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Hello my lovely lovely raindrop!!

As you all know, TGW is a homemade project, supported by its amazing community-- which is YOU!! I seriously mean it when I say this story couldn't be here without you.

I've been scheming of a way to say thank you. So, of course, I'm going to ask you! What would you like to see?  Minicomic? QNA (although I most likely won't be able to draw patrons into it this time)? Wallpaper? Fanservice?

Below, I'm going to make a comment saying "Suggestions? Vote here and/or reply to this comment". There, you can vote for whatever interests you by hearting the comment! I'll be listing a few suggestions, and if you have another suggestion you are welcome to add it! 

I'll be making my decision based on demand, unless the most popular suggestion is something I can't do (for example, no Rated-R suggestions haha). 

Let me know what you guys are thinking :D and thank you for being awesome!

P.S. this is probably gonna be a multi-stage thing. Like if "fanservice" wins, I'll open another thread just for fanservice suggestions (and also bring back previous suggestions), then create a final poll for that.



Season one in print?


Season one in print would be great!