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Heya! I hope you're all doing well? I just spent Christmas Eve and most of Christmas Day with family, and when I checked the calendar, I realized that it's almost the end of the year. 2023 is coming to a close, and goddamn, has it been one hell of a year. Not just in my personal life, but in my writing career too.

I started off 2023 by writing "A Shining Star", my attempt at writing a Middle Eastern fairytale about a star in the night sky coming down to Earth to spend a day amongst mortals. It was tough to write, mainly because I'm typically more used to writing modern stories, but it was still fun to explore this type of genre again. From what I've seen, it's also been well-received too.

Then, I introduced my original character of Bram Heathcliff in his story debut, "Welcome to the Paranormal Hunters Society", then introduced Fanfic February, which I intend to do again next year in 2024. Afterwards, I submitted my Antiquity story "Tomes Entombed Within Me" in the historical furry fiction anthology "In the Light of the Dawn", then began posting my twincest slice-of-life drama series, "Loverhood's Beginning", which concluded in time for Thanksgiving. I also began writing my well-received Blacksad fanfiction "Smirnov's Academy Fox", which only has one more installment to go.

However, my most ambitious project this year has to go to writing fifty-one chapters for "Twinks Across America", where 'femboi connoisseur' Sebastian Drakos goes on a cross-country tour of the United States to have sex with a twink from every state. Believe me when I say this was difficult to write in advance. Imagine writing fifty-one unique gay sex scenes without making them all sound the same. Imagine trying not to use the exact same words, phrases, metaphors, similes, and hyperbole in a row. I'll admit though that it was fun to learn about each state's different animals, the history or geography, then make up some stuff to work it into the short chapters. Hehe, it was also quite entertaining to find creative ways to explore different kinds of sex, kinks, foreplay, and even scenarios for Sebastian, and by extent the readers, to experience. By the end of the day, it was very satisfying to post all the chapters up, and in time for the 4th of July too!

Oh! I can't forget my Pride Month story either. To commemorate the 20th anniversary of the SCOTUS ruling for Lawrence v. Texas, I wrote a period piece titled "Always Seen, But Never Known". This is a short story that's been on my to-do list for some time, especially because this Supreme Court ruling did have such an impact on the LGBTQAI+ community as a whole. It reminded the heteronormative population that we're people too, that we're citizens like them, and have a right to privacy with other consenting adults like they do. So, I decided to write a slice-of-life story looking into the private lives of two gay men living in Washington, D.C. in 2003. A big shout out and thanks to NightEyes DaySpring for helping me out with details regarding the time period and location!

The rest of the year was pretty quiet. However, things quickly began to change when Fall arrived. Not only would I start a new job outside of the retail industry, one which I'm really beginning to love, but I also published my first book in five years! Me and Fruitz together published our historical romance novella "Two Souls of Fangcrest Manor", which has been positively received by readers. :D I'm quite proud of this accomplishment, and hope to write more novels again in the near future, especially going into 2024.

Let's see, I also reached 500 watchers on FurAffinity, got myself a Bluesky account, wrote an epic horror story featuring Bram Heathcliff titled "Goodbye, New Mexico", started Monster Smut Month where I wrote erotic stories about humans having sex with Halloween monsters like aliens, were-creatures, vampires, demons, etc. And lastly, let's not forget that I finally finished Season 1 of my dystopian gay furry romance series, "Maverick Hotel", after more than four years of working on each chapter.

Like I said, it's been a hell of a year. Hopefully, it'll be another ambitious year in 2024. Until then, I wish you all a Happy New Year! <3



Congratulation on the completion of a Terrific Year!. I am sure the new year will be bigger and more productive for you. Many many thanks for sharing your unique talents with us :) :) Good Health to you and your Kin. Sincerely Marcwolf