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Happy Sunday, Raindrop!!

Or is it Monday for you? Hmm. Either way, your new chapter is up :D Enjoy!!!

How are you doing today? What was your favorite food that you ate last week? I was so happy cause I finally got a really sweet watermelon, and then adding salt on top OOF utter perfection, you've got to try it. I think most of my hydration came from eating watermelon.

Anyway! I'm rooting for you to have a good week. <3 SEE YA LATER

*This is a spoiler-free post-- please keep comments about the chapters to the designated chapters only-- but yes, please do comment about it :D<3*

To my new raindrops: WELCOMEEEE TO THE BEST SQWAD ON EARTH!! Thank you for being here, I appreciate you all so much!!! If you are ever lost in navigating Patreon/finding content, you can always refer to the Raindrop Bulletin for FAQ! You should be able to find it by searching "bulletin" in the posts section.TGW updates every other Sunday, and the date is posted in the Raindrop Bulletin!

BTW if you'd like to be added to the shoutout list, comment your nickname down below :D I believe I got everyone who requested it earlier. But if not, pls let me know and then pls do bonk me on the head. I've attached the updated list, it'll appear on Ch 77 on patreon and today on webtoon :3




Please add me to your list: Prettydocme


Please add me to your list! @aariannaa 💕


gotcha! it will appear on next sunday (the 14th's) update :D thank you so much for your support!!