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Hiiii!! Sorry about the delay, but unfortunately this is just how the cookie crumbled this week. In case the text is blurry, here is the Author's Note in case anyone wanted to read it:

I decided I wasn't happy with a certain part of the story, so I'm trying to rewrite it. But it's taken me much longer than I anticipated to figure it out. Sorry for the hiccup :( I hate this as much as you do-- but I refuse to release something that I am uncertain about. [bad chapter now < good chapter later] ;D thanks for waiting and I'll see you soon.

On the bright side, I'm happy to release the Halloween Wallpapers! (Or for anyone who doesn't celebrate, you can just enjoy the abs). 

I hope you have had a wonderful week, and wish this upcoming week to be better than the last one!! I love and appreciate you!

Sincerely, True

ABOUT $5 Sankyu (AND ABOVE) Wallpaper Tier! Here's how it works: Every time I release a wallpaper(every month or so), I will post a PREVIEW of the wallpaper. If you like it, then you can increase your pledge to the $5 tier to get the wallpaper! Patreon will only charge you the difference. After you get the wallpaper, you can edit your pledge back down to your desired pledge amount. You can repeat this whenever you see a Wallpaper you want to buy. (Example: You are in $1 tier. You want this month's wallpaper, so you increase your pledge to the $5 Sankyu tier. Patreon will only charge you $4 because you already paid $1 at the beginning of the month. You get access to the wallpaper and all of the fastpass chapters until the end of the month. You edit your pledge back down to $1 before the end of the month so that you will only be charged $1 for the next month, just like before.)




Keep up the amazing work! The effort you put in is clear to all of us, and we appreciate it! 💗


Wholeheartedly agree that bad chapter now < good chapter later. Thank you for your hard work and genuine dedication to a story you’re happy with/proud of. 💜