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Reduction & Relocation: Lori Warren

Chapter 31 - Errands

[November 19th, 2005]

Lori's morning began with a familiar ritual: the sensation of chilly tile against the soles of her bare feet as she made her way to the bathroom. “I really need to get heated floors in here.” Lori sighed. The warmth accumulated over hours under her big comfy covers was being sucked through the soles of her feet. As she sat on the toilet seat, she couldn't help but shiver as the cold plastic made contact with her bare cheeks, sending a chill up her spine. The edges of the small white seat completely disappeared in the overflowing swell of her thighs and within moments, the seat warmed to her body temperature, offering a small comfort in the midst of the morning chill. She adjusted her position, settling her curvaceous derriere atop the seat with a practiced wiggle of her hips that wrapped the seat in even more of her ample curves.

Lori squinted in the soft glow of her phone screen, a beacon of light in the dimness of her bathroom. The morning light had only just begun to filter in through the frosted bathroom window, casting a gentle glow over the room. While attending to her morning routine, she indulged in a casual browse through dessert recipes, her mind already set on a special treat for the evening: Oreo pie.

Despite never having attempted this particular dessert before, Lori felt confident in her choice. After all, who could mess up Oreo’s? Consulting Michael's RR Lab records, she confirmed that Oreo pie ranked among his favorites. With fondness, she envisioned the delight on his tiny little face as he indulged in the simple yet sweet concoction.

Before she went forward with this plan–spoiling Michael with a delicious dessert, she needed to check with the women in control. 

Lori retrieved the pale purple business card she’d received during her last visit to RR Labs. At this point, she’d already memorized the number to RR Labs but the instructions for the vitamin regimen were on the back of the card. She’d need to have that info handy when she talked to Dr. Walker about it.  She wanted to see if Dr. Walker would allow Michael to have ‘regular people food’ one more time even though she had technically already started the vitamin regimen last night.  

During the brief conversation, Dr. Walker was extremely reluctant to allow him regular food, saying that the instructions strongly recommend ending normal food consumption on the same day the first dose is taken, which was yesterday.  Uncharacteristically, Lori insisted on her position and Dr. Walker relented, reluctantly permitting Michael’s dessert so long as it was the last time he’d be ingesting normal food.  

Just this one time this evening…and then never again…not as long as Lori had him, anyway.  That’s what Lori promised.

She hadn’t told Michael about any of this yet and she much preferred not to think about it, much less discuss it openly.  How in the heck do you tell someone that you’re no longer going to feed them?  And that they’re going to live exclusively off your body?  

‘Well...technically, that’s still feeding them.’ Lori thought.  She had breastfed her girls when they were babies and just because they were getting sustenance from her body, it didn’t mean she wasn’t feeding them; quite the contrary.  This situation wasn’t much different.  Instead of her breasts, it was her glutes.  Instead of breast milk it was...well...it could really be anything but for now, she’d decided on sustaining him with her perspiration.  It made the most sense, after all, considering how…well…muggy things could get down there when she was out in the heat.  It was a little unsavory for her to picture but surely he’d appreciate the abundance!  

She’d cross all those uncomfortable bridges when she got to them. All that mattered right now was doing what was right: making sure that his Oreo Pie dessert gets made, put in the fridge, and cooled down in time for Michael to enjoy it.  

After finishing her morning routine in the bathroom, she approached her dresser.  For the past week or so, Lori had rewarded his good behavior by leaving the drawer cracked to allow fresh air to circulate and some sunshine to light up his surroundings.  It was working; he’d been noticeably more motivated to behave throughout the day and not distract Lori too much. 

After finishing her morning routine in the bathroom, Lori made her way back into her bedroom and toward her dresser.  Approaching Michael's designated drawer, her gaze lingered on the small gap she had intentionally left. For the past week, she had made a habit of allowing just enough space for fresh air to circulate and a sliver of sunlight to filter into his confined space in her underwear drawer.

Although she was happy for it to be interpreted as such, this gesture was not merely an act of kindness; it was a calculated reward for Michael's obedience and compliance. Lori had noticed a marked improvement in his behavior ever since she implemented this system. He seemed more motivated to please her, less prone to distraction, and overall more manageable throughout the day. It really was just so much easier for the both of them when he went with the flow, and even though she still had trust issues that might never fully heal, she had to admit that she was proud of his progress.

“Are we ready to start our day?” Lori asked with a chipper pep and bounce in her voice.

Michael stumbled as Lori opened her underwear drawer the rest of the way.  He didn’t say anything, he just stared up at her in this trademark combination of awe and trepidation.

“Well?” Lori asked, hands on her hips.

“Okay, Lori…” Michael said remaining where he stood.  There wasn’t much enthusiasm or eagerness in his voice, but there was compliance.  The rest would come later, Lori was sure.  But the compliance was the important part for right now.

He didn’t walk often, at least not in Lori’s presence–and it was abundantly clear as he stumbled along the drawer’s wooden floor. Tumbling along a wrinkle in one of her bras and she couldn’t help but smirk. Lori had gotten more attuned to how quiet his voice was, similar to how a heavy accent can become clearer as you listen to them speak more, and she felt her nipples tingle in response to the tiny squeaks each time he tumbled down onto his butt. He eventually gave up, looking up to Lori and remaining still. He was waiting for her swooping hand to enter the drawer and scoop him up as it always did. As she reached in, the drawer creaked and opened, the gap not quite large enough to accommodate the girth of her wrist.

“First we’re going to the auto center so that I can get an oil change…” Lori circled her fingers around his nude body and lifted him up carefully out of the drawer. He was cold, but he accepted it since he hated the heatbox so much.  He didn’t generate much body heat at his reduced size but bundling up in her delicates usually helped him retain just enough heat to get by.  Nothing compared to the warmth imparted by her big, soft glutes though.  Those were undefeated in keeping him warm and safe!

“Then to the post office to mail out those cards I was telling you about last week…” Lori was gently rubbing his head with her fingertip like a lucky rabbit’s foot.  She looked up at the ceiling while she spoke, which made it seem more like she was talking out loud to herself instead of talking to him.

“Oh, and don’t think I forgot!” Lori brought Michael up to her face so she could see him better.  “We’re going to the mall to pick up ingredients from my favorite little dessert boutique for tonight!  I don’t want to blow the surprise but I think you’re going to like it.” 

Michael smiled. It didn’t happen all that often after forcing Lori’s punishing hand, but enough time had passed that Lori welcomed an outward display of happiness from the little man.  

“That...does sound exciting.” 

Lori was beaming now.  “Doesn’t it?  Okay, let's get going then.”

Lori started to lower Michael down to her waist, giving him an eyeful of her soft belly with a little bit more fluff than there should have been.  He soared around the circumference of her wide waist, guided on his journey by her insistent hand but then she heard him speak up.

“Wait, wait, wait!”

She brought him back up with a look of concern. “What?  What’s wrong?”

“Aren’t you….going to get a shower first?” Michael stammered.

“What?” Confused, Lori looked down at her tight, black yoga pants. “These are clean, and so is my shirt. Do I smell?” Lori raised her arms and smelled, prompting a squeak from Michael  as he shot straight up into the air with her raised hand. God forbid she sees the cute mechanic without smelling her best!

“No, I’m not saying...that, I’m just….well...what about your underwear?” Michael asked.

“Yes, I changed those too.” Lori said with a bit more impatient annoyance in her voice. “Where’s this coming from, Michael?”

“It's just... usually you get a shower before you... put me away.” Michael's voice was always soft, but now it dipped even lower, his confidence and conviction clearly faltering as he broached the topic. Lori could sense his discomfort, his hesitation palpable in the air. He regretted bringing it up, knowing deep down that it wasn't his place to assert such grievances.

But Lori wasn't one to let the conversation end so easily, especially when it concerned her domain. This wasn’t even about his autonomy–it was about her own.  And both sets of autonomy fell under her authority. And she intended to make that abundantly clear.

"I know," Lori replied, her tone flat and matter-of-fact. "But I had a shower yesterday morning... and I stayed in all day yesterday, so I don’t need one today." Her words dripped with condescension, laced with defensiveness as she met Michael's gaze with an unwavering stare. She could see the discomfort growing in his eyes, his unease palpable as he struggled to maintain eye contact.

Breaking the silence where Michael’s response should have been had he not lost his nerve, Lori posed a question designed to shock him back onto a respectful path, her authority unmistakable in her tone. "Are you saying I need a shower?"

Michael's response was swift and vehement, his words rushing out with an intensity that he was sure accompanied his original grievance. "No!"

Lori couldn't help but chuckle at his earnestness, her lighthearted demeanor returning which was probably just as overwhelming and imposing for little Michael. "Well then, why don’t we leave those judgment calls up to me, hm?"

"Okay, Lori. I'm sorry," Michael replied, his tone contrite. There was a note of relief in his voice, as if he was happy to quit now while he was only just slightly behind.

"No need to apologize, sweetheart," Lori cooed, her voice dripping with saccharine sweetness as she reached for the waistband of her dark yoga pants, the fabric stretched tight over her generous curves. She parted the fabric, revealing just enough space for her hand to slip inside.

Guiding him gently, almost tenderly, between the plush mounds of her buttocks, Lori allowed herself a faint smirk. He had certainly crossed a line with his insolence, no doubt. In another circumstance, she might have relished the opportunity to administer punishment, but for now, she had to focus on the bigger picture. Despite his occasional missteps, he was undeniably showing improvement in accepting his new reality. His commitment to this experiment.

His tiny legs fluttered against the bare skin of her lower back before he plunged down beyond her outstretched waistband and into the seat of her yoga pants. As she maneuvered him toward the deep crevice of her bulbous buttocks, Lori couldn't help but revel in the sensation of his tiny form brushing against her sensitive flesh. With a delicate tug of her free hand against one of her huge cheeks, she increased the distance between her glutes. There was a larger crack now for him to explore and she urged him deeper, until he nestled snugly within the warm, enveloping embrace of her deep cleft.

A shiver of pleasure coursed through her as he tickled the tender skin of her inner cheeks. Satisfied with his positioning, Lori released her hold on her heavy, doughy butt cheek at the same moment she released her hold on Michael.  And the tight cleavage created by her excited, bubbly butt cheeks jiggling back into their packed position assumed custody of Michael immediately.  It had been like he was turned over from an overbearing parent to a protective babysitter. The big, soft cheeks immediately began warming Michael to match their comparatively sweltering temperature as they swallowed him up in their protective cocoon of flesh.

With a satisfied sigh, she readjusted her yoga pants and underwear, ensuring he remained securely nestled within her ample confines of her hospitable bottom. With her cheeks sealed tight around him and the waistband snug against her lower back, Michael was essentially removed from the outside world. 

‘As he should be.’ Lori thought, patting her soft left buttock.  ‘We’ll be out for most of the day and he needs to be safe.’

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Lori collapsed into the large, plush cushion of the recliner, her ample figure practically bouncing on the cushion.  The air rushed from her lungs like a balloon excited to deflate as she mopped the sweat from her forehead. “When did they stop air conditioning malls?” Her huffing question was loud enough for a passing business woman to smirk in polite commiseration. The air around her feet rippled like heat waves over asphalt baking in the sun as she kicked off her shoes and propped one sock-clad foot after the other atop the recliner. They were throbbing along with her calves and thighs.  

Even her buttocks were pulsing! Although that sense of pulsing was not the blood pumping extra hard through her overworked muscles.  That pulsing around her cheeks came from Michael’s movement.

Lori shifted her weight, the soft contours of her wide hips swaying as she adjusted her position on the recliner. With practiced ease, she leaned to one side, her left cheek bearing the full brunt of her weight. While her right hip pivoted slightly, four fingers sank into the cushion of her left cheek and pulled, causing her crack to spread open like a blossoming flower. It was a deliberate movement, one she had mastered over time, designed to offer her little companion a momentary respite from the clammy, steamy embrace of her gluteal cleavage.

As she shifted, Lori felt the subtle release of Michael's tiny form from the tight confines of her cheeks, though not entirely. No, those plump orbs rarely relinquished their hold on him completely, their fleshy embrace a constant presence in his miniature world. Instead, he fluttered downward, momentarily freed from the suffocating warmth of her crack, only to find himself pressed against the damp fabric of her yoga pants.  He found himself wedged once more in the cleavage of her bottom right where he belonged, only not quite so deep this time, as she settled back into the recliner.

It was a familiar ritual, this delicate dance of repositioning, one that Lori had honed to perfection over time. With a gentle sway of her hips, she centered her immense buns upon the leather seat. The supple leather molded to the contours of her bottom with a soft sigh of acceptance. 

Not everything was so accepting as the recliner, however.

Michael was trying his best, bless his little heart.  Lori sympathized with the very human impulse to resist such strong compression but unlike the soft flesh of her bare buttocks conforming around Michael’s writhing body, she wasn’t going to yield on this matter.  He needed to stay put.  He needed to stay safe.

“Easy there.” Lori whispered over her own shoulder as she shifted slightly in her seat, the movement causing a rippling through her flesh.   “You know you’re safe and sound in there. Just relax, okay? We earned it.”

She fished through her purse and pulled out a shiny quarter. “I’ve seen these chairs in the mall all the time but never tried one.  We’re going to get a short massage before we leave…how’s that sound?”

She didn’t wait for an answer as the quarter fell through, bouncing and rattling inside the stainless steel chamber.  The mall recliner supporting Lori’s wide rump roared to life, the pleasant vibrations passing through metal to leather, through leather to fatty glute flesh, and through fatty glute flesh to the tiny trinket buried so deep within.  

She set the heavy shopping bags on the empty recliner to her left and after a deep and calming breath, Lori hummed a blissful tune as she sank into the hypnotic vibrations, feeling the tension and exhaustion evaporating away.  The sensation was akin to hundreds of tiny lips peppering every square inch of her lower body with tender little kisses, from her throbbing heels up her sore calves, from her twitching thighs over each of her curvy buttocks, and all the way up her aching back to her shoulder blades. If only they were big, strong hands instead!  

It had been a long time since she’d had some hands on her.  Most recently, Michael had once given Lori a calf massage after the muscle seized up during a pilates exercise.  He gave it his best shot after some strong insistence and encouragement from Lori but she found herself wishing in that moment that he was a little larger so that she might actually feel it.  She smirked silently to herself when she remembered what happened next: she requested a foot massage.  It was really a polite gesture for his benefit to let him make up for his failure at addressing her cramp.  And as innocuous and harmless as she considered a foot massage to be, Michael must have looked at it very differently. She’d never forget the way his tiny little face turned pale white.  Was he just not into feet?  Could be.  The request could also have drudged up memories of him being pinned under Victoria’s foot.  

When he was in the living room surrounded by Lori’s screaming daughters.

When he tried to run away.

She felt her face becoming warm and her plump cheeks inadvertently flexing, taking on a mind of their own as if they were dead-set on squeezing Michael as punishment.

Imagine if, as Victoria’s toes curled down over his tiny body, had she just squeezed even a little bit harder.  Michael would not have stood a chance under her weight.  And imagine how traumatized the poor girl would have been to learn what she’d done? All in just trying to help her screaming sister! Lori would have had to call RR Labs and explain what happened…and would she even get another subject?  

It was just so selfish of him. So irresponsible. So reckless. 

Lori recognized that her glutes were flexed as hard as concrete and her fingers were digging into the armrest of the chair; she had to take a deep breath as she was beginning to get flustered and angry thinking so much about Michael’s transgressions. When you do the crime, you do the time.  And then it’s over.  That’s how Lori raised her daughters and that’s how she was handling this situation with Michael. Lord knew he’d gotten his fair share of punishment for what he did–and there was absolutely no way he’d ever try something so stupid again.

Just as she was about to extend the two-minute massage with another quarter, Lori’s nose detected, among the strong aroma of freshly brewed coffee from a nearby cafe kiosk, something else–an intoxicating blend of perfumes wafting in the air . She turned toward the scent and noticed a store she’d not seen before.  Perhaps a new addition to the mall?

The storefront was a dazzling display of glittering lights and sleek glass panels, daring those who passed to resist stealing a peek.  The style of the sign was eye-catching to say the least–one half of a young woman’s face drawn in a style skirting the line between rushed and charming–colored in vibrant hot pink. The smirk on the woman’s face suggested a secret she’d only share if you entered the store and asked.  Where the right half of her face would have been was bubbly lettering spelling out the name of the store:

Cheeky Chic

After watching for a few moments, noticing the items out toward the front of the entrance and the specific demographic of beautiful young women entering and leaving the store, Lori deduced that the store dealt in cosmetics. A wide array of women were attracted to the storefront, all with different looks and backgrounds.  Business women with short hair and high heels, even free-spirited bohemians in flip flops and long, flowing dresses.

Normally she wouldn’t have entertained the idea of entering such a flashy store; the customers all seemed to be around her daughters’ ages; she didn’t see a single woman that looked over 30!  

But why should she deny herself the experience?  Lori was trying lots of new things as of late, and fate had rewarded her for her adventuring spirit so far.  Maybe there were more rewards to be enjoyed, as scary as it may have been to collect.

“Sorry, Michael.  I know I said dessert would be the last thing, but we’ve got one last stop.”



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