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Here is the final chapter of prepared content for Mayumi's story. While it may be over for now, you haven't seen the last of Mayumi!

Reduction & Relocation - Mayumi Okamoto

Chapter 27 - Reality


There was barely any more space for them in the crowded elevator, but the captivated Goddess made room best she could for the three women in lab coats floating toward Gloria.

“Where is he?” The beautiful brunette asked.  

As if the three scientists didn’t already know exactly where Jaime was, everyone pointed to Gloria, specifically her left breast.  Gloria responded by crossing her arms over her chest, provoking a whimper and weak struggle of the mousey man under her mammoth mammary. 

The only sound to be heard was the gentle humming of the motor continuing to pull the elevator down, faster even than gravity could.  Gloria and the brunette doctor stared, both women robotically unblinking and unwavering. 

And then…Gloria blinked.

Her throat twitched as she swallowed nervously.  She was losing it.

Gloria uncrossed her arms but still held a palm down over her left breast…as if the metric ton of fat wasn’t enough to sandwich little Jaime. Her expression softened and a foreign weakness played across her face–a vulnerability never before seen.  

“Listen, lady.  I…need him. I need to do this.”

The brunette with thick glasses still hadn’t blinked–still hadn’t smiled.  “You need to do what?”

“My part.  I need to do my part.” Gloria said, eagerness and intensity more present in her voice as she gestured down toward the sweaty breast sandwiching Jaime.

“But don’t you see, Gloria?”  The raven-haired beauty behind the brunette’s shoulder smiled. “You already have.”

Gloria looked at the blonde, who was now grinning ear to ear.  Her eyebrows lifted and lowered rapidly. “Dr. Bexley’s right, you know.  Above and beyond.”

Dr. Bexley?  I know that name…she’s the one with the black hair…

Gloria blinked rapidly…something was happening within her mind.  A relieved sigh escaped her smiling lips and she seemed to relax.  Gloria unzipped her heavy coveralls, revealing her big, sweaty breasts and a cloud of steam. She reached in under her heavy left breast and raised the mountain of flesh.  Jaime gasped, his tiny naked body adhered to the underside of Gloria’s sweat-soaked tit.  

The brunette held out a hand, clad in an aqua blue glove.

Gloria rubbed the tiny boy for a few more moments, savoring her temporary ownership and feeling him indent completely into the pliable cushion of her breast.  She then peeled him off her skin like a wet bandaid. 

"Here you go, Dr. Walker," Gloria said as she gently set the inch-tall Jaime into the center of Dr. Walker's aqua-gloved hand.

Dr. Walker…Dr. Bexley…Brandi…The women from RR Labs…this can’t be happening!

Jaime shivered, the air rushing around him causing the boob sweat on his skin to evaporate and cool him way too much, way too quickly.  His blood had also run cold at the revelation of who these angelic scientists were.

Wolves in sheeps clothing.

His world spun as he was transferred, and now he was trying to take in the surreal reality of Dr. Walker’s palm spreading out so far around him. He’d have been grateful for some body heat from Dr. Walker’s palm but there was a problem:

Dr. Katie Walker was ice fucking cold.

Jaime looked up, his heart pounding as the towering figures of Dr. Katie Walker and Dr. Alexandria Bexley loomed over him.

"Well, isn’t this fascinating," Dr. Walker murmured, her voice resonating like thunder in Jaime’s tiny ears as she poked and prodded at his naked body. Her eyes flickered with interest, but also with a hint of amusement.

Jaime flinched away from the doctors, acutely aware of his nakedness and vulnerability but there was nowhere to hide. Nowhere to run. Every detail of the doctors’ faces seemed magnified to him—the delicate freckles on Dr. Bexley’s cheeks, the subtle lines around Dr. Walker’s eyes. But what drew his gaze most helplessly were their chests. From his minuscule perspective, their breasts seemed like monumental cliffs.

The sheer scale of their bodies as well as their clear intellect and psychopathy overwhelmed him. He felt utterly insignificant, like an insect being studied by giants. His mind raced with humiliation and fear, the realization of his inferiority hammering down on him. He was no longer a man, but a tiny, powerless creature at the mercy of these towering women. But then again, had he only just now lost his status as a man?  Or did it happen long before today?  

Dr. Bexley leaned in closer, her hazel eyes narrowing as she scrutinized Jaime. "I couldn’t agree more, Dr. Walker. Very interesting," she replied, her voice softer but no less powerful. "How long ago was his injection?"

“I’ll give you two guesses.”

Dr. Walker smirked as Dr. Bexley leaned in and whispered into her colleague’s ear.

“Longer than that.”

Brandi was close enough to hear the guess so she ventured another.

Dr. Walker smiled again.  “Longer than that.”

Dr. Bexley’s eyes widened, “Oh, is that right?”

The raven-haired beauty gasped out loud when Dr. Walker whispered the correct answer and Brandi burst into laughter, congratulating Jaime for a job well done.

Just when he thought he couldn’t feel any more exposed, Dr. Walker passed him to Brandi. The young woman’s eager expression sent another wave of dread through Jaime and he felt himself shrinking once more. “Such a tiny little thing…and even still getting smaller!” Brandi mused, her voice a low, teasing purr. Jaime saw the two doctors approach Mayumi.

“I wonder how long you’ll last in your new home.” Her hand closed around him, her fingers forming a cage that trapped Jaime in a new, confining space. The warmth of her skin contrasted sharply with the cold indifference of the gloves and it honestly felt nice, aside from the staggering humiliation.

Jaime was barely 1/32nd of an inch tall now..smaller than a fleck of dust.  If Brandi had so much as breathed too hard on him, he would have been swept away in the current of her wind.  Brandi’s long, thick braided hair swung left and right as she looked around, locking eyes with each of the 8 other Goddesses.  They all seemed to have a silent conversation that Jaime couldn’t hear because all of the sudden, without a sound, the 8 Goddesses all slowly started to form a circle around Brandi.  

The two big-breasted doctors were on the other side of the tightening circle with Mayumi.  He couldn’t hear what they were saying but they looked happy.  Jaime would have loved to know what they were talking about but his view of Mayumi and the doctors was now obstructed, specifically by his stepmother Wendy’s huge breasts.  He watched as Wendy’s large left breast contacted the right breast of Ms. Tierney. Wendy’s was slightly larger, but both seemed to politely deform under the influence of the other as they all squeezed in closer.  So too did Wendy’s right breast compress as Sofia’s left breast pressed up.  

The ring of Goddesses, everyone breast to breast, was so tight now. They were all staring down at him over their incredible busts.  It was a breathtaking sight for Jaime to take in…all their golden faces, glowing with beauty, fascination, and amusement.  His step-sisters smiled down at him, not appearing as the bratty bitches they’d been when he was full sized.  He felt so far beneath them now…and maybe they recognized that too; maybe they understood that he was so insignificant that he wasn’t even worth the negative energy.  

He was nothing to them.  

He was nothing to any of the smiling, silent goddesses.  

Jaime could see the glass disk at the ceiling–the one that indicated the current floor.  It was still spinning.  In fact, it was flipping through floors so rapidly each number was an indiscernible blur…they were descending so quickly.

How long had it been since Mayumi pressed that elevator button–the one labeled “REALITY”? 

The plain walls of the elevator rumbled and shook. Jaime was terrified but the Goddesses didn’t appear worried.  They just continued to stare silently down at him, taking him all in. Pitying him. Molesting him with their curious cat-like eyes.

Jaime’s heart pounded in his chest as he stood on Brandi’s palm, the warmth of her skin seeping into his tiny feet. The world around him was already vast, but now it began to expand at an alarming rate. Brandi’s hand seemed to explode out in all directions, the edges of her palm sprinting away from him as her massive fingers overhead swelled up to three times their original size, then four times, then five times! Every detail of her skin, every tiny crease and line, grew more pronounced, transforming into deep ravines and canyons.

It wasn’t just Brandi’s hand that was expanding—the Goddesses themselves were becoming more and more gigantic. Their faces now loomed absurdly out of reach like celestial bodies. 

Jaime’s shrinking didn’t slow down. If anything, it accelerated. He watched, helpless, as the distance between him and the women grew exponentially. Brandi’s hand now seemed like an entire world. Her fingerprints appeared as large to him now as all the Goddesses did just a few moments ago. The wrinkles on her palm were deep enough to swallow him whole.

His breath came in ragged gasps as he dwindled down, his perspective shifting dramatically with each passing second. The air felt thicker, more oppressive, as if it too was expanding around him…the unique scent of Brandi’s skin was something that a normal sized person might not have even picked up on but to Jaime, it was an overwhelming mixture of sweet and fruity. 

He was 1/500th of an inch tall now, a mere speck in Brandi’s immense hand.

All 18 breasts hung menacingly over his head.  They were all breathing in sync now, colossal mountains of flesh that expanded with each breath they took. The shrinking continued relentlessly. He was 1/750th of an inch tall now, an almost microscopic speck in the center of Brandi’s palm. The Goddesses all had to lean in close to see him, their gigantic faces coming together to form a vast ceiling of curious, scrutinizing eyes. 

“Can you even see him?” Avery asked her sister.  


Each one of their breaths was like a hurricane, the force of the air currents making it hard for him to stay upright.

Cleavage invaded him on all sides…from all directions…deep, dark, warm, sacred tits that seemed to want to gobble him up. He could see the amusement in their eyes, the subtle smiles playing on their lips as they reveled in his humiliation.

The rumbling was getting stronger now, and the walls of the elevator began to fracture and split.

The Goddesses made way for Dr. Bexley and Dr. Walker, who joined them in staring down over their significant breasts at Brandi’s hand.  They glared toward Jaime and began scribbling notes.  They spoke in very technical, scientific terms that Jaime couldn’t possibly hope to understand.  Ms. Tierney occasionally nodded along in fascination to something Dr. Walker had said and even jotted down some notes herself…on the back of Jaime’s failed final exam.  

Dr. Walker looked up from her notes and to the Goddesses. 

“On behalf of RR Laboratories, I want to extend my sincerest gratitude to each and every one of you.” Dr. Walker said. Dr. Bexley rubbed Gloria on the shoulder.  “You’ve done a wonderful job, Gloria.  Each and every one of you have.”

The smile that crept across Gloria’s face was spreading to every other Goddess in the room.  

Jaime looked around miserably, realizing what Dr. Walker and Dr. Bexley said was 100% true.  Fate had taken him by the hand and pulled him here. Each of the towering Goddesses around him looked like ethereal colossi not meant for this world..or perhaps more accurately he wasn’t meant for theirs.  

Avery and Ashley incessantly teased and demeaned him, ruining his confidence with women.  

His stepmother Wendy did just as much damage, perhaps more.  

His first girlfriend Autumn had taken advantage of him and had developed in him this obsession with breasts.  

Chelsea befriended him in school and urged him to adjust his curriculum focus so that they could be together…so he did.  

And that was when Ms. Tierney failed him.  One single point kept him from passing her class.  

One single point kept him from passing the semester. 

One single point destroyed his scholarship.  

One single point eviscerated his hopes for a college degree.  

One single point separated him from Chelsea who moved on with her life and outperformed him in every way possible.  

Gloria the mechanic swindled him out of thousands of dollars and destroyed his car, causing him to have to leave his nice apartment and move into Sofia Blum’s building.  Sofia Blum raised his rent repeatedly and at the most inopportune times, pressuring him to feed more money to her endlessly hungry breasts in any way possible, causing him to reach out to R&R Labs in a desperate attempt for some easy money.  

“Each and every one of you have done your part to get Mr. Pendergraft to us.” Dr. Walker said, inspecting Brandi’s hand for Jaime.  

He was 1/1,000th of an inch tall now, but no longer were the Goddesses leaning in close and squinting to see him.  They gave up actually trying to resolve him with their eyes around the time when the tiny little freckle of a mole on Brandi’s right palm was the size of a football field to little Jaime.

They all stood straight, chests proudly puffed out, staring down in his direction and he could feel in his bones that they could see him…he didn’t understand how but he knew they could.  The walls cracked and crumbled around them, and yet they continued their descent further down.  

“We just need each of you to do one more thing for us.” Dr. Bexley said.

“And one more thing for him…” Brandi chanted, a straight face staring down at Jaime and never leaving. 

The beautiful doctors didn’t tell the Goddesses what was needed from them, but they somehow already knew.  Wendy leaned forward in the tightly crowded ring around Jaime and brought her epic, bare left breast directly over Jaime.  Her face eclipsed the light and Jaime felt as if he were observing a celestial event.  The ring of light glowed like a halo atop her crown.  Her nipple was thousands of times larger than Jaime, and yet it hung unapologetically over top of his cowering body in Brandi’s hand.  The last of the elevator walls crumbled away, revealing an endless visual of spiraling galaxies. The elevator continued its rapid descent, passing a variety of mixed colors–violet, red, blue, and brown in a cosmic masterpiece of shooting stars and swirling black holes.  

His step-mother’s nipple couldn’t have been any more than 2 inches from his body, but to him it was an insurmountable gap…a distance at his scale that others of his size–had they existed–could have spent their entire lives trying to fully understand let alone reach.  Wendy’s fingers curled tight around that nipple, compressing the star-masses worth of tit flesh and a single white droplet slowly started forming at the tip of his Wendy’s nipple.  

Much to the satisfaction of all the women watching, the growing white droplet finally grew too large…it could no longer cling to the blonde beauty, and so it plummeted down into Brandi's palm, completely engulfing poor Jaime.  The thick, white milk was warm, and it was a figurative warmth he’d yearned to receive from her as his stand-in mother…a warmth she’d never given him until now.

At the precise moment when the creamy droplet of breast milk engulfed little Jaime, he instantly  reduced from 1-thousandth of an inch to 4-millionth of an inch.  

 They were spiritual divinity; poetry that could evoke tears.  They expanded the very bounds of his observable universe.  It would have taken years for even his eyes to travel the length of just one of each Goddess’s face.

When he finished his huge shrink, the milk was gone…evaporated into the cosmos around him…no doubt to form a new galaxy far, far away from him.  The Goddesses no longer laughed at Jaime.

They didn’t tease him.  They didn’t mock him.  It was true that they observed silently, but their angelic faces demonstrated such bliss and happiness.  It was the purest thing that Jaime had ever seen in his life.  Wendy leaned away from Jaime and Avery leaned in next.  Her breast was much smaller than Wendy’s but it was galactic to Jaime all the same.  Due to her taking more from her father’s italian side, her nipple was much darker than her mother’s.  Jaime miserably reflected on all the times he’d wondered what Avery’s breasts looked like uncovered. Now he knew as the droplet at the stiff brown nipple’s tip grew from the heavens above him.

Her droplet of milk brought him down to 8-millionth of an inch.  

Ashley brought him to 12-millionth of an inch.  

Gloria brought him to 16-millionth of an inch.  

Jaime tried running from the smiling Goddesses but not in 100 million lifetimes could he even cover the width of Brandi's palm…and so it continued above him.  

Sofia Blum lovingly deposited a droplet of milk atop Jaime’s shouting body, reducing him to 20-millionth of an inch.  

Ms. Tierney’s freckled breast was the closest of all of them, her stiff nipple momentarily rubbing against Brandi's palm and bending under the influence of friction.  She moaned, having just missed little Jaime, and the freckled flesh of her breast spitefully quivered and jiggled, as if it were angry it couldn’t smother the little naked boy.  It felt like a near-death experience for poor Jaime, the colossal, nearly galactic tit compressing and crashing so close to him.  He looked up vulnerably at her toothy grin.  She handled her breast so effortlessly, all that epic flesh so easily manipulated by the freckled goddess.  Her droplet submerged him and he shot down further to 24-millionth of an inch. 

Brilliant, bright blue sparkles sprinkled throughout the black space behind them, accented by swirls of pale pink seeming to celebrate the birth of each new universe, originating from each droplet from each Goddess’s breast.  

Chelsea lowered her droplet of milk over Jaime and brought him down to 28-millionth of an inch.  

His beloved ex-girlfriend Autumn was last, and he watched her godlike face as she squeezed the single droplet from her massive breast, diminishing her squeaking ex-boyfriend down to 32-millionth of an inch.  

Jaime had never felt so insignificant in his life…not until he saw her. Mayumi appeared over Dr. Walker’s shoulder.  

Like the other Goddesses, she too was completely naked, but she stood dozens of feet taller than she’d been before.  Dr. Walker and the other women only came up to her knees.  Brandi carefully set the microscopic Jaime onto the ground right next to Dr. Walker’s left ballet flat.  The scuffed, dusty edge of the brilliant young doctor’s footwear was so large it could very easily have been all he’d ever known.  Jaime could have been born, lived his entire life, and died never knowing anything existed outside of it.  The same could be said about Mayumi’s flip-flop, her wiggling toes so high up they may as well have been ancient mythology.  The only two girls who were barefoot were the ones still in their bikinis: his step-sisters, Avery and Ashley.  Jaime stared in awe at the unique design of the bratty girls’ toe prints.  They were not unlike a spiraling galaxy, and at this size, Jaime could almost feel his body being gravitationally attracted to the spirals embedded in Avery and Ashley’s toes.  Had he contacted the underside of either of those toes, he feared he would be destined to live the rest of his life immersed in the toe print.  What a way for things to end: becoming nothing more than dirt on the bottom of one of his step-sister’s feet, rubbed furiously into the soles of her flip flops or shoes, brought to the brink of drowning when she showered.  And they would have loved it of course…until they got tired of it and never spoke to him again.

Fortunately for Jaime, neither of his stepsisters tried stepping on him.  The three scientists and eight Goddesses stepped back, leaving Jaime all alone on the floor as a massive, naked Mayumi approached him.  Jaime crumpled to his knees and began praying to the Japanese beauty like the true god that she was now.  

He watched with tears in her eyes as she manipulated galaxies around her fingers, and her bulging, galactic, breasts quaked, sending ripples and tears throughout spacetime, causing Jaime to question the flow of time itself.  He trembled before her, the halo’d goddess lording over him.  Mayumi squatted down, her breasts swaying as she positioned herself on her knees.  Her crotch was overhead, albeit millions of miles away from him, but he could feel the heat of her sex as if it were sunshine…and the smell was strong enough to shut his higher-order brain down. She adjusted her position back and started laying forward, careful to align her hanging breasts with his body.  

Suddenly, Jaime felt several earthquakes and saw several huge bare feet circle him.  The eight goddesses had taken position around Jaime once more, but now their focus was on the goddess above them.  They were all struggling to support the growing weight of Mayumi’s left breast as she continued leaning forward.  They were holding it, wielding it, directing it…toward Jaime.  Jaime was mesmerized, watching the supple, dense flesh of the Japanese Goddess’s tit swallow up the hands of his step-family, his landlady, his mechanic, his ex, his teacher, and his almost-life partner.  The pink nipple was lining perfectly with Jaime’s position on the floor. Calling it an approaching asteroid wouldn’t even come close to describing it.  The nipple alone appeared as if it were billions of galaxies all purposefully approaching to swallow a sad, lonely planet.  

The nipple was over his body now, and he cried miserably as the Goddess did a few more minor adjustments, pulling and massaging the massive breast just so…aligning the huge, erect pink nipple just right…and then it was quiet.  

Mayumi sighed, and the Goddesses gasped.  Instead of ejecting a droplet of milk as the other Goddesses had done, particles of air started moving slowly toward her nipple. The pressure was minor at first, but it didn’t take much of an increase for Jaime to go airborne.  He floated up through the air as if it were a galactic spaceship pulling him in with its tractor beam.  He eyed each of the goddesses one last time, miserably reflecting on their influence over his life.  Their actions, deliberate or not, drove him to this point in his life.  Drove him to complete submission to Dr. Walker, Dr. Bexley and Brandi…complete submersion in the Japanese beauty’s huge left breast.  

The steady downward pull of gravity ceased, and it was at that moment the elevator arrived at its predetermined destination; just as Jaime crossed the plane of the celestial nipple and entered Mayumi’s breast. 


Jaime’s concentration on his perverted hallucination was suddenly broken. After so much time, he could fully comprehend and understand what was happening inside and even outside of Mayumi’s massive tits. They bounced and jiggled frenetically.  He might have thought she was running to catch a bus or dancing for one of her videos until he heard a deep, masculine moaning.  She was getting fucked…of course she was.  It was a different moan than the one he’d heard earlier…how long ago even was that?  The moaning was getting more urgent and even Mayumi started moaning.  Jaime hoped SHE was the one getting fucked instead of her tits. 


He could tell the moment the deep, masculine moaning crescendoed and his surroundings became uncomfortably and humiliatingly warm.  The lucky, full-sized man fucking Mayumi’s big, jiggly tits had shot his load in the Japanese porn star’s cleavage and now she was rubbing it all over her cleavage and breasts as if it were an expensive, coveted lotion. Jaime couldn’t see any of this, of course, but he’d been through enough tit-fuckings now to know exactly what was happening.  

Jaime could barely see anything. There was no light, except for trace amounts that permeated the skin of her large breast. There was no Emma Watson to love and take care of him.  There were no rose-pink fat cells.  There was no elevator. There was no break, even for a moment, from the relentless pressure of these fucking huge, orbicular, translucent fat cells that seemed to love him so much.  

There were no goddesses. 

Sure, they still existed as women. 

Ms. Tierney was probably still teaching Chemistry while wearing those revealing blouses.  

Gloria was probably still scamming poor, awkward boys at Lady Luck Auto Repair.  

His big-booty step-sisters and big-breasted step-mother were probably still bitches, sucking away at his father’s estate.  

They were all still out there, but the fact that they might not have been actual goddesses didn’t quite matter. In fact, it would actually be more humiliating if they were just ordinary women.  For each one of them was so much more powerful than him, the implication then would be that EVERYONE was more powerful than him.  You’d think this might have been a no-brainer to him considering his arms were literally pinned to his sides right now by just a few of the fat cells in Mayumi’s left breast, but it  wasn’t.  

Not until right now did he truly realize the true insignificance at his core.  Secondly, whether they were goddesses or not, they DID do this to him. Some gently nudged and some abruptly shoved, but each one of these women left their mark on him, shaping him like wet clay into the man he grew into (or more appropriately shrunk into) and then whatever in god’s name he was now.

The Goddesses were gone, but he could still feel them smiling.  He could still feel their playful and not-so-playful taunts.  He could still feel Mayumi holding him…she protected him but also made him face all of the humiliation. He could still sense each of the new galaxies birthed from the women’s huge, life-giving breasts.  He felt connected to them.  He wanted to believe it was real, this is what he told himself anyway.  But really, would those supposed hallucinations have been any worse than reality?  Life was a blur for Jaime and the passage of time was impossible to track.  Maybe her breasts really were just so big, like in his hallucinations, they could bend space-time.  

The most miserable moment of Jaime’s life had happened an unclear amount of time later.  Mayumi was home in Japan with her family.  Jaime had put two and two together when he’d heard the background noise of the airport and the exceptionally long amount of time that passed where the huge tit he called home wasn’t bouncing around like crazy or getting fucked and soaked in hot cum.  He could recognize the muffled voices of her family, all speaking a language he did not understand as they sat down at dinner.  It was a busy trip, he could tell.  

Amidst the long strings of syllables outside his lingual understanding, he could pick out individual English words here and there.  Mayumi was the best English speaker there, but they all tried here and there. There was discussion of Kentucky Fried Chicken and strawberry shortcake, apparently it was very important for some strange reason.  They’d also planned to attend a parade the next morning.  Now, over dinner, he heard muffled music. It was Christmas music.  

He recognized the song immediately.  It was “Santa, Baby”.  

Jaime was taken back to his youth…years before his terrible, emasculating time with Wendy and her dreadful daughters…years before his father’s disappearance…years before his mother’s failed battle with cancer.  It was the best memory he’d had in what felt like years.  He was in the backseat of his father’s car. He was driving, as he always was, and Jaime’s mother was in the front passenger seat.  Jaime’s eyes danced over the vibrant red, blue, green, and white Christmas lights outside.  Every house participated, and Jaime couldn’t get enough of the bright lights. While he admired the show, his loving parents sang along to the radio.  The couple in love were singing along to “Santa, Baby” and Jaime saw his father’s hand lovingly rub his mother’s knee. It made him so happy to see his parents show affection for each other, and Jaime knew that he was the only thing they loved more than each other.

It was a great memory, and it was too bad that years later, a drunk Wendy would recite the very song at a Christmas party..complete with eye-pulling cleavage. Wendy was nowhere near as beautiful as Jaime’s dear mother, and her words slurred and clumped at her lips like wet concrete. It was funny how that one evening had changed what that song meant to him, practically overwriting that sweet memory in the backseat of his parents’ car.  

He’d give anything to have either of those realities back, because as Mayumi sang along to “Santa, Baby”...the heavy, swollen breast he called home jiggling as she laughed and ate, Jaime knew this would be how he’d remember this song forever. This huge-breasted Japanese teenager had overwritten one of his most treasured memories of his mother, but she also overwrote the following memory of his stepmother.

It was then, and the very first time in a very long time, that Jaime realized just how long he’d actually been trapped in Mayumi Okanoto’s huge, left O-cup breast. He had been injected into her tit in June….or was it July?  He was having trouble remembering now…and the doctors told him it would only be for a month.  He’d be in Mayumi’s massive, fat left tit for just a month.  That’s what they told him.  That’s what Dr. Walker told him.  

That was the dream, anyway. The reality was far more grim.  

Mayumi was in Japan with her family, and they were celebrating Christmas.  It was December.  He’d been living in and off the unknowing Japanese teenager’s tit for nearly 6 months now.  This was it.  Nobody was coming for him. Nobody cared about him.  At least in his dreams, Mayumi cradled him and cared for him; she patted him on his head and hugged his face into her nurturing, motherly breasts.  She held him and cared for him and protected him as if he were her vulnerable child and she introduced him to new, terrifying, embarrassing things…sure, but she clearly thought it was best and she cared enough to put him through it.

That was the dream, anyway. The reality was far more grim.  

Mayumi was just some big-breasted sex-worker who had seen Jaime a single time in the RR Lab waiting room and probably never even thought about him again after that.  She went on living her life without thinking about him or worrying about him or caring about him. She worked at her bakery, visited friends and traveled home on occasion, and got properly fucked for money all while having no idea that Jaime was along for all of it.  

He was no longer living his life.  He could only spectate Mayumi’s life.  The tiny boy surrounded by millions of giant, round fatty breast tissue fat cells cried as Mayumi and her family jovially sang to the Christmas music and exchanged presents. 



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