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I try to read books and short stories whenever I can, but more often than not, I’m trying to find the balance between reading stories and writing them. Don’t even get me started on the amount of novels I’ve been recommended, and how long it would honestly take to sit down and read them all.

It does make me realize something though; our media and society wants us to binge watch and consume so much content. Look at Netflix & tell me you’ll be able to watch every new movie on there without giving up a social or professional life. If I watched everything that Max, Disney+ or Netflix wanted me to watch, I would never be able to get writing done. Which is why I’m careful how much I watch and which ones interest me the most.

How do you find that balance though?


Ashen Hugo-Blind Wolf

Well, I don't watch any TV any more for several years, I don't watch any news. I only watch things that let me improve my self into what I like to do, not what others want me to be or to do. Really, if you want to be creative, don't flood your mind full of garbage. Write a story that is in your head, create the world you want to be in to follow or to be that of which you want to write about. Don't let others tell you what to write. Reading severl good stories from well round authors helps in some respects, also if your not sure how something works, read up on it. Authors in the furry world tend to get canine sex so screwed up that its painful to read when a canine is knot torturing you. Sure most don't know how it works, hence why go read up real facts about it. :P


You are speaking the truth. To avoid making reading feel like a chore, I try to read something once a night that interests me, and to not feel like the world is actively ending, I only go to the news if there’s a big event or to see the weather.