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HELLO RAINDROP! Just letting you know the chapter is almost done, just need a bit more time. I'll try to have it up by tomorrow night :D

In the meantime, I wanted to share the rest of the story of Jun's design. There's a lot I could write about it still-- although I mightve wrote a little too much already. But I figured you may enjoy reading more about my choices on her design and how I see her. Has this changed the way you see her? Do you enjoy posts like these?

P.S. some of you in the comments are starting to make me think a small spinoff would be interesting to do hehe :D i still have some old sketches and scenes from the old universe.

P.P.S Let me know if this format is difficult to read! I've attached the jpegs of each slide just in case.




Although Jin is timid and shy in no way do I find her weak. I see a lot of myself in her personality and so I understand how hard it is to face your fear and take the next step, such as asking someone to help, showing up to an event and participating or even just allowing someone to compliment you. The fact that she fears these things and yet grabs on to the courage to continue forward makes her more remarkable than someone who is already strong and does these things without much thought.


I adore this