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I miss being able to be more interactive with you all. I really did not want to take a break, but in the long run, I believe this is what TGW really needs right now. Thank you for being so supportive <3

To my new raindrops, welcome to the squad and sorry you are joining at a weird time! Don't forget to snoop around the posts for extra content. 


Transcribed Version for anyone who has issues reading the post: 


THEREFORE NO CHARGE FOR JANUARY AND FEBRUARY. Because of the lack of updates, the next two months are FREE so you get your money’s worth.

(Btw the Anniversary DTIYS will still be posted around Dec 25)

Hi frend •̀.̫ •́✧

You may have noticed I’ve been struggling to update on time for the past few months. I’ve been pushing myself through burn-out and unfortunately my body finally gave up and said ✨no✨.

FUNNY STORY… I took on an ambitious updating schedule in order to build TGW. The amount of content I put out is comparable to an Original (a comic actually hired by Webtoon, aka not me). What I didn’t realize is that many Originals are teams of artists/writers/editors, and even then they still take breaks between seasons. Silly me thought I was supposed to do weekly updates for infinity SO UM HEH that's not normal-

Therefore I will be taking a much needed break from posting to

1. Recover

2. Prep for the juicy content coming up ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

3. Work on other TGW-related projects and social media

Thank you, I love you, and take care. HEY! This isn’t a goodbye. Don’t be sad. Be excited for what’s to come.

I’ll be giving sneak peeks on what I’m up to on my instagram (@the.gentle.way) as well as Patreon. I suggest follo bcos it may do u an excite •̀.̫ •

See you soon for the return of our duo beans!

In case you are interested in continuing to support me throughout the next couple months: THANK YOU 🥺❤️. You can do this by increasing your pledge and Patreon will take the difference from your original pledge. Then return your pledge to the normal amount so you will not be charged extra later.

Ex: You are in the $3 tier. There is no fee but you still want to give $3 for the month of January. So you increase your pledge to $6. Patreon only charges you for the difference ($3)— this will be your desired amount of donation. After you have successfully paid then you can lower your pledge back to the original amount ($3).




2 more days 😍(hopefully 🤞)


29 more days, rest well True, we love you <3