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Happy Sunday everyone!! Phew, chapter 15 already?! Enjoy reading :D

I'll be doing another post today, so keep your eyes peeled for it. Super excited about it <3

BTW, welcome to all my new TUJC members!! Don't forget to shoot me a message so I can include your name in the credits ;D You guys are my rockstars!




Ah nonstop nervous talking while your quietly shaming yourself, once again to relatable. Also, saying Jun wormed his way into his heart is an understatement, she bought some land property if he couldn't even tell her that others are willing to teach her. The face-palm of destruction is all the evidence I need. Also, loved the the informative-and funny-comic explanation of martial arts at the end!


HAHAHA YESS!! She brought some land property LMAOO!! 😂😂😂 and I'm so happy you enjoyed the end comic :D


“I’m tired of being passive!” *immediately worries about prolonged eye contact* 😅 I love that he’s still trying to convince himself he isn’t interested in anything to do with her. How adorable! But I think the fact that he noticed her presence in the library without even looking up tells us all we need to know. It makes me think about his POV on the weird walks. Imagine just HOW aware of her he must be as she’s walking behind him and following him. He’s already mapped out her presence in association with himself and he doesn’t even realize it. And yeah, I’m reading into one panel A WHOLE LOT 😂


OMg i love this SO MUCH!!! T__T YESS PLSS keep reading into panels and sharing your thoughts!!! I love hearing them!