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Hello raindrop <3 I sincerely hope you have been doing well. I’ve missed you and can’t wait to dig into season 2 with you! I'm really sorry I haven't been able to keep you in the loop lately. I've been dealing with a lot of heavy things in my personal life and have been trying my best to put my health and happiness first. I’ve also come to realize that one month is not enough time for me to prep for an entire new season 😅 I thought I could do it-- but to be completely transparent,  I’m already feeling symptoms of burnout. 

Therefore, I will be extending the break to March 11 (no charge for another month!)

I'm super excited to get to all the juicy parts of TGW-- but I'm not ready to come back just yet. I hope you understand <3

Thank you for being so patient. Please take care and remember to be kind to yourself. I will see you all soon! BTW Here's a little sketch of the boys sleeping as an apology (feel free to treat it as a coloring page!). C> C> C>

[Also forgive me for being late to replying to messages! I will be getting back to you soon!]




I normally lurk, but seriously prioritize yourself. We care about you. Also feel free to take my money. you have already given us so much.


This story is absolutely worth the wait!