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Happy Sunday, my lovely raindrop! Your new update is here, enjoy! I hope it brightens up your week.

How are you doing? Doing well? Drinking water? Are you taking care of yourself and loving yourself? <3 I know that last one can be easy to forget and sometimes difficult to do.

Sending you virtual hug 🤗 ! (If you aren’t a hugger, I’m sending you a virtual enthusiastic thumbs up 👍)



*This is a spoiler-free post-- please keep comments about the chapters to the designated chapters only-- but yes, please do comment about it :D<3*

To my new raindrops: WELCOMEEEE TO THE BEST SQWAD ON EARTH!! Thank you for being here, I appreciate you all so much!!! If you are ever lost in navigating Patreon/finding content, you can always refer to the Raindrop Bulletin for FAQ! You should be able to find it by searching "bulletin" in the posts section.

P.S. unfortunately I didn't have enough time to update the Shoutout List this week >.< I shall get to it soon! Sorry I haven't been able to reply to any messages yet, either!



A little late but I hope everyone has had a fantastic week so far and it continues to go well or get better💙


So obsessed. I wonder how many more times I'll read the entire series before the next update?

Raissa Mendonca

SAME, this webtoon was my most read last year because I kept reading all over again