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Heyyaaall! I felt like posting something today, so here's Sekai's REAL character profile :D 

So there was a question about weight classes: are there any in judo? The answer is yes! However, TGW has its own special set of weight classes with special names ("Centerweight" isn't a real term in real life). 

Weight Classes 101: What are weight classes for? Basically, they are weight limits used in competition to help ensure that you fight someone who is a similar size to you. For example, you cannot compete in the "Centerweight Division" if you weigh more than 220 lbs during the weigh-in day. However, if you weigh a few lbs over the weight limit, it's not unusual for an athlete to purposely lose a little weight right before the competition-- this is why you hear the term "cutting weight" or "making weight". (So at 221 lbs, Sekai would have to cut a bit of weight to compete in Centerweight). In essence, you are at an advantage if you are the heaviest person in your weight class. That said, anyone who weighs under the weight limit is allowed to compete. So if you wanna fight people who are way bigger than you, you can! Open weight competitions also exist in real life, where anyone can fight anyone (who wants to fight, of course). Have any more questions? Drop em down below! :D 



Sweet Birdie

Pardon if this is obtuse, but has his name been revealed in the comic? Does Jun know?


smooches hum head