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RR Lori Warren - Chapter 30

Chapter 30 - Food for Thought

[November 18th, 2005]

Lori: Hello?

Dr. Walker: Hi Lori. This is Dr. Walker with RR Labs.  How’re you doing?

Lori: Oh, hi Dr. Walker. I’m okay, you?

Dr. Walker: I’m well.  Have I caught you at a bad time? I hear yelling in the background.

Lori: No, no; everything is okay here. I’m at the beach with the girls.

Dr. Walker: Oh! I don’t want to interrupt. I’d be happy to ca–

Lori: –Oh, no you’re fine, Dr. Walker!  I need to get out of the sun anyway or I’m going to look like a lobster tomorrow. Just one minute.

Lori: [shuffling]

Lori: [phone down at her hip] Girls...I’ll be right back.  I just have to take this call. Keep an eye on Isabella, please; I don’t know those boys she’s talking to…….no Vicky, you can watch her from here….no she can keep talking to them, you don’t...Victoria Grace, just WATCH her, alright? My goodness!

Lori: [sand shifting under bare feet]

Lori:  …….Okay, I’m back. I’m so sorry about that.

Dr. Walker: It's absolutely no problem, Lori!  I really appreciate you taking the time to speak with me.

Lori: Of course. What is this about?

Dr. Walker: Well, our paperwork here says that it's been 2 months since you received subject-298m.

Lori: Oh, goodness..has it been that long?

Dr. Walker: Indeed it has! Fifty-seven days to be exact.  How is everything going?

Lori:  Things are going great.  We’ve been working on the DDM like the Rear Housing Guide says and we’re making some great progress. We’re up to 13 hours a day!

Dr. Walker: That’s wonderful, Lori!  I’m very happy to hear that; 13 hours is such an important milestone.  Your subject now spends more of his day with your buttocks than without them.  It’s a great DDM for now.

Lori: Yeah, I feel okay with staying at 13 hours for now, but sometimes we go even longer.  It's pretty easy since he sleeps with me almost every night now.

Dr. Walker: Is he with you today?

Lori: Yes, he is!  But don’t worry, I wouldn't dare take him out even for a second here.  Too many seagulls flying around looking for food!

Dr. Walker: I’m happy that occurred to you, Lori.  It’s unfortunately happened to less attentive Participants before.  How is he handling the heat?

Lori: I haven’t taken him out of my bottom so he hasn’t had to deal with the sun directly.  Whenever we do a beach trip, Isabella and Victoria like to swim while Gina and I will usually tan.

When you called I was tanning my back so it must have been pretty steamy between my cheeks with the sun beating down on them.  He’s a real trooper though!

Dr. Walker: So while he is completely protected from the sun by your buttocks, he still has to deal with them heating up while you are tanning.

Lori: That’s exactly it.  Not to be gross but...the heat makes things quite sweaty too.

Dr. Walker: I’m a doctor, Lori! Don’t ever feel like you’re going to ‘gross me out’ with information like this.  Perspiration is a part of rear housing and it’s something that your subject has no choice but to accept!  I don’t imagine that this is anything new for the subject, considering he has been living in your backside for 2 months now!

Lori: You’re right, you’re right.  He isn’t really struggling all that much either so I suppose he’s probably okay with it.

Dr. Walker: I’m sure he is.  Probably even grateful if you think about it.  Something of his size and strength simply can’t survive outside of your rear.  If somehow the seagulls didn’t make a meal of him, the sun would dry his body out so quickly.   He needs the protection of your glutes, Lori.

Lori: Oh, I don’t even like thinking about what would happen if he were out here, Dr. Walker!  I usually cool off in the water for a few minutes throughout the day but didn’t want to risk taking him out...even though my youngest offered SEVERAL TIMES to hold him.

Dr. Walker: Oh, how sweet of her!

Lori: How ‘something’ of her, alright!

Dr. Walker: Well, I hope it's not been too much of an inconvenience having him there with you today.  Please keep in mind that it's possible to enjoy the water and keep him safe in your bottom all at the same time.

Lori: How would I do that?

Dr. Walker:  Very simple, Lori.  Anorectal confinement.

Lori: Anorec…You mean…shove him….up?

Dr. Walker: Surely you’ve tried it by now!

Lori: Dr. Walker!  I’m not that kind of girl!   ...I mean...we’ve done….other things but...well...I’ve never...not just with him but with anyone…I’ve never--

Dr. Walker: --Lori, it doesn’t have to mean what you and society thinks it should mean.  This is about keeping him safe while not sacrificing your routine or comfort.  And objectively, there is no better way for you to protect him than with your rear, right?

Lori: Yes, you’re right.

Dr. Walker: Now, if you just don’t feel comfortable doing something like that, then that’s one thing.  I completely understand.  But not only would he be completely safe from both the heat of the beach AND the water of the ocean, but you would get to swim without worry.

Lori: Well….when you put it like that...well gee, Doctor……….Still, I don’t think I could do it.  The girls...well..for the most part, the girls’ curiosity and fascination with him has died down.  They know where he is and they don’t really ask questions about him anymore.  But I think walking out into the water in my one-piece without taking him out will lead to questions. And honestly, I don’t think I want to field questions from my daughters about….anorectal confinement.

Dr. Walker: Say no more, Lori.  I would never want to pressure you into something you’re not comfortable with.

Lori:  Well, I won’t do it now...but I can see how something like that could be...useful.

Dr. Walker: Well, if you want to explore the concept further, we go into detail on the concept in the Rear Housing Guidebook.  There is some literature, recommendations, and even advice from more senior Participants!

Lori: That sounds great, doctor; thank you. I’ll take a look.

Dr. Walker: Speaking of what we sent over with the subject, I wanted to talk to you about something.  It’s actually the reason I’ve called you today.

Lori: Oh?

Dr. Walker: Along with subject-298m, we sent a month’s supply of our vitamin regimen.I checked with Dr. Zhang, our vitamin researcher and coordinator; and she informed me that no replacement orders have been sent out to you.

Lori: Oh, yes….the vitamins.

Dr. Walker: Is there a problem?

Lori: Well, I haven’t...opened them yet.

Dr. Walker: Oh…………I see.

Lori:  I had planned on it, just like we discussed when we set this whole thing up.  I just…

Dr. Walker: …

Lori: ….It just felt like too much too soon.

Dr. Walker: I understand Lori. This is a lot of change for you and it's all very confusing so--

Lori: --not so much for me...I’m talking about him.

Dr. Walker: For him? Lori...I have to be honest with you, I think you’re making a mountain out of a molehill here.

Lori:  How so?

Dr. Walker: Do you think the subject is better off without the vitamins?

Lori:  I mean...I would think he’s better off eating regular food….

Dr. Walker: I can see why you would think that, Lori.  I would think that too if I hadn’t seen the research data.  In reality, the subject would really be completely fine with being transitioned over to the vitamin regimen.  They are designed specifically to make the transition from traditional food that much easier!

Lori: It just seems like so much to put him through, doctor.  I mean...he lives in my bottom every single day, 13 hours a day...sometimes much longer.  And you should see how excited he gets when, after a long day of work, he gets to come out and enjoy a snack or tasty drink.  It really just brightens his day and honestly, I don’t know if there’s much else he can look forward to aside from that.

Dr. Walker: Well, let me ask you a question, Lori...do you ever forget?

Lori: Forget?  Forget what?

Dr. Walker: To feed him.

Lori:  To feed him? No, never!

Dr. Walker: Never?

Lori: …well, hardly ever!  I--well, as of late I’ve been working a lot more to save up some extra money...I’ve been helping Gina get ready to leave for college so there have been a few long nights at the office where I come home feeling like a zombie.  Some more times where I’d just be busy and forget…but I always make it up to him!  Well…almost always!

Dr. Walker: I don’t mean to upset you, Lori…but your subject missing a meal…especially considering how much it brightens his day…your words, right?  That’s got to be traumatic for the subject, wouldn’t you agree?

Lori: ...I don’t know.

Dr. Walker: Oh, use your imagination, Lori!  Imagine yourself in the subject’s position.  Imagine you’ve spent a straight 14 hours between a large set of restrictive buttocks;, your stomach is grumbling.  You’re feeling sick to your stomach from the absence of food.  You’re dizzy, woozy.  You can even hear the woman who is housing you sitting at the dinner table.  You know there is food out there, maybe even some fractional trace of the aroma finds its way through your Participant’s pants, underwear, and then through the dense glutes concealing you.  It smells great but there’s nothing for you, not until your Participant decides to feed you...and who knows when that’ll happen, right?  Who knows if she will ever remember?

Lori: But I ALWAYS remember...eventually!

Dr. Walker: Well, that’s great Lori.  But he has basically already been conditioned to fear that whatever meal you’ve graciously taken time from your day to deliver to him might just be the last one you remember to give.  Sure, you PROBABLY will feed him, but he’s left to wonder, helplessly deep between your buttocks, if you actually will.

Lori: I know, it's just--

Dr. Walker: --but if instead of having to wait in your rear to be fed, what if he could have that power?  What if he could...feed himself?  Don’t you see the gift of autonomy that you’re giving him?  I know we talk a lot about how the subject’s comfort comes second to yours, but you must see how he is not the only one that benefits from this arrangement.

Lori: I suppose I can see it.

Dr. Walker: I should hope so!  You would never again have to concern yourself with tearing small morsels of food from your own portions. You would not have to excuse yourself from the public to feed him. Imagine attempting to feed him at work, only for a co-worker or maybe even a boss to walk in and see you inserting a morsel of food between your buttocks!  That scenario cannot happen if you do not feed him morsels.  You see that, right?”

Lori: Yes…and I have worried about that before.

Dr. Walker: You would not have to stress out about forgetting.  All you would have to do is take one little pill each morning.

Lori: ...and then?

Dr. Walker: As we discussed, your body would begin producing the vitamin and mineral compounds necessary for the subject’s complete, unaided sustenance. This sustenance would be available and accessible from every part and process of your body in varying degrees and concentrations.  The area where it would be most readily available and easiest to access of course would be perspiration.

Lori: So he would live off my rear….

Dr. Walker:  Lori...he already lives IN it.  Wouldn’t it make sense for him to live OFF of it as well?

Lori: …

Dr. Walker: Just take a moment to think of how liberating and freeing this would be for him.

Lori: Liberating and freeing??

Dr. Walker: What else would you call it?  Whenever the subject is hungry or thirsty, he is free to indulge to his heart’s and stomach’s content.  And even if the perspiration between your buttocks happens to be in short supply, he is still free to supplement with skin cells and anything else that might naturally occur in his home.

Lori: He would...never have to be hungry?

Dr. Walker: Never again!  Not as long as he’s installed in your rear..or anywhere on your body, quite frankly!  When did you last feed him?

Lori: ….

Dr. Walker: Be honest!

Lori: ...Last night before bed.

Dr. Walker: And how long have you been at the beach?

Lori: Well, it's 6pm now...and we got here about an hour ago...

Dr. Walker: So not only has he not eaten all day but I can assure you that he has been practically submerged in the accumulating perspiration between your buttocks..is that fair to say?

Lori: ...I’m sorry, Dr. Walker.  I really was going to feed him, I hope you don’t think I’m a bad Participant.

Dr. Walker: Oh, Lori; I don’t think that at all!  Trust me, we’ve had some bad Participants but you don’t even come close.  But think about it: had you been taking the vitamins, the subject would not be hungry…nearly starving…as he almost surely is. In fact he would be SURROUNDED by an abundance of sustenance!  And we are even experimenting with synthesizing pleasant tastes into the vitamin compounds.  In fact, the 30-day bottle you received with the subject was a flavored variant.

Lori:  I think I do remember seeing a flavor printed on it…one that he’s even a fan of.

Dr. Walker: Well…even better! I think this is the best thing for both of you, Lori.

Lori:  I don’t know, doctor.  Everything you’re saying makes sense but at the end of the day, it's still me telling him that he can’t have normal food.  Making him live off my bodily fluids? It just seems so cruel. But then again, you’re right...he wouldn’t ever have to go hungry again...

Dr. Walker: Need I remind you, Lori, that we are able to offer you additional compensation if you enroll in the vitamin regimen.

Lori: Oh? ….how much more?

Dr. Walker: After our Participants complete the initial 30-day supply and reorder, they automatically see a pay increase of $100 a week.

Lori: That’s for both of us??

Dr. Walker: Yes, that’s right!

Lori: She could go out with her friends every weekend….

Dr. Walker: Sorry?  Who could do what?

Lori: ...nothing!  I...I think you’ve convinced me, Dr. Walker.  I will start him on the vitamin regimen tomorrow.

Dr. Walker:  That’s great news, Lori!  I promise you’re doing the right thing.  This really is the best thing for both of you; he’ll thank you one day!

Lori: I hope so, doctor. He’ll have you to thank as well! Had you not presented such a strong case, I might have kept feeding him normal food.

Dr. Walker: No, no!  You’re the one caring for him.  You’re the one who deserves all the glory, Lori.  I’m just telling you how I see it; at the end of the day, it’s you that’s making this huge decision for him.  Anyway, I’ve taken up way too much of your time. I’ll let you get back to your girls.

Lori: I probably should.  Hopefully Isabella hasn’t run off with those boys.

Dr. Walker: She’s your middle child, correct?

Lori: By a few minutes, yes.

Dr. Walker: Pardon?

Lori: Her and my youngest are fraternal twins, separated by only a few minutes.

Dr. Walker: Oh, I see.  Well, she’s beautiful!  All your girls are.  I would watch them like a hawk!

Lori: Oh yes, that is absolutely necessary.  Especially Isabella.  Victoria is just fine with her swimming trunks over her one-piece and Gina’s bathing suit is not too risque, but it seems like Isabella only wants to wear bathing suits that could pass for bandanas!

Dr. Walker: I’m sure it's just that age. I was the same way when I was her age.

Lori: You were?!  Wow, I just cannot picture that, but that’s comforting because I was not!

Dr. Walker: It's been wonderful chatting with you, Lori.  I’m glad that we had this conversation and I’m thrilled that you’ve reconsidered starting the vitamin regimen. Be sure to read all the instructions!

LorI: I will, doctor.  Thanks for the call.

Dr. Walker: Goodbye.

Lori ended the call with a deep sigh. Her toes had sunk into the cushions of her flip flops and her knees were sore from standing for so long, talking on the phone.  She was eager to get off her feet and get back to relaxing. Only a few steps and her bathing suit bottom was already being swallowed by the ripples of her beach buns.

Lori nervously played with the thin, black material of her swimsuit, drifting down to the stretched segment that did its best to cover her huge cheeks.  With her fingers, she bounced them in that specific pattern.  It was the pattern that said to everyone else within eyeshot, “Look at how much my big bottom jiggles!”, but to Michael it was their secret language.  That very specific pattern of jiggling and bouncing said to the tiny stowaway,  “Everything okay in there?”

She felt his very specific struggle return the response,

“Yes, ma’am.”

She slid her fingertips into the leg holes of her bathing suit and gently tugged down, addressing the gentle riding-up of her bottoms, careful to make sure she didn’t inadvertently dislodge, from between her big, swaying cheeks, the one thing that belonged.

Lori returned to where her and her girls had set their beach towels.  Isabella was coming back in from the water. Gina was tanning her front, and Lori couldn’t tell if she was sleeping due to her sunglasses.  Victoria was munching on one of the sandwiches they’d packed in their cooler. Lori sat down on the soft towel and lied down, placing a small towel over her face and enjoyed the sun on her arms.

“If you’re going to tan, you really should get a two-piece, Mom.” Isabella said, beginning the long process of toweling her beautiful hair dry.

Lori briefly pulled the towel from her face and squinted up at her daughter. “I’m completely content to tan my arms and legs, dear.  We don’t all need to show as much skin as you are.”

It was a playful jab, not like when Victoria or Gina would criticize Isabella for her choice of revealing clothing.  In fact, Lori had been the one to purchase the white bikini barely covering her daughter’s body.  Isabella was a smart girl who was going places.  She had confidence, brains, a wonderful body, and self-respect.  It wasn’t easy at times, but Lori had to remind herself that Isabella was mature enough and old enough to make these decisions now.

Isabella could have taken the playful jab as an insult, but she didn’t.  She smirked at her mother and stuck her tongue out at her.  Before Lori covered her face back up and resumed tanning, she watched Isabella readjust her top to make sure it was covering everything it needed to–somehow it continued its impossible task–and then she fell gracefully into her beach chair at Gina’s side, watching the shirtless boys walk by.

* * * * * * * * * *

“Take your flip flops off before you go inside! Brush your feet off!  No sand!!” Lori said to the girls as she unlocked the front door.  Lori took her time, carefully and meticulously brushing at the stubborn grains of sand clinging to her soles, heels, and between each toe.  Gina applied the same level of diligence in brushing off her feet as her mother and while Isabella and Victoria both wiped the bottoms and tops, Lori rolled her eyes watching the stamps of sand particles left behind on the floor by each of Isabella’s and Victoria’s bare feet as they marched in.

Lori went right upstairs and removed Michael from her damp bathing suit bottom.  Having a larger rear than most, Lori had always experienced chafing of her inner cheeks when wearing a bathing suit but somehow, Michael’s presence between them alleviated that problem entirely. It was as if he stood in as some silent mediator between the two fleshy spheres, and instead of rubbing each other, they just both rubbed him!  She rinsed Michael off in the sink before putting him in his drawer and she got in the nice, hot shower.

She decided not to bother Michael for the rest of the night, for he’d had a busy day today.  And plus, she felt a little bit guilty about the decision she’d made for him.  And she was looking for any excuse to feel less like the bad guy, and maybe a night in his drawer and away from her nethers was just what the doctor ordered.

Lori sat down and removed the box in which Michael was delivered to her.  She sighed as she removed the unopened bottle of vitamins.  She rattled the container and then lifted the accompanying pamphlet.  She’d already read it once before...back when she’d first received Michael, and now she was reading it again:


Evening #0 - Take 3 tablets by mouth with plenty of water.

Morning #1 - Take 1 tablets by mouth with plenty of water

Continue Morning #1 dosage for as long as Participant wishes to supply subject with NDE (Nutritionally Dense Emanations).

Time and number of doses to reach NDE full fortification will vary from Participant to Participant. On average, subjects may attain sustenance from Participant emanations by Morning #2 though Participants are encouraged to have their subjects begin their attempts much earlier!


1. It is strongly recommended that you do not feed or water your subject once you begin the vitamin regimen.  The lack of outside sustenance will encourage the subject to seek sustenance from NDE.

2. Continued feeding through NDE will gradually erode the subject’s ability to process conventional foods. Please be aware that the choice you are making to wean your subject off of food could result in the subject’s sole and permanent dependence on your NDE.

3. Current research suggests that after 1 year of the vitamin regimen, most Participants only require 1 tablet each week, sometimes less, to maintain subject-safe NDE levels.  Please make an appointment with your RR doctor after 1 year of vitamin use to determine if a dosage update is right for you.

Lori nervously emptied 1 tablet into her palm and stared.  Light pink, totally innocuous in appearance...yet they would have such a huge impact on Michael’s life going forward.  Was she doing this for herself or for him?  She didn’t mind feeding him!  It wasn’t that much of an inconvenience for her...only sometimes.

But she did forget once in a while.  That must be terrible for him, to wonder when he’d get to eat again.  Dr. Walker was right...she made a fantastic point: if Michael could satisfy his hunger whenever he wanted….if he could get all of his nutrition from Lori, without any input or action from her...wasn’t that truly more liberating for him?  More freedom?

She laid the tablets on her tongue and rinsed them down with her bedside glass of water.  The taste was bitter.  She hoped that the taste would be better for Michael in a day or two.

There was no going back now.



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