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Hi!!! Your chapter is funally up (I realized I mispelled "finally" but it said "fun" so I'm just gonna roll with it ok) Enjoy and thank you for waiting! I really appreciate all the support. Reading you guy's comments fills me with so much joy and comfort. 

Sorry I know I'm taking longer than frozen molasses to reply back to some of your messages. But thank you for waiting so patiently ^-^ Getting more consistent with my replies is definitely going to be a resolution I will work on. 

Regarding the shoutout list:  I've just now added everyone that I've seen who has requested to be added to the Raindrop list :D your nickname will appear on Ch 50 on Patreon and tonight's episode on Webtoon. If I haven't replied to you then it means I missed your comment (sorry D:). Feel free to request your nickname in the comments if I missed it! <3

P.S. Hello my nightowls




(Night owl tears) Curses, I had to get up early today so I couldn't read this when it came out. Oh well, it's technically night right now as I enjoy reading it. Thanks for the round and notice True, and for all the time and work you put into TGW. Take care and hope you slept well.


Where are chapters 49 and 50? I can't seem to find them? I'm sorry