!” Joyce comforted Suzanne, rubbing her right shoulder, “He can’t hurt you; look how little he is!.”

All the women laughed heartily and Suzanne seemed to relax.  Dante was beet red, trying once again to hide behind Alex’s thumb.

In exchange for his contributions to this study, his sentence will be reduced by half to just 7-years with good behavior.”

Dante felt his entire world shake and jostle as Alexandria’s hand started moving abruptly toward the woman with the Farrah Faucet hairstyle.

“We’ll start here with Brooke and then we can work him around counter-clockwise.” Alex said.

Dante tried resisting gravity’s influence on his tiny body as Alex’s hand started to tilt.  Below him was the cosmetic industry entrepreneur’s open hand.  Pitifully, Dante resisted for as long as he could until he finally tumbled into the warmth of this new stranger’s hand. Again, Dante felt unnatural G’s of pressure on his body as he soared up toward the woman’s face.  He vulnerably cowered, noticing that the beauty mark above her left lip was almost larger than he was.  Her lips curled back into a grin as Katie continued speaking.

“While you are all getting familiar with Dante, we’ll move on to introducing the other volunteer.”

“He’s freaking adorable, isn’t he Wanda?” Brooke whispered.  Her breath was mostly minty with a small hint of espresso. Alex had turned on her heel and walked back toward Sofia, leaving Dante all alone with the fascinated women.

Truth be told, Dante had become so angry over Katie and Alex’s lie-by-omission…the lie about him possibly becoming microscopic, that he was literally going to blow the lid off this entire presentation.  If he got the opportunity, he was going to rat these girls out so bad that they’d hopefully end up in jail.  And now here he was, this beautiful 38-year old supermodel entrepreneur holding him so close he could see the tiny, barely existent pores on her short, cute nose.  And yet, he couldn’t bring himself to tattle.

Was it due to a rediscovered loyalty to the experiment?

Absolutely not.

Was it loyalty to Alex or Katie?

Fuck no.  Not at all.

He remained silent, shaking profusely in Brooke’s hand as she and Wanda stared intently at him.  He saw something in their beautiful brown eyes.  Something scary.  He’d sworn to himself that he saw a glimmer of it in Katie’s eyes when he first reduced, but he didn’t see it at all in Alex’s.

The look these women were giving him made him feel like…property.  Their curious, cat-like eyes contained no compassion for his state nor gratitude for his sacrifice.  He was a possession. A prop.  Fresh meat for the grinder.  They longed for power.  They yearned to dominate.  Somehow, Katie and Alex must have been a means to get that power.

Dante knew at that moment that the horrible fate he was about to endure…these women were in some way going to profit from it.

In those moments as he was handed down the line, from Brooke’s hand to Wanda’s, he knew that any attempt to tell the truth about all the lies and deception would not result in his freedom.  If anything, it would only make things worse.

“Fascinating..” Wanda said, flipping little Dante over onto his stomach so she could lay eyes on his entire body.  She passed Dante onto Joan Bexley as Katie and Alex resumed speaking.

“This is Mrs. Sofia Romero.  For the purposes of this presentation, she will be filling the role of ‘Wardeness’ opposite of our inmate, Dante.”

Dante heard more words but he had trouble processing them as Joan Bexley gently squeezed his body with her fingers.  She gently tugged on his limbs and Dante was concerned that she’d pull too hard and remove one.  It couldn’t have been that hard for someone so much bigger to hurt someone so much smaller.  She raised him up to her face and squinted. Her breath was mostly minty with a hint of coffee.

Alex whispered something to Mrs. Romero, and Dante caught a glimpse of her rolling her eyes as he was handed off to Senator Langley.

“What a cute little thing…” Senator Langley said quietly, transferring little Dante between her wrinkled palms, watching him try to regain his balance and fall.  Dante wasn’t even looking at the Senator now…instead he was watching Mrs. Romero show her huge clothed ass to the Board of Investors.

“As you can see, Mrs. Romero more than satisfies the rear-confinement requirements when it comes to size.  Before the end of this presentation, you will agree that she in fact also meets the softness and gluteal cleft depth requirements as well.”

“This can’t be happening…this can’t be fucking happening…” Dante squeaked, tumbling and rolling from the wrinkly old hand of the Senator into the smooth, young hand of Suzanne Hudson.  Just like the others, she raised him up to her face and looked closely.  She looked like a good, timid girl, but Dante had an inherent fear of everything larger than him and it didn’t matter how nice or young of a girl this was…he was confined to her hand and anything she wanted to do to him, she could do without a second’s thought.

“He’s so tiny!” Suzanne squeaked, a huge grin on her face and her blue eyes squinted, admiring his quarter-inch cuteness.  The squint left her eyes as she looked up toward Katie and Alex.  “So, he’s going to go in there?” Suzanne asked, pointing toward Mrs. Romero’s huge ass.

“That’s right!” Katie and Alex said, nodding their heads.

“He’s just so small though; and her butt is…well…..you’re sure that something this small could handle something so big?”  At that moment, Joyce stood up from her comfy black chair just enough to reach out to the center of the table, where her fifth donut was just waiting to be plucked from the container.

“That’s a great question, Ms. Hudson.” Katie said.  “Yes, the inmate’s durability factor is directly proportional to his reduction.  The smaller he is, the more durable he is.”

Suzanne Hudson nodded her head in uncertain agreement and returned her gaze to little Dante.  He watched her baby-blue eyes dart over to the person to her left, and Dante was expecting to be handed off to the next woman.  Instead, he was roughly tossed onto the empty chair next to Suzanne.  The chair that Joyce had stood up from to reach for her donut.

The cushion was uncomfortably warm, having supported the weight of Joyce Emmerson’s incredibly fat ass this entire time.  Dante screamed pathetically from the impossibly massive black cushion as he stared up at the horror over his head.  Joyce’s satin pants were stretched tight beyond reason, and how her fat ass cheeks didn’t explode out from confinement, Dante couldn’t understand.  They were twin moons, the gray stripes distorting and twisting around the heavy curvature of those planetary buns.  Dante identified the subtle hint of a thong underneath the silk material that covered her bountiful ass, and it made him cringe that much harder to realize how little was separating him from that bare crack.

“Oooo, got it.” Joyce said, celebrating her fifth donut with a big bite as she started to lean back. Dante screamed as the twin orbs began to spread further apart and the tiny naked man on Joyce Emerson’s seat prepared himself for not one, but two planet-cracking, fleshy asteroid strikes.  Dante cowered on his back, staring straight up as the massive ass’s trajectory slowly became known to the poor boy.  The last thing Dante saw before Joyce crashed back into her seat was Suzanne’s curious blue eyes and a mischievous smile.

Dante couldn't decide if it was lucky or unlucky, but he happened to be occupying the portion of Joyce’s seat in such a position that when she sat down, he came to be forced firmly into the dead center of her right ass cheek.  Had he been a few inches over to the left, he might have found himself wedged between those fleshy planets, separated from her skin by only a thin layer of satin.  He was saved from that humiliation, a small victory he should accept where he can get it, but being under this fat woman’s ass, compressed by a single fleshy butt cheek was humiliating enough. It was also quite painful and difficult to breathe.

He could barely hear Joyce say “Okay, my turn.  Where is he?”

What felt like centuries later, light flooded in around him as Joyce leaned over to her left side.  Dante’s entire body lifted with the massive cheek, and he could hear the scuffing of a massive hand rubbing against the seat behind/under him, where he was suspected to be lying.

He heard hysterical laughter as a grimy, gritty set of fingers located him against the plush of the ass cheek and peeled him away.  Dante watched the fat ass cheek forcefully return back down onto the plush cushion where he’d been lying moments before and he was raised to Joyce’s face.

“Wow, you were right…he’s totally fine.” Suzanne said, fascinated.

“If he could make it there, he could make it anywhere!” Joyce joked, rolling him around in her sugary fingers.  “My goodness, I could just eat this one up!” Joyce said. All the other women laughed. Dante stared into the abyss between the older woman’s sugar-and-cream caked lips.  Her tongue was white from the last fresh bite of her donut, and the sugary-sourness of the woman’s breath caused Dante’s nose and eyes to burn.

“Best to stick with the donuts, my old friend.” Senator Langley said with a smile.

Joyce rolled her eyes and spoke directly down to Dante, a devilish grin spreading across her wide, large face.  “You wouldn’t mind, would you?”

Dante didn’t know how to answer, stammering stupidly.  He peered down at the massive donut in her hand.  Half of it remained and he could see inside that there was a pocket of thick white cream.  Dante tried not to, but he couldn’t help but picture his tiny little body dropped into that donut and mixed into the sugary cream.  Joyce even could have pinched the ribboned edges of the donut where she’d bitten and sealed the cream pocket for later, leaving Dante to await his fated trip into that big fat belly.  He couldn’t control his shaking while he was in Joyce Emerson’s meaty, sugary hand. What scared him the most of all was that as horrifying as Joyce’s ass was, it STILL wasn’t as big as Mrs. Romero’s.

Joyce just laughed and raised him to her lips.  He felt sugar crystals and peach fuzz graze his naked body as she kissed him.

Joyce looked toward the Twins.

“Do either of you want to hold him?”

Dante saw their gaze adjust in unison just enough to look in the direction of Joyce.  Dante couldn’t see their eyes due to the sunglasses, but he could feel them looking at his body in the obese woman’s hand.  After what felt like an eternity, both Twins used just enough neck movement to shake their heads no.

Thrown a bit off-center by the solemn and robotic response of the Twins, Joyce extended her hand out toward the last woman at the table. Dante practically jumped from the obese woman’s hand as she turned him over to the lobbyist, Darlene Gonzales.

Darlene smiled down at him as he trembled in her hand.

“Goodness, you’re so sticky!” Darlene laughed.  She removed from her breast pocket a sanitary wipe.  “May I?” Darlene asked Katie.

“Oh, of course!”

Dante felt utterly humiliated as Darlene wiped him down.  Couldn’t she have asked him instead of Katie?  Wouldn’t that have made more sense? He was at least grateful to have Joyce’s granulated, grating sugar off his naked body and replaced with the strong fragrance of fresh lemon.  He was uncomfortable with how much attention the Puerto Rican woman was paying to his crotch…and he was depressed that she was using her pinky finger to do so.

Darlene handed him to Katie, and Dante collapsed into her relatively familiar palm.  He was exhausted from all the terror, touring the hands of 7 strange women…not to mention the full, unencumbered sitting weight of the fattest one at the table.

“Thank you, Ms. Gonzales.  I’m sure Mrs. Romero will appreciate that he’s nice and clean and no longer sticky!”

The crowd of women laughed as Katie rejoined Alex and Mrs. Romero.  Dante could hear Katie whisper into Mrs. Romero’s ear.

“It’s time.”

No words could describe the feelings of terror, revulsion, and hopelessness that unraveled the very fabric of Dante’s soul as he stared in abject horror at the sight before him.  The fat, disgusting maid had kicked off her shoes and unbuttoned her tight pants.  Dante could see the area where the zipper and button had dug into her pouchy, chubby belly. South of her belly pouch was a slight but noticeable trail of dark, black hairs that ran into her waistband.

Somehow, Mrs. Romero managed to lower those tight work pants down over her expansive rump, partially pulling down her pale pink cotton underwear enough to show off the top of her crack.  Once those were down, she had exposed her full bare ass to Katie, to Alex, to the seven observing women, to the Twins at the door…

…and exposing her bare ass to him…

It meant more to him than it did to anyone else.  To everyone else, it was just a big, fat, pale ass that was about to, in a very amusing and scientific way, gobble up a little tiny quarter-inch tall thing.  To Dante, it was where he was going.  Where he would spend the next hour or so of his life. It was going to feel like a lifetime, he was sure.

The big, bulging cheeks jiggled in the open air, and Dante immediately felt like he was going to be sick.  He saw Katie and Alex’s noses wrinkle up in disgust as well.

Katie picked up a 12-inch ruler and held Dante’s tiny feet up under the 1” line.  He barely made it up past the quarter line just above it.

“Dante measures in at 5/16ths of an inch, or just a hair over a quarter inch.” Katie then handed the ruler to Alex, and Dante watched in horror as the raven-haired beauty began moving the ruler toward Mrs. Romero’s huge bare ass.

“Sorry, Mrs. Romero…you’re going to feel just a little bit of pressure, and then I want you to clench your glutes, okay?”

Mrs. Romero’s head nodded as the ruler’s tip disappeared between her fat, relaxed buns.  Dante’s eyes widened when he saw the cellulite ripple and divots appear on the outer edges of her expansive rump as she flexed her cheeks.  Even more of the ruler was swallowed up.

Alexandria placed a gloved fingertip right at the area where her prodigious buns met and removed the ruler. She looked closely at where her gloved index finger was.

“...and Mrs. Romero’s gluteal cleft, when flexed, measures in at just over 3.5 inches.”

‘That’s over 11 times deeper than I am tall!’ Dante thought miserably.  Never had he wished so strongly that his mental math was weaker.

“I’m sorry…” Wanda Turner said, looking up from her notepad.  “What was his measurement again?”

Dante cringed as Alex handed the same ruler to Katie that had been deep in Mrs. Romero’s crack.  He could literally see the shine running from the base up to roughly the 3.5 inch mark.

“Please don’t…ugh…” Dante squirmed uncomfortably, feeling the slick, slime of the 41-year old maid’s ass lining the ruler’s surface upon which he was pressed.

“5/16ths of an inch.” Katie said.

Dante looked up.  This was his completely fucked up preview to what it would be like in the depths of Mrs. Romero’s disgusting ass crack.  The depth was right there for him to see, plain as day.  All the way up there.   AAAAALLLLLL the way up there at the 3.5 inch mark.  It stretched up so far beyond his reach…the equivalent of two school buses in length. That was the full depth of this fat, disgusting old woman’s butt crack…

Dante gagged and trembled, trying not to breathe the rank, foul odor coming from the ruler as he frantically squeaked up to Alex from Katie’s massive hand, “You said that it would be clean!  YOU SAID IT WOULD BE CLEAN!”

Alex frowned.

“To reaffirm…” Katie said, swapping Dante to her gloved hand and gently squeezing him between her thumb and forefinger.  Alex also put on a set of aqua gloves.  “Mrs. Romero is an excellent candidate for the position of Wardeness…”

Katie manipulated Dante’s tiny nude body, shifting him so that he was lying on his back atop the fingerprint area of Katie’s index finger.  The towering brunette in charge of his life slowly started moving her finger toward Mrs. Romero’s huge, bare left ass cheek.

“...not only due to the size of her buttocks….”

Dante squealed as the girl’s fingertip moved closer and closer, its trajectory mapped for the center underside of Mrs. Romero’s left glute.  All the lights went out as her index finger made contact with the expansive cheek, and Dante could feel the pressure intensify at an exponential rate as the ambitious young woman’s index finger pressed harder against the cheek, creating a deep indent into the plush flesh.

“...but due in large part to their remarkable softness.”

That’s what he thought she said, anyway.  It was difficult to hear due to his compression against the fat of the maid’s rump.

When Katie’s finger retreated, the glute bounced back into its typical position, hanging disgustingly from the middle-aged maid’s wide hips…but atop Katie’s finger was…well..nothing.

She noticed quickly enough, it seemed, to avoid looking foolish.  She played it off like it was her intention to adhere poor Dante to the clammy and sticky flesh of Mrs. Romero’s pudgy, spherical glute.  Dante heard a few mixed giggles from the crowd of women as he was removed carefully from the sweaty, bulbous buttock to which he adhered.

“Did he kiss it?” Joyce asked just as Suzanne was sipping her water, resulting in water coming out of the young blonde’s nose.

Katie smiled politely and Mrs. Romero did not answer.

“And now, Ms. Bexley will perform the installation of Dante into Mrs. Romero’s rear.” Katie pinched Dante between two fingers and deposited him into Alexandria’s open gloved hand.

“Please don’t do this, Alex!  Please!” Dante pleaded, tears in his eyes.

Katie’s gloved hand that had previously held Dante was so massive to him.  But now, that same hand’s fingers were now spreading to cover as much space as it could as it came to rest atop the center of Mrs. Romero’s left ass cheek.  From this perspective against the immense glute, Katie’s hand looked adorably, childishly small.  Dante noticed that the five fingers sunk deep into the flabby plush cushion, creating five distinct discolorations where the blood was forced out of the fat and muscle of the maid’s left glute.

A slightly larger, chubbier bare hand adorned with five blood-red fingernails did the same thing to the right glute, although this other hand belonged to Mrs. Romero.  The maid and the genius brunette worked together, parting Mrs. Romero’s incredibly fat ass cheeks.

Alex was the first to gag, followed by a few of the Investors.  The rancid scent of sweaty ass was thick and dense in the air. Dante couldn’t even find it within himself to gag.

“Good heavens…” one of the women from the table exclaimed.  Several of them began coughing and plugged their noses.  Just by removing her sweaty work pants, Mrs. Romero had released a deathly horrific odor into the room and it quickly expanded to fill the entire conference room. No one could escape it.  Everyone seemed to have a seriously negative reaction except for the Twins who remained perfectly stoic and unmoving at the door.

Unlike the observing women, Dante didn’t have the privilege of merely seeing the darkness between Mrs. Romero’s parting buns and being disgusted.  He had the forsaken knowledge of looking into that deep, dark crack and fully understanding that was his future for god only knows how long…30 more minutes?  Maybe even longer??

He wanted to cry as his eyes laboriously toured the expansive twin landscapes of spherical, fleshy planetary masses that mashed together to form Mrs. Romero’s ass crack.  The flesh of her glutes was far more pale than the rest of her skin, indicating that her big fat ass barely saw the sunlight. What was far more disgusting was the darkness of her inner cheeks.  The skin that was normally hidden even from the inside of the fat maid’s granny panties was a dark brown, stained from years…no…decades of that deep, disgusting, natural ass cleavage denying the walls of her inner cheeks sunlight, fresh air, or a cold breeze.  It was something he could have gone the rest of his life without seeing…and not only was he staring directly into it from Alex's fingertips, but he knew it was exactly where he was going.

For a moment, Dante used all of his strength to try and escape Alex’s hand.  He would have been happy to tumble out of it and plummet down to the hard tiled floor, but the raven-haired beauty expertly rolled him within her palm and pinched him between her fingers.  The softness of her fingertip conformed around his entire body with only his head protruding from the cleavage created by the meeting of her fingertip and thumb tip.

Katie leaned very close to Mrs. Romero and whispered in her ear.  Mrs. Romero only nodded her head.

Katie announced, “The Wardeness is ready.”

Alex then raised Dante’s pinched body up to her face. Dante took a deep breath and felt his heart melting at the wonderful, pleasing scent of Alex’s raven-black hair.  It was a fragrant coconut-scented forest he would have spent the rest of his life in to avoid even 1 second of the pungent, fleshy canyon awaiting him.

“Don’t do this, Alex…please!”  Dante sobbed.  “I changed my mind!  I can’t do this anymore!”

“Oh, Dante…” Alex whispered.  It was probably not even audible to the person standing closest to her, but it vibrated Dante’s chest.  Did he have a chance of changing her mind?  Was she a human being unlike this evil Katie Walker and these godforsaken Board members?

“You can’t do this to me!  You can’t! Please!  I’m your partner! No! I’m..I’m your teddy bear!  Remember?!  Please Alex!  Please don’t make me go in there!”

He saw the thick surrounding strands of raven-black hair soar up around him as he plummeted down away from the grace of Alex’s ear and her coconut scent.  He already missed it so, so much.

“Inmate is ready.” Alex said.

Dante frantically looked around the room for help.  There were 12 women there and only one of him. Every one of them were staring intently at Dante in Alex’s fingers.  All seven at the table were leaning forward in their seats, some resting their chins on their hands in anticipation. Some had looks of unabated joy and amusement, others had looks of academic fascination.  Even one of the Twins displayed the slightest hint of shock, her thick lips parting as she mouthed the word “Whoa”.

Tears were streaming down Dante’s cheeks as the massive two fingers sandwiching him began moving him closer toward Mrs. Romero’s exposed bare ass.  As much as he fought against those fingertips, he knew they wouldn’t relent their sandwiching force on him…not until something else with FAR more sandwiching power could take over…and he was moving right toward that fat, fleshy, twin force.

“Please, somebody help me!”  He squealed. “I don't want to go in there!”

Dante forced the tears that clung to his eyes out as he slammed his eyelids shut.  He scrunched them closed so hard he thought he might go blind. Part of him was hoping he’d open them and find himself back in the crib in Alex’s room.  He’d stay that small forever.  He’d stay with her forever.  He’d let her feed him with that bottle of her sister’s breast milk.  Fuck, he’d let Alex breastfeed him herself if she wanted!  Anything other than this!

But unlike that night in the crib, when he opened his eyes there wasn’t a thin sliver of pizza waiting for him.  It was still the gargantuan, pale, ass of a 41-year old Texan woman…spread wide open and waiting to gobble him up.

Dante didn’t know if Alex heard him. If she did, she didn’t care.  Dante’s peripherals soon filled with the pale flesh color of Mrs. Romero’s dense, fleshy butt cheeks.  The scent was impossible to ignore or escape, and the other-worldly warmth of her humid, sweaty crack made him gag and convulse in wretched discomfort.

The poor, shrunken boy couldn’t believe how much deeper Alex was continuing to force him into this middle aged, Italian woman’s ass crack. The air between her massive glutes was growing thicker, heavier, and more humid the deeper he was forced.  The temperature was hotter and more humid than a sauna. The mind-numbingly offensive, earthy, musky odor of her crack was so strong, Dante thought it could have taken paint off the walls.  It rattled his consciousness and self-identity.  The only thing working in his favor was that all of his body except for his head was protected in the cleavage of Alexandria’s lightly clenched fingertips.

Unfortunately for Dante, that didn’t last long…

When he was as deep between the fat maid’s ass cheeks as he could have possibly gone, he felt the comforting, restrictive pressure of Alexandria’s fingertips begin to lessen.

“No, no! Please, dont!” Dante grabbed fruitlessly at the thumb over his head, trying to pull it back down over his body but it effortlessly rose.  Dante stared in awe as Alex’s index finger moved further up, encountering a fair amount of resistance from the doughy, fleshy fat of Mrs. Romero’s left ass cheek.  Dante squealed in agony, feeling the humidity of the maid’s ass crack invade and permeate his entire body and instantly he felt just as slimy as the fleshy, quivering dark walls that surrounded him.  He laid there on Alex’s thumb. He knew that he couldn’t go back in time, but if he could somehow just stay here forever…in this moment…atop Alexandria’s thumb, then at least he wouldn’t have to be all alone in here.

Unfortunately for Dante, that was not part of Alex’s plan.  The aqua blue floor beneath him began tilting, and Dante screamed as the floor became a wall.  Alex was literally smearing him against the soaking wet inner wall of Sofia’s right ass cheek.  The lights went out and the back half of his body was drenched directly in ass sweat and his front half was eagerly accepting the condensation of the humidity.  He wiped the stinging, salty, musky hot liquid from his eyes just in time to see Alexandria’s angelic gloved fingers retreating ever-so-slowly from the deep, dark ass crack of Sofia Romero.  Dante lamented their departure, screaming defiantly yet pitifully…begging the two aqua-blue goddesses to return and rescue him.  He had no recourse or plan of action.  The swell of Mrs. Romero’s big, flabby ass cheeks resulted in just enough pressure to hold him firmly in place.  He peered out one last time, seeing the members of the Board all watching intently.  And then Alex’s swollen breasts entered his view.  She dropped to a squat and peered inside, having to lower herself to be eye level with Mrs. Romero’s huge butt in order to see Dante. He was all alone in there, and he saw Alex frown.

Alex mouthed the word “Sorry” and then Dante watched her look up and nod.

That must have been the moment that Sofia and Katie released each of the giant butt cheeks they were holding, because a godlike twin avalanche of dirty, grimy, sweaty ass flesh rushed in toward Dante from both directions, swallowing his poor little nude body in the deepest, darkest cleft of the maid’s bare, fat ass.

If Dante thought it was hot before, the temperature now that her cheeks had returned to rest was positively sweltering.  Dante was now covered in sweat, and what revolted him the most was that most, if not all of it, was likely the ass sweat of his captor.  It was so dark, but there were a handful of light particles that somehow made their way in through her bulbous cheeks.  As if all that wasn’t enough, Dante heard friction out there in the real world.  It was fabric against skin, way down below him and getting closer.

“She’s putting her fucking pants back on!” Dante screamed in agony.  “Please stop! I’m going to die if she puts them back on!  I can’t do this!  Please stop!  Please stahhhh–”

Dante’s prayers went unanswered as the super soft, moist, doughy butt cheeks that surrounded him became incredibly compressed and dense under the pressure of the maid’s tight work pants.

All the lights went out.

Mrs. Romero’s disgusting, sweaty cheeks were compressed so tightly, Dante’s open mouth became precious real estate volume that the ass flesh greedily fought to occupy.  His poor little mouth filled with as much wet ass flesh as could fit.  He tried forcing his face away, but it only shifted which tiny square millimeter of sweaty, salty, rank ass flesh was actually in his mouth, and which portion of flesh his poor little face was buried against.  It added insult to injury when he heard the zipper of her fly and the buttoning of her pants securing.  If Dante wasn’t hopelessly trapped in this expansive, girthy ass before, he definitely was now.

Things only seemed to get worse for Dante.  He’d seen all the equipment around the room but he didn’t know exactly what was going to happen or how Mrs. Romero was going to use it.  If only things had been different.  If only Sabrina had made it here in time; he would have had plenty of time to meet her and get friendly with her.  He would have had time to hear about what exactly this demonstration was to entail.  Sabrina would have had time to actually take a fucking shower before the demonstration and make sure that her perky, young, hot ass was squeaky clean before Dante was wedged in.

Dante’s stomach was doing somersaults as he bounced violently with the twin cheeks that hugged him so tightly.  Mrs. Romero was walking now, and he could tell by the way her left ass cheek jiggled on its own and then the right.

Then the left cheek.

Then the right cheek.

It was so rhythmic, it almost pulled Dante’s focus away from the fact that he was buried deep in the fat, cellulite-ridden ass of a 41-year old hotel maid.  The rhythmic bouncing and jiggling stopped. Dante tried to scream, instead tasting a much too large and much too potent dose of salty ass sweat as his entire world rotated 90 degrees.  He felt the constant pressure of the two wet glutes on either side of him relent ever so slightly..just enough for him to take a deep breath of the foul, acrid air filtered so heavily by Mrs. Romero’s dirty cheeks and soaking wet underwear. And then, he was pulverized by the hardest, most solid force he’d ever encountered.  It felt like being hit by a wrecking ball, only the wrecking ball was the size of a semi truck.  The soaking wet pink underwear at his back was now pushing him even deeper into her crack until he literally couldn’t go any deeper.

Dante deduced that all that was the simple action of Mrs. Romero sitting down.  The large wrecking ball was just the surface of the wooden bar stool.  All that…was just her sitting down.

The opposite of his most recent ordeal transpired as she began to stand. Her spread butt cheeks were coming back in on each other as she must have been straightening her back into a full stance.  Unfortunately for Dante, the huge, dense butt cheeks reclaimed him to their fullest extent, the twin sister globes seeming to fight over who got to hug him tighter.  The saturated underwear that had forced him deeper when she sat was still firmly against his back, wedged into her crack right along with him.

Again his world rotated and he winced, bracing for the forcible slam of the seat to come up and assault him, but it didn’t happen.  Her huge buns parted as her pink underwear forced him deeper into her crack, and then his world rotated back the other way.  The underwear lost their stretch and authoritative desire to force him deeper, but her sweaty cheeks squeezed back in.  This repeated a few more times.  Her cheeks relented and her panties pushed him deeper, then her cheeks squeezed in tight when her panties relented.

She was squatting and standing…that must have been it.

She was finally done, it seemed…because her cheeks were back to their original, unbearable compression on his body, and he could feel the drenched panties at his back.

“Oh, nevermind…” he thought miserably as he felt the fabric rushing away from him.  Mrs. Romero must have picked her wedgie, leaving him all alone once more in the depths of her bottom.

For what felt like hours, Dante was helplessly subjected to the various pressures, temperatures, and jiggling conditions of Mrs. Romero’s big, fat ass cheeks.  At one point, his world rotated again as she was sitting down, and Dante quickly realized that she was sitting on the exercise bike.  He could hear the muffled sound of the bike’s motor kicking higher as the maid peddled, and Dante gagged as the humidity and temperature rose.  The slick, slimy walls of her inner cheeks were spontaneously leaking more and more sweat as the overweight woman exerted herself on the exercise bike.

Dante was in quite the daze after that demonstration, but there were several more that followed.  He felt the jiggly, flabby cheeks around him squeeze tighter in and around him…perhaps she was cupping her fat ass cheeks and squeezing them in on him tighter.  Dante yelped miserably at the slapping sensation of her voluminous buns crashing in and around him, relenting violently, and then crashing in again..over and over and over and over.


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