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Reduction & Relocation: Lori Warren

Chapter 36 - Errands

[November 21st, 2005]

In the seven or eight weeks since Michael had first found himself wedged into Lori's asscrack, he was ashamed to admit that he had grown somewhat accustomed to the experience—at least to certain aspects of it. The resilience of the human body and mind in adapting to new and unusual circumstances never ceased to amaze him. Most mornings, he would awaken to the sensation of his plush surroundings jiggling and jostling; the warm pillowy cushion came to life around him and he knew Lori was up. Sometimes he’d stir as she woke and he could acclimate to the coming change in the rippling fat around him but more often than not he’d wake to her already having started her day.

The mornings were always the most disorienting. Michael would slowly come to consciousness, his senses overwhelmed by the humid warmth and the musky, sour scent that filled the confined space. The rhythmic motions of Lori's ass fat rolled like waves with every step she took, circling him from side to side. Sometimes, the jostling was punctuated by the abrupt, seismic shifts of Lori bending or twisting, which squeezed him tighter into the yielding flesh that was his world. 

That world was a blend of softness and pressure, the firm yet pliant walls of flesh that enveloped him creating a cocoon-like environment. The texture of Lori’s skin against his own was smooth, but with the occasional roughness of a goosebump or a bead of sweat. The ambient noises of her day—the muffled sounds of her talking, the distant hum of traffic, and the occasional gurgle from her stomach—were all part of the constant background symphony that accompanied his humiliating new existence.

As he lay there, the tactile sensations were impossible to ignore. The gentle swaying of Lori's hips with each step caused a rolling motion that pressed and released him rhythmically. This movement, combined with the rise and fall of her breathing, created an almost hypnotic effect. Sometimes it was enough to lull him into a state that was neither fully awake nor entirely asleep, but only if he could somehow ignore the foul aroma of her nethers long enough.

The time would always eventually come when Lori would sit down, and the pressure would increase significantly, making him acutely aware of every inch of contact. The weight pressing down on him was not painful per se. Michael supposed he could thank Lori’s genetics and lack of willpower in resisting sweets for all that ass fat, so well suited for protecting him from Lori’s immense weight.  But even so, amongst all that plump, peachy cushion, it was still an intense experience to be so deeply and hopelessly embedded in that abyss of ass. 

It had only gotten worse since the Oreo Pie incident.  Lori had suddenly become uncharacteristically motivated to lose weight…and for some reason she made it a point to bury Michael in her crack for every session.  Those times were among the worst in his life, when the warmth and mugginess was so intense that each breath felt like it was drawn through a warm, soaking wet washcloth. 

If her ass got swampy enough, or if the jiggling cheek meat rippled with enough disrespectful violence around his pitiful naked body, Michael would fall unconscious.  It was a gift Michael accepted with eagerness, because if he was lucky enough he might remain asleep until the ordeal of ordeals was over.

Today was different. Today he was hungry.  

And not just hungry…Michael felt as if he was knocking on death’s door.

Such an odd thing, to feel as if your ribs are poking through your back while being surrounded by an egregious abundance of ass fat. Everytime her ample buns jiggled, Michael felt like it was laughing at him–teasing him for how frail he was by comparison.

Anytime he came close to losing consciousness, his hunger-heightened senses screamed ‘Wake up!’  His stomach grumbled, chastising him for a day of no food…as if he had any control over his own life anymore!  As if there was anything he could do about it!  He was trapped in a flesh desert!  

If he’d have known that he’d be as starving as he was now–that Lori would, for whatever ungodly reason, decide not to feed him, he would have handled that day at the dinner table differently.  

His memory flashed back to his free fall, and that big, shapeless mass of Oreo Pie that broke his fall. If Michael could have gone back to that moment, he would have handled it so differently! For starters, he wouldn’t have cared that it was half-chewed and spit from the mouth of that prissy, big-breasted teen.  Had he known of the anguish of hunger he’d be feeling right now, he wouldn’t have just laid there in the oreo slop like an idiot.   He wouldn’t have stared up in awe at the teen…




…as she scraped black crumbs from her tongue with her teeth, and blew them from her thick lips down to the plate.  Between plummeting asteroids of oreo matter splattering against his body and face, he could see her chocolate-caked braces exposed as her lips curled down at him in revile and disgust.  

And the youngest one…the psycho one that looked just like her mother.

…that horrible, horrible laughter…

And worst of all, she was the one that caused all of it!  Had she not snatched him up from Lori’s plate to score a petty win on her bitchy sister, Michael would have gotten all the Oreo Pie he could have handled!  But Michael had to admit that the lack of Oreo Pie was partially his fault as well. He could have had it…albeit in a disgusting form, but he could have had it.

In that dreadful and confusing moment, Michael had deemed himself too good to eat Oreo Pie that had been partially chewed by Isabella.  That, or he was in too much shock from being sandwiched between her tits.  Either way, he missed his opportunity.  And now…what…was he being punished by Lori?  What else could it have been if not a punishment?  She was withholding food and water! They didn’t even do that to murderers on death row!

A full day passed with very little regard for his well being.  Lori was living her life while he accompanied her.  Michael listened to the muffled world outside of Lori’s buns, and he had a pretty good idea of where she was depending on whether she was addressed by her name, as ‘Mom’ or as ‘Ma’am’.  

He kept praying for the moment that her fleshy glutes would part to reveal two fingers looking for him…he’d even settle for a fragment of potato chip or pretzel delivery deep between her buns.  

But none of that happened.  

At first, the hunger was almost a welcome distraction from the accumulating perspiration and odor, a natural consequence of being wedged deep in the crack of a woman who was clearly punishing him.  Now, however, the hunger was getting difficult to harness for his benefit.  It was a wild beast growing outside of his control and it clouded his mind.  It heightened his senses, making him far more alert to smells and sensations…and considering that literally every square millimeter of his nude body was under constant pressure from warm ass cheek fat, he was in a fair amount of pain.  

It had been two full days since his last meal or serving of water, and Michael could feel the pressure around him relenting.  He knew that Lori was getting undressed after another long day.  His heart was racing now.  He knew that she was about to take him out, this was all part of their evening routine.  He hated that he knew it so well…that he was a part of it.  What about his routines?

 He was angry and hungry, a horrible combination. As he felt the fleshy spheres around him gently succumb to the force of her godly fingers, he controlled his emotions.  As angry as he was at Lori, he knew that she was the one who fed him.  

Hopefully she was feeding him now.  

The lights were dimmed.  Lori was at least kind enough to notice the way Michael squinted whenever he was reintroduced to the world’s blinding light, so she’d often dim them before taking him out of his home.  Michael’s eyes adjusted and he scanned frantically.  Lori’s bedroom looked no different than normal.  She was sitting on her made bed and everything was meticulously clean.  Everything except for her, of course. She (and Michael) had just returned from at least an hour in the sauna.

Her hair clung in damp strands to her flushed face and neck, the natural volume flattened by the weight of sweat. Droplets still glistened along her hairline and trickled down, tracing the contours of her cheeks and faint jaw line.

Her workout clothes were plastered to her skin, the fabric darkened several shades by the moisture it had absorbed. Her tank top clung tightly to her torso, accentuating every curve and dip of her body. The saturated cloth stretched taut over her ample bust,and it was the darkest where the sweat had pooled: in her armpits, under her breasts, and near the small of her back where the sweat had dripped into her crack.

He glanced to the bedside nightstand hoping to see some morsels of food, ready to be hand delivered to him, but there was nothing.“Are you going to feed me, Lori?” 

The mother of three frowned and Michael’s heart sank.  

“What did I do?!” Michael wailed, his voice cracking with desperation. He fell to his knees, reaching to the sky as if trying to grasp Lori's forgiveness from thin air. His eyes were wide with panic, darting back and forth, unable to settle on her face for more than a moment. “Why are you doing this to me? It wasn’t my fault! Lori, please, listen to me... I’m so, SO sorry for what happened!”

His words tumbled out in a frantic rush, each sentence more breathless and jumbled than the last. “I’m so sorry I ended up in your daughter’s…between her… I… I didn’t mean it! I swear, it wasn’t my fault! I didn’t want to go there! Please believe me! I didn’t want this! It was an accident, a horrible, horrible accident!”

Michael's hands shook as he gestured wildly, tears brimming in his eyes and spilling down his cheeks. “I would never do something like that on purpose! You have to believe me, Lori!  Please, you have to understand, I didn’t want any of this! It’s all just a big, awful mistake!”

Michael watched Lori’s face soften, but she didn’t say anything.

His voice rose to a fever pitch, the words becoming almost incoherent as he pleaded for her understanding. “I’m begging you, Lori! I’m so sorry! Please, please forgive me! I don’t know what else to say, I don’t know what else to do! Just tell me what I can do to make it right so that I can eat something! Please, I’ll do anything, just don’t be angry with me, please!”

Lori looked to be searching for the right words.  Unlike Michael, she wasn’t as frantic and could take the time to think.  “Sweetheart, I told you before. I understand.  I know it wasn’t your fault.  You had absolutely no control over that situation and I know that.”

“Then why are you starving me?!” Michael asked.

He could see Lori open her mouth and start to speak, but then she stopped and closed her eyes.  She gently enclosed his body in her grasp and began rubbing him softly with her thumb.  After a few moments of silence, she opened her eyes and fixed them on Michael.  Her other hand left his vision and then he heard what sounded like a baby rattler.  When her hand came back into view, she was holding a pill container.  

Why was she showing him a pill container?

“What are those?” Michael asked, breaking the silence. 

“Supplements,” Lori answered.

“For me?”

“No, they’re…well…actually yes…they are for you.” Lori said strangely. 

Were they meant to be some kind of food substitute or something?  The idea seemed strange…far fetched…but no stranger than living in the crack of some overweight, older woman’s ass for god knows what reason.  

Whatever. If they’d make this horrifying feeling of emptiness go away, he’d do anything!

“They’re for you,” Lori repeated. “...but I’m the one that has to take them.  In fact, I’ve already started.”

Michael tilted his head.  “What does that mean?  That doesn’t make sense.  You said they’re for me?”

He watched Lori take another deep breath, a newfound strength flickering in her eyes. Her demeanor exuded a calm yet firm resolve. “Yes, Michael, I am the one taking them, but they’re technically for you. All of this is for you. You understand that, right?”

Lori paused, letting her words hang in the air. And then she continued. “You see, part of this experiment… well, it's not quite… good enough that you just stay in my bottom like you’ve been doing. By the way, you have been doing such a good job with that.  I know that it hasn’t always been easy but I really am so proud of you, and I know that all the doctors at RR Labs are proud of you too. You’re doing so well.”

Michael's gaze drifted down to Lori's bottom, the focal point of his strange new existence. Even now, as she stood still, the sheer size and shape of her curvaceous buttocks were visible from the front, and they were equal parts awe-inspiring and revolting. He hated how well he knew them.

“But anyway… like I said, it's not enough to just keep you in my bottom,” Lori’s brow furrowed as she stumbled through what she was trying to say.  “You see…Dr. Walker…she–wow, this is hard!  How do I put this?  Dr. Walker… she wants you to also… well… survive off of it. Survive off of me… does that make sense, sweetheart?”

Michael hesitated, giving the strange monologue a fair shot at absorption. “Umm….no?  That doesn't make any sense at all.” 

Lori sighed, pinching and rubbing the bridge of her nose.

“Michael, come on…you understand what I’m saying. Are you really going to make me say it?” 

Michael’s eyes widened with worry, his heart pounding in his chest. He could feel the pressure mounting. “I... I don’t understand,” he stammered, his voice tinged with desperation. “Please, Lori, just tell me what you mean.”

Lori’s eyes flashed with irritation as she let out another exasperated sigh. “Michael, it’s not that complicated!” she said, her tone a mix of pleading and frustration. “Do you really need me to spell it out for you? Can’t you just... piece it together?”

She stopped pacing and looked directly at him, her expression hardening. “Think, Michael. This isn’t just about you staying in my bottom. It’s about you... surviving off of it.  Surviving off my bottom. Do you get it now?”

“Lori…you’re going to have to tell me what's going on.  Please just stop these games.  I’m not asking when this godforsaken experiment ends.  I’m not even asking when you’re going to let me go.  Just let me know when you can feed me.”

“I can feed you.“ Lori said, her expression as straight and solemn as it had been from the start.  “I can feed you right now.” 

Michael’s heart skipped a beat and his stomach did a celebratory flip at the prospect of being filled.  This was great news!

“Okay?  Well what are we waiting for?” Michael asked, allowing himself to get excited.  “Let’s do it.”

“Michael…from now on, you’re going to be fed…in a different way.” Lori rattled the pill container in her hand once again.  “These are very special vitamins that Dr. Walker specifically created for you,” Lori began, her voice steady but laced with a hint of discomfort. “Actually, I think they were made by a very nice lady named Dr. Zhang.  She put a lot of effort into creating these, keeping you and the other subjects in mind. They contain all sorts of minerals, nutrients, and other important substances that, honestly, I don’t fully understand. What I do know is that now that I’ve taken the pills, all those important nutrients are inside of me. They’re not meant for my benefit, though—they’re for you.”

Lori paused, picking up a pamphlet covered in dense text and scientific diagrams. “According to this,” she continued, her fingers tracing the lines of the document as if they were instructions on how to build a space shuttle, “you can get those essential nutrients that you need from me in any way that works for us. But since you spend most of your time in my bottom, it kind of makes the most sense for you to get them from there, right?”

Michael’s face was a mask of confusion and growing apprehension. “Lori… what are you saying?”

Lori’s eyes broke from his and returned to the pamphlet, scanning the fine print for the exact wording. “According to this paper, once I take the vitamins, which I have been for a few days now, my perspiration will be…” She found the passage she was looking for and read aloud, “‘fortified with all nutrients necessary for the subject’s continued sustenance.’”

She looked back at Michael, her expression a mix of determination and unease. “So, basically, you’ll get everything you need to survive from… well…that.”

Michael’s mind raced, the weight of her words finally sinking in. The full implication of what she was saying took shape in his troubled mind, bringing with it a new wave of anxiety and dread. He could see the pity in her eyes, but also frustration and discomfort. She wanted him to understand, to grasp the gravity of the situation without her having to articulate every painful detail. 

As realization dawned, Michael felt a cold sweat break out on his forehead. This must have been why she went to the sauna…and worked up that horrifyingly disgusting sweat.  

Did she really think she could just surround me in her sweat? And what?  I’d drink up without a word?! Lap it up like an obedient dog?!

“Your sweat?!  You want me to fucking drink your sweat?!”  Michael squirmed like a fish out of water in her hand, trying to escape her grasp as well as the preposterous proposition.

“Don’t think of it like that, Michael!” Lori said, setting Michael back down. “According to this paper, it won’t even taste bad!  It's going to have everything your little body needs to survive!”

“Lori, this is evil!  This is so far beyond fucked up.  You can’t do this to me!” Michael cried.

“Michael, you have to be brave! This is honestly the best thing for everyone if you really think about it,” Lori began, her voice both firm and reassuring. She shifted her weight slightly, and Michael’s eyes were involuntarily drawn to the monumental curves of her rear. Lori’s bottom was vast, a landscape of soft, rounded flesh; a fatty home that had been forced upon him…and now it was to be his sustenance?

“I was against it in the beginning too,” Lori admitted, “but Dr. Walker explained it to me in a way that made complete sense! Think about the few times I’ve forgotten to feed you. When I was either too busy or it just slipped my mind. That’s not fair to you at all.”She paused, her expression softening as she reflected on her shortcomings. “Dr. Walker said something that really stuck with me. She told me it’s not right for you to be alone and afraid in my rear, not knowing when you’re getting your next meal.” Lori’s eyes glistened with a mixture of guilt and determination as she looked at Michael.

She took a deep breath. “I imagined what it would be like to be in your place, to be hungry and scared between my cheeks. To not know when you’ll eat next. It made me realize how important this is.”

Her hands moved to rest on her hips, accentuating the wide expanse of her backside. “With these vitamins, my body—especially my bottom—can take care of you. My sweat will have all the nutrients you need. You’ll never go hungry again, Michael. You’ll always have what you need, right there, with me…”

Her voice softened, filled with a nurturing warmth. “I want to take care of you, Michael. I want you to feel safe and nourished. This way, I can do that. My body can do that. My bottom can provide for you in a way that ensures you’re never neglected. It’s the best way I can think of to keep you healthy and happy.”

Lori opened the pill container and popped one into her mouth as Michael watched on helplessly.  She took a sip of her water and Michael watched the single mother’s thick throat flex and accept the pill down and into her stomach.  She set the pill container down.

“This way….this way actually puts so much power into your hands.  Don’t you see that?  You’ll never have to worry about when I’m going to take you out and feed you.  You won’t have to rely on me remembering or having time to give you food.  You’ll be able to feed yourself from me..to your little heart’s content!  As much or as little as you want, whenever you want!”

“Its your fucking sweat, Lori!  This is so wrong…this is beyond horrible.  This is inhumane.” Michael ranted, shaking his head miserably. He was in denial.  He was inconsolable. 

“Michael, if you’re getting hung up on the perspiration option, we can explore others.  It can be anything from my body!” Lori said sweetly, her voice filled with reassurance and determination. She shifted slightly, the monumental curves of her heavy buttocks causing him to lose his balance atop her comforter.

“We can try different things until we find what works best for you. I know this is a lot to take in, but we have options. Dr. Walker mentioned several alternatives that could sustain you. For instance, my natural oils. When my skin gets a bit oily, that could be a source of nutrients for you. Maybe that’d be…less bad?”

The look on Michael’s face had Lori going back to the drawing board.

“Then there’s my saliva. It sounds odd, I know, but the paperwork said it's actually full of enzymes and nutrients. We could try that too, maybe mixing it with some other method to ensure you’re getting everything you need.”

“Lori, this is horrible!”

But it was as if a tap had been broken.  Lori had been forced to say the words, and now she was trying to work through the discomfort by presenting every option under the sun to poor MIchael.  

“Oh! And we shouldn't forget about breast milk. It’s incredibly nutritious and designed to provide everything a body needs to grow and thrive. Even though it’s usually for babies, in your situation, I think it might be the most delicious option.”  Her eyes went up to the ceiling as she lost herself in thought. 

“I still have my breast pump in the attic.  Maybe I could induce lactation…I wonder if a 17-year old breast pump goes bad…”

“Lori, no!  I’m not drinking your freaking breast milk!  I’m not drinking your spit! I’m not drinking your sweat! I can’t believe you’d really think I’d be okay with that!”

“Well, another thing Dr. Walker mentioned was something that could be…well…a little more fun: my…umm….vaginal secretions. It’s not something people normally think of as food but…” Lori smirked and her cheeks blushed, “...considering how talented you are down there, it could be a nice little reward.”

“I’m not doing this, Lori.  I’m not.” Michael said firmly. He could feel bitter bile rising in his throat. THe idea of being forced to survive on something so grotesque and humiliating was more than he could bear. “And I’m fucking horrified that you’d mention all those as if they were serious options.  I’m a person! With fucking dignity!”

I’m sorry you see it that way, Michael…but I’ve put a lot of thought into this for a while now, and I’ve made up my mind.  My decision here is final.”

“I am NOT doing this.  I’ll fucking die before I do this.  You can’t make me do this..You can force me between your fat, cellulite ass cheeks but you can’t make me do this.” Michael was in a daze…his instincts were speaking for him..his pride…his masculinity, the little that remained.  

“I can understand why you feel that way, Michael.” Lori said solemnly.  She stood up from her bed, revealing a pair of tight red panties, the tiny triangle barely visible amidst the sea of pale pink, fleshy thighs.  

“I hope you change your mind.  I really do.  Actually….I KNOW you will.  I know you’ll change your mind.  You’re a reasonable person, Michael.  I know you understand there is no way around this.  This is happening.  This is what we’re doing.  You will change your mind…and when you do, just know…” 

Michael whimpered as she slowly traced him around her hips and to the full-coverage of red doing its best to cover her expansive rump.  

“...everything is ready for you.”  Lori finished.  

‘Finished’ was the keyword there.  Michael was still pleading his case but Lori had ended the conversation.  She was now pulling down her red panties and revealing her expansive pale ass.  Its sheer size and horror hadn’t lost its power to terrify and demean poor little Michael.  He felt the heat radiating from her bulbous butt cheeks and the heat was even stronger as she pried the plump cushions apart to reveal the pungent, darkened walls of her inner glutes.  He moved through the air faster than his legs ever could have carried him into the abyss between those chubby spheres of fat and he heard the rustling of her panties going back up.  His world then tilted 90 degrees, ending the conversation and ending the evening. 


Ragaey Mahmoud

A big shift in Lori's actions I liked her discussion with Michael very much Especially when she chose him between her body fluids to drink I'm waiting to see Michael licking her vaginal fluids, =D I have a question ! Did she wear the tight pantis that she bought from Colleen's store or has she not tried yet?


She's not yet gotten the courage to wear them out in public but she's tried them on (along with Michael) in her bedroom!