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Hey guys! So I'm trying this new thing-- basically, "Added Annotations" for my webtoon. I thought that name was too boring, so I think I will call it QNOWAMBIWAA (Questions No One Will Ask Me But I Will Answer Anyway). I'm also considering other names, such as WTPOWOMB (Ways To Procrastinate Working On My Webtoon), but feel free to drop a suggestion.

Let me know if you guys like these or if they are an eyesore LOL but pls be gentle with my feelings. 




you know, now that you mention it, I think I sense the bleach vibes 😂 I really like this idea, it gives a cool behind the scenes look!


These QNOWAMBIWAA have been a blast of fun to read. I enjoyed them in reverse order (why scroll up then down) and chuckled a bit that the last post (and technically your first post of this type) I read involved your praise of Bleach and Tite Kubo's style. With the simple statement that you got a little inspiration from his style, I have slowly looked at different characters you drew with my untrained-art eyes and did notice some things that one can say is slightly Bleach stylish. My untrained guess are some similarities in the shape of faces, is especially seem with the males. But that is a rough guess, your the artist and have you own unique style art is fun to look at. I really like how you draw the eyes for your characters, Jun's natural puppy eyes are freaking adorable! All in all, I enjoy these WTPOWOMB-I mean QNOWAMBIWAA. I learned some interesting design choices you made in the story, learned a bit of judo trivia, or had something pointed out that I never noticed. These certainly prove you love your comic and I am happy to see you made 8(?) of these.


AHHH I'm so so happy you are enjoying them!!! When I first made them I wasn't even sure if anyone would care to read them haha. I'll definitely be doing more of these in the future! and yes, mainly the men have influences from bleach :D I did also get some inspiration for Jun from Orihime's big adorable eyes.