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Reduction & Relocation - Mayumi Okamoto

Chapter 24 - Tricked and Teased


The surge of ravenous hunger flooded through Jaime's body, screaming to anything that would listen. It was a relentless force that gnawed at his psyche with merciless intensity. In its grip, all semblance of reason and restraint dissolved, leaving only an insatiable emptiness that begged to be filled. His higher level thoughts took a backseat to the primal need pulsating within his stomach.

“May I?” the sympathetic voice behind Jaime rang with a disarming sweetness.  It sounded familiar–and yet so out of place.  

What did she mean by “may I’?

Jaime's senses were overwhelmed by the intoxicating scent of Mayumi's skin, his face buried so deep in the velvety warmth of her cleavage that even his ears were concealed in the plush embrace of her breasts. Lost in the heady haze of their intimacy, he didn’t register whether or not Mayumi responded to the other woman.

He did, however, hear the sound of fabric sliding against skin behind and above him.  Then, he felt Mayumi palming his head, and cold air greeted his warmed cheeks as she removed his face from her breasts–but only enough to spin him 180 degrees.  Mayumi was leaning back against the elevator wall now, sitting with her legs crossed, her back straight, and her large arm draped protectively and securely over Jaime as he laid against her body like it were a vertical mattress.  His back conformed to her soft, flat stomach and each of her hefty, swollen breasts laid largely on either side of his comparatively small head, acting as blinders that completely obstructed his peripheral vision.  But oh, he could still feel the warmth emanating from them on either side of his face. Despite having been turned to face the mysterious woman who had entered the elevator to join them, Jaime couldn’t see her.  The owner of the sympathetic voice was still a mystery due to Mayumi’s enormous hand covering most of his face. 

She finally removed her hand, and he was greeted by two fleshy, sun-starved orbs only inches from his face–so close that there was quite literally nothing else he could have gazed upon. Mayumi’s huge breasts served as a soft vice holding his head firm in place, and was he truly now gazing at yet another pair?!

They were so large and perfectly round he couldn’t even see the owner, or anything else for that matter.  His nose was the first part of his face to contact the plush cushion of the right globe and then he heard the sympathetic voice speak.  Mayumi spoke too.  They both encouraged Jaime to suck.  

Try as he might to understand his surroundings and the situation he was in, Jaime couldn't even turn his head due to Mayumi’s pillowy tits on either side of his face. He didn’t have much of a choice as this third boob moved closer and covered his face.  Jaime’s quivering lips hesitantly parted, and he submitted to Mayumi…and the owner of the sympathetic voice.

He opened up, expecting a stiff nipple to immediately pass his lips…but only soft, supple flesh filled his open mouth.  Jaime had to use his tongue to search the mouthful of flesh for a nipple but found none.  Jaime decided then, since the owner of the sympathetic voice was not relenting in her pressure on his face, that he would force the flesh back using his tongue.  As if being forced to breastfeed from this strange woman while being restrained by Mayumi wasn’t humiliating enough, he was expected to put in all the work to find the nipple.  

Jaime began mouthing around, searching the yielding flesh, faintly flavored with salt.  His lips touched everywhere that he expected the nipple might be but it was nowhere to be found.  The owner of the sympathetic voice must have taken pity on how fruitless his search had been because she started to move her breasts. 

His entire face slid against the supple skin as he broadened his search, but it was a difficult challenge considering the breast was much larger than his head…and now he literally couldn’t see anything due to the way the sumptuous, pale-peach cushion conformed around his face. He moved his nose and mouth in larger circles, his nose and lips occasionally rubbing briefly against the soft, velvety material of either her shirt or bra. At one point, his face plunged directly between the breasts and he got a facefull of that velvety, damp material.  The owner of the sympathetic voice giggled, pressing her breasts further into him and plunging his nose deeper into her soft canyon.  It felt different from Mayumi’s cleavage.  Not quite as deep…and a bit more firm.  So strange.  

Jaime struggled ineffectually and in the end, he needed her assistance in escaping the deep cleavage. And she took her sweet time in helping him.

Jaime’s face was now buried in the left breast, and despite his mouth and tongue’s best searching efforts, he had no better luck in finding the nipple.  He whimpered pathetically, trying to announce to the women that he’d accepted defeat but they encouraged him to keep trying.  Occasionally, the plush cushion would contort and deform against his face in such a way that he could see out one eye, though all he could perceive was the flesh in his face with the occasional glimpse of her white and blue polka-dotted top.  In some areas it was quite pale but it was mostly tan. At one point he identified a tan line.

“It's okay.  Just suck.” The owner of the sympathetic voice sounded less sympathetic now. 

It was more an intriguing combination of impatience and amusement…and something about that combination made the voice sound much more familiar.

Jaime opened his mouth wide and allowed as much of the pliable, soft flesh to fill his mouth as possible. He began applying sucking pressure, hoping the nipple was somewhere within his lips and he just didn’t realize yet.  He hoped his stomach would stop screaming but it didn’t subside.  He rubbed his tongue along the flesh that filled his mouth and sucked harder, hoping to be rewarded.  But he wasn’t rewarded with milk. Instead, he could taste only the natural salt of the woman’s skin…and a bitter, synthetic taste.  He didn’t recognize the taste on his tongue, but as it smeared from the curvy flesh onto his face, he recognized the scent immediately.  It was suntan oil.  

Jaime could barely breathe as his nose, eyes, and basically his entire face was pressed so firmly into the huge breast.  Something wasn’t adding up here. The back of his head remained firmly held in place by Mayumi, and he could feel her heartbeat.  

He felt the strong vibration of Mayumi’s chest as she spoke words of encouragement, “You can find it; I know you can.” The owner of the sympathetic voice teasingly forced his nose back between her breasts, where the bitter and earth taste was the strongest and most unpleasant…and then she gently shook, motorboating little Jaime between not only her two breasts…but Mayumi’s two breasts as well. 

He would suckle for a few seconds and then he’d have to wiggle his nose against the plush, pillowy flesh in one direction, and force the flesh that filled his mouth away in the other direction with his tongue. Only then, was he able to steal a quick gasp of air, and then it was right back to sucking.  He tried stopping a few times, trying to push the pale flesh out of his mouth but the all-encompassing breast in his face remained firmly over his face. While the back of his head pressed into the larger breasts under his head, Mayumi hummed gently.


The elevator beeped and stopped once more.  He opened his eyes but still couldn’t see anything due to the expansive and all-encompassing tit obstructing his view.  He heard two sets of large, heavy footsteps and felt the elevator shake slightly as it accepted their weight. The elevator doors closed and resumed its trip down toward REALITY.

Jaime didn’t have the luxury of stopping to acknowledge the entrance of not one, but two more people into the elevator.  He continued to suckle even as the elevator filled with mischievous and mean-spirited giggling. 

“Oh my god, SHUT UP! You actually got him to do it?!” 

Who said that?  

Jaime’s alarm bells were ringing in his ears louder than a rock concert.  He knew the answer to his question before he even asked himself. The laughter was even louder now, roaring uncontrollably ahead of him. The owner of the sympathetic voice joined in too, causing waves in the flesh that surrounded his face.

Jaime’s hands rushed up to the sides of his cheeks, gliding along the huge, doughy masses of flesh and then sinking into them as he tried pushing the heavy tit off his face. He somehow forced the collection of wet flesh he’d been suckling out of his mouth and then managed to angle his head down and away from the huge breast.  He could finally see more than just the owner of the sympathetic voice’s breasts.  He looked down and what Jaime saw confused him.  South of the breasts he’d just been sucking, Jaime expected to see the woman’s stomach. 

Instead, he saw thick, smooth thighs..trailing down like olive-tan tree trunks. Each one terminated beach jewelry anklets and two flip-flop clad feet.  The toes were painted hot pink and what was even more strange…they weren’t facing Jaime’s direction.  They faced away from him.

“Awwwww! You blew it!” the owner of the sympathetic voice continued to giggle, her voice now more familiar than ever. She stood back up to full height, freeing Jaime from the oppressive pressure of her supple skin and she towered over poor Jaime. For the first time, Jaime was finally permitted to lay his eyes upon her…and he wished so much that he hadn’t.

“I was just about to take my bottoms off!” she giggled as Jaime, still held firmly in place against Mayumi’s soft but imprisoning body, stared up in abject horror. How could this be?  How did they get here?

No way this was happening.  No way this was happening.

“Sorry, Vee-Vee.” One of the women giggled. Jaime knew who it was without even looking at them, his eyes remaining affixed to the bountiful mass of flesh he’d just been sucking on.

“It’s okay. The half-squat was starting to burn!”

Jaime was still catching his breath as he stared up at his step sisters Ashley and Avery.  Clad in their swimwear, they were breathtaking to behold.  They looked like angels…Goddesses before him with golden auras of light behind their heads. His stepmother Wendy was there too, and all those familiar feelings he’d pushed down deep inside of himself came exploding back to the surface.

Ashley placed her hands on her knees and bent at the waist, lowering herself to Jaime still cradled firmly in Mayumi’s arms, “Are you all full now after nursing from my sister?”

“He sure is!” Avery sang mockingly. It was her.  The owner of the sympathetic voice.  It had been Avery all along. And to make matters worse, it wasn’t her breast he had been trying to nurse from.

“Look how soaked my butt is now!” Avery exclaimed through incessant and ear-piercing laughter as she twirled, presenting her massive posterior to her mother and sister.  The surface of her voluptuous round butt cheeks shimmered with Jaime’s saliva.  Her white and blue polka-dotted swimsuit bottom had become haphazardly bunched up in the center, partially due to the small garment’s struggle to contain so much booty…but it was mostly due to Jaime’s face being plunged into her crack. Even the lining of her bathing suit bottom, creating diagonal indents along the overflowing butt cheek flesh, carried the dampness of Jaime’s aimless and unproductive suckling. 

The mischievous teenager’s fingers scooped into the deep, dark crease where her thighs and cheeks met.  and several times she bounced her plump buns.

Ashley’s demeanor was downright malicious. She was literally hunching over, hands clutching her bare stomach as she bellowed in unrestrained laughter. With cruel delight, she pointed back and forth between her younger sister’s huge butt and Jaime who was squirming uncomfortably and red-faced in Mayumi’s lap. She gasped for air between fits of giggles, tears forming in her bright brown eyes. Conversely, Jaime’s stepmother wore a long frown and strong expression of disappointment and disgust, all of it directed at Jaime.  As if she were a magician pulling a rabbit from a hat, Wendy revealed Jaime’s baby-blue beach towel. 

The towel was old and raggedy, aged and threadbare; and yet he’d never thrown it away.  It was one of the last things his father had given him.  

With a curt smile, Wendy handed the towel to Avery.  “Thanks, Mom.  Having his face all over my butt was funny but the wetness is kinda gross.” 

The bratty teenager’s ample derrière sparkled with the mark of Jaime’s frantic suckling and each tantalizing stroke of the towel sent ripples of motion cascading through the soft mounds of her rear. The friction from the towel’s roughness imparted faint, temporary abrasions all along the twin curvature, which showed Jaime just how hard Avery was pressing his towel into her juicy booty. 

The towel's fibers glided over the supple expanse of her plump, jiggling butt cheeks, tracing with growing pressure over the contours of her rounded globes and dutifully absorbing the saliva and sweat. Avery's abundant backside quivered with each firm stroke of the towel, and she was watching him now–watching him watch her.  She could see the effect this was having on Jaime.

With an obnoxious grin playing on her lips, Avery tugged at the waistband of her bathing suit bottom, pulling it away from her lower back. Jaime watched in stunned silence, breath trapped in his throat, as Avery plunged half of his baby-blue towel into her bikini bottom, wiping her bare ass to make doubly sure that every square millimeter between her big, bubbly butt cheeks was perfectly dry. The overworked towel completed its job, eager to escape the confines of Avery’s dry cheeks and crack.  Avery smirked wickedly as she politely handed the baby-blue towel to Mayumi.  “His turn.”

Jaime’s heart sank.

“Thank you, Avery.” Mayumi smiled with a sincere, almost innocent charm. “That’s so sweet of you to offer.”

No way this was going to happen.  Mayumi wasn’t going to dry him off with that towel..was she?!

Avery couldn’t have looked more proud of herself.  “I know, right?”

“Aren’t you going to thank Miss Avery?”

Avery’s mischievous face lightened up at the suggestion and Jaime’s face turned beet red. The silence was deafening and Mayumi put an end to it with a gentle squeeze of her fingers against Jaime’s chest.

“You need to thank her.” Mayumi’s uncompromising, strict tone rivaled even that of his evil stepmother. “Right now, Jaime. Say ‘thank you, Miss Avery.’”

Jaime felt his cheeks flush with embarrassment as Mayumi's words hung heavily in the air. The mere suggestion of expressing gratitude to Avery, of all people, was like a killing punch to his pride. He could practically feel Avery's radiating smugness, her mischievous grin widening at the prospect of not only being thanked, but publicly promoted to ‘Miss’.

The weight of Mayumi’s oppressively heavy breasts on Jaime’s shoulders reminded him of just how much bigger she was than him–how in control she was.  And her stern insistence only added to Jaime's discomfort. It was bad enough that he was about to endure having his face rubbed down with the same towel that had just polished his bratty step-sister’s ass, but now he was being compelled to thank her, further solidifying Avery’s superiority over him.

"Thank you, Miss Avery.”

The words felt like bitter ash on his tongue…but of course that could have just been rogue grains of beach sand lingering on Jaime’s tongue after he’d sucked them off of Avery’s glutes. Those infuriatingly smug expressions on those infuriatingly adorable, bratty faces…he knew them all too well. The bout of delighted, disrespectful squeals of laughter that followed from both Avery and Ashley caused Jaime to cringe so hard he feared he might turn inside out. 

Mayumi lowered the towel, damp from its extensive tour over Avery’s backside, down toward his face.  For as much saliva as he’d donated to her curvy butt cheeks, his face had been plastered with tanning lotion, sweat, and some sparsely scattered grains of sand.  

“Hold still, Jaime.” Mayumi insisted. “Your little face is nearly as shiny as Miss Avery’s bottom was.”  Jaime winced and whimpered, weakly protesting in Mayumi’s arms when he noticed both of his step-sisters grinning ear to ear, immortalizing Jaime’s entire ordeal on their smartphones.  But all it took was a simple squeezing of the Japanese goddess’s elbows together to squash his laughable rebellion.  

Her epic tits had nowhere to go but in and around Jaime’s upturned face, like the softest, warmest, and most dominating vice known to man.  Jaime gave up struggling as Mayumi pressed the wet towel to his face, giving him a second round of exposure to the scent and taste of his step-sister’s ass. At least Avery and Ashely had stopped recording on their phones, but only because they’d both literally toppled over onto the elevator floor in an uncontrollable fit of giggles.

“Oh, Jaime…”

Jaime winced inwardly at the scorn dripping from Wendy's tone, a disdain that seemed to ooze from every pore of her being. It wasn't just her words that stung; it was the way her upper lip curled in disgust.  She’d made the same face the first time she caught him masturbating. Her arms crossed over her ample chest, accentuating her curves as well as her strong disapproval of Jaime.

The swell of Wendy's bosom, pushed together by the force of her crossed arms, was practically hypnotic, drawing Jaime's gaze despite his best efforts to maintain eye contact. 

And oh, how Wendy knew it. There was a hint of smugness hiding in that surge of disappointment, a sense of satisfaction in her ability to elicit such a reaction from him. Her eyes gleamed with amusement, a silent acknowledgment of the power she held over him in this moment of vulnerability. Wendy’s body was a weapon, wielded effortlessly to further emphasize her superiority over him.

“...I knew you had nothing going for you.  I knew you were going nowhere…I knew you had problems…but just look at you.  Look at what you’ve become.” Wendy’s words cut through the air like a serrated blade.  “You should be so ashamed.” 

Mayumi was still sitting on the ground, holding little Jaime in her lap and while her gentle embrace offered some semblance of solace, it wasn’t enough. He was utterly defenseless to his stepmother’s judgment and simply couldn’t face it for another second.  Jaime turned away from his horrible, cold, big-breasted step mother and buried his face into Mayumi’s inviting chest, but he felt Mayumi’s fingers quickly respond by curling around his slender torso.  She removed his face from her cleavage and shushed him quietly, turning him back around and gently squeezing his back against her chest. Once again, they compressed on the sides of his head and the tops of his shoulders so that he had no choice but to look up at his sneering stepmother.  

“You have to face this, Jaime.” Mayumi whispered in his ears, patting his naked chest.

Wendy continued, “but look at you.  Look what you’ve become.  Look what we all just caught you doing: sucking on your step-sister’s bottom.  Is that why you kept your bedroom door locked?  Were you fantasizing about that all along?  Absolutely disgusting.”  

Jaime’s words caught in his dry throat and his eyes began to well up.  

“And now you’re about to cry.” Wendy smirked.  “Typical.  And look at the way you’re burdening this nice young lady here…”

“I don’t mind it, ma’am.” Mayumi said, petting Jaime with a hand that easily covered his entire chest and part of his stomach, “They’re paying me very well.”

When Wendy switched her gaze from Jaime to Mayumi, her expression softened.  The evil stepmother metamorphosed into a friendly, kind-looking woman.  “That’s very sweet of you, dear.  I hope you know he doesn’t deserve it.”

“Yes, I know.” Mayumi’s voice vibrated against Jaime’s back and neck.

“You’re just laying there on her lap, naked and pathetic.” Ashley taunted, joining her mother’s side.  

“And look at that tiny little thing!” Avery said from her mother’s other side, pointing and laughing at Jaime’s bare crotch. “It’s so small, I legit didn’t even notice it earlier!”

“Oh my god, same!” Ashley laughed. “Is it actually hard right now?”

His cock was shamefully and painfully stiff in the presence of these titanic, judgemental women and it must have looked so ridiculous to them, pointing nearly straight up from his waist as Mayumi held him firmly on display.

Even Wendy couldn’t help but laugh as the three women stared down at it.  Down at him.  So far down at him.  

Jaime’s cheeks burned crimson with embarrassment as he instinctively moved to cover his exposed penis, seeking to shield it and himself from further ridicule and humiliation.  But to his dismay, Mayumi was not okay with this. With a firm yet gentle grip, Mayumi seized Jaime’s hands, prying them away from his vulnerable crotch with a commanding authority that left no room for argument.  “No, Jaime.” Mayumi’s voice was soft but firm, her touch reassuring but domineering as she denied him this sliver of modesty. She slid Jaime’s hands in under his own bottom as the tears began to flow from his cheeks.

“He really is thirsty though, Mom.  I could tell by the way he was sucking on my butt cheeks.” Avery said matter-of-factly. She reveled in her superiority as she displayed her huge, jiggling ass pulsing violently with each bounce on her heels. “And aside from some sand, sweat, and tanning lotion, I don’t think they fed him all that much.”

Wendy rolled her eyes. Not at her precious princess of a daughter, of course.  At Jaime.  

She pulled away the tightly stretched material of her blouse to expose the stiff pink nipple on her right breast.  He’d only ever seen Wendy’s nipples once when as a teenager, he’d walked in as she was exiting the shower.  It was the image posted to his brain during his very first orgasm–the one that she’d walked in on and interrupted…and then chastised and shamed him for.

The image was burned in his mind from then on and he returned to it often over the years…they didn’t look so sexy anymore;  now, they looked terrifying.

Jaime watched in horrified fascination, much to the thinly-veiled amusement of Avery and Ashley, as his stepmother allowed two droplets of breast milk to drop from her nipple and onto her fingertip. She bent at the waist, her freed breast colliding with the confined one and extended the wet finger to Jaime’s face.  

“Open up for Miss Wendy, Jaime.” Mayumi encouraged.  “Remember how hungry you are.”

It all came screaming back to Jaime.  The overwhelming humiliation and emasculation had at least forced the painful hunger from his mind, but with Mayumi’s innocent reminder, his appetite came screaming back. The desire for food was stronger than any interest of self preservation or self respect.

Jaime eagerly opened his mouth and closed his lips around Wendy’s finger.  He felt her ruby-red, press-on nail scrape the roof of his mouth as his tongue curled around her digit, pulling the sugary sweet cream from her fingerprint.  

His stepsisters exploded into laughter again, snapping pictures with their phone and Wendy shook her head in disappointment.  Jaime was disappointed in himself too, far more than any of them could be…but he was so very hungry.  He sucked on her finger like his life depended on it, feeling more blood rushing to his small cock, and his step-mother’s long finger made a loud popping sound as she pulled it from his pursed lips.  

“Let’s stand up now.” Mayumi suggested, although it was more of an order as she started to rise and nudged him to his feet.  Her voice had only been slightly higher than his head before, but now as they both stood, she continued to soar into the heavens, joining the three other angels and leaving him on the ground.  He was even smaller now, only coming up to Mayumi’s waist.

Jaime felt butterflies in his stomach.  

The elevator was stopping. He watched the dial slow to a stop and the elevator beeped quietly as the doors opened.




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