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Happy Sunday, everyone!! Bright and early-ish, here is your weekly dose of TGW! (Well I guess I don't really know your time zone so this could be any time of the day.) 

Hope you enjoy reading 8D!!

Sorry no fanservice pic just yet! I've been a bit short on time. 




We’ve seen a few different colored jackets but I think she should give one that has a dog patch on it or something as a present


*swoons* HE ACCEPT! he ignore ? HE PROTECC! Lil Jun had some bitty character growth! Love tah see it! Stand your ground and don’t be the Cinderella to your roommate’s whims, girl. She’s such a people pleaser I just wanna take her home and protect her from everyone. And why did he ignore her? That made me so sad and our lil acorn looked so dejected 🥺 I hope he explains why and WHY IS HE THERE SO LATE AT NIGHT AHHHHH walk her home and tell her she’s pretty dangit!


LOLLL I love this comment thank you so much for this!! Sorry for the late reply hahaha hope you enjoyed seeing the male perspective!