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Reduction & Relocation: Nina Beckett

Chapter 1 - Nina’s Grace

[January 27th, 2010]

David had a habit of playing with his necktie whenever he was fidgety and nervous.  Now was one of those moments as he pressed the intercom button outside of RR Labs. 

As he waited for a response from someone inside, something inside of David compelled him to turn around and admire the scenery.  Tucked back significantly from the main roads of south-western North Carolina, R&R Labs was a pretty average looking building in what looked like a pretty average looking corporate complex….but the view was something special. 

The January sun did little to warm the cold air nipping at David’s fingertips, but its impending stage-exit produced in the wide sky a brilliant and ever-unbalancing mixture of warm oranges, soft pinks and cool blues.  The pink in particular, unregulated and unstoppable, was taking over as the sun accepted its fate and found its home beneath the treeline. David sensed that there was something special about this moment.  Soon enough, all that remained would be the purplish black of the night sky.

A telephonic voice rang from the intercom mounted to the side of the building next to a security camera. 


It wasn’t a question, more of a demand…as if he were at the DMV.

David turned away from the natural beauty of the setting sun and cleared his throat  

“David Denison.” He said, leaning in to make sure his voice was heard by the woman on the intercom.

He heard no verbal acknowledgement from the intercom.  Instead, her response came in the form of a loud, chunky unlatching of metal coming from the front door.  David took one last look behind him before entering RR Laboratories.  The pink had won its battle over the blue.  It always did.

This was David’s second time visiting RR Labs. A lot of what he’d googled when trying to look further into RR seemed to have been either dead hyperlinks or directed him to some law firm called Bex Legal. 

As David got closer to the doorway that would lead him to the waiting room, he could hear the gentle, quiet hum of conversations but when he opened the door, all the occupants on the other side became dead-quiet.  

The waiting room looked no different than the several he’d visited since starting his job search a few months ago. The first thing David saw when he opened the door was one of several signs that were very firm about no talking.  He guessed that super quiet whispers had gently grown to a volume that the no-nonsense receptionist could no longer tolerate. 

David made his way for the receptionist who was staring intently at him. 

“Good morning, I’m–”


The redhead’s shushing was so loud and sharp that David swore a small tuft of his hair blew backward.  He might have tried to return the rudeness, but he really needed this job and he didn’t want to ruffle any feathers.  

The receptionist merely pointed toward one of the empty seats and David got the hint. Embarrassment brought hot blood to his cheeks, turning his face red and he nervously pushed the sandy blonde hair away from his face.  To make matters worse, the firm, sharp shushing David had just received called the attention of several sets of eyes, eager to find something interesting to look at in this dull, boring waiting room.

Ever the optimist with a healthy dose of ‘middle-child syndrome’, David felt compelled to mouth the words ‘sorry’ to the receptionist, but her expression softened not in the slightest.  If anything, she appeared even more irritated with David as he quickly sat back down in the seat she’d gestured toward.

Several women who were already seated in the waiting area were all very interested in his movement…to an extent beyond just bored, wandering eyes. The persistent focus and following gazes actually made him uncomfortable.  The only one whose eyes did not follow David to his seat belonged to a woman who was reading some magazine about makeup or fashion. 

Gently pulling his slacks up at the knees, David took a seat in one of the comfy waiting room chairs and folded his hands over the manilla folder on his lap that contained his resume. 

Once the curious eyes had concluded poking and prodding at David’s body, he took his turn staring at the mother who still had not looked up from her magazine. She wore a curve-hugging, pale-pink pencil skirt with a narrow black belt that did nothing to distract from the wideness of her hips. A black shirt tucked neatly into the dress, showcasing a narrow waist not quite compatible with a woman her age. Her attire was haughty and proper, a striking blend between professional and provocative. A small leather briefcase with the initials “BB” rested obediently at the woman’s black high heels.

There was no mistaking her age for anything earlier than 40 but she was stunningly beautiful. Even from across the room, it was obvious that her years, if anything, had probably enhanced her confidence, redistributing body weight into all the right places.  Her hairstyle was unique, borrowing from aged trends far before David’s time that an older woman like his mother or aunts could have identified. She looked familiar but he couldn’t quite put his finger on how he recognized her.  Perhaps he’d seen her here in the waiting room before?   

David started to wonder if this older woman was here for the same job he was applying for.  She looked very professional and confident.  Very corporate. Very capable. And somehow a little familiar for some strange reason.

He swallowed nervously, reflecting on what one of the many pretty doctors of RR Labs had told him over the phone: that this would be the final pre-RT interview.  He’d been on enough mock interviews in school to know how these worked.  The company brings in several potential candidates..maybe even a dozen…and then they slowly widdle away until they’re left with the cream of the crop. David wasn’t in the habit of tooting his own horn, but back in college, he had always graced the top of every class. He especially excelled on the topics of advanced math and engineering.  He was a hard worker; definitely an asset to whoever would end up giving him a chance.

David knew that the beautiful brunette may have been older and wiser…perhaps she looked better on paper (and maybe in the mirror, too), but that just meant he would have to charm the socks off of Dr. Walker. He’d already built some good rapport with the other co-founder, a short, buxom-chested woman named Dr. Alexandria Bexley.

Tap, tap, tap, tap.

Next to the attractive older woman in the pantsuit sat a blonde girl, probably no older than 20. She sprawled out from the chair, taking up as much room as she liked. Her choice of black flip-flops in January suggested she was rebelling against the cold weather or didn’t have to spend much time away from perfectly climate-controlled indoors. And as she sat, she casually tapped one black sole against the linoleum floor, thoughtlessly forcing everyone present to listen to the rhythmic echoes of her impatience...

Tap, tap, tap.

While the obnoxious noise was what first drew David’s attention, it was the rest of the young woman’s appearance that kept it firmly captured. Her outfit left little to the imagination, and the body that lay beneath was… Enticing, to say the least. Her revealing top flaunted an attractive neckline and eye-catching cleavage, and her skin-tight yoga pants were at risk of bursting thanks to thighs more than big enough to suffocate a man. The poor waiting room chair, caught beneath her lazily reclining figure, looked like its structural rigidity was about to fail against the sheer width and mass of her backside.

As she sat there, the very epitome of hot-and-I-know-it, the lounging beauty exuded a confidence and arrogance that annoyed David, but also inspired strong arousal. He was still ogling like a moron as she tilted her head and tossed her blonde hair dismissively, as uninterested in the world around her as she was of his very existence. The occasional sigh or exaggerated stretch accentuated not only her boredom but also her curvaceous figure as she tapped and swiped at her phone screen.

An irritable flick of her finger against the phone screen signaled something had gone wrong.

“Mom…my freaking phone battery is dying.” Her voice reeked of stereotypical valleygirl, grating David’s ears. 

David squinted at the blonde’s phone.  It looked like an iPhone but it had much more of a rectangular shape than the 3GS.  

‘Is that…an iPhone 4?’ David thought.

As an avid Apple enthusiast, David followed half-a-dozen forums online that would leak spec information and design documents.  Through his research, he’d come to know a lot about the mysterious new iPhone that would be replacing the iPhone 3GS.

And it was right there–the iPhone 4…just waving around in that annoying blonde’s hands. Its significantly upgraded components were likely going completely wasted in her possession, probably being used for one of those mindless mobile games, or flicking through social media. Nothing remotely important!

Apple wasn’t even announcing the phone until June… a full 6 months from now!  How the heck did this brat get ahold of one?

The mother didn’t look over from her magazine.  “Okay, sweety.  We’ll get you another one.”

Rich mother, spoiled daughter… The pieces were starting to come together in David’s head.

“I don’t want another phone.” The tone was a blend of nasal and shrill. The stretching of her vowels highlighted her disgust and entitlement.  As condescending and self-absorbed as her whining was, it honestly only brought her down from a perfect 10 to about a 9.9 in David’s book. “All my pictures are on this one.”

“We can have Maggie transfer them over.” The mom turned another page and lifted the magazine to smell a perfume ad that had more of her attention than her whining daughter. She clearly wasn’t listening to her daughter’s demand, instead just opting to throw money at the problem.

The blonde rolled her eyes. “Mom, I just need another charger cause I think my friend stole mine.”

“Enough, Nina.  Mama’s trying to read.” The mother said with quiet finality. 

Nina crossed her arms over her huge chest with a petulant sigh, allowing the thongs of her flip flops to slip out from between her toes and crash loudly onto the floor beneath her.  “Why do we even have to wait?”

“I don’t know, dear.  That’s a good question.” It became abundantly clear not only where Nina got her stunning good looks, but also her entitlement, attitude, and tone. “But you know, sweetheart…we wouldn’t even be here right now if you were just be a little bit more careful with your last one”

“Mom…seriously right now?  You’re going to blame me for that? It wasn’t my fault even slightly!”

“No talking, please.” The receptionist said, almost as if it were a question to the conceited blonde. David was flabbergasted at how comparatively timid the receptionist was when speaking to Nina and her mother.

Nina half-heartedly complied, but not before grumbling “My time is like way too valuable for this.”

David suddenly remembered he had brought his charger along with him in anticipation of a long day spent away from home.  He’d known from the forum leaks that Nina’s phone had the same charger port as his iPhone 3GS.  He hated how much like a typical man he felt in that moment: more-or-less repulsed by this busty and curvy brat’s irredeemably toxic personality and yet he was so enthralled with the artistic and anatomically defiant curves of her body…he yearned to interact with her even if it were just for a moment.

He set his manilla folder neatly down on the floor and rustled through his pockets, searching amongst tattered currency and coin.  There it was! David held the half-coiled charger up and caught her eye.  Her beautiful eyes sparkled with an uncommon glitter and it was extraordinary how much her gaze affected him.  If only he could go back to before she opened that big, stuck-up mouth of hers because those eyes on him…they were magic.  His heart was racing and his cock was swelling.  She looked down at the charger in his hand and then back up at him before raising her eyebrows at David, as if to say “Well?? What do you want?”

He raised the charger higher as her attention already seemed to be waning. “For your phone?”

It was all David had managed to say before the receptionist sounded off.  


The red-head’s voice was so stern and loud that David literally flinched in his seat.  

Straight-faced and unimpressed, Nina held out her hand toward David, but since they were both seated on opposite sides of the waiting room, there was easily 10 feet separating the two.  She made no effort to get up or even lean closer to him.

‘Is she really serious?’ David thought?  Shocked not only at her audacity but also the crumpling of his resolve, David stood up and hand-delivered the charger to Nina, setting the white box and cord down in her small open palm that hadn’t moved a muscle since David introduced the offer. For the first time, Nina’s mother glanced up from her magazine, but only enough to give David a quick scan. The mother’s face carried a hint of mild amusement, as if one of her favorite shows was playing but she’d seen it so many times already.

“Uhhh….did you need something?” Nina asked.  The annoyance in her voice was unbelievable.  David was in awe of her boldness.  He’d just hand delivered his charger without even being asked and she had the nerve to be annoyed that he was waiting for a thank you?  The nerve of this girl! She was acting as if he’d just approached her for no reason!

“No, nothing at all.  Hope..umm…hope it works.”

David grimaced as he walked back to his seat.  ‘Hope it works? 

Hope the charger works? Is that what you said to her? Could stupider words have come out of your mouth?’ 

He crashed back into his seat, noticing two other women, a blonde and a brunette, whispering things into each other’s ears as they watched David.  The blonde was smiling and the brunette’s eyes were rolling. 

It would have seemed that the punishment for David’s good deed was over.  Not so.

Much to the dismay of Nina and her plans to continue wasting time on her state-of-the-art phone, there were no wall outlets within range of her seat.  The blonde’s exasperation visibly doubled as she settled for looking next to her mother’s seat.  Nothing there either.  David looked around with her until both their eyes locked on the only outlet in the waiting room area nestled under a small table of magazines. It was right next to David.  

"This is so unbelievable," Nina whined, her voice dripping with disdain as she begrudgingly pushed herself up from the flattened cushion beneath her sizable rump. With an exaggerated sigh, she took a noisy, dramatic step forward. The flip flops alternated between slapping the dusty linoleum floor beneath and the creamy white soles above with every step of her immature, ‘dramatic film-worthy’ trot.

David watched in awe as Nina's thick thighs rippled with each heavy, commanding step and as her hips swayed with exaggerated confidence, her huge butt seemed to have a gravitational pull of its own.  Her booty was so gigantic, David could see the contours of those epic globes from the front as the flesh moved and reverberated. They absorbed his attention like light into a black hole.

As Nina moved across the waiting room, at least seemingly oblivious to the impact she was having on David’s resolve and focus; he’d been reduced to a gawking fool. In that moment, he didn’t even care if she caught him staring but not because of some sort of confidence or entitlement to gawk; it was because her wide, wiggling cheeks took up so much space in his brain that there literally wasn’t room for anything else. 

She had to know he was staring, right?  A girl like that had to know that when she walked, everyone looked.

She was so close now that David could clearly make out the stitching of the lycra fabric taut and clinging to her thighs like a small glove on an extra large hand.  It didn’t look anything like the leggings he’d seen other girls wear.  Were these ones just absurdly expensive? Or did the stitching pattern only appear intricate because it was stretched to the limits by the sheer breadth of her mighty thighs? 

It could definitely be both.

Another slap of her flip flop bringing her a step closer to him. David could smell the faint, intoxicating cloud of strawberry lotion mixing into the air that her body pushed forward.

And then, David frowned.  

Nina’s left flip-flop came crashing down atop the manilla folder containing David’s resume and other professional documents.  It had been staged on the ground near his chair but now it was pinned down under the bratty blonde’s foot.  He stared down in disbelief as the peachy color of her bare toes was replaced with white from the pressure of supporting the minor adjustments in her balance. And his manilla folder supported at least half of the girl’s full weight.

Instead of doing what a normal person would do…which would be stepping off of David’s personal property and maybe even offering a humble apology, Nina squatted down.  The back of her left flip-flop lifted from the manilla folder, revealing a dirty footprint on the otherwise pristine manilla folder as she blindly felt around with the prongs of David’s charger for the outlet.  When the prongs didn’t immediately find the slots, Nina sighed with such potent exasperation you’d have thought she was asked to move a mountain.  

Speaking of mountains, David’s eyes bulged out of his head when she leaned into the squat, causing the back of her shirt to ride up just enough to reveal the black thong she was wearing.  Her ass cheeks were MASSIVE and resting atop her heels like pitch-black globes atop golf tees.  She looked up suddenly at David.  Had she caught him drooling over her wide ass?

The charger finally seated into the outlet and David prepared to pick up his manilla folder as Nina freed it from the oppressive weight of her foot but to his dismay, she didn’t leave.  Instead, she plopped down in the seat right next to him, completely disregarding his personal space as his own charging cord draped from the outlet on his right to the bratty blonde seated on his left.  Through the corners of his eyes, he could see the indents in her thighs from the arm rests pressing against the stretched black lycra.

As if all that weren’t humiliating and disrespectful enough, Nina noisily scooted her chair, angling it toward David and propped her feet up as she resumed scrolling on her phone. HIs face flushed with embarrassment as he felt the weight of her heels pressing down on his upper thighs.  Why did he have to wear slacks today?  They were so thin  he could feel the warmth emanating from her soft, callous-free heels.

With a red face, David looked around to see if anyone else saw the spectacle unfolding.  Was he on a hidden camera show??

Two others had noticed.  The blonde and brunette he’d spotted earlier.  The blonde was giggling and the brunette smirked, as if they were both expressing in their own way how much their ‘stranger respect’ for David had plummeted since he let this beyond-bratty girl use him as a literal foot stool.

From his unique vantage point, David was perfectly positioned to observe that Nina’s feet, just like Nina herself, were salaciously pampered and spoiled. Her thick toes, squeezing the thin-threaded black thongs of her flip-flops, were pedicured and refined to nothing short of perfection.  The glittery polish adorning each of her toes terminated at the edges of her nails with an almost other-worldly precision. Her feet alone looked better taken care of and maintained than even the faces of any ‘normal’ girl David had ever known.  

Call it a good educated guess, but David somehow knew that Nina had done nothing to earn the expert level of craftsmanship that went into those pampered feet.  No way that this girl could have handled patiently waiting a minute in front of a microwave, let alone spending the hours necessary to make her feet look like that. No way this girl could carry a job..or even want one, David was sure. The only reason her feet were so flawless was because her wealthy mother was willing to pay top dollar for anything her little princess wanted.

“Are you serious with this?” For a moment, David almost wished he could keep the words from coming out, but he had to stand up for himself, right?

Nina looked up from her phone with an expression of genuine shock.  Indignance, even.  As if no one had ever dared to speak to her like that before. 

“Excuse me?”

David gestured down to her flip-flop clad feet resting in his lap.  “You’re getting my slacks dusty.”

Nina rolled her eyes and scoffed. “Wow, you’re really making a scene over nothing.  Get over yourself.”  The bratty blonde used David’s inner thigh as leverage to press down with the backs of her flip flops.  As she did, the thongs popped up from between her toes and the flip-flops toppled down, but not before rolling off David’s other leg and creating another dust-stamp of flip-flop tread down his slacks and atop his dress shoe before thudding on the floor.

Before he could even say anything, Nina returned her now bare feet to their position in David’s lap, this time much too close to his bulging erection. So close, in fact, that David was far too focused on trying to keep her wiggling toes from stumbling upon the rock hard shaft screaming for attention. Meanwhile, Nina just continued in her state of privileged obliviousness, scrolling mindlessly on her phone. 

Did he dare try to push her bare feet off of him?  As repulsed as he was by her attitude, the thought of his hands coming into contact with her bare skin was exhilarating.  And he didn’t even like feet!  

“This is weird.” David spoke quietly, careful not to enrage the fiery redhead receptionist. “I don’t even know you.  Can you–”

He’d heard of ‘in one ear and out the other’ before, but David wondered if his complaining had even made their way into the blonde bimbo’s empty head.  Instead of acknowledging his grievances, she turned her phone screen to face him.  When his vision recovered from the obnoxious amount of sparkling glitter on her phone case, David saw a jaw-dropping sight. 

David’s eyes widened as he gazed at the picture on the phone screen.  The woman looked to be in her early twenties, probably around the same age as Nina.  Her oversized sunglasses failed to conceal her beauty and only accentuated her confident arrogance. Her bratty demeanor practically jumped off the screen!  Her smug expression looked painted on…as did her top.  Long, shining black hair rested atop the shelf of her chest.  And what a shelf it was!  

David had never seen a girl like that in public before…except for maybe the one showing him the photo.  But where Nina had an absurdly large ass, the girl in this photo had the biggest breasts that David had ever seen in his life. 

“I’ve got the same top at home.  I think she saw me wearing it one day and bought one for herself.” Nina said, absorbing the credit like a plant absorbing sunlight.  “It kinda makes her look fat though, right?  I mean..her boobs are just way too big.”

David had lost his nerve to be upset about the dirt in his lap or the flip-flop clad foot that was dangerously close to his throbbing erection.  He stared–almost longingly at the picture, wanting just another second to store that much more of the busty brat’s image in his long term memory. He’d take as many seconds as Nina would give him, and he continued to soak the brunette up like a sponge soaking water.

“I…I don’t know,” he stammered.  “Everyone has their own style, I guess.”

Nina rolled her eyes, a derisive snort escaping her lips.  “Sure, if you call looking like a desperate attention-seeker a ‘style’. As if to punish David, Nina rolled the ball of her heel against David’s thigh.

“Seriously…I have an interview and I’ve got flip-flop prints on my pants.” 

“--Ugh!  Can’t you see I’m busy here?” I’m trying to post something and you keep making me lose my place.  I’d love it if you didn’t interrupt me literally 32 times a second.”  She gently slammed her heel down in David’s lap, sending a rippling wave that started at her calves and traveled all the way up to her thighs.

Nina didn’t share the same consideration for angering the receptionist and what was even more perplexing to David, the redhead wasn’t angered by the barefoot blonde’s outrage. But her mother seemed to be annoyed.

“Nina, sweetheart.  Can you at least try to follow the rules here? Come sit down.” Her mother’s well manicured fingers gently tapped the cushion next to her, having been slowly inflating this whole time after the oppressive compression it underwent earlier from Nina.

Nina didn’t lift her feet up off of David, instead opting to slide them down off his lap.  She wiggled her feet back into her flip-flops.  She remained frozen, standing directly in front of David as she got her last flicks in on her phone.  And then another ‘last’.  And another ‘last’.

Meanwhile, David couldn't tear his gaze away as she loomed over him, her colossal form dominating his field of vision. With each casual sway of her hips, her tremendous butt jiggled and swayed, captivating him in a mesmerizing display of packed flesh fighting to escape its lycra confines.

The sheer enormity of Nina's posterior was staggering, filling his vision with its vast expanse. Every movement seemed to carry the consequence of violent ripples through her voluptuous curves. The flesh bounced and jiggled with a hypnotic rhythm, originating from a single bounce of her heel or sway of her hips…and before those ripples could naturally decay, the next foot bounce or hip-sway sent another pulse of waving flesh for him to ogle. It was as if her huge ass had a mind of its own.

David felt a flush of heat rise to his cheeks as Nina's backside danced tantalizingly close to his face, each movement sending a wave of confusing desire and self-consciousness coursing through him. He was transfixed by the sight, unable to tear his gaze away even as he felt a surge of embarrassment at his own reaction.

Good god…look at the way the back just digs into her crack…

Never had there been more fully clothed but separated and defined butt cheeks in the world until this very moment. They were huge black globes, shining and textured. What would those things feel like against his clenching hands?  Or crashing against his hips like an unruly ocean against a dock?  Or nuzzling against his burning, embarrassed red cheeks?

He was flustered and awkwardly aroused enough by her feet resting in his lap.  What if she had decided to park that monstrous thing in his lap instead?  David wondered if he, even as a six foot tall man, could handle that much booty.

Nina's nonchalant demeanor only added to the intensity of the moment, her casual swaying and minor movements causing her butt to sway inches away from David's face. It was as if she were taunting him, teasing him with the proximity of her immense curves while remaining completely indifferent to the effect she was having on him. And yet, he couldn’t bring himself to lean back.

“Nina Grace…”

David gasped, watching Nina’s immense black-clad butt cheeks turn to solid rock. They clenched so tight that wrinkles appeared in the absurdly stretched lycra.  As unmovable and inconsiderate as this girl was, it looked like she still had a healthy respect for her mother…at least relative to her terrible personality.

“...come sit down.  Now.”

Nina sighed, setting her phone down hard enough on the table next to David so hard that he cringed.  He’d have killed to have a phone that advanced and she was just casually throwing it down like that?  Unbelievable!

“Don’t touch my phone, kay?”

David couldn’t find the words.  He only nodded stupidly but she was already walking back to her seat, rocking her wide hips and jiggling those salaciously large ass cheeks.  She plopped back down, flattening the cushion once more as she leaned back to lounge. No thank you’s to be heard, just another loud, huffing sigh sending a tuft of hair over her eye to flutter up.  

David once again found two strong emotions fighting inside of him.  A swelling contempt for her disrespect as he picked up his manilla folder, which now contained a perfect sole imprint of Nina’s dirty, dusty left flip-flop, as if it had been a tattoo. But mixed with that contempt was a stronger feeling of craving.  Still she struggled to get comfortable (because she couldn’t be comfortable anywhere but where she wanted to be) and David felt enslaved by his primal urges, watching the exterior walls of her fleshy glutes, so prominently visible even from head on. They rippled and crashed into the arm rests like soft  black waves into a dock.


The voice calling his name came from around the corner, and David turned to look who said it.





It's amazing that after so much time of knowing the development of this story, we finally have the first official chapter of this story; and a satisfying first chapter in my opinion. Excited for what comes in the future!


I meant to comment earlier but Nina is a 10/10 bratty bitch, I can't get enough of her