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HEY THERE, RAINDROP!! It's been awhile, hasn't it?! I MISSED YOU!!! 

I am so happy to finally say that I am feeling much better, and am able to work on TGW again :D I dunno bout you, but I am SO ready to get this show back on the road and see these two fall in love--I mean-- fall on the mat from doing so much judo! I'll be prepping for the juicy return on New Year's Eve, December 31. <3 I will try to post bonuses and sneak-peeks whenever I can.

In the meantime, hang tight, take care, and...

*puts on shades* I'll be back. 

P.S. I attached the pic in wallpaper form in case you might like it! I also attached a version where the signs are blank. I thought there might be an opportunity to write something funny on the signs :3 so if any of you are feeling creative or witty you're welcome to edit it and post it :D but i wanna see hahaha




Welcome back, True. Good you're feeling better. ❤️

