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Reduction & Relocation: Lori Warren

Chapter 32 - Cheeky Chic

[November 19th, 2005]

The floral, aromatic fragrance that had tickled her nostrils from the mall recliners washed over Lori as she crossed the threshold into the Cheeky Chic store. The soft, soothing voice of a woman accompanying trendy ukulele guitar played through overhead speakers as Lori gazed at the displays.  The youthful radiance of the clientele, all eyeing up flashy rows upon rows of shelved cosmetics with much flashier displays than she was used to seeing at her normal department store.  

“Hey there!”

Lori heard the jingling of a light chain accompanying the chipper voice behind her.  Silly enough, her first impulse was that it must have been mall police.  No way a woman Lori’s age would be shopping at a store like this.

She must have looked so suspicious. Of course it was the mall police.  And that jingling was a set of handcuffs about to link around her wrists.  She’d be escorted from the store while all the young women stared. 

It was an exceedingly silly thought, in retrospect.  It didn’t take long at all for Lori to deduce that the owner of that peppy voice wasn’t the mall police.  

Lori’s eyes were immediately pulled down to the soft jingling of a chain that decorated the woman’s hips, running from one hip across her waist to the other–it was a long chain.  Clipped onto one of the small links dangled a pink name tag with a photo of the woman and handwriting even bubblier than the brand’s trademark font.

“Welcome to Cheeky Chic!” 

Dark lashes fluttered with a near-flirtatious blink of her almond-shaped eyes. The cat-eye makeup accentuated their natural shape, with winged eyeliner extending gracefully outward. Thick, playful eyebrows arched over her curious and optimistic stare. Dimples embedded deep into her delightfully chubby cheeks as her thick, glossy pink lips pulled back into a cheerful smile. Her nose was petite and button-like, adding to the adorable charm of her features while the silver loop that pierced her nostril granted an intriguing toughness to her aura.  She was so peppy and cute that Lori was sure pressing that button nose would make her squeak like a toy 

She tapped a sparkling silver fingertip twice atop her nametag. “I’m Colleen. Is there anything specific you’re looking for today?”

Colleen’s outfit cradled her sumptuous curves in a manner far too adventurous for Lori to even entertain.  If one of her daughters had left the house dressed like Colleen, Lori would have grounded them…no questions asked. Still, Lori was more than happy to give the makeup saleswoman credit for how great it looked on her but this was a girl that probably would have looked good in anything. Blue-and-white polka dots of a mostly concealed push-up bra peeked through the plunging neckline of her form-fitting button-up top.  Her modest breasts resembled two ripe peaches nestled snugly and squeezed tightly, creating cleavage that might not have otherwise existed. Dark roots lightened to dirty blonde as it descended around her face and rested behind her shoulders; Not a single lock daring to obstruct the view of that chest!

A tight mini skirt clung to her generous hips, the hemline riding high enough to make it look like she was dressing for one of those noisy clubs instead of work.  Several inches of thick bare thigh, provocatively pale in comparison to the mini skirt, dipped down into dark fishnet stockings. She looked to be in her early 20’s. While nobody would have used the word ‘slender’ to describe Colleen, most of her body fat seemed to settle into her thighs, hips, and a bottom that had Lori facetiously wondering if this young lady’s last name was Warren. Had she been any more voluptuous or lost even an inch in height, she very well may have had hips and a bottom as wide as she was tall! 

“Oh..not…anything specific…I’ve never seen this store before.” Lori replied, looking around and taking more in.

“Oh my god, I totally get it. It's like stumbling upon a treasure chest, right?” Colleen gushed, her voice filled with bubbly excitement as she bounced on the balls of her feet. Her small hands sank into the yielding flesh of her wide hips, accentuating the curves that seemed to overflow with enthusiasm. “We just opened up last week, can you believe it? This is our first location in Seattle!”

Lori couldn't help but be swept up in Colleen's infectious energy, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips as she nodded in agreement. “I think my daughters may really enjoy this place; I can definitely come back with them to see—”

But before Lori could finish her sentence, Colleen interrupted with a burst of excitement, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. “Oh my gosh, that would be, like, the most amazing thing ever! You're seriously the coolest mom ever, you know that?”

Surprised by Colleen's effervescent enthusiasm, Lori couldn't help but chuckle. “Well, I try my best.”

With a playful giggle, Colleen reached out and grabbed Lori's wrist, her silver wristbands jingling with every movement. “Can I show you something really, really cool? I think you’ll be all about it!”

Lori found herself unable to resist Colleen's infectious excitement, her curiosity piqued by the promise of adventure. With a nod and a smile, she allowed herself to be led deeper into the store, her heart racing with anticipation of the surprises that awaited them.

They passed a long row of advertisements on the wall that got increasingly risque the deeper she traversed into the crowded store. 

A sultry, slender model with smoky eyes and full, glossy lips lying against a backdrop of silk sheets.  The tagline: “Embrace your Power - Rule the World with your Beauty.”

A steamy shower pouring water atop a naked couple sensually massaging a body scrub into each other’s skin. One word at the bottom: “Indulge”.

Lastly, two beautiful women reclined on a beach in skimpy bikinis. Large flowery summer hats. Large sunglasses. Large breasts. Each woman wore a huge grin as if a joke had just been told, and down at the foot of their beach chairs, men on their knees tending to each of the women’s bare feet. There were no taglines or phrases on this advertisement but the models’ expressions painted a vivid enough picture on its own. Lori started to wonder if maybe the women were laughing at the men.

Every advertisement had those signature, bubbly capital C’s in the bottom right corner along with a provocative name for each product.

Next to the final advertisement was a large, elaborately framed headshot of a woman.  Lori recognized the woman immediately from the news decades ago. This was the company that she ran–or rather, inherited and repurposed. 

She was older than Lori but the cosmetics, wealth, and surgery created the illusion that she could have passed for Lori’s eldest daughter.  Her thick hair hung with majesty around her shoulders, and in fact the Farrah Fawcett style was one of the only indicators of her true age which was actually 6 full years older than Lori.  A beauty mark above her dazzling white smile only made her look that much more like an exotic supermodel.  Beneath the framed photograph was a large, pink placard that matched the store’s color and signature bubbly font:

Brooke Beckett


Despite her glamor and friendly-appearing demeanor, Lori couldn’t help but shiver as the well-dressed woman in the picture stared back at her. Oh, the things Lori had heard about Brooke Beckett!  She wondered how many of them were true…

"Okay, check it out!" Colleen chirped, fanning her hands over a large display of cosmetics.

Lori felt a twinge of apprehension as she glanced at the vibrant array of products, a single mother of three navigating through this trendy and fast-paced world of beauty. Nevertheless, she tried to keep an open mind.

Colleen, with her infectious enthusiasm, seemed undeterred by Lori's hesitation. "For someone as effortlessly gorgeous as you, I'd recommend a little of this to elevate your look!" she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she gestured towards a display of Cheeky Chic products. 

"Here we have the Cheeky Chic Blush Duo. It’s called 'Mother and Daughter’.   We’re selling these like crazy; take a look!" Colleen continued, her voice bubbling with enthusiasm. 

Lori examined the small box.  Its packaging was attractive and eye-catching just like Colleen.  Light pink with a vivid photo montage as if a collection of polaroids had been dropped on a picnic bench.  Most of the photos were of Brooke posing with a young blonde girl. The blonde looked to be younger than even Victoria, perhaps 13 or 14 and she was present in every photo.  Judging from how pretty she looked, she had to be Brooke’s daughter. 

"It's the perfect blend of warm tones to give your cheeks a natural, sun-kissed glow.  It’ll have you radiating confidence all day long!”  Colleen’s glittery fingertip tapped on the largest photo of the box. The young blonde girl smiled big enough for every pale pink and pastel green rubber band of her braces to be visible. “It’s actually in the top tier list of our CEO’s daughter, which definitely says something considering how picky she is…but you didn’t hear that from me!"

Lori examined the palette, admiring the soft hues of peach and coral nestled within. The idea of this product gracing the favorites list of a 14-year old girl did little to impress the 38-year old mother of three. In fact, she couldn’t help but feel that Brooke’s daughter had no business wearing makeup yet.  She’d only just started allowing Isabella and Victoria to wear makeup and they were well beyond 14! 

Lori, however, was plenty old enough for makeup…and adding a touch of warmth to her complexion appealed to her, and she found herself nodding in agreement with Colleen.

"Maybe I could..give it a try," she said with a smile, feeling a surge of excitement at the prospect of trying another new thing. 

“Super-duper! Let’s get you checked out then!” Colleen clapped her hands. “Why dontcha follow me.  It’s a madhouse here today!”

As Lori followed Colleen toward the checkout kiosk, she couldn’t help but stare in astonishment. ‘My goodness…I wonder if my bottom wiggles like that when I walk.’

The thin fabric of Colleen’s mini skirt stretched tight over the near-cartoonish expanse of her rear and despite its valiant effort, those excessively large cheeks rebelled against their confinement. There was just enough give in the imprisoning jersey material for a distracting flesh-wave to ripple down her stocking-clad thighs and then back up the hemline, where two perfectly spherical, overfilled water balloons were either responding to all that jiggle…or causing it.  

To think that this bubbly girl had the confidence to actually flip up the back of her shirt–as if she couldn’t stand the thought of even a square inch of her bouncing assets somehow evading gaze, be it smitten or disbelieving. Lori might have looked away for fear of being considered a creeper had not every woman in the store been so enamored with themselves and the products they were considering…so Lori continued to watch with a sincere fascination.  Each crash of Colleen’s sneaker clad foot against the linoleum floor inspired another rebellious and attention-hungry jiggle of thigh and glute flesh as well as a light tap of her plastic name tag against the decorative chain of her skirt. 

She just couldn’t tear her eyes away from the fluid movement.  Strange emotions bubbled to the surface of her mind and heart; in part, she viewed Colleen as a cautionary tale, a template that she’d advise her daughters against becoming but on the other hand, her confidence was so attractive.

The buxom young employee pivoted on her heels as she settled behind the glass countertop, her big cheeks attempting to continue their movement even after she’d stopped in front of the computer screen. With just her two index fingers, Colleen keyed in a long password to log in.  

“Oh, and you’re not gonna believe this…but it’s seriously perfect that you picked today to check us out.” Colleen said after passing the box across the pink laser of the register’s scanner.  She stood on her tiptoes, reaching up toward a jumbled nest of pink cotton.  “Cause you get one of these free with your purchase.”

Lori’s brow furrowed.  “Is that a scrunchie?”

Colleen looked down at the small pink fabric in her hands and then let out a charming giggle.  “Oh, you’re so cute!  It’s not a scrunchie; it’s a thong!”

Lori’s eyes widened as the woman young enough to be her daughter stretched the underwear.  Sure enough, as it unfolded and blossomed in Colleen’s hands, Lori could see the scandalously small crotch, decorated with two bubbly C’s, narrow into a thin string that ran up to the waistband. 

It was her time to laugh. 

“You expect me to wear that?”

“Uhhh…only if you wanna be super comfy!” Colleen chuckled, allowing the skimpy thong to dance in her clasped fingertips.  “Not a thong girl?”

Lori cleared her throat, feeling a surge of heat rising to her cheeks. "I'm just not sure that would even fit me," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper.

Colleen's laughter rang out, calling more attention to the uncomfortable exchange than she would have preferred. "Oh, don't worry about that," she reassured Lori with a confident certainty in her tone. "It'll definitely fit. Here, let me show you."

With a boldness that caught Lori off guard, Colleen plunged her fingers into the waistband of her own miniskirt. She pulled out a thin band of cotton, pink just like the thong in her other hand.  The fabric stretched taut between her fingers as if it couldn’t stand to be away from her hip.

"They’re basically all I wear," Colleen admitted with a smirk.  "And let me tell you, they're seriously the best. No annoying pantylines and it’s a major confidence boost!” She then added with a playful wink, “Plus I kinda like when they peek out of my waistband every now and then.  

When she let go, the waistband of her thong snapped back and the pink mostly disappeared into the waistband of her mini skirt.

“Oh, and if you’re worried about wedgies well, let’s just be real…”  Colleen leaned in toward Lori and one of her eyebrows rocked up devilishly.  It was the first time she’d actually spoken with some degree of discretion.  “...for girls like us…with curves for daaaaaays, no set of panties stands a chance anyway.  Our butts already eat up whatever we give them, am I right? So you may as well have something that’s designed to be swallowed up in there.”

Despite the discretion, the frankness with which Colleen spoke caused Lori’s face to turn a shade of pink that nearly matched the thong…but she couldn’t disagree.  The young Cheeky Chic saleswoman was right.  Colleen seemed to take pity, smirking and comforting Lori in the way a daughter would comfort an unconnected and uncomfortable mother.  “If this size fits me, it'll definitely work for you. And I think you’re gonna look fabulous."

Lori's heart hammered in her chest, her mind awash with a heady mix of nerves and excitement. She pictured the tiny pink thong joining her makeup purchase in a pale pink shopping bag plunging between her bare cheeks.  Lori wondered what Michael would think about a thin pink thong string joining him in the cleavage of her bottom. 

The image of Michael caught in the pressure of the thong like a piece of furniture secured down with a strap made her laugh as she swiped her credit card. 

“Here’s your receipt!” Colleen chirped, presenting the small sheet with both hands as if it were a treasure. “Have a wonderful day and enjoy your new toys!”

Lori’s laughter reeked of self-consciousness, and then something happened that was, to put it lightly, the last thing she’d have expected to happen.  

As Colleen turned away to set her copy of the receipt in the register, the name tag attached to her skirt had become snagged on the counter. Colleen didn’t notice but Lori watched it tumble to the floor.  She knelt down to pick it up and had the nametag landed face-up, she’d have seen Colleen’s name scribbled in barely legible, bubbly pink handwriting along with a picture of her grinning from ear to ear.  

But the name tag didn’t land face-up. It landed face-down.

And what was on the back of that name tag caused Lori to gasp.

It was a phone number–one that Lori recognized immediately. She’d called it plenty of times in the past few months, after all.

And if there was any uncertainty about who’s phone number it was, written there on the back of Colleen’s nametag, the two bubbly R’s to the left of the area-code made it abundantly clear and undeniable.

It was the phone number to RR Labs.

Lori hadn’t stood up yet, and Colleen still hadn’t noticed the dropping of her nametag…and the two locked eyes in the same moment. 

‘What are the odds?’ Lori thought.  She didn’t have to respond the way she was responding.  She could have just stood up and handed the name tag back…but this reaction

Looking over her shoulder toward a squatting Lori, Colleen’s gaze fell to the nametag clasped in the trembling hand of her recent customer.  

At first, Colleen’s expression was that of puzzlement. She might have been preparing to ask Lori if she had fallen down or hurt herself.  And then, much to Lori’s discomfort, the saleswoman’s eyes wandered between the natural, embarrassed blush of Lori’s face and the phone number on the back of her name tag. She’d caught up to Lori’s deduction and a huge grin of realization spread on Colleen’s face.

Lori was the first to break eye contact, but her gaze left Colleen’s only to fixate on that larger-than-life rump.  It looked even bigger now to Lori, especially at the thought of a miniature man like Michael being buried inside of it.

Colleen’s eyes followed, down over her own shoulder and they were now both looking.  She smirked as her small hand traced the expansive curvature of her right glute. It was a long journey–from near her lower back to her upper thigh.  Two fingers disappeared under the hem of her skirt, settling into the yielding underside of her broad buttock and then, with those fingertips, she bounced the mass of muscle and flesh twice.

“Do you have one, too?” Colleen asked.

“No!” Lori bit her lip hard enough to draw blood. “I mean…one what?”

Colleen laughed. “Well which is it?  ‘No’ or ‘I don’t know’?  Cause I don’t think you’d be as embarrassed as you are right now if you didn’t know what I was talking about.”

With a teasing grin, Colleen caressed the curves of her generous derrière, gently patting her other plump cheek. "It's like I said," she purred. "Our big butts just swallow up whatever they're given." Her hands pressed firmly against the soft, ample flesh, forcing those massive glutes together. For the first time, Lori could spot some slack in Colleen’s mini skirt. Lori knew that it would come at the cost of significantly increased pressure on the tiny man wedged deep in her crack. 

A faint shiver of pleasure rippled through Colleen's body. It was a sensation that Lori would recognize anywhere and had experienced many times with Michael. It was a sensation both intimate and exhilarating, a playful reminder of the power contained within her ample rear.

It was the telltale sign of a little man nestled snugly in the warm confines of a big soft bottom, his presence an exciting and taboo secret.  But the subject buried in Colleen’s bottom was no secret to Lori…and Colleen’s eyes on Lori’s waist told Lori that Michael wasn’t a secret either.  It was bad enough that Lori’s daughters knew about Michael living in her bottom…but now a random stranger in the mall?

"Yum," Colleen murmured, her voice low and husky with desire. She gently patted both her round cheeks, coaxing forth one more soft shiver of contentment. The not-so-secret subject within her crack must have stirred again. 

“Well..thank you for your help, Colleen.” Lori said, desperate to end the interaction. She was backing away, daring not to show Michael’s home to the prying eyes of this young woman. 

“You know, we’ve got a special room in the back,” Colleen said. “It’s for Participants only.”

Lori’s sneakers squeaked against the floor as she pivoted sharply. Even just hearing that word…Participant…coming from someone outside the relative safety of the RR Lab environment sent shivers up her spine.  Her armpits were sweating; so too was her bottom where Michael thrashed.  

“We’ll be here if you ever change your mind!” Colleen giggled, her voice just loud enough for Lori to hear before leaving the Cheeky Chic store. “We’ve got a butt load of really cool stuff back there!”

 “I really must be going.”  Lori’s trembling voice rang over her shoulder as she continued walking toward the exit.  She could feel Colleen’s eyes on her bouncing glutes but she didn’t care. And now more than ever she could also feel Michael fluttering around in her crack, not used to how quickly she was now walking. He was probably confused and disoriented. She didn’t care about that either.

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Agreed. Colleen would be a great vignette, side-series, or recurring minor character.


~Colleen my beloved~